Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Second Place?

"Third and last thing," Sylvia announced, her voice cutting through the chatter, "is the Essence Stone Refinement Test."

The room went silent, and students gasped in surprise. A test on the first day? No one had expected that.

Sylvia opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a small, star-shaped crystal about the size of a finger. "This is a rank E Essence Stone, called Moonblade," she explained, holding the shimmering crystal up for everyone to see. "It gives you the ability to draw out a sharp crystal blade from your hand, like a knife. Each of you will take one of these stones and try to refine it."

She paused, letting the information sink in. Some students looked nervous, while others seemed eager for the challenge.

"There's no punishment if you can't refine it," Sylvia added, trying to ease the tension. "But... the first person to successfully refine the stone will earn twenty silver coins."

That announcement sent a ripple of excitement through the room. For the commoners, twenty silver coins were a small fortune. Their eyes lit up with anticipation, their excitement reaching a fever pitch. Even the wealthier students couldn't help but be interested. 

Everyone loves a chance to prove themselves, and the idea of showing they were better than the others made their competitive spirits flare up. Sylvia knew this well. The teachers wanted to see who had the most talent, who would stand out in this diverse group of students.

The room buzzed with energy, the students all mentally preparing themselves for the challenge ahead. Ethan couldn't help but glance at the star-shaped stone, already strategizing how he would approach the test.


Ethan sat cross-legged on his bed in his private room, staring intently at the star-shaped Moonblade crystal in his hand. He gripped it tightly, feeling the weight of the challenge ahead. "On the surface, it looks like those with high ESR talent have the advantage," he thought, analyzing the situation. "But in reality, they're taking the biggest risk. This is just a rank E stone, not one that needs a massive amount of mana. High aptitude students might push too hard and end up causing their stones to explode, losing their chance entirely. On the other hand, students with lower ESR talent might take longer, but they have a better shot at succeeding... that is, if this is their first time."

He considered the different levels of talent. "For normal students, it might take at least two weeks to refine this stone. B-grade students, if they do everything perfectly, could manage it in six or seven days. And the A-grade talents? They could finish in just two or three days. I remember the princess was the first to refine hers, doing it by the next evening. With her natural talent and high ESR, she won the competition," he thought, feeling a mix of admiration and curiosity.


Although even ethan didn't know that the princess is only a C-grade talent. The teachers helped her win to build her reputation.

Ethan glanced out the window, noticing that night had already fallen. The rain poured down steadily, each drop creating a soothing rhythm that washed over the scene outside. The peaceful atmosphere seemed to relax everything around it, even sparking a hint of romantic feelings in the air. Ethan couldn't help but smile, finding comfort in the serene moment.

But his thoughts soon shifted back to more serious matters. "Status," he muttered, and instantly, a holographic screen appeared in front of him, displaying information.


Name: Ethan Rothslayer

Title: Regressor  


- Strength 6  

- Stamina: 7.2  

- Speed: 6.5  

- Magic Power: 80  

Current Skills in Possession:

- Genius Hour (B) Upgradable: When activated, Strength increases by 20%, Stamina by 25%, and Speed by 30% for one hour. Cooldown: 24 hours.

- Righteous (B) Upgradable: The body slowly heals over time while fighting for a righteous cause. If near defeat, Stamina snd fatigue resets once, and pain is numbed for an hour.

- Bleeding (C): Wounds inflicted by you continue to bleed until fully healed with magic.


Ethan stared at the floating screen before him, a mix of curiosity and frustration in his eyes. "This thing... I've been able to see it ever since I regressed," he thought, trying to make sense of the mysterious system that had become a part of his life. "Who gave it to me? Why do I have it?" These questions had plagued him since the moment it first appeared, but no answers had come.

He knew one thing for certain: the system had its benefits. "It gives me skills, sometimes even rewards, when I defeat monsters," he mused, recalling the times it had proven useful. But there was still so much uncertainty. "What will it give me if I manage to defeat a demon?" The thought lingered in his mind, sparking a flicker of both excitement and apprehension.

