Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere


In *Free Life Fantasy* (FLF), Ethan wasn't the only one who managed to obtain a special inheritance at the beginning of the game. There was another character who did—Eldon Karthanis. Eldon was unique because he chose to wield guns as his main weapon.

Now, in this world, guns were often considered a weak choice. Unlike swords, magic, or other weapons, guns didn't seem to grow in power as the user became stronger. But for Eldon, that wasn't a problem. Why?

Because of the **inheritance** he found. This inheritance held something rare—an object that allowed guns to become stronger as the user grew in power, just like other weapons in the world. This made him special, and it also made this inheritance incredibly valuable. For Esdeath, who also wanted to use a gun as her primary weapon, obtaining this inheritance was essential. Without it, her choice of weapon would be weak in comparison.

But how would she get it?

In *Free Life Fantasy*, the game didn't provide much detail about where Eldon found the inheritance. All that was mentioned was a vague backstory. Eldon, known for his bad luck, wandered near a gambling den on the second day at the academy. He had a weakness for gambling, and even though he usually lost, his addiction kept him trying. During one of his gambling sprees, he stumbled upon a map, leading him to the inheritance.

That's how the game presented it—just a short backstory, without explaining where exactly the gambling den or the map could be found.

For Esdeath, there was only one solution left: kill Eldon Karthanis. 

She knew he would find the map and reach the inheritance first if she didn't act quickly. The moment he obtained the map, he would become  powerful and too troublesome to defeat. Her only chance was to stop him before he reached that point, And just as he obtain that map, Kill him. 

If she failed, there would be no point in sticking with guns, and she'd have to change her weapon entirely. 


Esdeath decided to head out, so she changed into her casual clothes. Despite the relaxed, modern look, she still carried her usual confidence. First, she put on a "beanie", a simple knitted hat that gave her a cool, laid-back vibe.

She threw on an "oversized jacket"—or maybe it was more like an oversized shirt. It was loose, hanging comfortably over her frame, making her look effortlessly stylish, like she wasn't even trying. The street-style outfit didn't feel too feminine, which she liked. Esdeath wasn't one for dresses or skirts.

Underneath, she wore a "graphic t-shirt", with a bold design printed on the front. The shirt was slightly cropped, showing a little bit of her toned midriff. To complete the look, she slipped into "high-waisted jeans" that fit her perfectly, balancing the crop top and making the outfit come together.

Overall, she looked kind of "boyish", but it suited her perfectly. She wasn't the type to care about dressing up in fancy or girly clothes. And even though she had a modern look, no one on the streets seemed to care much. 

Why? Well, despite being a medieval era, there were many modern things in this world, thanks to the "Dwarf Kingdom". That kingdom was far ahead in technology, making things like modern fashion and gadgets pretty normal here.

With her outfit ready, Esdeath wandered out of the academy and into the bustling marketplace. She had only one goal in mind—to find Eldon. 


As Esdeath wandered through the streets, she eventually came across a gambling den. It wasn't too big, but it had a strange charm, with rocks stacked around the entrance. The sign hanging over it read **"Mud-Stone Gambling."**

Inside, people were gathered around, talking excitedly. The game here was simple: you picked a **mud-stone**, and if luck was on your side, you'd find an **essence stone** inside, something valuable and magical. But if your luck was bad, all you'd be left with was a pile of worthless dirt, and your money would be gone. 

There were different types of mud-stones to choose from: green, red, purple, black, and the rarest of them all, "golden". The "green stones" were the cheapest, while the "golden ones" were the most expensive. The higher the price, the better chance you had of finding an essence stone.

Just as she was scanning the place, Esdeath's eyes landed on someone familiar—"Eldon". "There he is," she whispered to herself, quickly hiding behind a nearby shop. She didn't want him to see her just yet. For now, all she needed to do was observe him quietly.

Eldon stood at the counter, his face twisted with frustration. "I want that "red one", here's one silver coin," he said sharply, tossing the coin at the shop owner.

