Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere


 After getting a clear look at the status window, Esdeath decided it was time to work on improving herself. Determined, she left the palace and headed to the garden, deciding to start with five laps around it as her initial goal.

However, after just two laps, she was utterly exhausted. "Huff... Huff..." She panted heavily, inhaling air deeply. "This girl has no stamina, And running in this girly clothe is way too hard but I can't give up yet!" she muttered, bracing herself as she lay down to attempt some push-ups.

"One... two... three..." On her third push-up, her arms started trembling, and she barely managed to push herself up. Just as she completed her third push-up, the same maid who had first seen her awake happened to be passing by. The maid's face turned to one of concern as she rushed toward Esdeath. 

"Young mistress... young mistress, what are you doing?" she asked, her voice full of worry.

"I'm doing some workouts!" Esdeath replied with a bright smile, giving the maid a thumbs up.

The smile stunned the maid. She stood speechless for a second before finally responding, "You can smile?" she asked in puzzlement.

"Wait a minute... Was this girl never one to smile? What kind of personality did the original owner have?" Esdeath wondered, realizing she had no idea about the previous Esdeath's demeanor.

The maid quickly gathered her thoughts and got to the point. "Why are you working out? Master and mistress never let you do any workouts, in case it might hurt you," she said.

"So, this girl's parents are the overprotective type who don't want their child to face any difficulties," Esdeath thought, beginning to understand the dynamics of her new life.

Esdeath felt a mix of frustration and sympathy for her new body's previous owner. "This girl was so sheltered, no wonder she had no stamina," she thought. But instead of feeling defeated, Esdeath felt a surge of determination. "I need to break free from these limitations."

Her body was weak, her muscles ached, and her breath came in ragged gasps, but her spirit remained unbroken. She smiled reassuringly at the maid. "Don't worry, I won't hurt myself. I just want to get stronger."

The maid looked unconvinced but nodded slowly. "If you say so, young mistress. Just be careful."

Esdeath gave a small nod, appreciating the concern but knowing she had to push through. She couldn't afford to be weak in this world. "Alright, back to work," she told herself, steeling her resolve.

After slowly working out for a few hours, the sun had set, and it was already evening. Esdeath strolled around the palace, memorizing every room. She even visited the library and took a look at the kingdom's history, which reinforced her realization that she was indeed in the game world she had once played.

She asked some maids about her personality and how others treated her, but all she received were effusive praises. There was no doubt in her mind that they were lying. The day flew by, and soon it was time for dinner with her family.

Having memorized the layout of the palace, she quickly made her way to the dining room. She entered and saw a large dining table laden with many dishes and fruits. There were only three chairs around the table: one for her father, one for her mother, and one for herself.

As soon as Esdeath entered the room, her mother rose from her seat, turned toward her, and hugged her tightly, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'm so glad nothing happened to you!" she said, her voice a mix of happiness and concern.

Esdeath stiffened slightly in her mother's embrace. "Ugh... They are so overprotective. Why are they giving me so much love anyway?" she thought, unable to shake the feeling of being smothered.

She walked over to the remaining chair and sat down, her eyes scanning the array of dishes before her. "Give me meat, and those vegetables too, and that fruit as well!" she said, pointing at nearly every dish on the table.

She was exhausted from her workout and experiencing an intense hunger, her appetite surging. She felt like she could eat everything in sight.

Everyone in the room looked at her in shock. Her father, eyes wide with bewilderment, spoke up, "You're eating vegetables and fruits? Is this because you're Awakened?"

Esdeath blinked, caught off guard by his question. "Awakened? No, I'm just hungry from working out," she replied, reaching for a piece of meat and a serving of vegetables. The taste was more satisfying than she expected, and she realized how much her body craved the nutrients.

Her mother watched her with a mix of surprise and concern. "You've never shown interest in eating so much before, especially not vegetables and fruits. Are you feeling alright?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Esdeath looked at her mother and saw the genuine concern in her eyes. She sighed internally, feeling a mixture of frustration and warmth. "I'm fine, really. I just had a long day and I'm starving," she explained, giving a reassuring smile.

As she ate, Esdeath couldn't help but think about the original owner of her body. "Fufufu..What an idiot parents, Their daughter is being possessed by some random man and they have no clue." She laughed in her heart. "This girl must have been so pampered and sheltered. No wonder her parents are so overprotective," she mused, trying to piece together the life she had inherited.

Her father, still looking puzzled, finally nodded. "Well, if it's because you're hungry, eat as much as you need. But remember to take care of yourself," he said, his voice firm yet caring.

Esdeath nodded, feeling a strange mix of independence and gratitude. "I will, Father," she replied, focusing on her meal. The food fueled her resolve.

"About your marriage, I cancelled it," he said with a mischievous grin. "That bastard was making a fuss, but I cancelled it anyway. Hahaha..." He chuckled at his own joke and continued, "I also enrolled you in the Awakened's Academy. Every student has to take an entrance exam to get ranked in the academy. But since we're already late, I used my power as a noble to get you in. Your ranking will be low, though. I'm sorry about that," he added with a hint of regret.

"No worries!" Esdeath replied cheerfully, shocking everyone with her nonchalant attitude.

"You sure are in a good mood today. By the way, the academy starts the day after tomorrow," he said casually. This time, it was Esdeath's turn to be surprised.

Her eerie red eyes widened in realization. "The day after tomorrow? That means today is the day Lortell Mariette will attack," she thought, her mind racing with frustration.

