Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere


Lorraine, the head maid, was a striking figure. Despite her young age, her beauty rivaled that of royalty, and many would say she was even more charming than most models. The maid's uniform she wore only added to her allure, giving her an air of both seduction and authority.

With nothing pressing to do at the moment, she busied herself with cleaning the mirrors, ensuring every surface gleamed perfectly. As she was just about to finish, something caught her attention—a folded paper fluttering outside the window. It was red with golden borders, clearly something special. Lorraine immediately recognized it as a "Golden Flying Letter Essence," a rank "B" essence stone used to send messages across great distances. These stones were rare and expensive, typically reserved for the highest authority. Ordinary people couldn't even dream of affording one.

Essence stones came in all shapes and sizes, despite the name containing the word "stone." Their forms and features varied widely depending on their purpose.

Lorraine opened the window, allowing the letter to glide smoothly inside. It landed gently in her hand, the golden glow around it fading as it settled. She quickly unfolded the letter and began to read. As her eyes scanned the contents, they widened in shock. 

The message was from Lortell's father, and whatever it said was urgent. Without wasting a moment, Lorraine turned and rushed out of the room. 


"Lady Mariette... Lady Mariette... A letter has come from your father!" Lorraine announced urgently as she stepped inside the room.

Lortell, who had been secretly licking the cup of tea Esdeath made for her, quickly hid the cup behind her back when she saw Lorraine enter. Though Lorraine noticed the odd behavior, she knew there were more pressing matters to attend to.

"Your teacher has returned from the monster subjugation mission. You have to go back to the palace!" Lorraine said quickly, her voice full of urgency.

"Tch... Lilith Maranthia," Lortell muttered, her face twisting in displeasure as if she had tasted something bitter. Just saying the name seemed to annoy her.

Lilith Maranthia, also known as the Silver Dragon and the Dragon Queen, was Lortell's tutor. In law, where everyone is forbidden from using magic or essence stones before entering the academy, 

But let's be real here...high-class nobles and royals had no such restrictions. 

They were taught these skills early on to ensure they had a significant advantage over commoners when they joined the academy.

It was a simple yet effective strategy. By the time they entered the academy, these nobles and royals were far ahead of commoners in power and skill. This created a clear divide, where low-level awakeneds, often commoners, were forced to serve the nobles, just as in society where the rich grew richer and the poor grew poorer. Commoners were little more than cannon fodder for the nobles and royals.

However, only the highest-ranked nobles dared to take such risks. Lesser nobles, like barons or marquesses, couldn't afford to get caught breaking the rules.

But Lortell was no ordinary noble. As the daughter of an arch-duke, her father had made sure she received the best training possible. He had appointed Lilith Maranthia as her tutor to ensure she could even outmatch royals if needed.


Nyx stood outside his house, worry etched on his face as he watched Lorraine and Lortell prepare to leave. "B-but it's only been a day since you came here, and you're leaving already?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Did I do something wrong? Please forgive me! Just tell me what I did wrong!" Nyx pleaded, almost ready to fall to his knees and grab Lorraine's leg, begging for mercy. From his perspective, it had only been a day since Lortell arrived, and now they were leaving so suddenly. His mind raced with worry, fearing that he had somehow offended them.

Before Nyx could kneel, Lorraine quickly stepped forward and gently stopped him. "No, no, Nyx. You haven't done anything wrong. We should be the ones apologizing. Something urgent has come up, and we have no choice but to leave. I'm really sorry," she said, her tone soothing, hoping to ease his tension.

Nyx's eyes glistened with unshed tears, but he quickly wiped them away. "Okay... It must be really important for you to leave like this. But please, make sure you come back again!" he said, his voice trembling slightly but filled with sincerity.

Lorraine nodded with a warm smile. She lifted the bags containing her and Lortell's belongings. Lortell stood beside her, her face expressionless, lost in thought. The idea of leaving without saying anything to Esdeath felt wrong to her, nagging at the back of her mind.

"I'm going to say goodbye to Esdeath. I'll be back in a few minutes," Lortell said, turning back to find Esdeath.

Lortell had already checked the room where Esdeath usually stayed, but she wasn't there. That left only one place to search—the garden. Without another word, Lortell headed in that direction, determined to find Esdeath before they left.