The shopkeeper, an older man with a mischievous glint in his eyes, rubbed his hands together eagerly. "Hehehe… dear customer, you've been coming here for a week now, always buying the mid-rank mud-stones," he said, his voice smooth and persuasive. "Why not try the "golden one"? It has a much higher chance of success!"

Eldon snorted, clearly irritated. He had already wasted so much money on this stupid game, but his pride wouldn't let him quit now. He wasn't going to leave until he finally won something. "Just do what I told you!" he snapped, his patience wearing thin.

The shop owner didn't argue further. With a knowing smile, he handed the "red mud-stone" to Eldon. Without wasting time, Eldon took the stone and began washing off the dirt with his bare hands. His heart sank with every bit of mud he wiped away, convinced he had thrown away his money once again. His thoughts spiraled, "Great, another waste of a silver coin..."

But then, something unexpected happened. His fingers hit something hard within the stone. His heart skipped a beat as he rubbed the mud away faster, and soon enough, a faint, "glowing light"began to shine from within. 

The shopkeeper's eyes widened. "Woah… it's a Pink Lotus Essence Stone! A storage type! If you sell it in the market, you could not only cover your losses but make a decent profit," he said, sounding impressed.

However, Eldon wasn't listening. His thoughts were racing. The stone in his hand was half the size of his palm, shaped like a delicate lotus with a soft pink glow. It wasn't just any essence stone. This one was already "refined", and that meant only one thing—there was "something inside it". 

His eyes flickered toward the shopkeeper, suspicious. "If I sell it or not, that's none of your business!" he snapped, clutching the stone tightly as he quickly left the shop.

Eldon walked about a hundred steps away, his mind spinning. His heart pounded with excitement and uncertainty. "Should I open it now? Or wait until I'm back at the academy?"" he wondered, his thoughts jumping back and forth.

But the more he tried to push the idea aside, the more his "eagerness" got the best of him. He couldn't wait any longer. His curiosity burned too strongly. "I have to see what's inside!" he decided, stopping in his tracks, ready to uncover the mystery that lay within the essence stone.

He pour some man inside that essence stone and the closed lotus begun to glow further and it's petals begun to opens and magically a golden paper came out. 

Eldon put back the essence stone in his pocket 

And took that paper in his hand and opened it, His eyes shunked in a little confusion, "A map? "


A little distance away from Eldon, Esdeath was silently observing him, her sharp gaze tracking his every move. Suddenly, she felt a light tug on her oversized jacket. Startled, she turned around to see who it was.

To her surprise, standing behind her was a small child, no more than seven or eight years old. The boy had a round, innocent face, with a pair of wide eyes staring up at her. His clothes were simple and worn, clearly marking him as a commoner, yet his cute expression softened her cold exterior for a moment.

Esdeath looked at him with a hint of confusion, unsure of what he wanted. Breaking the silence, the boy blushed, his cheeks turning as red as a ripe apple.

"Are you a noble?" he asked in a small voice, avoiding eye contact out of embarrassment. "You're so pretty! This is for you!" 

With shaking hands, he extended a single flower toward her, too nervous to meet her gaze. His innocence and the shy smile tugging at his lips made it obvious—the boy had a crush on Esdeath at first sight.

For a brief moment, Esdeath didn't know what to say or how to react. Should she laugh? Should she walk away? But just then, an idea struck her, and she smiled. A plan.

Her mind began calculating. "Eldon is a student at the academy. If I just kill him outright, they'll likely trace it back to me. I need something more subtle. Even if they suspect me, they won't have proof." The gears in her mind turned quickly, and her eyes twinkled with mischief.

Esdeath leaned down to the boy's level, her smile turning gentle. "Owww..., thank you so much!" she said, accepting the flower with a sweet tone. The boy beamed with joy, his entire face lighting up.

"Wanna play a game with me?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

The boy's eyes widened with excitement, "Yes!" he nodded eagerly, unable to hide his enthusiasm.

