Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

This Girl Is Just Too Shameless

Mirael squinted, his curiosity piqued. His gaze flicked down to the nameplate hanging around her neck, and he read it aloud, with a touch of disbelief. "Class B, Rank 6... Esdeath Crimson?"

Before he could dwell on it, one of the delinquent girls snickered, crossing her arms as her gaze swept over Esdeath. "Oh, please. You think you're something special?" She eyed Esdeath's tattoos and unconventional outfit, a smirk tugging at her lips. "And those tattoos? Trying to be like us? Pathetic." Her tone dripped with mockery.

Mirael stepped forward, closing the distance between him and Esdeath, his gaze boldly sweeping over her. "Seems like someone needs to be taught what happens when they don't follow orders." His eyes lingered on her chest, tracing the lines of her form with a sinister glint in his eye.

Esdeath stood tall, her expression calm, despite the tension building in the air.

"Take off your shirt," Mirael ordered with a twisted grin, his voice laced with arrogance. "Let everyone see what's underneath."

A shocked gasp rippled through the crowd, first-year girls covering their mouths in disbelief, while even the boys shifted uneasily. The tension was thick, everyone expecting Esdeath to back down.

"Okay," Esdeath said simply, her voice smooth, not a hint of hesitation.

"What?" Mirael blinked, clearly not expecting such compliance.

Before anyone could react, Esdeath swiftly raised her hands and ripped open her shirt, sending the buttons flying in all directions. Her bra, toned stomach, and the intricate tattoos snaking across her neck and midriff were now exposed, shocking the crowd with both their boldness and beauty.

"She really did it... does she not know fear?" a first-year girl whispered in awe, her eyes wide as she stared at Esdeath.

For a brief moment, Mirael's smug expression faltered, his eyes widening in surprise. But just as quickly, an evil smirk crept back onto his face. "Well, well... I didn't expect this," he said, his voice low and taunting. "Maybe you're a masochist. Do you like being humiliated like this?" He chuckled darkly. "I bet you'd enjoy being ravaged in front of everyone."

He stepped closer, his hand reaching out toward Esdeath's chest, his intentions clear. The air was thick with tension, but no one dared to move or speak.

Just as his hand was about to make contact, Esdeath's arm shot up, her fingers wrapping around his wrist with a firm grip, stopping him cold. Mirael froze.

A small smile played on Esdeath's lips as she held his gaze, her voice soft but full of conviction. "Now, that's enough. You've made my job easier." Her grip tightened ever so slightly. 

The room fell eerily silent, the tension so thick it was suffocating. Then, a loud, piercing scream shattered the stillness.

"Ahhhhhhhh… Help me! Someone, please!" Esdeath's voice rang out, filled with sheer panic. Her expression transformed in an instant—gone was the calm, confident girl from moments before. Now, she looked terrified, like a helpless woman being chased by her worst nightmare.

Without a second thought, she let go of Mirael's hand and bolted toward the door, her feet pounding against the ground. Her face was twisted in fear, her eyes wide with panic as she frantically glanced around. "They're trying to rape me! Help me, please!" Her cries echoed off the walls, each one more desperate than the last, as if she genuinely believed her life was in danger.

The sudden shift in Esdeath's demeanor had everyone stunned, their eyes following her as she made a dash for the exit. Her posture, her voice—everything about her screamed vulnerability. 

But Mirael wasn't fooled. Realization dawned on him as he cursed under his breath. "Don't just stand there! Stop her!" he barked at his lackeys while breaking into a run himself. He knew what she was trying to do.

Esdeath was already nearing the door, her hand outstretched toward the exit, freedom just a few steps away. But then Mirael's voice boomed, "Vertical Charge Essence!" Golden light flared from his feet, and in an instant, he closed the gap between them as if he had teleported.

Before Esdeath could react, he grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her backward with brutal force. She stumbled, her escape halted in an instant. "You shameless little bitch," Mirael growled, his voice low and dangerous as he pulled her closer. His grip on her hair tightened. "Do you even know what you were trying to pull?" He hissed, anger flashing in his eyes.

Mirael's bluff seemed to deepen as he spoke, his voice dripping with false confidence. "You think you're the first to challenge us? We've crushed others before, sent their families into poverty. Yours will be next. You'll all be humiliated. No one will ever want to help you again."