In the garden a young girl of six or seven with flowing black hair and striking dark red eyes, marked by multiple ring patterns, cowered on her knees. It was Esdeath. She clutched her head with small, trembling hands, as if shielding herself from an unseen threat. Her breaths came in shallow, ragged gasps, a mix of fear and resignation etched on her face.

Voices of other children pierced the air, harsh and mocking. "You can't play with us! Get the hell out of here, witch!" a boy yelled, hurling stones at her. Each rock that struck her caused a wince of pain and humiliation, but she remained silent, enduring their cruelty.

The boy was not alone; a group of children stood behind him, their faces twisted with scorn. "Yeah! Those ominous eyes and that black hair! My mama said to stay away from you as much as possible. Get the hell out of here, witch!" a girl shouted, flinging dirt at Esdeath. The gritty particles stung her eyes, forcing them shut as tears began to mix with the grime on her cheeks.

Another child joined in, his voice filled with derision. "Yeah, there won't be any prince to save you! No one's gonna marry someone like you!" His words cut deeper than any stone or dirt, lodging themselves in her heart.

Esdeath's small frame shook with silent sobs. She hugged herself tighter, seeking comfort in the only way she knew how. Her body felt cold and frail, the dirt and tears mixing on her cheeks. Just when the pain seemed unbearable, fate intervened—not in the form of a prince, but a princess.


Out of nowhere, a swift kick sent one of the rock-throwing boys sprawling. The other children froze, their eyes wide with shock, and slowly turned to see who had dared to intervene. Esdeath, too, opened her eyes slowly, squinting through her tears to see her savior.

Standing before her was a girl, perhaps a year or two older, with pale silver-white skin and hair that gleamed with hints of light grey. Her skin was as pale as Esdeath's, almost ethereal, like a vampire's. She exuded an air of beauty and charm, though in the dream, her face was obscured by sunlight, casting her features in a radiant, blinding glow, She was none other than lortell Mariette. 

"Lady Mariette" One of the children called her name, but in the haze of her dream, Esdeath couldn't hear it clearly.

"Get the hell out of here!" Lortell commanded, her voice laced with authority and anger. The children flinched, their faces paling as they realized she was someone of high status. Not a single one dared to speak or meet her gaze. Muttering in irritation, they dispersed, leaving Esdeath alone with her unexpected rescuer.

Lortell stepped forward, her movements graceful and deliberate, and extended a hand towards Esdeath. Esdeath's eyes widened in astonishment as she looked up at her savior. Hesitantly, she reached out and grasped the offered hand, feeling its warmth and strength. As she stood, the pent-up emotions overwhelmed her, and she began to cry, tears flowing from her delicate eyes and dripping onto her soft cheeks.

Esdeath's voice trembled as she spoke, her tears streaming down her face. "Y-you," she stammered, her voice choked with emotion, "You look like me too. Why doesn't anyone say anything to you? I want to play too!" Her words were filled with a deep sorrow, and her small shoulders shook with the weight of her grief.

Lortell stood quietly for a moment, watching Esdeath's pain unfold before her. Without a word, she stepped forward and wrapped Esdeath in a warm, comforting hug. "Don't worry," she whispered gently, her voice soft and calming. "When you grow up and marry a handsome prince, everyone will respect you."

But while she spoke these soothing words, Lortell's thoughts were far darker. "Hehe… Don't worry, Esdeath. I'll be that prince, and if anyone else tries to take that role, I'll just get rid of him. You'll be mine alone," she thought with a twisted sense of satisfaction.

Esdeath, her head resting on Lortell's shoulder, lifted her tear-filled eyes to meet Lortell's gaze. Her eyes shimmered like stars through her tears. "But just as they said, no one will marry me. I'll be alone forever!" she cried, her small body trembling with despair.

Lortell hugged her tighter, her embrace firm and protective. "Who said you'll be alone? You have me, right?" she murmured, her voice filled with gentle reassurance.

"Really?" Esdeath asked, a flicker of hope lighting up her tear-streaked face. "Then will you marry me when we grow up? I'll be your bride!" she declared with innocent determination.

For a moment, Lortell was taken aback, puzzled by Esdeath's proposal. But then, a charming smile spread across her face as she laughed softly. "Hahaha… Okay then. You'll be my bride, and when we grow up, I'll marry you!"

