Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

You Just Smiled, Didn’t You?

"The only thing I see in you is pain," Esdeath said quietly, her voice gentle but firm. Her eyes, filled with sincerity, locked onto Lortell's. "So much pain."

She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her words. "I know that having so much power isn't easy. It's more suffocating than being just an ordinary person. And your powers—they're on a whole different level. Add your status on top of that, and it's like you're buried under a mountain of responsibilities. Everyone expects you to act a certain way, to do this, to do that, and you're left with almost no freedom at all."

Esdeath paused for a moment, letting her words sink in. She knew she was speaking the truth, and she could see that truth reflected in Lortell's eyes. "And I can only imagine how hard it must be for you. Maybe not in front of you, but behind your back, people must say terrible things. They don't understand you. They judge you, criticize you, and that has to hurt."

She could see the impact her words were having. Lortell's expression hadn't changed, but Esdeath knew she had hit a nerve. "And that's why, without even realizing it, you decided to play the role of an emotionless doll. But that was the worst choice you could have made!" Esdeath's eyes locked onto Lortell's like a magnet, her gaze intense and unyielding. She wasn't going to stop until she got through to her.

Esdeath turned away, showing her back to Lortell, her voice calm but carrying a deep wisdom. "To forget pain, you don't need to abandon all your emotions or cut off all your attachments. A person without emotions is nothing but a lifeless corpse. Being strong doesn't mean you should push away what you feel. Instead, you should take control of your emotions."

She paused, gathering her thoughts, then continued with a sense of determination in her voice. "Use your will to do what you want. At first, your emotions might resist. They'll try to pull you back into your old habits, making you feel lazy, desperate to return to what's familiar. But in the end, they will have to submit to you, kneeling before you, because you are their master."

Esdeath finally turned back to face Lortell, a bright, confident smile lighting up her face. She raised her hand, showing a victory sign with her fingers. "In short, what I'm telling you is, just do whatever the fuck you want, but do it with a smile."

Lortell stood up abruptly, her face twisting with irritation. "I've had enough of your nonsense!" she snapped, her voice sharp as she hurried to leave.

But instead of being annoyed or discouraged, Esdeath let out a light chuckle. "I knew it," she said, her tone playful yet confident. "Just now, you felt two emotions—irritation and annoyance—from being lectured by some random girl!" Her words echoed through the room as Lortell ignored them, storming out without looking back.

As Lortell walked away, Esdeath called out after her, her voice ringing with determination. "I'm not giving up! I'll make you smile someday, just you wait!"

Later, in the quiet atmosphere of Nyx's house, Lortell found herself lost in thought. She turned to Lorraine, her voice soft but tinged with uncertainty. "Lorraine, do I look like someone who's in pain?"

Lorraine was caught off guard by the sudden question. "W-what? No! Of course not!" she stammered, responding quickly without even thinking it through. Lortell seemed a bit more satisfied with that answer, and she returned to her room, trying to push the lingering doubts from her mind.

But it didn't take long for Esdeath to show up again. It was as if she was completely determined, almost relentless. She entered Lortell's room without hesitation, starting another conversation, then another, and another. She wouldn't leave Lortell alone.

Esdeath began taking Lortell on walks, dragging her outside even when Lortell seemed disinterested. She made her play games, even if it was just for a little while. It wasn't much, but it was something. 

The first day passed, and the second day came, with Esdeath repeating the same cycle over and over. She took Lortell to quiet, nature-filled places, slowly but surely trying to reach into her heart. They would sit under the shade of trees, listening to the wind rustling through the leaves, or by a gentle stream, where the water's soft murmur seemed to ease some of the tension in Lortell's mind.

As the days passed, Esdeath's persistence began to wear down Lortell's defenses. Sometimes, Lortell found herself thinking, "What am I even doing here with this kid?" The thought annoyed her, but she couldn't deny that something was shifting inside her, little by little.

A week went by like this, with Esdeath never missing a day. Finally, on the seventh day, Lortell felt the need to speak, to break the silence with something that had been on her mind. She looked at Esdeath, who was still as energetic and talkative as ever, and asked, "Since you talk so much, what's your purpose in life?"

Esdeath immediately flashed a bright smile, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Of course, I know! My purpose in life is to find someone who truly wants me!" she declared with confidence, her voice filled with excitement.

Lortell blinked in confusion, taken aback by the suddenness of Esdeath's answer. For a moment, she couldn't quite grasp what Esdeath meant. "Don't your parents want you too?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Esdeath let out an exaggerated sigh, slapping her forehead in mock frustration. "Tch… Tch… Tch, Lady mariette, you really don't get it, do you? Love isn't something you can understand so easily," she said, shaking her head. She then looked up at the sky, her expression softening as she spoke more seriously. "I told you that you should have control over your emotions, but there's one emotion that you can't control, no matter how hard you try. It just keeps growing stronger and stronger every day."

Lortell watched her closely, her eyes narrowing slightly as she tried to keep up with Esdeath's train of thought. "And what emotion is that?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"It's called love!" Esdeath exclaimed, her smile widening into a cute, charming grin. She turned to face Lortell, her expression so earnest that it made Lortell's heart skip a beat. "Love isn't something you should try to restrain. Let it flow, not like a gentle river but like a powerful tsunami. Let it consume you, fall into obsession, and do everything you can to win that person's heart." She extended her hand, clenching it tightly against her chest as if holding onto something precious.

