Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 157 Let Go, I

[Your Title "Monster Hunter" is rejoicing!]

'To use it...'

After facing it and watching it being used countless times, Mark had figured it out.

Wind Magic.

For Beasts, it required a roar.

For the Guardian, for Storm Eagles, a flap of their wings.

For Elisa, a swing of her dagger.

And, until now, for Mark, just like the Beasts, a roar or a wing movement.

He tried using the Wind-Type Magic Skill to produce a Wind Blast with his palm the same way he would a Fire Ball, but it didn't work.

Mark's clenched fist approached Zephyr's body.

A body so strong and sturdy that punching it felt like hitting a gigantic boulder.

'What is needed is...'

The instant his fist was about to collide with the targeted area,

Wind Blast-



Zephyr was instantly pushed a couple of meters away.

Unfortunately, the power wasn't enough to damage the Armor that covered his body.

Having found a new use for the Magic Skill was a great addition to Mark's arsenal.

A great addition that would, later on, develop into a new and different Magic Skill.

"Show me more of what you're capable of." Zephyr's tone seemed to imply that the request wasn't one, but an order.

But Mark couldn't tell.

In fact, he couldn't even hear those words.

He was focused solely on fighting.

Solely on his enemy.

On the enemy's movements.

On his vision, sharpened by the Passive Skill "Combative Eyes" that increased both Kinetic and Dynamic Visual Acuity.

The main drawback from the Passive Skill was the user's field of vision being narrowed.

But that mattered very little.

It was a Skill obtained by the Evolving Monster.

A Skill obtained solely to keep up with an opponent in a one-on-one setting.

Against multiple opponents, the Skill will prove lacking.

But in front of the present "Monster Hunter",  that fact held very little importance.

Zephyr, unarmed and outnumbered, was forced to jump back.

But was stood a couple of meters behind him was,


Immediately, the surrounding area was blown off.

Unfortunately for the Devourer, the power was not enough to knock Zephyr to the ground.

The attack barely managed to launch Zephyr's body a dozen meters away.

"So it can even use the Skills it-"

The Monster Hunter was forced to take a leap forward.


The attack had missed, but once again, it made Zephyr wonder for a moment.

'I couldn't see it move. It simply appeared behind me at some point, somehow. An interesting Skill. But is it possible for him to have defeated a Monster capable of, even if temporarily reaching such speeds? No...'

Zephyr was right.

There was no way Mark could've defeated such an agile Monster. Especially not with the strength he had while clearing the Floor on which a similar Monster had been encountered.

Zephyr could only find one answer.

'It's not the Monster he has devoured. Which means that it's...'

The Monster Hunter truly took his time thinking and fighting the Evolving Monster.

Interest and curiosity.

Two qualities that drive most Monster Hunters.

Slaying the Monster is the goal, but the real joy is found in the Hunt.

In the chase. In the studying of the Hunted. In the planning of the Hunt.

Zephyr wasn't supposed to stand inside the Boss Room as a Monster Hunter.

But rather, as an Examiner.

The difference between the two wasn't exactly a large one in the situation at hand.

"Not... Enough..." The Evolving Monster to itself as the Hunter dodged its attacks.


The Monster's head twitched.

Not missing that moment of inattention, Zephyr went on the offensive.

"Did your Stats increase that much?"

Not enough-

"Did your Mana increase that much?"

Not nearly enough, Mark-

"Enough for you to control those Monstrosities?"

Multiple punches, kicks, and elbow attacks that could only be dodged by a hair's breadth were thrown at him, while two voices resonated at once.

"Answer me, Devourer."


"Elisa?" Mark whispered.


A punch to the stomach pushed him back.

"You're losing your focus..."

You know I'm not her-


Mark clicked his tongue.

He did his best to focus and continue the fighting but,


A powerful kick launched his body to the Boss Room's wall.

"I'm not sure what's happening to you, but you'd better get over it quickly."

Mark stared at Zephyr.


I'm telling you, this isn't enough-

He suddenly slapped the side of his head.

"Get out of my head."

Mark blinked.

And she appeared.

I'm not in your head, dumbass-

Confusion overtook him right away.

He was still in the Boss Room.

Zephyr was still there, standing a couple of dozen meters away.

And yet, she had appeared.

"Fuck off."

Oh, is that how it is-

In that room, you'll talk, but not here-

"Get out... Of my head..."

Inches away from him, she stood.

You've changed, Mark-

"I don't... Have time for..."

Don't you want to win-

The woman's lips moved, but her voice seemed to resonate directly inside his mind.

"I want... To leave..."

That's not what I'm talking about-

"Leaving... This place..."

No, no, no, my dear Mark-

The woman stepped towards him.

Mark's heart instantly skipped a beat.

Not because of her or who she was.

"Move... Out... Of the way..."


Don't tell me you're scared just because you can't see him-

Her body covered Zephyr's position.

"Out... Of the..."

You have to start trusting me-

"Who... Even are you..."

Winning, Mark-

Winning is what matters-

Winning is what you love-

"I just... Want to..."


She laughed wholeheartedly.

You never just want something, Mark-

It's high time you've accepted it-

"What are you... Even..."

Complete victory-

Complete victory against strong opponents-

That's what you want-

That's what you love-

That's what drives you-

"No... I just... Want to..."

She clicked her tongue repeatedly.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk-

You got tamed, my dear Mark-

You've forgotten, or, perhaps, tried to forget-

The woman extended her hands towards his face.

He would have pulled his head back, had he the energy to.

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