Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Path An ESR

 Who is Lilith Maranthia?

Lilith Maranthia, known as the Dragon Queen Maranthia, is one of the most formidable figures in history. As a member of the legendary hero's party that fought and defeated the Demon King, her powers were second only to the hero himself.

During the epic battle against the Demon King, if one were to ask who contributed the most aside from the hero, Lilith's name would undoubtedly come first. She took on the brunt of the Demon King's attacks, shielding her comrades from harm. She poured every ounce of her power into the fight, even sacrificing half of her life force to ensure their victory. It was because of her relentless defense and unyielding spirit that the hero's party emerged victorious, with most members in good shape.

However, the victory came at a steep price. While her human, dwarf, and beastman companions succumbed to old age over time, and died. 

While Lilith, a dragon and thus an ageless being, faced the dire consequences of her sacrifices. The countless injuries inflicted by the Demon King and the severe drain on her life force had taken a toll. Her immortality was compromised, and she was now bound by age, destined to die after a certain period. Her once-mighty "S" Rank powers had diminished to an "A" Rank.

Despite this decline, Lilith's sheer experience and battle prowess made her a force to be reckoned with. Even after the hero and the rest of her party had passed, she continued to live for 200 hundred years, her skills honed to perfection. Her ability to read minds, though limited by the strength of her opponents, remained a testament to her formidable nature, Thus many people given her title of "Hidden S Rank. 

But that's not the main point,The main point is "The ability to hear Thoughts", This very ability to hear thoughts posed a significant threat to Esdeath. While Lilith's own time was limited, her daughter, Kaelith, was poised to inherit her mother's immense power and potential. Kaelith, an overpowered character in the world of Free Life Fantasy (FLF), was expected to reach the same peaks of strength and skill. One day, she too would be able to read minds, posing a dire threat to Esdeath. If Kaelith could discern Esdeath's thoughts, she would uncover every one of her plans, making Esdeath's ambitions vulnerable.

For Esdeath, eliminating Kaelith was not just a desire; it was a necessity. Lilith might eventually die, but Kaelith's potential to become an even greater force loomed large. Esdeath's survival and success hinged on removing this impending threat at any cost, ensuring that no one could ever penetrate the fortress of her mind and uncover her secrets.

Esdeath deliberately called Lilith a lolicon, not out of mere spite, but to confirm something crucial. She wanted to know if Lilith could really read minds, just like in the game. And the results were exactly what she expected.

As Lilith's reaction unfolded, Esdeath's expression remained indifferent. "So, the old hag can read minds?," she thought, mocking Lilith even more in her mind. Meanwhile, the other students, completely unaware of the mental exchange between the two, were still trying to recover from the overwhelming pressure Lilith had exerted earlier. The ones who had fainted slowly got to their feet, scratching their heads in confusion.

Lilith's expression was a volatile mix of fury and disbelief. "First she calls me a lolicon, and now an old hag? How dare she!" she fumed internally, struggling to maintain her composure. "If it weren't for the academy's rules—and the fact that she's connected to Lortell Mariette—I would have killed her long ago."

Esdeath might not have known about Lortell, but she was well aware of the academy's rules. The principal and many others knew that Lilith could read minds, which is why they had strictly prohibited her from using this ability on anyone who wasn't an immediate threat to mankind. So, what was Lilith going to do now? Claim she read Esdeath's mind only to find out she was called a lolicon? It would only be her fault for breaking the rules. This was why Esdeath was so confident, though she knew there was one loophole—"Outside the academy."

Lilith had powerful connections. If she wanted to, the moment Esdeath stepped outside the academy's boundaries, she could easily arrange for someone else to take care of her. But due to Esdeath's fortunate connection with Lortell, Lilith knew that even thinking about harming Esdeath could lead to severe consequences.

Lilith took a deep breath, trying to control her seething anger. Her voice was icy and commanding as she spoke aloud, [Be careful with your thoughts, Esdeath Crimson. I can hear them.]

