Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 19 – Familiars Revealed?! Pt. 2

Maven stared blankly at the Pope as he barged into the room, while Kannon hid herself in some hair. Neither girl had any idea how to react to the bald old man staring at them demonically. After Kannon sheepishly peeked her head up to look at the Pope, he managed to see her features. This caused his face to become entirely inscrutable - betraying nary a hint of his thoughts.

Maven, a little shaken by the sudden intrusion of such a big-shot, tentatively asked, “Mr. Pope…… What’s wrong? Are you here to see the fairy?”

Pope Ferdinand, maintaining the expressionless look, confirmed, “Indeed, Saintess. Fae here told me that during your introduction to magic, you managed to accomplish a miracle. Having seen the fairy you summoned, or possibly created, with my own eyes has convinced me of that fact - she looks just like our glorious goddess.”

His face shifted to one of utmost faith, eyes closed and hands clasped as he put on the pious act.

“This is indeed a sign of our Goddess’ love for us!”

Maven, taken aback by the Pope’s performance, mentally reached out to the Goddesses. Something about his faith just rang utterly hollow. It was a masterful performance, to be sure, but Maven could sense little in the way of real belief from him. Perhaps this was a side benefit of being a demigod - a free built-in faith detector.

《Henna, Kannon…… Can you tap into his thoughts like you can into mine? Something about His Holiness here is creeping me out.》

Maven could feel Kannon rustling her hair as she shook her head in response.

《I’m sorry… I can’t.》 Kannon said.

《Gods aren’t all-powerful Maven. We can only talk to you like this because you possess fragments of our divinity, pieces of us. It could be accomplished through magical means. Though it would take a long time to set up, use a ton of magic, and require an unresisting target. I definitely wouldn’t want to try it out on baldy here, especially secretly. He may be creepy and duplicitous, but he’s got some serious magical mojo.》 Henna chimed in as well.

Ending his performance, the Pope turned his attention back to Maven. His eyes shone with a calculating light as he eyed Maven, thinking of the best way to make use of her.

“My dear Saintess, we simply must share this miracle with the people. A perfect and powerful Saintess, accompanied by a Light Fairy in the image of the Goddess herself. They will draw heart from the inspiration you provide."

《He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?》Maven joked along with the goddesses as the Pope rattled off words like a machine gun.

"Before you return to your father’s side, we will host a grand festival and present you to the people. It would be wonderful if you could share Kannon's love with the people at that time.  It would be a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate your greatness to the citizens. I'm sure the people would love it if you could bless and heal those who attend - similar to what you did during the examination. Hopefully with less of a fuss this time, hohoho.” He said with a jovial laugh, putting on the mask of a kindly old man.

Tilting her head quizzically, Maven asked, “Healing? Blessing? How do I do that? I don’t remember much from the examination… I’m not sure I can…”

“I’m sure you can do it, Saintess!” Fae said, jumping into the conversation and grabbing Maven’s hand in excitement. “You managed to heal the entire capital just by lightly touching them with your power. It won’t be too difficult, all you have to do is repeat what you did earlier! Manipulate your light and life magic like with the elemental spirit and resonate it with the mana in the air. Then, just wish the people well and imagine their pain going away.”

“Is it really going to be that easy?” Maven asked while tilting her head cutely, her small eyebrows slightly bunching up in consternation.

Fae, cheeks blushing and stupefied by Maven's cuteness, excitedly replied, “It’ll be easy! You’re the Saintess, after all. I know! Why not try it right now, with me?”

Maven, feeling bashful at the passion present in Fae’s gaze, meekly replied, “Okay…” before complying. Gently touching Fae's hand with her own, she channeled her magic while chanting ‘Pain, pain, go away!’ 

Maven’s effort’s were successful and a white glow flashed brightly around Fae’s entire body. Fae blinked her eyes in confusion and looked at her body. Examining each limb in turn and finding them in good health, Fae blinked rapidly before turning her eyes back at Maven.

Maven was a bit scared by the intensity of emotion she saw in that gaze. Before, Maven saw passion in her eyes. However, now, Maven saw reverence, worship, and overwhelming affection. Disturbed, Maven quickly withdrew her hand and tried to backpedal - causing Fae to look heartbroken as she forlornly extended her hand.

Even more flustered now, Maven could only ask herself: Wh-wh-wha the heck is going on?!


Thanks for reading! XD

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