Ethan sighed deeply, pushing aside the questions that had no immediate answers. With a thought, he dismissed the status screen, watching as it faded from view. "For now, I have to focus on what's ahead," he reminded himself, knowing that dwelling on the unknown wouldn't get him any closer to his goals.

Ethan's status screen was noticeably different from Esdeath's. She had SP (Self-worth Points) and a "job" section, things that Ethan's status lacked. But how could he know? As far as he was concerned, he was the only one with this mysterious system.

He returned to his bed, sitting cross-legged with the star-shaped Moonblade essence stone in hand. "If I start refining now, With my previous life's experience, even as a B-rank student, it'll still take me two or three days, just like the A-grade students," he sighed, feeling a bit disappointed. "But that won't be enough to win the competition."

However, he reminded himself that he didn't actually need to win. "When I topped the exam, I was rewarded with twenty silver coins. I don't need to come out on top—I just need to prove my worth as a Class A student," he thought, feeling more satisfied with his plan. Determined, he decided to spend the entire night refining the essence stone.


Just as he was about to begin, something unexpected happened. A notification flashed before him.


<If Host wants to refine an essence stone, the System can help.>

Ethan's eyes widened in surprise. "What? How?" he gasped.


<As long as the essence stone isn't of a very high rank, like A-rank, the System can refine it instantly.>

<Do you want to refine Rank E essence stone, Moonblade?>

<Yes or No?>

Ethan breathed out loudly, astonished. This was the first time he'd seen something that could refine an essence stone instantly. "Yes!" he shouted, hardly able to believe his luck.

The essence stone flew out of his hand and was absorbed into the status hologram. For a moment, panic gripped him—what if something went wrong? But just as quickly, another notification appeared.

<Refinement successful.>

As the message popped up, a shuriken-shaped tattoo appeared on Ethan's right hand, marking the successful refinement of the essence stone.

Ethan couldn't contain his excitement. A wide smile spread across his face as he thought, "Does this mean I'm the first?" 

As the thought struck him, Ethan couldn't stay still any longer. He jumped out of bed, not even bothering to grab an umbrella, and sprinted out of his room, heading straight for the academy. Reputation was everything, especially for someone like Ethan who had big plans for the future. He knew that if he could build a solid reputation and rack up some achievements, it might even lead to a promotion to nobility—a crucial step in forming a strong team to face the calamities he knew were coming.

The rain poured down heavily, soaking his clothes within moments, but Ethan didn't care. Ordinary rain wouldn't make him sick, and his determination was stronger than the discomfort. It was around 9 PM, and he was sure that Sylvia and other teachers who lived on campus would still be around, likely in their offices.

With his intimate knowledge of the academy's layout, it didn't take long for him to reach Sylvia's office. He knocked on the door, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

The door swung open, revealing Sylvia, her free-flowing hair framing her surprised face. Her yellow eyes widened as she took in Ethan's drenched appearance. "What are you doing here? Your clothes are soaking wet!"

Ethan, too excited to care about his soaked clothes, thrust his right palm forward. "Forget about that! Look at this!"

Sylvia's eyes shifted to his hand, and her shock deepened. "You... you refined the Moonblade Essence Stone?"

A proud smile spread across Ethan's face as he scratched the back of his head, ready to bask in her praise. "Does that mean I'm the firs—"

But before he could finish, Sylvia interrupted him, clapping her hands in excitement. "I can't believe it! You refined it so early despite being a B grade! Just what is happening today? First her, and now you... Anyway, congratulations on getting second place!"

Her words hit Ethan like a bucket of cold water. His smile froze, and his eyes widened in disbelief. "Second place? Second place?" he repeated, the shock clear in his voice. How could he not be the first?


Sooooo...... How many of you want predictor back? 

and if yes then, As a girl or boy? 

I actually planned to kill him forever but let's see... 

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