Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 14 – Carted off to the Church?!

After Maven calmed down and finished embracing Shayna, she disentangled herself and decided to face the future. She successfully reincarnated and finally had her memories back - so it was time to begin her new life.
So what if I caused a big commotion during my attribute examination? So what if they want me to be the Saintess? I can still be happy! My dreams of the lazy life can still come true!
Shayna handed Maven a glass of bright green juice and urged her to drink. Just as Maven began to thirstily gulp down the apple-flavored liquid, the door was flung open once again. Her father, Duke Daegal, powerfully walked into the room - surprising Maven and causing her to cough a fit as she accidentally inhaled the juice.
As she choked, Maven turned her teary eyes onto the Duke. Duke Daegal just calmly looked at his daughter, cool eyes and impassive expression giving no hints to his thoughts. Silently waiting for the coughing fit to come to an end, the Duke eventually opened his mouth.
“You’re awake now. Good. Shayna, clean her up and prepare her to leave the manor.”
Shayna, whose face remained utterly expressionless in the presence of the Duke, bowed with impeccable grace.
Satisfied with Shayna’s immediate response, the Duke continued in a tone that brooked no argument, “Excellent. Maven, you must prepare yourself to join the Church. I’ve been in touch with the Pope and he would like to present you to the citizens as quickly as possible. To allow for that, it has been decided you will immediately go to the church and begin receiving instruction in the art of light magic. Once you’re competent enough, you will be presented as the the new Saintess in a grand ceremony. I expect you to apply yourself.”
Maven, dazed by her father’s disregard for own opinion, couldn’t muster the wherewithal to respond in any meaningful way - allowing the Duke to bulldoze through the conversation.
Not bothering to pay attention to the turmoil in Maven’s mind, he addressed her coldly, “Maven, you were blessed with a vast quantity of magic. You must give it your all during your training and not bring shame to the Daegal house name.”
Having said what he wanted to say, the Duke nodded in satisfaction before turning and leaving just as quickly as he had arrived.
Maven turned her still teary eyes at Shayna, pleading with her to do something about this. Unfortunately, Shayna was in no position to refuse the orders of the Duke. She was completely unable to prevent Maven from being carted off to the Church.
All that Shayna could offer was the comfort of her presence as she quickly dressed Maven in a fine black and white dress. Once she was properly clothed, Shayna lead her to a carriage waiting by the front gate of the manor.
After a quick and silent journey in the carriage, Maven returned to the Church for the second time of her life. Not wanting to attract too much attention to Maven before she was presented to the citizens, Maven was met on the front steps by a small group of priestesses.
At the head of the group was a lone teenage girl, sporting ethereal white hair and a benevolent smile. The more opulent gold embroidery present on the hems of her pure white robes indicated she was of higher position than the priestesses behind her.
As Shayna helped Maven descend the carriage, this priestess stepped forward while bowing, “We welcome the Goddess Kannon’s emissary here on Avalon to our humble Church. This unimportant priestess is known as Fae; we are here to receive you.”
Shayna curtsied in response to Fae’s introduction while Maven followed her instincts, lightly nodding in acknowledgment.
Indicating Shayna and Maven should follow her, Fae continued, “I will be your instructor in the art of light magic during your time here at the Church. The priestesses behind me will help take care of your needs. We will provide a small suite for you, my lady, and your personal maid here. Owing to your noble station and future position as the Saintess, we felt it best to ensure those taking care of you only be women.”
Maven could only blankly nod along to Fae’s statements while complaining internally.
I’m really not pleased with this 'flower in a greenhouse' type treatment. I get that they’re going to fuss over the Saintess and a Duke’s daughter - but why would they worry about keeping men away from a child?
Fae led Maven through the Church to a hallway on the second floor, where Maven would be staying. Opening the door, Maven was shown an opulent suite with an incredibly large and fluffy bed standing proudly within. In the back of the suite, another, much less impressive, bed could be seen within - presumably intended to be the servant’s quarters.
An extremely fine set of priestess robes lay spread out atop the bed. Fae motioned toward it while saying, “My lady, if you would, please change into these robes and meet me at the stairs. We will beginning light magic lessons immediately, so that we may show the world the Goddess’ new emissary as quickly as possible.” She then quickly bowed out the room, leaving Maven alone with Shayna in this unfamiliar room.
Maven could only force a grin on her face as Shayna picked up the robes, so heavily embroidered with gold that the white cloth making up its base was hardly visible, and brought it over to shove Maven into it.

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