Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Building Harem Without Even Knowing

The dim light of the moon slowly faded as the night gave way to the earliest hints of dawn. The sun had yet to fully rise, its rays still weak and barely touching the horizon. It was 5:30 in the morning, and Esdeath stirred from her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open, greeted by the soft, muted light of the pre-dawn sky filtering through the small window of her academy dorm. She had made a promise to herself—to follow the disciplined routine of her past life, even here in the academy. Of course, there were adjustments to be made; after all, she was no longer the hitman she once was, but a student. 

With a quiet sigh, Esdeath pushed aside the blanket and swung her legs over the side of the bed. The cool air touched her skin, sending a brief shiver down her spine. She quickly washed her face, the cold water jolting her fully awake, and brushed her teeth with the precision of someone who cherished routine. Each action was deliberate, as if anchoring her to the stability she once knew.

She then changed into her workout clothes, opting for a snug sports bra and a pair of grey, tight-fitting thigh-high leggings that hugged her every curve. The fabric was soft yet firm, providing the perfect balance of comfort and support. She felt the familiar rush of determination as she laced up her shoes, ready to tackle the morning.

Stepping out of her dorm, the crisp morning air filled her lungs, fresh and invigorating. The academy grounds were quiet, almost serene, as the world still lingered in the embrace of sleep. Esdeath's steps were light, but her heart was heavy with thoughts as she made her way to the academy garden.

Once there, she began her routine—five laps around the garden. Her feet moved rhythmically, her breathing steady, each lap a meditation of sorts. Thanks to raising her stamina stats with SP points, She could now match the stamina of an average awakened individual, a fact that brought a small smile of satisfaction to her lips.

But as her body moved, her mind wandered. Memories and calculations swirled in her thoughts like an unsolved puzzle. "Why did I gain 10 SP when I met Ethan Rothslayer, and 20 when I Quarrelled with Kaelith the Silver Dragon?" she pondered, the question nagging at her. "But nothing when I messed with Lilith, that little loli character? Is it because she's not important to the story?"

The thought gnawed at her. "What if power doesn't matter if the person isn't vital to the plot? If that's true, how many SP would I get if I killed Ethan Rothslayer, the main character?" Her mind raced, calculating the potential gains, but then she remembered the system's warning: SP points will not be rewarded,If Esdeath breaks the main story line. 

Also The idea of killing Ethan suddenly felt foolish, almost reckless. If the ethan died, then it will cause the future to change greatly and Also who's gonna defeat the main villains, Other than MC? 

Unless someone managed to surpass him, Ethan had to remain alive, no matter how tempting it was to consider removing him from the equation.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Esdeath headed toward the Academy's training area. As she approached, the vastness of the space took her by surprise. It was an impressive blend of the ancient and the modern—a gym, yet not quite. The walls and floors were steeped in tradition, with worn stone and aged wood, but scattered throughout were modern pieces of equipment like dumbbells, benches for pressing, and pull-up bars. Alongside them were racks filled with swords, bows, scythes, and other weapons. 

Esdeath's purpose here was simple: to work out, to keep her body honed. She started with some stretching, easing her muscles into the routine. But as she moved, she couldn't help but notice how her tight workout clothes clung to her body, making each pose look almost sensual. Her skin soon glistened with a thin sheen of sweat, the cool air in the room doing little to temper the heat building within her.

Next came the push-ups and pull-ups, each movement precise and controlled. Unlike the exaggerated workouts often seen in fantasy stories, where heroes did thousands of push-ups to gain strength overnight, Esdeath knew better. That kind of training was nothing but a fairy tale—pushing too hard only led to broken bones and wasted effort. She was practical, realistic. Real strength came from consistency, focus, and, if one was fortunate enough, a bit of magic or an essence stone to boost one's power.

Finally, she moved to the dumbbells, lifting them with a steady rhythm. The weight was light but enough to keep her muscles toned. She could feel each repetition working through her arms, her breath steady as she pushed through the final set. When she was done, she felt a sense of quiet satisfaction—a reminder that even though she was no longer a hitman, she was still strong, still capable.