"I want to fall in love too," Esdeath continued, her voice now softer but filled with longing. "With someone who truly wants me and me only. And when I find that person, I'll give that person everything I have. I'll stop making friends with others who might try to take me away. I'll become that person's bride, and nothing else in the world will matter to me."

Lortell felt a strange mix of emotions as she listened to Esdeath's passionate words. A younger girl like Esdeath, already so sure of what she wanted in life, made her feel a twinge of disappointment in herself. "Even a girl younger than me has a purpose in life," Lortell thought, a slight frown crossing her face.

As the day passed and night fell, Lortell found herself lying in bed, unable to sleep. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Esdeath—her words, her smile, her unshakeable determination. She couldn't stop thinking about her, couldn't understand why Esdeath had such a strong effect on her. Or maybe it was because Esdeath seemed to understand her more than she understood herself.

Lortell tossed and turned in bed, her mind racing with thoughts she couldn't control. She paced back and forth, restless and frustrated. All she could think about was the next day, when Esdeath would come back to disturb her again. And despite herself, she found that she was actually looking forward to it.


The night seemed to stretch on forever, with each passing minute feeling like an eternity. Finally, the first light of dawn broke through the darkness, signaling the start of a new day. Lortell sat up in bed, her heart beating a little faster than usual. She was waiting for Esdeath, her mind filled with anticipation. But as the minutes ticked by, Esdeath still hadn't shown up.

"Why isn't she here yet? Did something happen to her?" Thoughts of worry began to creep into Lortell's mind, even though Esdeath was only a few minutes late.

Unable to sit still, Lortell stood up, her worry growing with each passing moment. She began pacing back and forth in her room, her steps quick and restless. After several rounds, she couldn't bear it any longer. She decided to go and look for Esdeath herself.

But just as her hand reached for the door, it suddenly swung open. Esdeath stepped inside, holding a tray with a cup of tea, a mischievous grin spreading across her face as she noticed Lortell's anxious expression. "Were you waiting for me?" Esdeath teased, her tone light and mocking.

Lortell quickly turned her gaze away, trying to hide the relief that washed over her. "No way! I was just waiting for my tea," she replied, her voice tinged with a tsundere-like tone as she tried to mask her true feelings.

In her hurry to cover up her embarrassment, Lortell snatched the teacup from the tray and took a big sip, drinking it all in one go. A few drops escaped her lips, trailing down her chin. 

Esdeath, noticing the mess, leaned in close. "Bend down a little," she instructed softly. As Lortell obeyed, Esdeath gently wiped the stray droplets from her mouth with a soft handkerchief. Their faces were only inches apart, close enough that they could feel each other's breath. Both girls had striking red eyes, juicy glowing lips, and pale, vampire-like skin, their similarities making them look like two halves of the same coin.

For a brief moment, the world seemed to stop as they stared at each other, but then reality snapped back into focus, and both girls quickly pulled away, feeling a strange mix of emotions. Esdeath, always quick to recover, decided to change the subject.

"I'm sorry I took so long," Esdeath said as she led Lortell to a large tree surrounded by a peaceful field. They sat down in the shade, the cool breeze rustling the leaves above them. There was a glint of excitement in Esdeath's eyes, and she couldn't hold back her happiness any longer. 

"Ahem, I took some extra time because I was working on something important," she began, her voice tinged with anticipation. "Today, I came up with a foolproof way to make you smile!" She nodded to herself, her eyes closed, a mischievous grin on her lips as if she were congratulating herself on her cleverness.

Lortell raised an eyebrow, still skeptical but curious. "Oh? And what's that?" she asked, trying to keep her tone casual.

Esdeath hopped onto the ground under the large tree, patting the spot next to her. "Here, sit down and get comfortable," she instructed, and Lortell, despite her usual guarded nature, followed without questioning.

"Now, close your eyes," Esdeath continued, her voice softening. "Think about the person who makes you happiest, the most important person in your life."

Lortell hesitated, confusion flickering across her face. "How am I supposed to know who's important to me?" she asked, her tone genuinely puzzled.

Esdeath let out a small sigh, her patience unwavering. "Don't overthink it. Just let your mind wander. Focus on the word 'important' and see where it takes you," she explained gently.

Lortell nodded and closed her eyes, her mind trying to focus. Seconds turned into minutes, and when she finally opened her eyes, she looked even more confused than before. "I don't think it's working," she admitted, scratching her head. "All I keep seeing is your face."

Esdeath's eyes widened slightly, and for once, she found herself at a loss for words. "Is it because you're right in front of me?" Lortell asked, her voice uncertain as she tried to make sense of it.

But Esdeath remained silent, her usual quick wit failing her for once. She slowly stood up from the ground, turning toward the way she came from. Lortell watched her, confused by the sudden shift in mood. Esdeath walked few steps but didn't leave. Instead, she turned back, her cheeks flushed with a deep, rosy hue, and her forehead slightly shiny with nervous sweat.

With a pouty expression that looked almost childish, Esdeath finally broke the silence, her voice tinged with mock annoyance. "Lady a pervert!" she declared, puffing her cheeks like an adorable yet irritated child.

A small, involuntary laugh escaped from Lortell's lips, a soft "Pffttt..." that she immediately regretted. But it was too late; Esdeath had caught it. 

The moment Esdeath heard that little laugh, all her previous annoyance melted away. Her eyes lit up with excitement, and a wide, triumphant smile spread across her face. She pointed directly at Lortell, her voice full of delight. "You just smiled, didn't you?"


Lortell's eyes widened in panic. She quickly tried to regain her composure, forcing her expression back into its usual stoic mask. "Nope, it was just your imagination," 

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