Reborn as Hokage, I am actually a god

Chapter 297 The Three Windrunner Sisters

"Sister Liya, this world is so weird!" Aping's voice sounded faintly behind Liya.

"Yes! It's more colorful, grand, and tolerant than any other world. I've already sensed the existence of countless others no less than myself!" Leah turned around and looked at her brother with a faint smile.

"Yes! It's very dangerous, but I believe we will soon become stronger in this world!" Aping nodded cautiously.

After that, the priests began to use local materials to build temporary bridgeheads. Large tracts of trees were bulldozed, and military buildings were quickly erected. Space rockets began to launch towards the starry sky of this world as if they were free of money. .

The three Fengxing sisters who were patrolling the forest of Quel'Thalas all looked seriously at the spectacle that appeared for the first time in this world not far away, meteors flying retrogradely into the sky.

"Sister, what happened over there?" Three soft and graceful figures, like grass stopped suddenly in the wind, gently stopped on a big tree, staring wide-eyed at the incredible thing happening under the night. scene.

Among them, he has a fit figure and is dressed in forest green. Over a pure white shirt, he wears light armor with flower gates. He wears shorts that reveal half of his legs, and is tightly wrapped from the knees down by a pair of long boots. , a green cloak on her head covered her dazzling blond hair, and she carried a long bow and a quiver full of arrows behind her back.

He was looking at the sky in the distance with a curious look on his face, and asked the female elf next to him who had almost the same figure and face, but was slightly mature but full of wild and exotic style.

"Who knew? It's rare to encounter such an interesting thing. Let's go over and have a look!"

"Isn't this good! Sister, we are on patrol now. If we leave our posts without permission, those old guys from the council will take this matter against us again!" the youngest one said with a slight hesitation.

"Vereesa, when did you become such a good boy? We are Windrunners. The wind must be free. How can we be restrained by those dirty members of the Parliament?" Sylvanas carrying a bow and arrows , pulled the younger sister behind him and joked playfully.

"Sister, please come and say something fair. Are we just worried that those congressmen will say ugly things again?" Wen Leisha said unconvincedly as he stamped his feet.

"Haha, life for hundreds of years is too boring. It's rare to encounter such an interesting thing. How can we let it go? Even if the old guys in the council know about it, as high ranger generals, we don't listen. What else can they do to us? Way. Besides, we went over to investigate the enemy's situation, even though we were outside the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas." Finally, Alleria, the eldest Windrunner sister, spoke, looking into the distance with a hint of excitement in her eyes.

"Let's go!" The three sisters no longer hesitated. Their figures turned into a blur and disappeared in place. They kept jumping in the forest. Their speed was as fast as the galloping wind, but they made no sound, blending with the entire forest. As one body.

At this time, various large-scale equipment of the priests continued to pour out from the black hole exit, and hundreds of thousands of people started working quickly, making the entire forest start to become restless. The weak monsters sensed the danger and continued to move towards this. Fleeing outside the area, the demonic beasts claiming to be powerful all had violent red eyes, exuding a ferocious aura, and were about to tear the outsiders into pieces and eat up their flesh and blood.

However, with the close cooperation of the clergy, each one quickly died down and turned into a dinner for the clergy.

The three Feng Xing sisters looked at all this with shocked expressions in their eyes. What they saw in front of them was almost completely something they had never seen before. Those people wearing silver armor used sophisticated weapons.

Not to mention the weapon in his hand, which is as sharp as iron, but the armor. The most ferocious beast in the forest only hit a small piece of it suddenly, and those huge instruments that pushed the entire forest. The three of them simply looked at it. Dazzled.

"Sister, is this the goblin tribe? But when did those rags of goblins become so powerful?" Sylvanas opened her mouth slightly, and the look of horror in her eyes could not be dissipated for a long time. .

Alleria suppressed the fear in her heart and shook her head, "Judging from the size, it can't be a goblin."

"Could it be humans!" Wen Leisha exclaimed slightly, "But with the current decadence of the seven human kingdoms, how could there be such an elite army? The strength of each of these people is comparable to the most elite in the Windrunner family. Rangers, not to mention those weird moves and weapons."

Speaking of this, Wen Leisha couldn't help but feel numb. Could it be that humans were secretly hiding their strength and preparing to break the peace covenant and start a war with the elves.

"We must go back as soon as possible to report the situation here to the Sun King and prepare war defenses as soon as possible." Alleria frowned and lowered her voice to her two sisters.

Sylvanas and Vereesa nodded quickly.

However, just when the three of them turned around and were about to leave, they found that they had been surrounded by the priests for some time.

The three people immediately took out their weapons and looked alert.

However, just when the three of them were about to take action, they saw the strange soldiers in front of them make an opening, and a mysterious man who was different from most of the silver-armored soldiers, wearing golden armor and a red cloak, walked over.

"Hello, three beautiful ladies, please don't do anything yet. We have no hostility."

The three of Alleria listened to the strange pronunciation, but unexpectedly understood the words. They still looked very wary. The man in front of them put a lot of pressure on them. Although they may not be able to beat them, he was definitely a master of the same level. .

"Who are you!" Alleria asked in a deep voice, still clutching the dagger tightly in her hand.

The man in golden armor slightly raised his hand to his neck.

The three Fengxing sisters immediately became vigilant, their green eyes revealing a strong murderous aura.

However, the golden helmet of the mysterious man was like a ball of liquid, slowly sliding off, revealing black hair and black eyes. His face was different from that of humans in Azeroth. Compared with humans from the Seven Kingdoms of Humanity, the skin of the man in front of him was... It is more delicate, the appearance is softer, and it is also more in line with the aesthetics of elves.

"This is..." The three sisters were so surprised that they were speechless. Could it be that a new race had appeared in Azeroth.

"Three ladies, we are the followers of the Holy Light. We are here just to find out the doubts of the gods. We are not here to fight with you. If possible, we would rather have friendly exchanges with you."

The gentle and gentle attitude greatly reduced the vigilance of the three Fengxing sisters, but they did not completely let go.

"I don't know why you came to Quel'Thalas Forest. This is the border forest of Quel'Thalas." Alleria asked tentatively.

"Can I say that we came here by accident?" He Xia spread his hands helplessly.

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