Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 26 – Why Angel Wings?!

Kannon and Maven were both frozen at the unexpected event. Who would expect the sudden appearance of angel wings in the middle of what was supposed to be a boring ceremony?

In the midst of that frozen moment in time, Henna’s voice resounded in both their heads.

《Fufu, you two…… you should probably pull yourselves together. If you were calm, you’d probably have realized immediately that this is all Maven’s fault.》

My fault?? I had nothing to do with this!》

《Now, now…… that’s definitely not true. It’s completely your doing…… well, at least that of your subconscious. You know all magic is just the result of combining imagination, intention, and mana. You're the one who let your mind drift in the direction of angel wings, probably all swept up in the mood or something. Avalon has no angels as you know them, so this is entirely the result of whatever drifted through your mind while the Pope babbled on……》

Maven winced at the retort, beginning to think that it may indeed have been at least partially her fault.

《B-b-but…… I didn’t want to give myself a set of angel wings! So no magic should have activated. There may have been imagination, but definitely no intent! Are you telling me any random thought that pops into my head could end turning into a spell??》

《Maven, you’re a new and unfettered demigoddess. You haven’t invested any of your divinity in the fabric of this world like we have…… You’re positively overflowing with magic and divine power. A thought is usually all it takes for divine will to manifest itself as change in the world. Well, that’s the case for new gods and goddesses, at the height of their power - like we were, at the dawn of time. Luckily, you’re not a full goddess (yet), but all it’s going to take is a particularly strong thought, emotion, or an outside factor and ‘boom’ - magic.》

Desperately wanting to hold her head in despair, Maven held herself back. It wouldn’t do for the Saintess to look depressed in the middle of the ceremony, not when every single person in the hall was staring at her so intently.

The Pope was the first person to come to his senses after Maven stole the show. A wily old man, he ignored his shock while the gears in his mind churned rapidly. Nothing ever quite went to plan when it came to Maven, but this could be the perfect opportunity to increase the prestige of the Church. Quit confident that between himself and the Duke he would be able to keep Maven under control, there would be nothing to lose by propping Maven up.

“Look, my fellow believers of our loving goddess! Maven, our sublime Saintess, has been touched by the goddess herself. Kannon has recognized and blessed the Saintess, this Church, and even the nation itself! Let us all bow our heads in thanks to the goddess and in welcome to the new Saintess.”

Kannon rapidly shook her head in denial, refusing to take any credit for the events currently underway. Luckily, nobody spotted the tiny fairy's actions, following the Pope’s lead to close their eyes in prayer instead. It wouldn’t do for the Goddess’ messenger to display displeasure during a holy ceremony. 

Knowing that it was just about time for her to act, Maven gathered and compressed a great deal of magic in her hand as everyone completed their prayers. Though but a small fragment of her power, the magic being crafted in her hands was greater in quantity and potency than was possible even with a first class mage. Imbuing this power with thoughts of health, happiness, and good luck, she held it at the ready until all those present opened their eyes once again.

Those first to do so stared curiously at the small nimbus of light covering Maven’s hands, wondering what the newly inducted Saintess was about to do. They didn’t need to wait long, however, because as soon the majority of people had reopened their eyes the small small cloud expanded rapidly.

Men and women alike gasped at the sight before their eyes as a beautiful, ethereal mist exploded across the room - shining with divine white light. Breathing in the mist, all those in attendance felt invigorated. Aches and pains evaporated, labored breathing eased, and even spiritual malaise was healed.

Most of those present already experienced Maven’s blessing, but the efficacy was much higher now. This time, it was a voluntary, focused blessing rather than an unintended side effect from an accidental magic discharge. Wounds and illness fled in terror before the presence of the new Saintess - instilling shock and awe in all who bore witness.


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