Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Seductivness Of An Mature Woman

Esdeath had spent the past two weeks deeply focused on improving her fighting skills. Each day, she pushed herself harder, growing more comfortable with her new female body. Every move felt smoother now, each punch and kick more precise than before. Meanwhile, Maruti, her friend, was locked in her own world, working on refining a "bronze muscle essence stone". Since Maruti had been suspended for two weeks, she used this time wisely, dedicating herself to her task without distractions.

The days passed in a steady routine. Esdeath would wake up, work out intensely, attend class, and then return to her dorm to rest and start again the next day. This pattern repeated itself like clockwork, until finally, the two weeks of Maruti's suspension came to an end.

It was now the morning before the big competition, and everyone in the classroom was on edge, feeling the excitement and tension building. Esdeath sat at her usual desk, quiet and composed as always, though her golden eyes occasionally flickered toward the classroom door. She was waiting for someone—Maruti. Today marked the end of Maruti's punishment, and Esdeath knew she would return today. 

Other students were busy chatting or preparing for the teachers to arrive, but Esdeath's attention remained elsewhere. Her thoughts swirled, wondering how Maruti had been during her suspension, whether she had succeeded in refining the stone. 

As the minutes passed, the atmosphere in the classroom settled into its usual buzz. Suddenly, the door creaked open, and instead of a teacher walking in, a figure stepped into the room.

She had an eye-catching appearance. Her fiery red hair was short and messy, with a few wild strands sticking out, giving her a rebellious yet fierce vibe. Her sharp, brownish-yellow eyes gleamed with confidence, almost as if they could pierce right through anyone. A lollipop hung lazily from her mouth, adding a playful touch to her otherwise bold and intense look.

Her school uniform hugged her figure snugly, especially around her chest, giving her a seductive and daring appearance. The white button-up shirt looked crisp and clean, but she had casually rolled up her sleeves, making her seem more laid-back and comfortable in her own skin. Over the shirt, she wore a tan sweater vest that fit perfectly against her body, and her black pleated skirt ended just above her knees, adding to her relaxed, yet stylish, look. Despite the simplicity of her outfit, there was no denying the confident and fearless aura she gave off.

As she entered the classroom, the effect was immediate. Every boy's eyes widened in surprise.

"Whoa, who's this beauty, A transfer student?" one of them whispered.

"Man, look at her chest... so big!" another added, unable to stop staring.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't look away. Even some of the girls were caught off guard by her striking appearance. A few glanced at her with envy, while others couldn't help but feel a bit jealous.

Esdeath, sitting quietly in her seat, smirked as soon as she saw the girl. She recognized her instantly. "Pftt... Predictor," she chuckled to herself, her eyes glinting with amusement. "To think you've changed this much."

Esdeath's sharp eyes took in every detail. "Her muscles have toned up, losing all that fat. And it looks like using those two bronze essence stones has even darkened her hair into this reddish-brown shade," she observed, calculating her friend's transformation with a smirk of satisfaction.

Maruti walked in confidently, ignoring the whispers around her. She didn't bother paying any attention to the curious gazes or hushed voices that followed her as she made her way to her usual seat. As soon as she sat down, one by one, the students around her finally began to realize who she was.

"Wait… Maruti? Is that really you?" one of the girls gasped, her jaw dropping in disbelief.

"Oh my gosh! It's really you! How did you change so much in just two weeks?" the same girl exclaimed, her mouth still wide open in shock.

Within moments, the whole class had gathered around Maruti, boys and girls alike. Unlike before when they teased her for her appearance, now, they couldn't stop staring, amazed by how different she looked. Esdeath, on the other hand, remained in her seat, watching silently from a distance.

Maruti could feel the pressure of everyone's eyes on her. It was almost overwhelming. "This is so frustrating…" she thought, forcing a small, uneasy smile to hide her discomfort.

Before she could lose her patience, the teacher walked into the room, immediately making everyone rush back to their seats. Even the teacher seemed caught off guard by Maruti's transformation. She stared at her for a few moments, puzzled.