"I'm done!" she exclaimed, quickly getting up. She had already eaten enough. She rushed towards her room, her thoughts a whirlwind of anxiety and determination. Once inside, she began pacing back and forth, wracking her brain for a solution. "What should I do? What should I do?" she muttered to herself. "I'm sure of it. Today is the day she attacks. That means she'll strike at night, right?" She tried to think through every possibility.

As she paced, her eyelids grew heavy. She had worked tirelessly and eaten as much as she could, and now her body demanded rest. She yawned loudly, feeling the weight of exhaustion. "Let's forget it. If there's chaos, I'll wake up anyway and escape alone. For now, let's sleep," she told herself. She jumped onto her bed, and the moment her pale, snow-fairy-like skin touched the mattress, she fell into a deep sleep.

In her sleep, her alabaster skin contrasted sharply with the dark red, bruised circles beneath her eyes, making her appear as a fragile snow fairy or a haunting specter. As she drifted off, her mind slipped into a vivid dream—a dream that did not belong to her but to the original owner of her body.

In the dream, a young girl of six or seven with flowing black hair and striking dark red eyes, marked by multiple ring patterns, cowered on her knees. It was Esdeath. She clutched her head with small, trembling hands, as if shielding herself from an unseen threat. Her breaths came in shallow, ragged gasps, a mix of fear and resignation etched on her face.

Voices of other children pierced the air, harsh and mocking. "You can't play with us! Get the hell out of here, witch!" a boy yelled, hurling stones at her. Each rock that struck her caused a wince of pain and humiliation, but she remained silent, enduring their cruelty.

The boy was not alone; a group of children stood behind him, their faces twisted with scorn. "Yeah! Those ominous eyes and that black hair! My mama said to stay away from you as much as possible. Get the hell out of here, witch!" a girl shouted, flinging dirt at Esdeath. The gritty particles stung her eyes, forcing them shut as tears began to mix with the grime on her cheeks.

Another child joined in, his voice filled with derision. "Yeah, there won't be any prince to save you! No one's gonna marry someone like you!" His words cut deeper than any stone or dirt, lodging themselves in her heart.

Esdeath's small frame shook with silent sobs. She hugged herself tighter, seeking comfort in the only way she knew how. Her body felt cold and frail, the dirt and tears mixing on her cheeks. Just when the pain seemed unbearable, fate intervened—not in the form of a prince, but a princess.


Out of nowhere, a swift kick sent one of the rock-throwing boys sprawling. The other children froze, their eyes wide with shock, and slowly turned to see who had dared to intervene. Esdeath, too, opened her eyes slowly, squinting through her tears to see her savior.

Standing before her was a girl, perhaps a year or two older, with pale silver-white skin and hair that gleamed with hints of light grey. Her skin was as pale as Esdeath's, almost ethereal, like a vampire's. She exuded an air of beauty and charm, though in the dream, her face was obscured by sunlight, casting her features in a radiant, blinding glow.

"*##"@#?" One of the children called her name, but in the haze of her dream, Esdeath couldn't hear it clearly.

"Get the hell out of here!" the silver-haired girl commanded, her voice laced with authority and anger. The children flinched, their faces paling as they realized she was someone of high status. Not a single one dared to speak or meet her gaze. Muttering in irritation, they dispersed, leaving Esdeath alone with her unexpected rescuer.

The girl stepped forward, her movements graceful and deliberate, and extended a hand towards Esdeath. Esdeath's eyes widened in astonishment as she looked up at her savior. Hesitantly, she reached out and grasped the offered hand, feeling its warmth and strength. As she stood, the pent-up emotions overwhelmed her, and she began to cry, tears flowing from her delicate eyes and dripping onto her soft cheeks.

"Y-you," she began, her voice ragged and broken from crying, "You look like me too. Why doesn't anyone say anything to you? I want to play too!" Her voice wavered, her neck growing heavy with the weight of her sorrow.

The silver-haired girl said nothing at first. She took a step forward and enveloped Esdeath in a tight, comforting hug. "Don't worry," she whispered softly, her voice like a soothing balm. "When you grow up and marry a handsome prince, everyone will respect you."

Esdeath, her head resting on the girl's shoulder, lifted her gaze with an effort. Her eyes, shimmering like stars through her tears, met the girl's eyes. "But just as they said, no one will marry me. I'll be alone forever!" she sobbed, her small body trembling with despair.

The silver-haired girl hugged her tighter, her embrace firm and reassuring. "Who said you'll be alone? You have me, right?" she murmured, her voice filled with gentle assurance.

"Really?" Esdeath asked, a glimmer of hope lighting up her tear-streaked face. "Then will you marry me when we grow up? I'll be your bride!" she declared with a mix of innocence and determination.

A charming smile spread across the older girl's face as she laughed softly. "Hahaha... Okay then. You'll be my bride, and when we grow up, I'll marry you!"

"Promise?" Esdeath questioned, her voice small and hopeful, her tear-streaked face reflecting a glimmer of hope.

"Pinky promise!" the silver-haired girl replied, her tone warm and reassuring. She linked her pinky finger with Esdeath's, sealing their solemn vow. For a brief moment, the world seemed brighter, filled with the promise of friendship and protection.

But then, the girl's charming smile twisted into an eerie grin. She leaned closer to Esdeath, her breath warm against Esdeath's ear. The older girl's grin widened unnaturally, and her eyes gleamed with a strange intensity.

"Now that you're my bride," she whispered, her voice low and possessive, "don't you dare look for someone else. You don't have to work out, do chores, or anything like that." Her tone, though soft, carried a chilling edge that made Esdeath's heart race with unease.

"But always remember," she continued, her grip tightening slightly on Esdeath's hand, "you belong to me. You are mine and mine alone."

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