Esdeath reached into her pocket and pulled out her gun. The boy's face immediately paled, and he took a step back, frightened. Esdeath quickly laughed and waved a hand to calm him down.

"Don't worry! It's just a toy!" she said with a playful wink. "See?" She pointed the gun at the boy's forehead, still smiling.

The boy hesitated, closing his eyes in fear. He wanted to run away, but something about Esdeath made him want to believe her, even if part of him was scared.

With a quick motion, Esdeath pulled the trigger.


Nothing happened. Just a small sound echoed from the gun, but no bullet. The boy opened his eyes in surprise, staring at her in disbelief.

Esdeath burst out laughing, her voice full of amusement. "See? It's just a toy! You got scared for nothing!" she teased, chuckling.

The boy's fear melted away, and soon he was laughing too, realizing how foolish he'd been. His laughter was innocent and pure, and even Esdeath couldn't help but join in.

"Now it's your turn," she said, handing him the gun. "Shoot me!"

The boy's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Okay!" he said, holding the gun with both hands. Esdeath crouched down, leaning her forehead closer to him.

"Go on, shoot me right here," she said with a grin, pointing to her own forehead.


Again, nothing happened, but this time Esdeath exaggerated her reaction. She spun around dramatically, clutching her chest. "Oh no! I've been shot!" she cried out, pretending to fall in slow motion. 

The boy couldn't stop laughing, his small body shaking with joy. Esdeath finally stopped spinning and wiped the fake tears from the corner of her eyes, her laughter mixing with his.

She smiled warmly at him, leaning down once more. "Did you have fun?" she asked.

The boy nodded, still giggling. "Yes!"

Esdeath's eyes gleamed with mischief as she bent down to the little boy and pointed towards Eldon, who was standing in the distance, still focused on his map. She leaned in close to the boy and whispered, "Do you see that guy over there? Go play with him too. If you do that, I'll give you a bronze coin... and a kiss on the cheek!" She winked, her smile widening.

The boy's eyes sparkled, not because of the coin, but at the mention of the kiss. Though he was a commoner, he wasn't too interested in the coin, but the idea of getting a kiss from such a beautiful lady made his heart race. He blushed again and quickly nodded, eager to impress her.

Esdeath smirked, pleased with his reaction. She gently took the toy gun back from the boy's hand and poured her mana into it, forming a small glowing "Mana Bullet" within the chamber. To the boy, it still looked like a harmless toy, but Esdeath knew better. 

Afterwards, she placed her hand on his head, as if to pat him affectionately, but secretly whispered a spell. "Strength boost magic," she murmured under her breath, sending a wave of invisible energy into the boy's body. His small frame trembled slightly, but he didn't notice anything unusual. 

Without wasting any more time, the boy grinned and dashed off towards Eldon, holding the gun behind his back. Esdeath, still smiling, took a few steps back, creating more distance between them. She folded her arms and stood quietly, watching the scene unfold from afar.

Eldon, meanwhile, was scratching his head as he studied the map in his hands. His brow furrowed in confusion as he tried to figure out where the map led and what location it pointed to. His focus was entirely on the parchment, oblivious to what was happening around him.

Suddenly, a small voice interrupted him.

"Hands up, mister!" the boy exclaimed, standing just a few steps away, his voice filled with childlike enthusiasm.

Eldon glanced down and blinked in surprise at the boy. For a moment, he was puzzled, but then he noticed the toy gun in the boy's hands. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he realized what was happening.

"Toys these days... they look too real!" Eldon thought to himself, letting out a soft sigh. Though he was a noble, he wasn't like the arrogant ones who treated commoners like dirt. Eldon had always been more down-to-earth, even a bit shy, but kind-hearted in his own way. The idea of playing along with the boy seemed harmless.

"Well then, I guess I should play along," he muttered to himself, raising both his hands in mock surrender. "Oh no! I'm so scared!" he said with a grin, trying to act frightened. But his acting wasn't very convincing, and he quickly burst into laughter, feeling silly for pretending.