By the time she finished her workout, the clock read 6:30 A.M. As she gathered her things, other students began trickling into the training area for their morning routines. They chatted amongst themselves, their voices a background hum as Esdeath made her way out. She had already completed her training for the day, leaving them to catch up.

With her workout complete, the last thing on Esdeath's list was a much-needed bath. Last time, finding a place to bathe in peace had been a nightmare—no one wanted her anywhere near them. She had practically been chased away, barely managing to find a secluded spot to wash up. But this time, luck was on her side. The hot spring room was completely empty, not a soul in sight. With a satisfied smirk, she slipped into the warm water, relishing the peace and quiet. The steam rose around her, soothing her muscles as she soaked, and for once, she didn't have to deal with the awkward stares or whispered gossip.

After her bath, she returned to her dorm room, feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Slipping into her academy uniform, she couldn't help but follow her usual routine—leaving the front button undone, just like before. It wasn't just about comfort; it was about style. The glimpse of her bare skin, the tattoos peeking out, all of it added to her image—the image of a girl who didn't care what anyone thought. A delinquent? Maybe. But she liked the way it looked, and that was all that mattered.

Esdeath caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and couldn't resist smirking at her reflection. "Now, now... what's next? Ah, breakfast," she muttered to herself, a hint of amusement in her voice. 

At the academy, everyone was expected to gather for breakfast before 8:30 A.M., with lunch and dinner at set times later in the day. It didn't matter if you were in Class A, B, or C—unless you were royalty or a top-tier noble, everyone had to eat together. It was one of those academy rules that was meant to show equality. But really, who were they kidding? It was all just for show. Sure, it meant commoners got to eat some pretty luxurious meals for free, That was all that matters. 

As the idea of breakfast settled in her mind, another thought popped up, one that made her grin mischievously. "Now that I think about it," she mused, "the real jealousy and Agryness between Corin Reynold to Ethan starts from this morning's breakfast. Too bad I don't have any popcorn to enjoy that five-minute cringe drama." The image of Corin fuming while Ethan remained oblivious was almost too good. 

It was the kind of petty drama you'd find in every average anime or manga—a third-rate villain tries to humiliate the main character, only to end up with egg on their face instead. Esdeath had seen it a thousand times, and it always made her roll her eyes. Still, there was something strangely amusing about it, like watching a bad soap opera where you just couldn't look away.

Lost in these thoughts, she arrived at the breakfast area without even realizing it. Before her stood a grand dining hall, with several long tables stretching out, each one lined with dozens of chairs. There were at least three or four massive tables, enough to seat hundreds of students all at once. The room was already buzzing with activity—students had gathered in groups, some chatting animatedly with friends, while others sat alone, too focused on their hunger to bother with conversation. At this point, no one even cared to look for trouble with Esdeath; all they wanted was to eat.

Esdeath found an empty seat and settled in, ready to dig in. The tables were laden with fruits, breads, and a variety of dishes that looked almost too good to be real. But despite the tempting food, her mind was elsewhere, focused on something—or rather, someone—else.

It didn't take long before he made his grand entrance. A boy with striking blue hair and eyes like the ocean walked in, flanked by two girls who clung to his arms like lifelines. One was Violet, Ethan's childhood friend, with her soft brown hair and light brown eyes. The other girl was a new face, someone Esdeath hadn't paid much attention to before—a cute girl with short dark blue hair, smooth white skin, and matching blue eyes. She wasn't exactly a loli, just a regular, average-height girl. Her name was Sylvania Nyxaria, destined to become a great mage and, of course, another member of Ethan's ever-growing harem.

As Ethan entered, Violet and Sylvania exchanged angry, competitive smiles, each trying to outdo the other. It was clear they were both vying for his attention, but like every clueless anime protagonist, Ethan was utterly puzzled by their behavior. He was stuck in that awkward position, trying to get them to be friends, blissfully unaware of their rivalry.

Esdeath couldn't help but glare in irritation. "Already building a harem, huh? No doubt he's got that infamous plot armor," she thought, her annoyance bubbling up. It was like watching the start of one of those cliché romance dramas where the hero is surrounded by beautiful girls, and somehow, everything works out in his favor. The whole scene made her want to facepalm, but instead, she just picked up her fork and started eating, determined not to get dragged into their ridiculous love triangle.

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