He sneered, clearly enjoying the moment, believing that Esdeath would crumble under his threat. But what he didn't anticipate was the way Esdeath's eyes subtly flickered, already calculating how to respond. She had dealt with worse threats before.

Suddenly, Mirael's grin faltered when he noticed tears welling up in Esdeath's eyes. Real, glistening tears streamed down her cheeks as she let out soft sobs, her shoulders trembling.

"Sob... sob... My family..." Her voice wavered, sounding fragile, vulnerable, but also oddly rehearsed. "My father... he bought a mansion with everything we had... now we're drowning in debt. Even if you don't do anything... we're going to lose it all soon. We'll end up living in the slums anyway."

Her voice cracked, filled with despair, and her sobs grew louder. Tears dripped down her face, painting a heartbreaking picture of hopelessness. For a moment, everyone stood still, unsure of how to react to the sudden emotional outburst.

The first-year students watching started to shift uncomfortably, exchanging glances as Esdeath's words struck a chord. Even Mirael's confidence wavered for a brief second, stunned by the sudden flood of emotion. He blinked, unsure if this was genuine or some sort of trick. 

Esdeath's lips twisted into a smirk as she wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks, her eyes hardening with sudden resolve. "Yes, that's it," she declared, her voice louder now, carrying a weight of finality. "It would be better if I just go and tell everyone that you tried to ravage me!" Her tone was sharp, almost mocking, as if daring Mirael to challenge her.

Mirael's confident grin faltered. A bead of sweat appeared on his forehead, trickling down as reality set in. His mind raced. "One can't blackmail someone who has nothing to lose,"he thought, his panic rising. Esdeath, with her defeated act earlier, seemed to be a person who had already lost everything. And here, in the academy, where secrets rarely stayed hidden, killing someone without consequences was impossible. There were always eyes watching.

Realizing he had no easy way out, Mirael's lips twitched into a nervous chuckle. He released Esdeath's hair and stepped back, trying to regain some semblance of control. "Fine," he sneered, masking his fear with false bravado. "Go ahead, tell everyone. But how exactly are you going to prove we tried to hurt you?"

He thought he had won, but he couldn't have been more wrong. Esdeath's eyes gleamed with something darker, more sinister, as she reached into the waistband of her skirt. Slowly, she pulled out a small photo, holding it between her fingers like a weapon.

"Of course I have proof," she said, her voice dripping with satisfaction.

Mirael's eyes widened in shock. His gaze locked onto the photo in her hand, and the color drained from his face. It was a photo-audio magic, the kind of magical photo that could never be edited or altered, capturing real events as they happened. No lies. No tricks. Inside the photo was a perfectly timed snapshot of the earlier moment—his hand, just inches away from Esdeath's chest. The angle was damning, making it appear as though he was moments away from actually touching her chest. 


Esdeath's voice broke through his horrified daze, her expression shifting from feigned helplessness to a grin filled with menace. "I wonder what will happen if I show them this?" Her words were slow, deliberate, as she waved the incriminating photo in front of him.

Mirael's thoughts spiraled into panic. "This bitch… she was playing with us from the start…"He cursed inwardly, realizing far too late that Esdeath had controlled the situation all along. She wasn't the victim here—he was. And now, she held all the power.   

But still mirael wasn't someone to back down, Now only thing remained–Negotiation.

Mirael took a deep breath, regaining his composure as he looked at Esdeath. "Fine,"he sighed, trying to sound reasonable. "What do you want? You want to be free? You're free to go, none of us will bother you again."His voice carried a hint of defeat as he gave up on trying to control the situation.

But Esdeath only chuckled, her eyes narrowing with a mocking gleam. "Like hell that would be enough!" she spat, her tone dripping with amusement.

Mirael rubbed his forehead, feeling frustration mounting. "Do you want to be a hero by saving them? Fine! We'll let all of the first years go. Just hand over that photo."He gestured impatiently, hoping to settle this quickly.

The delinquent girl standing beside Mirael was caught off guard, her mouth hanging open as she tried to speak, but no words came out. Meanwhile, the first-year students exchanged relieved smiles, thinking they might finally escape this nightmare.

But just as hope flickered in their hearts, Esdeath shattered it with her next words. "Let them go? Why?"she asked coldly, her expression as indifferent as ever. "What I really want is you to bully them."

Mirael blinked in confusion. "What?" He couldn't quite process what she was saying.