Esdeath raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing at her lips. [Noted,] she replied casually, her tone almost playful, though her eyes sparkled with mischief. She was careful not to let her mind reveal that she already knew Lilith could read thoughts—why give the old hag the satisfaction?

The tension between them was thick, a blend of seriousness and underlying humor that only they could truly grasp. The other students looked on in confusion, sensing something important was happening but unable to understand the full scope of it.

Lilith finally turned her gaze away, trying to refocus. "This girl... she's more trouble than I thought," she concluded silently, realizing she would need to keep a close eye on Esdeath from now on. 

The teacher and third-year students were staring at Esdeath, clearly taken aback. This wasn't part of their plan, and they were just as dumbfounded as the rest of the class. But soon, Lilith's gaze shifted, and she adopted her usual authoritative tone.

"Ahem... Ahem... I don't think I need to introduce myself, so let's get to the point," she began, her voice filled with authority and a touch of arrogance. "You all have taken the entrance exams, but let's be real here, just because you passed doesn't mean you're qualified to be in Class A."

The room was silent as she continued, "There are going to be a few tests. The first is the affinity test. All humans have an affinity with at least one element, and many have more than one. You're all going to find out your elemental affinities. The second test is weapon selection. Our academy holds hundreds of different types of weapons, ranging from pistols to gauntlets. You have the responsibility to choose the weapon you're most comfortable with."

Lilith paused for a moment, letting her words sink in before adding, "But here's a warning: choose carefully. Once you select your weapon, you can't change it for the next six months. Your affinity and weapon will soon help you decide which path you're going to take."

The students listened intently, understanding the gravity of her words. "These two factors determine a person's path," Lilith explained. "If someone has an affinity for wind and chooses a bow, they might follow the Path of Archery. If someone has an affinity for nature and selects a wand, they could go down the healing path. There are many known and unknown paths you can take based on your affinity and weapon choice."

As Lilith spoke, the students began to grasp the significance of the upcoming tests. They weren't just random assessments; these were pivotal steps that would shape their future careers and abilities. The realization brought a spark of excitement and nervousness to their eyes. 

But soon, many of those eyes turned toward Esdeath. A quiet tension settled over the room as one of the girls leaned over to her friend and whispered, "I bet that girl will have an affinity for the dark element. She'll probably end up taking the path of Witch, or maybe an Enslavement Master, or even Mind Control!" Her voice was low, but the words carried a hint of malice, planting seeds of doubt in the others.

Another student, catching on, added with a smirk, "Yeah, you're right. This test will prove if she's somehow connected to the Demon King. And if she isn't, we'll just accuse her of being a witch and burn her alive. Hehehe..."

"Burn her alive? Like Jeanne d'Arc?" one of them asked, a wicked grin spreading across their face.

"Exactly, just like her. That's when we'll achieve true salvation!" the other replied, almost giddy at the thought.

The whispers spread like wildfire, turning the room's atmosphere dark and heavy. They weren't just talking about the tests anymore; they were scheming, imagining a twisted form of justice where they could turn their suspicions into action.

Lilith heard the whispers but didn't react. To her, it was just pointless chatter, not worth her time. Instead, she moved on to the next announcement. "And the last test," she said, her voice sharp and commanding, "is the Essence Stone Refinement Talent. We are going to assess each one of you on your ESR talent."

She continued, "The talent will be ranked into four grades: Grade D, Grade C, Grade B, and Grade A. Those who achieve a Grade A in refinement will be immediately promoted to Class A."

Her words sent a wave of shock and surprise through the room. The idea of being promoted to Class A so quickly made many of the students' eyes widen in disbelief.

But there was something else on their faces—puzzlement and confusion. Most of the noble-born students knew exactly what Lilith was talking about, including Esdeath. She understood the significance of Essence Stone Refinement. But the commoners, who had grown up in the slums and had barely seen a monster up close, were completely lost. They had no idea what Lilith was referring to.

Lilith noticed their confused expressions and couldn't hide her disappointment. Her face twisted in annoyance as she asked, "Don't tell me you don't even know what essence stones are?"

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