Reborn as a Lizard: Evolve! Cultivate! Become a Dragon!

Chapter 47 Devil’s Contract

"Okay! Humble humans, where do you come from and what are you doing here? Let this beautiful lady answer it!" Brandon gestured slightly to Jenny.

The giant head nodded towards Jenny. Jenny was so frightened by the huge head that she couldn't help but take two steps back, and suddenly collapsed on the ground. She said in panic,"Great Drake, we come from the United States, and we are just looking for the flowers of a plant. We did not intentionally trespass into your territory."

"Oh, is that so?" Brandon pointed towards the cliff wall. They couldn't help but nod. "Then the second question is, why are you here? Does anyone else know that you are here? In addition, I am repeating that I hate lies. There is only one chance. So let this lady tell the truth." He nodded towards the doctor.

The questions came one after another. Brandon did not need to torture them at all. Under the huge pressure, their minds had been taken away long ago, and even their thinking slowed down a lot. They immediately told the truth.

An hour later, Brandon already knew the whole story. Three of them were employees of a pharmaceutical company, while the other was a mercenary who came here to protect them.

The reason was that the doctor named Alyssa, accidentally discovered an ancient scroll among her grandfather's belongings. Through her understanding, she discovered that this was actually ancient writing. After half a year of searching for information and translating. She finally understood the meaning of these words: "Nurtured by venomous flood, And nourished by the devil's blood, It can bring one's youth and power, But along comes death and dark hour."

She felt that this plant was very magical and might promote human evolution, so she applied for company funds for her own laboratory, and then set out with a few assistants to find the Blood Orchid.

After listening to their stories, Brandon began to feel relieved and hoped that no one would come here again. After asking the question, Brandon returned to the cave. He suddenly remembered that there was something in his memory that could have a very good use in this situation.

This was a kind of devil's contract. Not only would they be loyal to Brandon during their lifetime, but their soul will also belong to Brandon after death. It was very magical. He wanted to test it out as soon as possible.

He tore off four pieces of buffalo hide, dipped his nails in some buffalo blood, and drew some mysterious patterns on the hide. After an hour, the four pieces of the hide were finally finished. The hide was filled with bloody symbols, and there seemed to be a soul shouting inside.

Brandon held back the human in his heart. After biting his finger, a drop of blood suddenly fell down and dripped on the hide. The hide absorbed the blood strangely. Then he dripped blood on the remaining three pieces one by one.

After finishing it, Brandon climbed out of the cave. He threw the buffalo hide in front of everyone, and the intimidating voice suddenly instructed their minds again. "Since all of you are going to become my slaves, you should sign a contract to ensure your loyalty. Each of you will put a drop of blood on this, otherwise..."

The fright those four human beings received today had already exceeded the sum of their previous life experiences. Their entire bodies seemed extremely numb. But seeing such a weird ritual, they couldn't help but shudder.

They bit their fingers tremblingly and let the blood drops drip on the cowhide. The blood was quickly absorbed. A black air suddenly emerged from the buffalo hide, forming a terrifying face in the air, and suddenly rushed towards them. They couldn't help but let out a scream.

After screaming, they found that there was nothing, their bodies didn't show anything strange, and they even felt that they were suddenly stronger. They thought what they just saw was an illusion.

Even Brandon was shocked by such a weird thing. However, he still had to keep pretending, and he remained calm and said,"Okay, from now on you are my slaves. I don't care what type of existence you had before, but when you get here, you have to exist according to my words. Also, in order to welcome you, I delayed my work. It’s time for food, so go and cook now, no one here can eat without working.”

Since there was really no suitable helper, Brandon had to lead them to the barbecue room by himself. This was really inconsistent with the identity of the dragon. However, after having these humans, Brandon was a little happy except for the worries at the beginning.

After they arrived, Brandon no longer had to do many things himself. Those giant beasts could do nothing but fight. He couldn't help but feel very distressed. Brandon felt like he could finally retire from his career as a chef. Thinking of this, Brandon couldn't help but crawl out of the cave happily.

What was placed in front of these four people was a huge bison. The bison had been cleaned and passed through by a huge wooden stick. Of course, it was not so much a wooden stick as much as a small tree, thirty centimetres in diameter. Next to it was a huge fire pit.

"Hansen, tell me if I'm dreaming, it feels so incredible." Jenny still had a numb expression on her face, trying to process everything.

"I don't know, do you think that grimace just now was an illusion? I feel like I'm much stronger." Hansen flexed his muscles.

"I feel the same way. It seems to be true. Do you think that fireball just now is really magic?" Jack said in amazement.

"I think so. Dragons can cast magic. Isn't that what the novels say? I just don't know if we can learn it?" Jenny said curiously.

"It's better to work quickly, otherwise, he will be angry again. And he is an intelligent creature, he could be negotiated with if he is in a good mood." Alyssa said calmly.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet. Hansen suddenly said,"Do you also feel like you suddenly have a lot of respect for the dragon? It's like… I can't disobey his orders."

"I feel the same way!" Jenny said.

"I have it too!"

"Me too!”

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