Reborn as a Lizard: Evolve! Cultivate! Become a Dragon!

Chapter 42 Flying

Early the next morning, despite the cannibals' kneeling and struggling to stay, Brandon left the cannibals and started heading towards his home, the Snake Valley. Behind him was a five-metre-tall gorilla, King Kong.

That day, Brandon had just issued a vocal threat, and this very unambitious Kong immediately surrendered, dissipating Brandon's temper.  

When he left, Brandon asked the cannibals to erect a separate statue for him and pray to the statue every day to show his piety. In fact, he didn't know the use of doing this, but his memory showed that it was very important.

It didn’t need to be said by Brandon. Ever since Brandon subdued the giant Kong beast without lifting a finger, the cannibals’ piety in their hearts had skyrocketed.

He tried hard to recall the previous path. After a while, Brandon discovered the large lake he had reached before. The lake looked very calm, as if nothing had ever happened. The giant monster has disappeared, not even a trace.

Seeing this lake, Brandon still felt a lingering feeling of anxiety. The seemingly peaceful lake was actually filled with murderous intent.

Gradually walking across the lake, the two of them came to the rock wall of the sinkhole. Brandon suddenly wanted to test whether he could fly. If he could fly, going back would be much easier.

He told Kong to step back, then released the gravity technique from his body, slowly circulated his spirit qi and internal force, and flapped his wings wildly. The huge gust of wind blew up some gravel.

After a few flaps, Brandon felt his four claws light up, and his claws gradually left the ground, and his body quickly flew forward. But there was a cliff ahead, and Brandon had not yet mastered how to control the direction.


There was a loud noise. Brandon's head hit the cliff hard, shaking entire cliff, and gravel fell from above. Brandon was like a badly damaged aeroplane, one end of which was carried down from above, and fell down. The gravel immediately buried Brandon.

King Kong saw this funny scene and couldn't help but roll on the grass, making laughing sounds from time to time.

With a bang, the gravel suddenly scattered in all directions. Brandon climbed up from the ground covered in dust, shook his big head, and felt a little dizzy. He saw Kong rolling on the ground, laughing non-stop. He was obviously furious. He walked forward and whipped his tail, sending it several metres away.

After being whipped by its master, Kong finally became obedient once again. It stood up with a whoosh, with an extremely serious expression on its face.

Seeing that Kong had finally stopped smiling, Brandon felt less embarrassed. He began to retreat farther away, and he stopped after retreating a full thousand meters. He added a wind-based technique to himself.

Although the effect of using wind-based magic on his own would be a little less effective, it would still be somewhat effective. He immediately felt that his body was much lighter.

I should be able to succeed this time. He thought to himself. He closed his eyes and slowly thought about the issues that needed to be paid attention to in the air. His heart began to calm down and he felt his internal strength and spirit qi slowly moving inside his body.

Suddenly he flapped his wings violently, his body gradually lifted off the ground, and he flew up. He felt that he was flying higher and higher, the ground was getting further and further away from him, and he was about to hit the cliff.

He controlled his tail to adjust his direction and tilted his body to the side. With a whoosh, he passed by the cliff, and he discovered that he could really fly. He hovered in the air over and over again, feeling that he was flying higher and higher. He felt as if he could even touch the clouds around him. He felt like It was a dream.

Suddenly the whole world widened, and his eyes lit up. He finally flew out of the sinkhole. At this moment, he felt that he had never been so free as he was today, as if the whole world was under his control. Although the world was big, he could go wherever he wanted.

He couldn't help but look up to the sky and groan, making a huge noise that echoed in the air for a long time.

At this time, a clear and penetrating cry came from the air, which was vaguely consistent with the dragon's roar. A green shadow shot quickly from a distance, stopped suddenly, and then circled around Brandon. It was Skyler.

Brandon was overjoyed. He hadn’t seen her for a few days and to be honest, he was missing her. He and Skyler had been dependent on each other for a long time, and he had gone through all kinds of hardships to raise her as if she were his own child. In the lonely and cold jungle, she was probably the only creature who cared about him.

Skyler looked very excited and kept circling around Brandon. He looked at Skyler's flexible flying movements and blushed a little when he thought about how he almost hit the cliff again. Fortunately, his scales were thicker. Brandon sighed secretly in his heart.

After flying for a long time, Brandon realised that Kong was still down there. He was so excited that he forgot about him. He began to slowly circle and fly downwards. Skyler simply stopped on Brandon, curiously looking at Brandon's huge golden wings and calling out a few times.

After a while, Brandon flew to the bottom of the sinkhole and found that Kong was still down there.

Seeing him flying down again, Kong couldn't help but scream in excitement. He also thought that he had just laughed at his owner and that the owner didn't want him anymore.

Brandon ignored him. He looked at Kong's huge size and secretly wondered if he could take him flying. He glanced at Kong and suddenly remembered that Skyler was there too. He couldn't help but think of an idea. It might work.

He released a light body technique on Kong. Kong suddenly felt as if he had become lighter. He couldn't help but look left and right in confusion. Suddenly he saw Brandon nodding to him. He immediately became quiet again. He must be a magical and powerful master.  

Brandon slowly covered Skyler with his mental power and began to talk to her for the first time. "Skyler, it's me."

Skyler heard the strange sound, looked around, and suddenly saw Brandon nodding slightly to her. She began to chirp at Brandon with a gentle tone, and at the same time, a childish voice was heard in Brandon's mind. "Are you a mother?"

Since this little guy opened his eyes, he saw Brandon and naturally regarded him as his mother. “But I just wonder why I am different from my mother. I have long suspected that I was picked up by my mother.”

Brandon suddenly felt a headache. replied: "No, I picked you up. You can call me brother from now on. I'm a male. But let's not talk about that for now. I will need your help later."

Brandon obviously didn't want to continue the topic further. As expected, Skyler was a little unsteady on her feet. She was indeed not her mother's biological child.

Skyler seemed a little disappointed, but that was to be expected. After all, the appearance of Skyler and Brandon were really different. She recovered immediately and thought it would be nice to have a brother. Skyler's childish voice sounded in Brandon's heart. "Okay! Brother, what do you want me to do for you?”

"You grab one arm of this Kong, which is that orangutan, and I grab the other one and send him outside the sinkhole." After Brandon talked to Skyler, he talked to Kong again. After hearing this, Kong kept shaking his head. He didn't want life or death, and began to roll on the ground, looking like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water.

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