Esdeath leaned in slightly, her smirk widening. "You heard me. I know you all take money from these first years so they won't get bullied, right? I want 50% of that income."

"50%?" Mirael's mind raced, disbelief and anger flashing across his face.

 "This girl is getting out of control." Before he could react, the delinquent girl, seething with rage, charged forward.

"Let me handle her," the delinquent girl muttered, her anger boiling over. She thought she could easily handle Esdeath, but as she raised her hand to slap her, Esdeath moved faster. With lightning speed, she pulled out a gun and shoved it into the delinquent girl's mouth, forcing her jaw open wide.

Esdeath's voice was icy, her gaze chilling as she pushed the gun further into the girl's mouth. "I bet you have a defensive essence stone outside your body," she said, her voice calm and deadly. "But what happens if I shoot you from the inside?"She pushed the gun upward, the barrel pressing against the girl's mouth. "Do you want a bullet in your brain?" Then, she lowered the gun slightly. "Or would you prefer it to exit through your ass?"Esdeath's eyes glowed menacingly, rings shapes swirling in her irises, giving her a terrifying creepy stare.

The girl, however, chuckled through her fear. "Ha... we're in the academy. I bet you won't do it!" she said, trying to sound brave.

But Esdeath's confidence didn't waver. "And I bet I will,"she whispered, her voice low and dangerous. "Move even a little, and I'll shoot." The confidence in her voice made even the delinquent girl doubt herself, her bravado faltering.

Mirael's heart raced. "If what she's saying is true, she might actually shoot," he thought, panic creeping in. "She's got nothing to lose, she's backed into a corner. But me? If this gets out, and a complaint is registered, all my past wrongdoings will come to light. I'm screwed!"

Before the situation could escalate any further, Mirael grabbed the delinquent girl's arm and yanked her back. 


The sound echoed in the room as he slapped her hard across the face, the force of it leaving a red mark on her cheek.

"You idiot!" Mirael growled, his anger boiling over. "When two people are negotiating, the third one should stay out of it!" He glared at her, all the frustration he had bottled up now directed at the girl.

Mirael clenched his fists, trying to maintain his composure. "Fine. I accept your proposal,** but this matter better not leave this court." He turned towards Esdeath, hoping to get this over with.

Esdeath's expression completely changed. The helpless look she had earlier was now gone, replaced with a sly smile. "You can count on me."

"... "

"....!!!! "

An awkward silence fell between them, the tension growing as they stared at each other for a few seconds. Finally, Mirael broke the stillness. "Why are you still here?" he asked, his frustration evident.

Esdeath raised an eyebrow, her confidence growing. "Oh, I'm not done yet." She pointed to her exposed chest, where her shirt had been torn. "You made me ripped my clothes, remember? So, who's going to compensate me for that?"

Mirael groaned, rubbing his temples in annoyance. "Alright, alright... how much do you want? Two bronze coins?" He shrugged, clearly trying to dismiss it as unimportant.

Esdeath's smile widened. "Ten silver coins."

"Ten silver?!" Mirael's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Now you're pushing it, Esdeath!" His irritation was building.

Esdeath didn't back down, her tone turning sharp. "Oh? So, you'd rather I walk outside naked then? No need for a photo at that point; the whole academy will know what you did!" She crossed her arms, daring him to argue.

Mirael's thoughts raced, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. "She's not even afraid of going outside naked... this girl is just too shameless." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pouch. With a heavy sigh, he counted out ten silver coins and handed them to her.

Esdeath beamed as she pocketed the money. "Pleasure doing business with you. See you around!" She turned and strolled out of the basketball court, as if nothing had happened.

As she walked away, she glanced at the coins in her hand, smirking to herself. "I was surprised when I first saw them. These idiots were supposed to show up during Claus Clandestine's villainess arc, but hey, I'm not complaining. Extra cash is always welcome!"

She chuckled at the thought, shaking her head."And those first years? Please. Why should I save them? I'm not some hero. When the villainess arc kicks off, Ethan will swoop in, beat these guys up, and save the day. Why should I bother?"


I had very important question, Is this story is going slow? 

like it's been about 40 chapter but out mc hasn't fought with anyone and I made lortell go on a mission..... 

well I had to do that, Or else if lortell was here at start the story would have stuck at one place. 

but if you want I can fast the story a little by cutting off few scenes and making lortell come back 15 days early?.....

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