Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Are You A Virgin?

The academy dormitories were neatly divided into two sections—one for boys and the other for girls. Each section was lined with identical dorm rooms, each just the right size for two people to live comfortably. The hallways were wide enough to walk through without feeling cramped, with a soft, warm light filtering through the windows.

In the girls' section, a girl with a face that somewhat resembled a horse's strutted down the hallway. Her neon green hair bobbed with each step, and her long eyelashes fluttered as she hummed a cheerful tune, "La... Lala~... Lla~..." Her smile was so wide and excited that it looked like she had just won a prize. 

She suddenly paused in her steps, almost as if talking to someone invisible, and chirped, "Are you wondering who I am?"

She giggled to herself before continuing, "Well, my name is Luna Cassia! I'm a commoner, but my father's a merchant, so I don't have to worry much about money. I got into Class B, and that's why I'm so happy! I don't have a single problem in the world, hehehe!"

Luna finally reached her dorm room, a slight skip in her step as she reached out to the door. But just as her fingers touched the handle, her cheerful demeanor faltered. She hesitated for a moment, a small frown forming on her lips. "But... there's one very big problem. A really big one!" she muttered to herself, feeling a knot in her stomach as she slowly turned the handle.

The door creaked open, revealing a girl already sitting on one of the beds inside. The moment Luna stepped in, she froze. Her eyes met those of the other girl—black hair, dark red eyes that seemed to pierce right through her soul. Luna's breath caught in her throat as she noticed the eerie ring shapes inside the girl's pupils. A cold shiver ran down her spine.

It was Esdeath Crimson.

Luna's mind screamed, "Why in the world do I have to live with this terrifying black-haired girl?",But her voice? It was utterly silent. She was rooted to the spot, unable to speak, her earlier excitement completely crushed by a wave of dread. She wanted to scream, run away, anything—but all she could do was stand there, staring at Esdeath in wide-eyed horror.

Esdeath glanced at Luna, who was standing frozen near the door, her face pale with fear. With a gloomy and bored tone, she said, "Just sit down. Don't be scared. I'm not gonna eat you."

Luna's heart skipped a beat, but she tried to play it cool, even though her voice trembled as she responded, "S-Scared? I'm not scared of anyone." The lie was obvious, her voice quivering like a leaf in the wind, but she stubbornly insisted on it anyway.

With no other choice, Luna leaned her back against the wall and started taking tiny, hesitant steps toward her bed. Every step felt like she was walking toward her doom. Her eyes darted to Esdeath, who was watching her with disinterest, making Luna's heart race even more. It was almost comical how slowly she was moving, as if any sudden movement might trigger Esdeath into doing something terrifying.

After what felt like an eternity, Luna finally reached her bed and plopped down on it with a loud "Hufff..." She quickly tried to reassure herself, "Okay, okay. If she stays on her bed and I stay on mine, everything will be fine, right? We'll be separated, and nothing bad will happen to me!"

But as soon as she raised her head, her comfort crumbled into dust. Esdeath was nowhere in sight.

Luna's eyes widened in panic, her mouth hanging open as she frantically looked around the room. "W-Where did she go? Don't tell me... she's already turned into a monster?" Her thoughts spiraled into sheer terror as she scanned the room, expecting something horrific to happen any second.

Then, without warning, Luna felt a sudden weight on her shoulder. She froze, her heart stopping in her chest as a chilling voice whispered in her ear, "Are you a virgin?"

It was Esdeath's voice, sending a bolt of fear through Luna's entire body. She couldn't even turn her head to look; she was paralyzed with fear. "Y-Yes... Why ask?" she managed to stammer out, trembling uncontrollably.

There was no immediate response, only a heavy, tense silence that filled the room. Luna's mind raced with all sorts of terrifying possibilities, each one worse than the last. Then, out of nowhere, Esdeath burst into a fit of maniacal laughter.

"Ahahaha... Hahahaha!" Esdeath laughed so hard that the entire room seemed to shake with the sound. Her laughter was wild and unrestrained, echoing off the walls, and it sent chills down Luna's spine. 

Luna, now completely freaked out, jumped up from the bed and bolted to the nearest wall, pressing her back against it like it might somehow protect her. "Hey... Hey... Hey! Why are you laughing? It's creepy!" she shouted, her voice high-pitched with panic. But Esdeath didn't stop. She just kept laughing, her laughter growing louder and more intense.

That was it. Luna couldn't take it anymore. She dashed toward the door, her heart pounding in her chest. "Save me, Father!" she screamed in her mind as she flung the door open and ran out of the room, not daring to look back.

As soon as Luna left the room, Esdeath's laughter died away as abruptly as it had erupted. Her face, once lit with amusement, slid back into its usual cold, indifferent mask, as if the laughter had never existed. She let out a small sigh, shaking her head slightly. "Kids these days... They gets scared too easily," she muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with a trace of disappointment.

