Reborn as a Lizard: Evolve! Cultivate! Become a Dragon!

Chapter 20: Using the Waterfall to Train the Body

Brandon thought about it for a long time, but couldn't come up with any clue. The old monk never taught him how to restrain his breath, and he didn't know how to restrain his breath. He only knew how to contain the force field he emitted, but he didn't know how to contain it. Regarding martial arts, he only knew what it was, but didn't know why.

He was lying on the ground, staring blankly at the stalactites on the roof of the cave, and the crystal water drops falling drop by drop. There were beautiful splashes in the pool and a ticking sound.

Brandon suddenly stared at the pool, thoughtfully. Since the momentum is released externally, can it be blocked with something? Internal strength is definitely not enough. He had not yet cultivated to the point where internal strength could be released externally.

How about using inner will? If Brandon's current inner will were to be released outside, it would already have an effective radius of five metres.

Regardless of whether it worked or not, let’s try it for now. He jumped up and slowly released his mental power. He had never controlled his inner will. After more than ten minutes, with his efforts, a closed circle was finally formed on his body.

It felt a bit laborious, and his mental qi was consumed quickly. Soon, his face turned pale, and his mental qi was exhausted. He adjusted his breath for an hour and felt that his mental qi had increased a little.

He released his mental power again. This time he was much more skilled. The circle was still too big, and his mental qi was exhausted too quickly. Gradually, the circle slowly shrunk, and finally clung to the scales.

He felt it. If this was the case, he would be able to maintain his mental qi for at least an hour. Moreover, in this state, he could clearly feel the flow of air, and his whole body's acuity increased to a higher level. And he thought this should be a way to exercise mental strength.

Let’s try the effect first. He slapped the fainted rabbit awake. The rabbit looked a little dizzy after waking up. After a while, when he saw Brandon, he let out a scream and quickly ran outside. He didn’t chase him.

It’s not easy to be a rabbit. He sighed. After solving this matter, his heart was completely relieved.

A night without words... The next morning, Brandon woke up from trance and looked at his body. As expected, he had shrunk again. Now he was only 1.2 metres long, as if the cells in his body were being compressed. But the strength was increasing instead of decreasing.

He felt that even the fifth layer of the Golden Bell was not as strong as his current defence. But there was a problem. The tail, which was originally longer than the body, was now slowly shortening, and the body was getting thicker. Some places could not be exercised at all. It seemed that he needed to think of a new way.

He thought of that waterfall. If his body was under the huge impact of the waterfall, it would definitely produce a better effect. He prepared for a while and decided to go to the waterfall to have a look. It was a pity that he had to go back and forth twice.

After running for less than half an hour, he arrived at the waterfall. As his strength increased, his speed became faster and faster. Fifteen metres per second. When he ran past, he was like a golden shadow. He could reach the second level just by relying on physical strength.

The waterfall swooped down from the entrance of the cave that was tens of metres high. The roaring sound of the water carried countless splashes, just like thousands of troops galloping. The momentum was awe-inspiring. The water, like pulling silver threads, was particularly beautiful. He was struck by its beauty every time he saw this waterfall.

Next to the waterfall, a group of bison were eating grass by the pool. Due to the moisture of the water vapour, the grass here looked particularly tender. The huge curved horns of the bison emitted a faint cold light, obviously possessing powerful lethality. They glanced at his short stature, but didn't pay attention, and continued to eat grass with their heads lowered.

The huge hippopotamus surfaced from the water from time to time to spit out a long mouthful of water vapour, and then dived into the water to find the water plants they liked to eat.

Everything seemed so peaceful, but the peaceful appearance concealed the blood of the jungle. The strong was respected by everyone, the bloody law of the jungle. At this time, he was already standing on the edge of the deep pool under the waterfall.

Looking at the water dragon pouring down from the cliff dozens of metres high, a sense of heroism hidden in his blood arose spontaneously. He twisted his body and moved the joints of his limbs, took a breath and jumped into the clear deep pool. He swam towards the boulder at the bottom of the waterfall.

"Huh..." A deafening roar sounded in his ears. He spat out a mouthful of water vapour and jumped up from the deep pool. After a few jumps, he swam to the boulder under the waterfall.

Looking up at the water that seemed to be falling from the sky, it looked even more majestic among the splashing water all around. At this moment, he thought of the protagonists of those martial arts novels and felt that he was walking the same path they had walked. At this moment he suddenly felt like the protagonist. He couldn't help shouting to the sky.

Let me start by conquering this waterfall. One day, I will shock the whole world. He took a full breath. He jumped onto the boulder and rushed to the bottom of the waterfall. Before he could stand still under the downfalling stream of water, he was swept cleanly into the Bitan below by the huge current!

Protruding his head from the surface of the pool, he spit out the water in his mouth, but his eyes were full of determination. “If you want to practise under the waterfall, you must first stand firm.” His ruthless eyes gleamed before he continued, “If you cannot stand firm once, then do it twice, if twice doesn't work, then ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, there will always be a time when you stand firm.”

So, on this quiet morning, under the dozens of metres high waterfall, a pale golden lizard was repeatedly washed into the pool, then crawled out of the pool and rushed under the waterfall, and then was washed into the pool by the waterfall.

The bison grazing next to them also began to stop grazing. They curiously looked at the inexplicable and strange lizards here. They felt very curious and snorted from time to time to communicate with their companions.

I don’t know how many times I was washed down by this waterfall, and I don’t know how many times I climbed up from the deep pool. Even as strong as he was, he felt a little exhausted, but he gritted his teeth again and again and persisted beyond the limit.

Finally, when the sun hung high in the sky and the water mist under the waterfall reflected the colourful beams, he finally stood firmly on the huge rock under the waterfall!

The huge impact of the water flow hit him hard. He felt pain all over his body, as if his body was about to be torn apart, and he had the urge to vomit blood. He gritted his steel teeth, tried hard to hold back, and began to use the inner strength of the golden bell. This was an excellent place to practise!

He found that under the impact of the waterfall, almost all aspects of his body were taken care of, and many places that his tail could not touch began to get exercise. And under this huge pressure, the internal strength of his golden bell actually doubled. The flow of true qi actually showed faint signs of breaking through to the fourth level!

He had to admit that being tempered by such a waterfall was much faster than being beaten with his tail.

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