Reborn as a rich woman: rich and leisurely

Chapter 496 Gimmick

Lin Yan said: "It's not expensive, only two yuan."

Two pieces? Lin Jing's eyes widened. Although this piece of land is not big, it is still land. It takes a lot of effort to open up wasteland. "So cheap?"

Lin Yan glared at her with some strange annoyance, pointed at the vast fields and said: "Many people in the village go out to work, and renting those serious paddy fields to the same villagers only costs ten yuan a year. I am here I didn’t rent it just to see Xiao Jian hungry for watermelon.”

Comparing the two, it is not cheap.

However, watermelons can only be grown once every few years, so it’s good to rent smaller ones like this for rotation.

"Is it Sister Jingjing?" a thick voice asked in blunt Mandarin.

Will there be anyone here called "Sister Jingjing"?

It's okay not to turn around, but when I turned around, it was Village Chief Zhou, "Village Chief, hello."

"Okay, okay, okay, you're here again." Tuesday Dog said excitedly.

Lin Jing... We only met eight hundred years ago. There is no need for you to miss me so much, right?

"I think about it, I think about it, grandpa, I always miss you." Tuesday Dog's excitement could not be covered at all. "Are you picking watermelons? Come on, go to my place. I have a lot of land. Grandpa will pick it for you."

Lin Jing……

Staring blankly at the two baskets of watermelons, Lin Jing secretly thought about whether this thing would go bad if she took it to the imperial capital.

I don’t know if it’s due to the geographical location. The watermelon is about to be out of season at this time, but it’s still so sweet. It would be a waste if I couldn’t take it with me.

On Tuesday, the dog was not showing off his hospitality for nothing, but he had been thinking about Lin Jing for a long time.

Several families in the village made some money by running farmhouses according to Lin Jing's suggestion, but only a few families made money, and the money shared by the village was not enough to raise money to build roads and buses.

However, the fact that several families are making money shows that this is feasible. At that time, Lin Jing said that she would integrate the resources of a village to do something. But now there are not enough people coming, and there are not many opportunities to make money.

"We are just thinking about the stunts you mentioned. Can we say a little more?" Tuesday Dog asked humbly.

Then he added: "The check-in point you mentioned was originally built on the beach in the village. The strong wind blew it away a while ago. It has not been built again. Some people went to play with it. Someone in the village bought a camera to take pictures for others. , and you can make a lot of money.”

Even if Lin Jing's suggestion worked, the dog would look forward to Lin Jing's arrival every day on Tuesday.

Knowing that Zhou Yihang was marrying Lin Jing's sister, the dogs prepared big red envelopes and waited for dinner on Tuesday.

Lin Jing glanced at Lin Yan, but she didn't tell Village Chief Zhou what she told her sister. There were too many things that could be done with gimmicks.

"For example, I saw that there is a large terrace in the village. The village can choose a few days to hold bonfire parties, barbecue parties, etc., and invite some capable people in the village to perform their own unique skills, and they can also invite some people who can sing and dance to sing and dance. .”

"I see that many people in the village go out to work. There is no need to plant all the land in rice. You can plant a wave of rapeseed flowers and so on. When the rapeseed flowers bloom, hold a flower-viewing banquet. Some other vegetable fields can also be rented out to tourists. They can grow their own vegetables, and if they pay a little more money, they can also ask the villagers to help them grow them, and then they can pick them when they are ripe.”

Lin Jing chattered a lot, all of which were common operations later but are now very novel.

Tuesday Dog seemed to understand. After listening, he asked tangledly: "If you put in such a big effort, why don't you charge a ticket? How much is the appropriate price?"

Lin Jing felt that she had said it in vain, "Anyone who doesn't charge money is free."

"Free? What's the point?" Not to mention that Village Chief Zhou couldn't accept it, Lin Yan asked in disbelief: "Just make a profit at a loss?"

Next to him, Zhou Jiafu, the grandson of Village Chief Zhou, understood clearly, "Those are free, but if you come from the city to see Rape Flower, you must have a meal at noon. If you don't eat, drinking some tea and eating snacks in the village will also cost money. There are also parties and other events. As long as people come to have fun, everyone except the people nearby will definitely have to stay, so why not pay for it then?"

It doesn't matter if you pluck wool, as long as someone pays for it.

In fact, Tuesday Dog listened, but he still had doubts in his heart, "There are rapeseed flowers everywhere, what's there to see? And renting land to grow vegetables and so on, there are no shops in the city, and you have to go to the fields yourself?"

You can't make much money by growing rapeseed, and you might lose money on the cost of applying fertilizers. Tuesday Dog couldn't think of any use, but he felt that what Lin Jing said must be useful, and he wanted to find out.

Zhou Jiafu helped Lin Jing by saying, "Where do people in the city want to see rapeseed flowers? Will growing your own vegetables feel the same as buying them in the store?"

"Besides, you're asking people for gimmicks. These are the gimmicks to attract others."

"What if someone comes and doesn't want to spend money?" Tuesday Dog still asked worriedly.

Zhou Jiafu didn't know what to say about his grandfather. He wanted to revitalize the countryside but was timid. "Don't worry about these things. I will do these things."

Tuesday are looking for a beating.

"Who in other villages doesn't have rapeseed flowers? Why should they come to us?"

Zhou Jiafu is obviously more knowledgeable than Tuesday Dog, "The villages around here are waiting for demolition and the houses are dilapidated and no one is repairing them. Only our village has built roads and has bus stops. Even if the city people want to see rapeseed flowers, they don't want to dirty their houses." Shoes, if you come here, you must choose our village.”

"Besides, this is just an example. In addition to rapeseed flowers, our village also has hills and old houses. You can see everything."

Tuesday Dog... Although he still doesn't understand it, his grandson will do it once he does.

Lin Jing's advice to Zhou Jiafu was to find a reliable garden design and plan it a bit. For example, her current house could be painted with white paint on the exterior walls to make it look more romantic than the exposed red brick house.

As for the bricks that were originally made of green bricks, just clean them up.

"Tiling ceramic tiles is now popular." Zhou Jiafu reminded.

"There is no need to lay tiles when others are just laying tiles. Only in this way can it be distinctive. Besides, laying tiles is expensive and the labor cost is high. It is better to save some money to add some furniture to the room so that guests can stay there when they come. Gotta get comfortable.”

"Are you talking about opening a home and a hotel?" Zhou Jiafu asked.

Lin Jing said: "I'm talking about opening a B&B. I've told my sister how to operate it specifically. The taxes to be paid are different, but the subsidies for demolishing private houses and hotels are also different. You can figure it out yourself. "

Zhou Jiafu was silent, but he also decided to give Zhou Yihang a big red envelope when he and Lin Yan got married.

Lin Jian came back in the evening. It had been a while since Lin Rui was addicted to the game console. Lin Jian seemed to be more stable. He had also grown taller and was already as tall as Lin Yan.

He doesn't know how much his fate will change after Lin Yan and Qian Yong's fate is changed.

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