Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Desire (18+)

Lortell sat alone in her dimly lit room, her fingers delicately holding three clear, round stones and two small, square, grey stones that resembled little cement blocks. The weight of her thoughts seemed to match the stones in her hands as she studied them closely, her brow furrowed in deep contemplation.

"I have two 'Week Eraser Essence Stones' and three 'Liar Essence Stones,'" she murmured, her voice tinged with dissatisfaction. "But this isn't enough." 

She sighed heavily, the sound filled with frustration. The Week Eraser Essence Stone was a rank D stone, appearing as a crystal-clear orb that could erase the memory of someone for the past seven days. The Liar Essence Stone, a rank C stone, was small and grey, resembling a tiny brick of cement, capable of making someone believe any lie told to them. Both were expendable essence stones, meant to be used once before vanishing into nothingness. The advantage was that they required no refining; a simple infusion of mana would activate them.

"If I merge two Week Eraser Essence Stone with one Liar Essence Stone, I'll get a Rank C Brainwash Essence Stone," Lortell calculated, her eyes narrowing with a mix of ambition and unease. "With that, I could brainwash Esdeath's parents, make them forget they ever had a daughter, or even convince them to send her to my palace... Yes, that should do it."

But doubt flickered in her mind, casting a shadow over her determined thoughts. "But what about Esdeath?" she whispered, her heart suddenly heavy. "I haven't even told her that I love her. Does she love me too, or is she just being nice? She's barely eight years old…"

Her mind raced with conflicting emotions. She could feel the obsessive pull tightening around her heart. "I'll have to make two Brainwash Essence Stones," she decided, her tone resolute. "One for her parents, and one for Esdeath herself. That way, she'll belong to me and only me." A satisfied smile curled her lips as she envisioned the future she desired.

But the smile faded quickly as another problem presented itself. "I'll need another Week Eraser Essence Stone for that... Where do I get it?" She frowned, realizing the limitations of her resources. Being the daughter of an arch-duke had its perks; she had access to these rare mind-manipulating essence stones that most politicians used to control and deceive others. But finding another stone would be difficult, especially one that could protect against similar manipulations. But that wasn't the main point, Main point is she isn't at palace anymore, if she wants another essence stone then she'll have to get by herself, Of course she can't tell anyone about this either. 

Her thoughts darkened as the most challenging question arose. "Lorraine..." Lortell whispered the name with a mix of dread and irritation. "What about her? She's a B-rank Awakened. This Rank C Brainwash Stone or the Rank D Week Eraser won't work on her. And if I try to kill her, I might cause a ruckus... I can't afford that." 

The room seemed to close in around her as Lortell considered her options. Her mind was a storm of fear, obsession, and ruthless calculation. Every plan had its risks, and every risk brought her closer to danger. But the thought of losing Esdeath, of not making her entirely hers, was unbearable.

Lortell exhaled deeply, feeling the weight of her thoughts fade away as she stretched her arms above her head. "Let's forget it for now," she murmured to herself, letting the tension in her muscles release. "I'll think about it tomorrow."

At that moment, the door creaked open, and Esdeath stepped inside, carrying a tray of food. Lortell hadn't bothered to go for breakfast, lunch, or dinner today, so it had become routine for Esdeath to deliver her meals directly to her room. Esdeath's gaze was fixed on the ground, her steps hesitant and nervous. She had recently discovered that Lortell was a vampire, a revelation that would terrify even the bravest warrior. But while Esdeath hadn't screamed or run away, the fear still lingered in her heart.

Esdeath stood there, unsure of how to start. The silence between them was thick with unspoken words, her mind racing to find the right thing to say. But before she could gather her thoughts, Lortell made the first move.

Lortell got out of bed, her movements graceful and deliberate. She walked over to Esdeath, took the plate from her hands, and set it down on the nearby table without a word. Then, without warning, she wrapped her arms around Esdeath from behind, pulling her close. Lortell leaned in, her breath warm against Esdeath's ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

"I don't need to eat that," Lortell whispered, her voice dripping with desire. "Today, my meal is you."