"Do we have a new student in class today?" the teacher asked, still staring at Maruti with curiosity.

One of the boys quickly stood up, eager to impress. "No, ma'am! She's my friend, Maruti!" he declared, emphasizing the word 'friend' to make himself look good.

Maruti sighed inwardly, feeling annoyed by his bold claim. "Friend? Tch… pathetic," she thought to herself.

The teacher's eyes widened in surprise. "Maruti? Really? You look completely different!" she said, her voice filled with astonishment before starting the lesson.

Even though the class had begun, many of the students couldn't help but steal glances at Maruti. It was almost impossible not to. While the princess ravenna with her pink hair may have dazzled everyone with her delicate cuteness, Maruti now exuded the beauty of a mature woman, with an undeniable air of seductiveness.

A few times, Maruti noticed their eyes meeting hers. Instead of looking away, the boys seemed even more thrilled. They whispered to each other, trying to read into every little thing.

"Did you see that? She looked at me! I think she's telling me to meet her after class!" one of the boys whispered excitedly.

The chatter continued quietly, but the attention on Maruti never faded until, finally, the lessons ended for the day.

As soon as class ended, Maruti already knew what was coming. She could almost feel the stares burning into her back, and she had no interest in facing the crowd again. Without wasting a moment, she quickly stood up and hurried out of the classroom before anyone could corner her. Esdeath, still sitting at her desk, smirked, amused by the whole situation. Watching Maruti flee from her admirers felt like some sort of comedy drama, but Esdeath felt no need to chase after her. 

With her head resting lazily on the desk, Esdeath let out a small sigh. There wasn't much to do right now, except wait for tomorrow's qualification round for the upcoming competition. That was all that mattered—being selected. She would do whatever it took to make sure she stood out and advanced.

Boredom started creeping in as she leaned down, still resting her head on the desk. Even though she felt restless, she didn't want to move. Silence filled the classroom, and Esdeath allowed herself to enjoy the quiet—until voices from outside interrupted her peace.

"What? You want to be like Lortell Mariette? Why her, out of all people?" A boy's sharp voice cut through the air, his tone filled with arrogance.

"Why not? She's the youngest person to become an S-Rank and the Third Division Commander! Who wouldn't want to be like her?" a girl argued back, her voice heated.

"Huh, so what?" The boy's tone turned bolder. "I'll surpass her, no problem. And you know what? Other than her, there's only one other woman in her whole division. The rest are top-level criminals—men who don't listen to anyone except her."

The boy scoffed loudly, and his voice took on a nastier edge. "Who knows what kind of dirty things she's been doing to make those criminals follow her orders? That slut…"

Esdeath's entire body tensed as the last word reached her ears. Something inside her snapped. Her eyes shot open, glowing with a fierce red light, the rings in her irises spinning rapidly. Her lips twisted into a bitter, disgusted expression, as though she had just tasted something vile. 

"Who said that?" she muttered, her voice dripping with fury. "Who dares to talk about my Lortell like that?"

Her anger surged, and without realizing it, her sharp nails dug into the desk, tearing into the wood. She stood up abruptly, the chair scraping against the floor as she stormed out of the classroom to find the source of those filthy words. 

Luckily, she didn't have to look far. There, in the hallway, were Corin and Emma, walking away as if nothing had happened. 

Esdeath's eyes narrowed, but instead of calming down, her rage twisted into something darker. A wide grin spread across her face as her yandere nature took over. She didn't sigh or relax like a normal person would. No, instead, she let out a low chuckle, which soon turned into uncontrollable laughter echoing through the academy halls.

"Hehehe… Hahahaha…"

The students passing by couldn't help but feel uneasy as they glanced at her, wondering what had made her laugh so maniacally.

"Corin…" Esdeath whispered to herself, her voice laced with venom. "I'll make you eat those words."


This is picture of predictor btw..... What do you think? 

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