Reborn as a Lizard: Evolve! Cultivate! Become a Dragon!

Chapter 28 Higher Gene Activation

Brandon returned to the cave and started cooking dinner, which was the meat of the Snake King. He lit up the flames, and soon the room was filled with fragrance.

The snake king's meat was indeed extraordinary. It melted in the mouth. Not long after eating it, he felt heat spreading in his body, and internal qi started to operate automatically. Just some pieces of its meat had the effect of an ordinary snake gallbladder.

Skyler took a few bites, then stopped eating and began to take a nap. It seemed that she was refining the heat flow.

This effect made Brandon not dare to swallow Black Python's gallbladder. Its meat was so rich with heat, so eating its gallbladder would cause self-destruction.

Brandon picked up the Blood Orchid and looked at it carefully. There were two small bowl-sized red flowers on the lush branches and leaves. They were so delicate as if they were made of blood. The veins like blood vessels seemed to be flowing.

Since he couldn’t swallow snake gall, just eat this blood orchid! He tore off the entire flower, swallowed it all together with the petals, stamens, and heart.

A few minutes passed, but he didn't feel anything at all. Brandon began to wonder.

Devil's tongue!

Suddenly, a sharp pain came from deep in the body, and the pain became more and more painful. It seemed that the whole body was in pain. The skin, bones, internal organs, and head were all in severe pain, as if there were countless ants biting inside the body.

Brandon was caught off guard. He rolled around, barely suppressing his screams. He wanted to pass out, but his strong mental power and willpower could not make him unconscious.

Skyler suddenly woke up and jumped around in fear, screaming in terror. Brandon's body arched up in pain, and the pain became more and more severe.

At this time, the heat of the body and the internal force began to operate rapidly. However, the internal qi and heat energy were slowly decreasing, as if they were absorbed by the body.

After the energy passed through, the pain seemed to be relieved a lot. Brandon discovered that inner will could actually relieve pain. He quickly used inner will to guide his mind, and through sheer mental fortitude, he bore it all.

His internal strength and energy disappeared quickly. After a while, his heat energy and internal strength turned into a weak trace.

His internal and external strength had improved slightly. But his greed for power had become stronger.

At this time, Brandon no longer cared whether he exploded or not. He tried hard to crawl toward the snake gallbladder, which was too big for him to swallow. He had no choice but to bite it gently, and a cool and bitter liquid flowed down his throat to his stomach. He swallowed it along with the bile and bile lining.

A few seconds later, a huge stream of heat quickly erupted from the inside, and his entire body seemed to be cooked, radiating high temperatures. He didn't dare to neglect and quickly activated his internal qi and inner will.

The two energies in his body were greedily absorbed like rain after a long drought. The heat flow was quickly assimilated into internal qi and inner will, and the whole body actually reached a strange balance.

His body seemed to be a bottomless pit, absorbing energy rapidly, as if it couldn't be fed no matter what. As the energy flowed in, the severe pain began to lessen. The body seemed to be mutating.

A large number of advanced genes began to be activated. With the support of a huge amount of energy, parts of genetic material quickly divided and began to conquer the mechanics of cells. Some junk genes were expelled.

The cells began to condense and strengthen again, the muscle tissue became tougher, the meridians began to widen and thicken, becoming tougher than before. The blood seemed to become thicker, and its flow in vessels all over the body made a gurgling sound.

This balance lasted for an unknown amount of time before it was finally broken. The body seemed to have absorbed enough energy and finally stopped absorbing it, and the pain began to disappear.

However, the energy of the Black Python's gallbladder continued to consolidate his internal qi and inner will, causing them to grow rapidly.

The internal qi and heat qi flowed as fast as a gigantic river. The meridians and body had been strengthened just now, and the energy they could hold had been greatly enhanced. But it was obviously not enough.

The heat erupted from the gallbladder was still flowing, and the meridians had begun to feel a dull pain. If this continued, sooner or later the body would be exhausted.

Now he must break through the fifth layer of the golden bell, otherwise his meridians would be stretched by the huge energy and his organs would burst. If he could not break through, it would be a dead end. His meridians were all forced to fight to the death.

Brandon carefully focused all his inner will on his own internal qi. The surging internal energy rushed like a rhinoceros, running hard and turning bigger and bigger. He carefully guided it. But the internal force was running too fast, and he couldn't control it, and the situation became more and more critical.

Suddenly Brandon found that the heat flow in his body was weakening rapidly. He found that the route of that heat qi in his body had actually changed and became more complicated. Brandon had no control over it and it changed naturally.

The body seemed to have instincts of its own. The changed route obviously passed through more places than before. Under this energy, the cells in the body felt warm all over, as if they were soaking in a hot spring.

Brandon knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He slowly guided the internal qi towards one of the hidden meridian pulses.

This time Brandon found that this meridian was different. When the internal force passed through the hidden meridian, he found that this hidden meridian was not as slender and tender as the previous breakthrough.

It appeared very tough and broad, and the advanced pain was reduced a lot. Brandon guessed that it might be because the body had evolved, and even the meridians had been improved.

The internal qi was slowly absorbed by the meridians, but this time was obviously not as easy as the previous breakthroughs.

After a while, Brandon finally came to the checkpoint. What surprised Brandon was that even the checkpoint had been strengthened. With such strong internal qi, Brandon couldn't break through even after three attempts.

In the end, he had to change the shape of his internal qi and use it. It presented a drill, and it took all of his inner will to finally rush over. A heartbreaking pain, even his tenacity of willpower almost fainted. His mind went blank.

The internal force finally began to calm down completely, and the powerful internal force moved slowly like a big river. The internal force flowed to the body and internal organs through part of the meridians, and began to be further optimised in the manner of the golden bell.

When he woke up from trance, it was already noon the next day. Brandon felt the energy in his body surging, and his heat qi and internal qi were running in his body like substances, elevating his euphoria and excitement.

He looked at himself and found that he had shrunk again. His original length of almost three metres was now back to two metres. The scales on his body emitted a faint golden light, which could not be seen unless one looked carefully.

He discovered that there was actually a layer of energy film attached to the scales, which turned out to be a light golden colour.

Could this be the aura of the Golden Bell? This did not appear until the sixth level. Brandon was a little confused. There were so many secrets about his body.

Because of the strengthening of the meridians and the powerful body of the dragon, the internal power of the golden bell that could be contained in the meridians was already several times that of an ordinary person.

His fifth-level internal energy was nearly double that of an ordinary person's sixth level. As his body grew, the amount of energy would continue to increase.

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