Lortell's lips brushed against Esdeath's ear, her voice low and sultry. "Say, Esdeath, wanna do it?" she asked, the words heavy with implication.

Esdeath's breath hitched as she felt Lortell's warmth pressing against her. "Do... do what?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper, her nerves tingling.

Lortell's eyes darkened with an intense lust as she leaned in closer, her voice a hushed whisper, "Fuck."

She chuckled softly, her breath warm against Esdeath's skin. "Hehehe... Don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about. Don't worry, I'll make you understand," she teased, her hands slipping beneath Esdeath's skirt with a slow, deliberate touch.

"I... I love you," Lortell declared, her voice filled with a mix of hunger and desperation. "I want you, and only you. So, you'll have to love me too. Become mine," she whispered as her fingers gently found their way to Esdeath's most intimate spot.

As Lortell's finger slid inside her, Esdeath gasped, her body trembling at the unfamiliar sensation. A soft moan escaped her lips, her eyes wide with surprise and confusion. "What's this? I feel... strange," she murmured, her voice shaky as she experienced something entirely new and overwhelming.

Esdeath's innocent eyes sparkled like those of a lost puppy, seeking comfort and understanding in Lortell's gaze. Seeing that look of vulnerability, Lortell couldn't hold back any longer. She captured Esdeath's lips in a deep, passionate kiss, her tongue sliding into Esdeath's mouth, exploring and tasting her.

Their mouths moved together, tongues dancing, and their breaths mingled as the kiss grew more intense. The heat between them was undeniable, and even their saliva mixed as their desire for each other became overwhelming.

Esdeath's heart raced as she surrendered to the moment, her body responding to every touch and kiss. The emotions swirling within her were confusing and new, but Lortell's touch made everything feel right, even if it was overwhelming.

In that heated embrace, the space between them vanished as Lortell's fingers delicately slid under Esdeath's T-shirt. The fabric lifted slowly, revealing Esdeath's smooth, flat chest. Lortell's fingers traced over her skin, sending shivers down Esdeath's spine. When Lortell pressed her fingertips against Esdeath's sensitive nipples, a sharp breath escaped Esdeath's lips.

"NMHH~..." Esdeath's moan echoed through the room, growing louder with each playful touch Lortell made. The sensation was overwhelming, and Esdeath's body responded eagerly to every caress.

With a graceful motion, Lortell lifted Esdeath into her arms, cradling her like a precious treasure. She carried Esdeath to the bed with ease, her gaze filled with a mix of affection and desire. Gently, she began to undress Esdeath, starting with the T-shirt, then slowly peeling off the skirt, and finally removing the delicate fabric of her panties. Each piece of clothing fell to the floor, leaving Esdeath exposed to Lortell's hungry gaze.

Lortell's smile was filled with lust as she slowly undressed herself, piece by piece. Her eyes never left Esdeath's trembling form. Once she was free of her clothes, she wasted no time and leaped onto the bed, her body pressing eagerly against Esdeath's. Her mouth found Esdeath's nipples, and without hesitation, she bit down gently, causing Esdeath to gasp.

"Ahh... Mhhnn.~" Esdeath's moans grew louder, her voice thick with pleasure as Lortell's tongue teased her relentlessly. The warmth of Lortell's breath against her skin sent waves of sensation through her body, making it hard to think of anything else.

"Say my name!" Lortell commanded, her voice husky as she licked Esdeath's flushed cheeks, her breath hot against Esdeath's ear.

"Lady Mariette... Ummhh~" Esdeath moaned, her voice trembling as she called out Lortell's name, her tone filled with need.

"Louder... Louder!" Lortell demanded, the sound of Esdeath's voice only heightening her pleasure. Every moan, every breathless cry from Esdeath, fed Lortell's desire, pushing her to claim Esdeath's body even more fiercely.