But beneath that calm exterior, a storm of thoughts churned. "Luna Cassia..."she thought darkly, her eyes narrowing. "You'll have to die too."

With a heavy sigh, Esdeath flopped onto her bed, staring up at the blank ceiling above her. Her mind was a whirlpool of unanswered questions. "How long has it been since I ended up in this twisted world? Three days Or a week?"She rubbed her temples, trying to make sense of it all. "There are so many things I still don't understand…"

Her gaze hardened as she clenched her fists, a mix of frustration and anger welling up inside her. "Is this real, or just some absurd, never-ending nightmare?"The sensation of being trapped in a female body gnawed at her. "A bad dream would make more sense... but everything feels too real to be a dream. And of all things, why did I have to end up in this yandere girl's body? Who's the idiot responsible for this mess?" Her thoughts seethed with irritation.

A flicker of confusion crossed her mind as she recalled the strange dream she'd had. "That silver-haired girl...*"she mused, her brow furrowing. "There are so many characters with silver hair. But who was she?" The memory of the dream was hazy, and she hadn't been able to make out the girl's face. "My main suspect is Lortell Mariette..." Esdeath's mind sharpened on the thought. "She's been Esdeath's friend since childhood, but why would she say something like that?" The confusion deepened.

"Did Lortell know that Esdeath was mentally unstable all along?" The possibility gnawed at her. "Maybe she just pitied Esdeath that time and said yes in that manner, and that's why she always looked out for Esdeath."The thought didn't sit well with her. Her pride bristled at the idea that someone like Lortell might feel sorry for her. It wasn't that she suspected Lortell might be in love with her—no, that was too simple. It was more that the yandere inside her refused to accept that someone as mighty as Lortell could fall for her.

But then, a new resolve began to build within her. Esdeath sat up abruptly, her eyes burning with a fierce determination. She clenched her fists so tightly that her knuckles turned white. "I don't care what happened between Lortell and Esdeath in the past," she declared with steely resolve. "But now that The Yandere in me is madly in love with her, there's no reason I can't make Lortell fall for me too." A wicked smile spread across her lips, a mix of confidence and mischief. "With all the experience I had with girls in my previous life, I'll have her head over heels for me in no time. Hehehe...Just come back from your Monster Extermination mission Lortell Mariette"

Esdeath reveled in the thought, her mind already spinning plans on how to win Lortell over. The thrill of the chase, the challenge of bending someone as formidable as Lortell to her will—it was exhilarating. She was going to make this world hers, one way or another.

But Esdeath's smile quickly faded as she caught a whiff of her own body. Her nose wrinkled in disgust. "Eww... Now that I think about it, I haven't had a bath in over two days because of all that traveling!" The realization hit her like a wave, and she made up her mind right then and there to clean herself up.

The academy had thoughtfully provided hot springs for the Class B students, but there was a catch—only two hot springs were available: one for boys and one for girls. And that meant everyone had to bathe together, no private baths allowed. 

Esdeath, now stuck in a girl's body, knew she'd have to use the girls' section. The thought didn't bother her in the slightest; she wasn't the type to shy away from seeing a bunch of naked girls. With that settled, she headed straight for the hot springs, not hesitating for a moment.

It wasn't long before she reached the changing room just outside the hot spring. The room was warm and steamy, filled with the sounds of girls chatting and giggling as they changed. Esdeath paused for a moment, taking it all in. The other girls were in various stages of undressing, their conversations light and carefree. 

As she stepped further into the room, a few of the girls glanced her way. Their eyes widened in shock for just a split second, like they'd seen something unexpected. But just as quickly as they'd noticed her, they turned away, resuming their conversations as if she wasn't even there. It was as if they had decided, all at once, to ignore her existence completely.

Esdeath quickly realized the situation, but instead of feeling irritated, a subtle smile curled at the corners of her lips. She was actually pleased with how things had turned out. "Nice, very nice," she thought, her eyes narrowing with satisfaction. "The less attention people pay to me, the better. It'll be a lot easier to do what I need to in secret if no one's watching me."

The thought brought her a sense of relief, and she quickly brushed off any lingering thoughts of irritation. "Whateve, Just take off your clothes, have a bath, and get out. Nothing special, nothing different."

With a quiet sigh, Esdeath began to undress, her hands moving with a calm, steady purpose. She wasn't here to get caught up in what the other girls thought or how they ignored her. She was here to clean up and refresh herself after the long, exhausting days of travel.

As she folded her clothes and placed them aside, her mind started to drift. "This world may be different but some things never change. People won't pay you any attention unless they see some kind of profit in it." The realization was both sobering and oddly comforting, a reminder that even in this strange new reality, human nature was still the same.

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