Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 29 – The Parade Underway?!


Maven couldn’t help but feel depressed at her current circumstances. She was currently atop a floating magical platform, decked to the nines in a fancy robe, and princess waving to the cheering crowd around her.

《How did I end up like this? Parading down the main street of a Medieval city, in a fantasy world, worshiped by the citizens of an entire country…… For heaven's sake! I was just the figurehead of a small-time cult!》

Thousands of people were filling the streets, milling about the cobblestone roads in excitement. The path was wide enough for ten carriages to pass each other with room to spare and, except for the open path ahead of and behind the float, myriad people and food stalls filled the space to the brim. A jubilant atmosphere reverberated through the air as ordinary citizens, skilled artisans, and rich merchants alike celebrated the coming of the Saintess.

Kannon, eagerly flitting around from one edge of the float to another, showed herself off to the citizens. Maven was almost grateful for the disappointing goddess' presence, for taking some of the attention off her.

《It’s not so bad! You’ve got to learn to live a little, Maven. Why not show off a little to the people here? These are exactly the ones you’ll need on your side to begin stopping the apocalypse. Come on, cast a little magic! Give 'em a blessing or two.》

Half agreeing with Kannon, Maven reluctantly played along. She raised her small hands above her body grandiosely and channeled power into them. Infusing them with thoughts of healing and purification in a light-hearted manner, she threw the ball of pure power into the air. It burst into a bright rain of light, sprinkling onto the people and buildings around her in a hundred meter radius.

Serious ailments were cured, large scars evaporated, cloudy eyes regained clarity, and even the buildings were purified of filth. People looked at their bodies and patted them down in disbelief as they verified their improved state.

“WAHHHHH! Saintess! The Goddess’ Messenger! She’s blessed us!”

Maven heaved a sigh as the crowd went wild, very much displeased with all the adulation being directed her way. In her heart, she understood that she needed the people on her side if she wanted to do anything about the war with the demon race. However, she didn’t have to enjoy it.

Perhaps it was her status as a rookie demigoddess, but she could feel their worship. Right on her skin, pressing her down from all sides. The strength of that pressure only grew exponentially in strength after that magic was cast.

The float proceeded slowly through the streets, passing through district after district as it took a meandering path through the capital. According to Fae, the capital was roughly circular in shape and split into multiple districts. The closer to the center, the more wealthy and powerful the people who lived there. The parade had begun in the head church, in the high class district, and led her to circle through the middle-class and commercial districts.

Maven would occasionally cast her blessing rain as she traveled through the city, causing the citizens to cheer every time. Men, women, and children were all thrilled to see her, screaming and waving the whole time she was in sight. Kannon would fly about and cast spells of her own, trying to appeal herself and show off.

Her favorite spell was one she’d cast on her wings. Glittering trails of light would be left in her wake as she flew, trails that she’d use to draw shapes in the air. Circles, stars, and even smiley faces - Kannon drew them all, to the delight of the energetic crowd.

During the journey, Maven admired the city-scape around her. It was a splendid mix of the fantastical and the medieval. Cobblestone roads, brick walls, and thatched roofs seamlessly blended with shining shop signs, glowing crystal street lamps, and myriad magical apparatus. Maven passed by all manner of people and buildings, dizzying in their variety.

Even more dizzying than the landscape was the enormous variety in the people. Hair ranged in color from your standard blacks and browns, but also included more outlandish candy greens, ocean blues, and floral purples. The majority of those present were human, but the occasional elf, dwarf, and beastkin could be seen as well. Though the Holy Kingdom of Light was very much human-centric, other races were not banned from entry.

Each and every person present, regardless of their race, celebrated the advent of the Saintess.

I've been going back and doing deep grammar/readability edits for my early chaps the last few days, as I prepare to post them elsewhere as well. I've done the first 20 or so chapters thus far, if you ever feel like going back. Thanks for reading! 

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