Reborn as Hokage, I am actually a god

Chapter 300 The Arrogance of High Elves

Looking at Leah's deep and sincere eyes, incredulity and incomprehension filled the hearts of the three Fengxing sisters. No moment made them feel more ridiculous than now.

A being that was stronger than they knew yet kept saying that he was a human being.

What is the human race? It is just an inferior race raised by high elves. Although it is a bit exaggerated to say this, it is undeniable that in front of the high elves with powerful arcana, even the most powerful guardian mage of mankind is nothing more than that. .

The three Fengxing sisters calmed down and no longer struggled with this issue. Since others kept saying that they were human beings, what qualifications did they and others have to refute.

The most important thing is to figure out what this powerful and mysterious being is doing at the edge of Quel'Thalas Forest!

"Okay! Your Majesty Pope Leia, I wonder why your religion came to the border of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas?" Alleria asked with a straightened expression. As the boss of the Fengxing clan, she must understand all this. He will never allow anyone to harm the country she loves.

"Do you think we will invade your country? You can rest assured on this. Our Holy Church never takes the initiative to invade other countries. If possible, we can even help you develop your country, but the premise is that you cannot prevent the people of your country from taking the initiative. If you believe in the Holy Light, we will not force anyone to believe in our gods.”

Leah said calmly.

"This is impossible!" Alleria directly refused, "We high elves have our own beliefs!"

Leah paused slightly, "Okay! We will not force any race on the matter of faith. In this case, you can go back! We also welcome the elves to continue friendly exchanges with us."

"Are you kidding us?" Alleria's emerald green eyes narrowed slightly and she looked at Leah with a gloomy expression.

Leah looked directly at the three Fengxing sisters calmly, "This land is an unclaimed land."

The three Fengxing sisters nodded silently.

"In that case, what's the problem if our church establishes a temporary base here?" Facing Leah's question, the three Fengxing sisters didn't know how to answer.


"Okay! Everyone, our Holy Church is not your enemy, but please don't regard us as enemies, otherwise it will be a very terrible thing. I reiterate again, the Holy Church will not take the initiative to invade your country. Unless a situation arises, the Holy Church will intervene." Leia decisively interrupted Alleria who wanted to continue speaking, and said calmly.

"What's going on!" Alleria clenched her fists and asked nervously. If such a powerful enemy becomes the enemy of the elves, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for all high elves.

"That means the people of your country have abandoned your own leaders and actively sought the protection of the Holy Church. In this way, the Holy Church will take action without hesitation." Lia Wan'er said with a smile.

"It's ridiculous! How could the elves take the initiative to abandon their country!" Sylvanas stood up and denied with an angry look on her face and waved her hand.

"Haha, don't confuse the country with its rulers. Sometimes the interests of the country's rulers are not consistent with those of the country. After all, how can the meat-eaters at the top understand what the people at the bottom need?"

Leah glanced at Sylvanas with amusement. The three sisters looked really alike, except that one was smaller than the other.

"Hmph! The elves of Quel'Thalas will not betray their king." Sylvanas snorted lightly, with a confident light shining in her eyes.

"I hope so! It's late at night, please come back!" Leah stopped arguing and made a gesture of invitation.

He Xia who was on the side walked over quickly, bowed slightly towards Lia, and then walked out the door with the three Feng Xing sisters who wanted to say something else.

Alleria felt a little unwilling to accept that such a powerful neighbor appeared on the border of Quel'Thalas, and she didn't know whether it would become a disaster for the high elves in the future.

After leaving the temporary base of the temple, the three Fengxing sisters quickly shuttled through the forest. The expressions of the three of them were no longer as relaxed as when they first came. They had to go back quickly to tell the Sun King and Silver what happened in the border forest of Quel'sas. Monthly Parliament.

At this time, a high elf who has been unable to maintain peace for a long time will fall into a devastating war.

In the dazzling hall, thousands of magic lights illuminated the hall like daylight. The three Fengxing sisters knelt on one knee and bowed their heads, looking towards the Sun King Anastrian, who was sitting on the throne of the Sun Temple on the nine-level stairs. Reporting on the information I saw tonight.

Anastrian, who looked slightly older, lay on the golden throne in a very casual posture, holding his head with a golden crown on one hand, and quietly listened to the report of the three Fengxing sisters. , his expression was so calm that one could not find any trace of his emotions.

Under the stairs stood two rows of Silver Moon Councilors, whose bodies exuded endless arcane radiance and whose figures were full of mystery. They listened to Alleria's report, some with expressions of contempt, and some with outright disbelief or contempt. Or it doesn’t matter!

After all, no matter how powerful a lowly short-lived species like humans can be compared to the high elves who master powerful arcana and possess the endless mysterious Well of Eternity, they all have no objection to what Alleria said about unprecedentedly powerful humans. .

"Alleria, since they said they would not invade the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, there is no need to care about them. It is just a new race appearing in Azeroth.

For tens of thousands of years, such races have appeared one after another in Azeroth. How can the fragile short-lived species understand the greatness of the high elves? There is no need to worry. We are sitting high on the throne. If we don’t pay attention to them, they will It will disappear before our eyes due to ignorance. "

The old and majestic voice resounded throughout the hall, his tone full of arrogance and contempt.

"Your Majesty the Sun King, please pay enough attention to this matter. Even you, who is chasing the sun, cannot match 1% of that person's power. His entire existence is as incomparable as the bright sun in the sky."

Seeing that the great king was so contemptuous, Alleria no longer cared about the Sun King's face, but spoke out the facts she saw in her heart.

For a moment, the entire Sun Temple fell into silence, without any sound.

"Alleria, do you know what you are talking about?" Suddenly, a Silver Moon councilor with silvery hair stood up and broke the silence.

"I know, and it is precisely because I know that I understand the seriousness of this matter. We cannot ignore the potential dangers of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas because of our arrogance." Alleria raised her head stubbornly and looked at Towards the stalwart figure on the steps.

"Aurelia, what do you want me to do!" Youyou's voice came out, with a hint of displeasure.

"I hope that my king can send an envoy over immediately to sign a formal peace treaty with them. Since the enemy is invincible, we should try our best to turn the other party into a friend." Alleria expressed her opinion.

"I understand, go down!" Sun King Anastri waved his hand a little impatiently, feeling vaguely dissatisfied with the Fengxing family's rudeness.

Who is he, the Archmage of the Sun, the terminator of the Troll War, the great elf ruler Sun King Anastri, His Majesty the Sun Chaser? The only person who can rival him, besides the five-color guardian dragon, is the Shaman of the Burning Legion. Glass could make him fearful.

This young junior actually said that he was not as good as one percent of the enemy. Even Sargeras did not dare to say this.

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