Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 68 – The Battle Continues

“Dragon, dragon, he’s our man! If he can’t do it, no one can!” Kannon shouted, cheering for the simulacrum Maven created to fight the Apostle. Not only was she waving some rather spectacular pom-poms around, but she also managed to change into an adorable cheerleader’s outfit through some mysterious methods. Maven knew Kannon wasn’t carrying that outfit with her, so she just chalked it up to divine mystery.

Hearing Kannon’s ridiculous chant, the adorable young kid sent Kannon a venomous glare. Lucky for the goddess currently acting the fool, the boy was far too preoccupied battling Maven to deal with the annoying fairy.




Loud percussive sounds erupted every time the white dragon clashed with the boy’s brutal whip. Both infused with divinity, the battle turned into a war of attrition. For each clash, deep scars would carve their way into the dragon’s body. The whip, on the other hand, would crumble to dust a little after each blow it dealt.

“I must say,” The boy said as he jumped back, temporarily disengaging from the battle. “You’ve surprised me, Saintess. If you can so easily pull a dragon out of thin air, I can understand why we were told to stay away from you.”

“We?” Maven asked, concerned by the implications of that statement. “Who are you people? What do you want? What did you mean by stay away?”

“Heh, do you really think I’d just tell you that? Are you an idiot?” The boy said with a mocking smirk. “The only thing you need to know is that we are everywhere and we are powerful. Even if the gods themselves intervened, they cannot stop us from getting what we want.”

“The gods of Avalon ain’t no slouch!” Kannon shouted with a brandish of her first. “If you and whoever gave you that nasty power have to skulk around like roaches, then you’re just some two-bit losers!”

Annoyed by the bold words currently coming from the weak-looking fairy, the Apostle sent his whip snaking underneath the dragon and directly towards Kannon.

Displaying one of her occasional flashes of intelligence, Kannon showed that she was ready for him. Right as the whip was about to smack into her, Kannon pulled out a magnificent shield with a snap - her own unique shield, shining with purest light and infused liberally with her own divinity.


Weakened though she may be, Kannon was still a goddess who helped birth an entire world. Though this apostle possessed an unfamiliar and potent divinity, he was still a mere mortal. There was no way his smattering of divinity would be able to harm a goddess when she was going all out.

“Hehehehe, how do you like them apples, kid?” Kannon said while waving her pom-poms around mockingly. After getting over her fear of the Apostle’s divinity, she bounced back just a little too quickly.

Annoyed by Kannon’s repeated taunting, the boy gathered power in his free hand. With the densest blend of magic and divinity yet, he crafted a dark violet spear covered in barbs so sharp they seemed to cut the air itself.

“Let’s see how you deal this, you annoying little bug!” The boy shouted as he flung the spear through the air. The dragon, with the intelligence Maven had granted to it, decided to jump directly into the path of the oncoming spear.


Piercing the dragon in its throat,the spear began shine with a bright light. Brighter and brighter the light grew, until the spear detonated deep within the dragon’s body - shattering the space occupied by the dragon itself with a cacophonous roar.

Through a combination of the Apostle’s unique magic attribute and the divinity imbued into the spear, the explosion ripped a massive chunk out of the dragon’s chest.

*Huff* *Huff*

“That dragon of yours is really quite the annoyance,” the boy said while breathing heavily. Clearly, that blow took a lot out of him.

“I’m the one who taught her everything she knows!” Kannon bragged loudly, puffing her chest with pride as she spoke.

“No, you didn’t!” Henna said while smacking Kannon upside the head in exasperation. “Stop making a bigger mess of things, you fool, or I’m going to pull your cheeks straight off your head.”

“Boooo,” Kannon pouted with puffed cheeks, “I’m the one who actually helped, the one who didn’t contribute should shut up.”

“That’s it!” Henna said in irritation, before promptly grabbing Kannon by the cheeks. She then proceeded to unceremoniously pull them as hard as she possibly could. “Time for some punishment!”

“Ow, ow, owwwwww!” Kannon cried out, tears leaking out the corner of her eyes as Henna stretched her cheeks like raw mochi.

Exasperated by her companions tomfoolery, Maven couldn’t help but turn towards them to yell. “Enough, you idiots! Can’t you see we’re in the middle of a battle here??”

As if to drive this very point home, the Apostle took this opportunity to cast a spell - sending a spinning blade of space magic hurtling its way directly towards Ela’s throat.

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