"Hahaha… Alright, go ahead, shoot me!" he chuckled, leaning closer to the boy and pointing to his own forehead.

The boy, still grinning ear to ear, raised the gun with both hands, just as he had done with Esdeath earlier. "Here I go!" he shouted, thinking this was just another harmless game. He fully believed the gun was a toy, just like before.

He pulled the trigger.


The deafening sound of the gunshot echoed through the air, much louder than the boy or Eldon had expected. Time seemed to freeze for a moment. Eldon's eyes widened in shock as a sharp pain tore through his forehead. The Mana Bullet had pierced him cleanly. His breath hitched, and he stumbled backward, clutching his forehead.

For a brief second, Eldon tried to understand what had just happened. His mind was spinning, unable to process the reality of the situation. His hands, once raised in playful surrender, now trembled as they pressed against the wound, trying to stop the blood that was already staining his shirt.

Without even a chance to cry out or speak, his body collapsed to the ground. The world around him blurred, and within moments, he was gone. 

From her vantage point, Esdeath watched the scene with a satisfied smirk, her eyes cold and calculating. 

The boy, however, stood frozen in place, his face drained of all color. His small, trembling hands could no longer hold the gun as it slipped from his grasp and fell to the ground with a soft thud. His wide eyes stared at Eldon's motionless body, trying to make sense of the impossible. "What just happened?" his mind screamed, but the shock was too much. He couldn't think, couldn't move, couldn't even cry out. It was as if his whole world had shattered in an instant. He had never imagined—never even dreamed—that a simple game could end like this.

Esdeath, watching from a distance, saw the gun fall. With a swift movement, she raised her hand and whispered a spell under her breath. A sudden gust of wind appeared, swirling through the street like a silent thief. It carried both the gun and the map into the air with ease, guiding them directly into Esdeath's waiting hands.

"Perfect," she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible as she inspected the items with a satisfied gleam in her eyes. Not even sparing the boy a second glance, she turned on her heel and melted into the shadows, disappearing from the scene without a trace. To her, the job was done, and there was no need to linger.

But the peace was short-lived. The loud bang of the gunshot had echoed through the streets, drawing the attention of nearby townspeople. One by one, they rushed toward the scene, their eyes wide with fear and confusion.

"Oh my goodness!" a woman shrieked as she ran closer, her hands covering her mouth in horror. "That boy! I saw it! That boy shot him!" she screamed, pointing a trembling finger at the stunned child.

People began to murmur, their voices growing louder with panic. "Is he... is he a noble?" a man called out, pushing through the growing crowd. "Someone, check! Hurry!" he urged, his face pale with shock as more and more people gathered around the fallen Eldon and the frightened child.

It wasn't long before the street guards arrived, their faces grim and determined. The moment they laid eyes on the scene, they moved quickly, pushing aside the onlookers and seizing the boy by his arms.

"Take him in for questioning," one of the guards ordered, his voice stern and unwavering. The boy, still too shocked to speak, didn't resist as they dragged him away, his small feet stumbling over the cobblestone. His wide, tear-filled eyes looked back at the crowd, but no one came to his defense. No one seemed to care that he was just a child

"Take him in for questioning," one of the guards ordered, his voice stern and unwavering. The boy, still too shocked to speak, didn't resist as they dragged him away, his small feet stumbling over the cobblestone. His wide, tear-filled eyes looked back at the crowd, but no one came to his defense. No one seemed to care that he was just a child.

The crowd parted as the guards led the boy away, their whispers filling the air. Some felt pity for him, others judged him harshly, but none of them knew the truth. None of them knew the real mastermind behind the tragedy had already vanished, leaving behind only chaos and confusion.


Hmmmm.... Who's this character?, I don't know, I found it on the internet, She was wearing the same outfit that I describe in the chapter so I uploaded it as example. 

And well I have good news.... My stitches and bandages were removed and I can finally freely use my hand

This is what wound is right now... Almost healed. 

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