Lortell's eyes gleamed with a mix of mischief and desire as she lowered herself towards Esdeath's p*ssy, her breath warm against Esdeath's trembling skin. With a teasing smile, Lortell began to explore, her tongue tracing delicate patterns that sent waves of pleasure coursing through Esdeath's body. Esdeath gasped, her breath hitching as her muscles tightened, the overwhelming sensations making her grip Lortell's head more firmly.

Every touch, every movement sent Esdeath spiraling deeper into a sea of ecstasy. Her moans grew louder, each one escaping her lips with increasing urgency. "I… I can't hold it… something's coming… I feel like I'm going to burst!" Esdeath's voice was a breathy whisper, filled with a mix of embarrassment and undeniable pleasure.

Splash... Splash.. Splash... 

And then, with a final, shuddering gasp, Esdeath felt herself release, a wave of intense pleasure washing over her. Lortell's eyes sparkled with satisfaction as she felt the warm liquid on her skin. She smiled up at Esdeath, her lips brushing against Esdeath's thigh as she whispered, "There it is…"

Lortell's tongue flicked out to taste the sweetness of Esdeath's release, savoring the moment with a sense of fulfillment. Her own body thrummed with the shared intensity of the experience, and the room seemed to hum with the lingering electricity of their connection. 

Lortell didn't stop there. She made Esdeath come again and again, pushing her to the brink of losing consciousness. Esdeath's pupils were dull, barely focusing, as if she could faint at any moment, but her moans only grew louder, echoing through the room and beyond.

"No more... Please, no more... AH... ahhh..." Esdeath begged, her voice shaky and desperate.

"Then say it," Lortell commanded, her voice firm and unyielding. "Say, 'I love you.'"

Esdeath, completely broken by the overwhelming pleasure, obeyed like a loyal dog. "I love you... Ahh... I love Lady Mariette so much... hahah," she laughed breathlessly, her mind lost in the waves of ecstasy that consumed her.

Lortell had lost track of how long she'd been ravaging Esdeath, but finally, she stopped. They both collapsed onto the bed, their bodies exhausted. Lortell lay back, her breathing steady as she looked at Esdeath, who curled up beside her like a helpless child. Esdeath's eyes fluttered shut, her face peaceful, as she nestled close to Lortell's chest, the two of them wrapped together in the same milky white sheets, almost like a husband and wife.

"I should make this day memorable," Lortell thought, a wicked smile playing on her lips. She raised one hand, murmuring, "Photo-Audio Magic."


A small sound echoed in the room as a magical photo was taken, capturing the intimate moment. Lortell made a playful pose, sticking out her tongue and licking Esdeath's cheek, a silent declaration that Esdeath's body now belonged to her, completely and utterly.

Just as Lortell thought everything was going perfectly, her luck suddenly ran out. The door swung open with a loud crash, and there, standing in the doorway, were Esdeath's mother and father, with Lorraine, the head maid, beside them. They had followed the sounds of moaning, curious and concerned, only to find their daughter lying in bed, ravaged by none other than Lortell, the Archduke's daughter.

For a moment, the room was filled with a heavy, suffocating silence. The shock on Esdeath's parents' faces quickly twisted into something far darker. Rage. Pure, unfiltered rage.

Esdeath's mother's eyes burned with fury, her hands trembling as she took in the sight before her. She had always imagined her daughter growing up, finding love in a way that was proper and dignified. Lortell was the Archduke's daughter, someone powerful and respected. If she had only waited until Esdeath was older, perhaps then they could have accepted her proposal. They might have even celebrated their love, telling the world that their daughter and Lortell had found happiness together, despite being two women.

But now?

This reckless act had shattered any hope of that. Esdeath's father clenched his fists, his knuckles white as he struggled to contain the anger boiling inside him. His daughter, his precious little girl, had been defiled in a way that no parent could forgive easily. The trust they had in Lortell, in the Archduke's family, was now broken. How could she do something so reckless, so selfish? 


Yeah, I'm pretty bad at writing smut and used some illogical things but better ignore it. I'm still novice in writing

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