Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 31 – Comfort After the Parade?!

As soon as Maven returned from the parade, she tiredly jumped onto her enormous bed with a thumping sound. The noise was so light as to have been nearly undetectable, owing to her small stature. Kannon, finding Maven’s actions amusing, jumped onto the bed along with her. The two women both laid face-down, sprawled out on the fluffy mattress in exhaustion.
《That was rough…… I had to be on my best behavior for hours, putting on the whole Saintess act and everything. Who expects something like that from a three year old?! Are noble girls not allowed a little immaturity, or is it just me??》
《Fufu, you poor thing. You’ve gotta get used to things like this, you’re in for a lot of it over the next few years. Now that your memories have returned and you’ve officially become a big shot, don’t you think it’s about time for you to start getting proactive?》
At Henna’s words, in their perpetual teasing tone, Maven kicked her legs in protest as she threw a tantrum. 
《I don’t wanna! I’m just a little girl, can’t you just let me relax for a while?》
Kannon lost all her levity as Maven complained, no longer in the mood to play around. She flipped her body onto her side and stared at Maven seriously.
《As the one who brought you here, this may not count for much…… but, I’m sorry. This world really does need you. You’re the only one who can bring it back onto the right path. Henna and I just don’t have the power to do it, not anymore. We’ll do anything we can to help you - I promise!》
Henna invisibly crept up above the solemn little fairy. From this position, she used a ghostly hand to grab her by the grab her by the hair and sling Kannon into the air. The beautiful, but miniature, woman screamed, “Aaaaaaahhhhhh!” as she flew across the room.
《What’s the useless fairy getting all serious for? I’m the one who has to creep around the Church and find the shady people! What have you actually done, Kannon? Other than show off during the parade, of course!》
Kannon’s flight came to an end as she slapped into Shayna’s face. Limp as a noodle due to the impact, Kannon couldn’t muster any energy to protest Henna’s words.
Shayna could only blink, dumbfounded at the inexplicable event. Maven’s fairy had just been thrown the air without warning, without any visible reason for it. Luckily, her mind had become more flexible over the last four weeks; ever since that fairy had joined her lord, lots of strange things had been occurring. Cups tipping over for no reason, doors closing out of nowhere, and, once, her clothes had disappeared out of a locked room.
Demonstrating her adaptability, Shayna just nonchalantly pried Kannon off her face before moving forward to comfort her sullen lady on the bed.
“I heard you did well during the parade, young Miss. Your magic was visible even from here. It was beautiful - as expected from my lady!”
As she spoke, Shayna sat atop the bed and lightly moved Maven’s head atop her lap. Stroking Maven’s hair, Shayna comforted the pouting child with a warm voice.
“Now, now…… I know things have been hard for you lately, but your big sis will always be here for you. Things certainly have changed a lot since the magic examination; you’ve certainly changed a lot, too. But absolutely none of that matters to me.”
Maven choked up a bit as the warm, comforting voice of her beloved big sis seeped into her ears. Disappointing fairies, teasing ghosts, and fanatical priestesses - she had been exhausted by all of them. However, all of that exhaustion just melted away as she was reminded that Shayna remained on her side.
Despite her higher mental age, despite her status as a demigoddess, despite all the power at her fingertips, Maven just couldn’t help but burrow her face into Shayna’s stomach and enjoy the warmth.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what. No matter what happens and no matter how you or the world changes. I’ve been patient over the last month, knowing you already had enough on your plate. Too much for a child, to be honest. Let me help you. Why don’t you finally tell your big sis what’s on your mind?”
Nothing could quite replace the reassuring heat of another person’s hand or the warmth of comforting words; when Shayna gifted Maven with both, the dam in her heart burst open and the tears flooded out. She threw her little arms around Shayna’s waist and squeezed as tightly as she could.
“B-Big S-Siiiiiiiis!”
I like the use of colloquialisms in this chapter.... but let me know if you prefer otherwise! Thanks for reading

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