"Promise?" Esdeath asked, her voice small and hopeful, her eyes reflecting a fragile hope.

"Pinky promise!" Lortell replied warmly. She linked her pinky finger with Esdeath's, sealing their solemn vow. For a brief moment, everything seemed brighter, as if the promise had cast away the shadows of their worries.

But then, like a sudden flash of lightning, a thought struck Lortell. She remembered the promise she had made to Lorraine—not to touch Esdeath unless Esdeath accepted her first. And now, Esdeath herself had proposed to her, which meant Lorraine's promise was fulfilled. "Does this mean… Esdeath belongs to me now?" Lortell thought, a twisted sense of triumph filling her mind. "Yes, she accepted me herself. We even made a promise. Hahaha… She's officially mine now!"

Lortell's charming smile slowly twisted into an eerie grin. She leaned closer to Esdeath, her breath warm against the younger girl's ear. Her grin widened unnaturally, and her eyes gleamed with a strange, unsettling intensity.

"Now that you're my bride," she whispered, her voice low and possessive, "don't you dare look for someone else. You don't have to work out, do chores, or anything like that." Her tone was still soft, but there was a chilling edge to it that made Esdeath's heart race with unease.

"But always remember," Lortell continued, her grip tightening slightly on Esdeath's hand, "you belong to me. You are mine and mine alone."

Esdeath's heart pounded in her chest, a storm of emotions swirling inside her—relief at Lortell's acceptance, but also a deep, unsettling feeling she couldn't quite name. The mixture of warmth and dread left her feeling light-headed, her thoughts racing as she clung tightly to Lortell.

"Finally... Hahaha... Finally, I found someone who wants me and only me," Esdeath murmured, a smile slowly spreading across her face as the realization hit her. Her body began to heat up, her breaths quickening as she hugged Lortell even tighter, feeling a surge of intense emotion.

"Yes, Lady Mariette, I'm all yours. My everything belongs to you, hahaha," she confessed, her childish voice carrying a sense of devotion that contrasted sharply with the darker undertones of Lortell's intentions.

But their intimate moment was interrupted by Lorraine's voice cutting through the air. "Lady Mariette, where are you? We're getting ready to leave!" Lorraine called out, her tone laced with urgency. She had come on purpose, worried that Lortell might repeat her past actions, something Lorraine couldn't allow.

Hearing Lorraine's voice, Lortell took a step back, her face quickly returning to its usual expressionless state. "Esdeath, I'm going back to palace," she said, her voice devoid of emotion.

The words hit Esdeath like a ton of bricks, her eyes widening in shock. "W-what? It's been just a day since you came here! What about having more moments together?" she cried, tears spilling down her cheeks. "No, don't go! At least take me with you!" she pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation.

Lortell's heart twisted painfully, like someone was squeezing it. She didn't want to leave either, but she knew she had no choice. "I also don't want this, but right now, there are too many people stronger and with more authority than me," Lortell thought, her heart tightening with each word. "I have to report everything to Father, kneel before the king, deal with Lilith Maranthia and so many others. If I take you now, I won't be able to protect you from them. They won't let me do what I want."

Lortell gently placed her hand on Esdeath's shoulder, trying to reassure her despite the turmoil in her own heart. "Don't worry, I will come back for you, and when I do, I'll marry you," she promised, her voice soft yet firm.

"And by then, don't you dare forget our promise!" Lortell added, her voice turning cold and serious as she began to walk away toward Lorraine.

As she walked, Lortell's thoughts grew darker, her mind spinning with twisted plans. "I may be weak right now, but by the next time we meet, I will have both the power and authority to challenge even the king. And when that time comes, no one will question a single thing I do—whether it's making you my wife or even fucking you in public, no one will dare to object."

Lortell's eyes gleamed with a sinister light as her thoughts continued. "I didn't choose the second option and kill your parents just because of you, but don't you dare forget our promise. And when I return, if your parents try to stop us, I'll kill them, If my parents object, I'll kill them too, If the world objects I'll kill the whole world. And if you object, I'll make you a slave and buy you again just to officially become the owner of your heart and body. You have to understand, Esdeath—you belong to me!"

Finally, Lortell reached Lorraine, but before they could leave, Lortell spoke again. "Lorraine, I have another order for you. After we arrive at the palace, send some soldiers and kill all of those kids and their families who bullied my wife," 

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