Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 75 – Gods Come in Pairs

At the sound of a new voice, everyone turned to see where it came from, only to discover two figures standing in front of a gaping gash in space. The two certainly cut an odd figure, standing before an ugly tear in the fabric of space and wreathed in so much divine aura that their features couldn’t be made out. Judging by their stature, they appeared to be men, but there was no way to tell for sure.

“I’m disappointed in you, Nikol.” One of the figures said, voice so cold it could freeze hell itself. It somehow reverberated in the ear and mind at the same time, as if the sound didn’t even need to travel through the air to carry the man’s words - just reaching its destination with a thought.

Maven, not appreciating being ignored, turned towards the source of the voice and said, “Members of Malum Dictum seem to be lacking in originality, don’t they? Did you guys maybe make yourselves a How To Make An Entrance textbook and pass it around to all the members? The whole portal, entrance routine gets a bit boring when it’s repeated so often.”

“The Saintess has a sense of humor.” The second figure said amusedly, his voice somehow warm, yet dripping with purest malice. “She’s funny. I like her.”

Henna, the most levelheaded member of the group, wasn’t taken in by the atmosphere.

“Going by that level of divinity, those two chuckleheads might just be gods. I have no idea how they got here, but be on your guard. I have no idea how powerful they could be.” Henna warned in a cautious tone, summoning up her power as she spoke. If things turned nasty, she wanted to be prepared.

“As expected, you have some good eyes on you, my lovely Henna.” The second man said with his nauseatingly rich voice. “I can’t say I was expecting to come face to face with not one, but two goddesses on what was supposed to be a mere field trip, but I can appreciate getting a sneak peak at your prey…… Looks like your cute little apostle really managed to step in it, Lidar.”

“I’m not yours and don’t call me lovely, especially not in that disgusting tone of yours.” Henna said, her cute little nose wrinkled in disgust.

Lidar, unaffected by the world around him, just continued to stare icily at his trussed up Apostle.

“I wondered how you could have possibly disappeared from my senses… But, looking at your current pitiful state, it all makes sense.” Lidar said as he averted his eyes, not wanting to spare any further thought for Nikol.

Directing his attention to his companion, Liar continued speaking in that same immovable tone. “Wrapped up in such dense divine power, of course we wouldn’t be able to sense him. How my Apostle managed to fail so badly, Kurga, I’ll never understand.”

Nikol, looking simultaneously pleased that his god came for him and terrified at his clear displeasure, shouted,“Oh, Great Lidar! This humble Apostle is honored that you’d come for me.”

“Tch,” Lidar said with a click of the tongue, not even sparing a glance in his direction. “I didn’t come for a useless piece of trash like you. I came for the girl, the one you so spectacularly failed to acquire. Who was the one who so proudly proclaimed that you wouldn’t even need to lift a finger to capture a powerless little elf?”

“I’m so sorry, Lidar! Please punish this humble servant! I failed in my mission and I failed you…” Nikol cried out from within his prison, tears streaming down his face.

“Are you three quite done?” Maven asked in a fed up voice, tired of the little play they’d been putting on. Bold though her words may be, Maven was now confident enough in her own strength to not allow her misgivings about these two unknown gods to hold her back.

Kurga turned to Maven with a disgusting amount of cheer, giving her the politest of bows and opening his mouth to say. “My apologies, dear Saintess, we did not mean to ignore an honorable personage such as yourself. Do you have it in your heart to forgive this poor god?”

Ignoring the shivers his voice sent crawling up her spine, Maven pulled Ela in tight and summoned up her divinity. Her companions did the same, readying their most powerful spells and divinity - prepared to send them flying at a moment’s notice.

“I know why you’re here,” Maven said in a voice as firm and cold as iron. “You sent your lackeys after Ela. They failed. Nikol appears and snatches Ela. He failed. Now you mysteriously come by for a visit? Surely you won’t tell me it’s because you care about the kid, not after the act you two just put on. You came for Ela…… Well, let me tell you, you’re not laying a finger on her while I’m around!”

“Oho,” Kurga said thoughtfully, his voice unruffled. As calm as his voice was, however, the way the two god’s divine aura rippled restlessly gave away their agitation.

“And if we do want the girl?” Lidar asked, his odd voice flat as ever.

“You. Can’t. Have. Her.” Maven said emphatically, her divinity exploding out of her as went on the offensive.


Sorry about the spotty releases recently! Emergency home improvement really sucks up the time and energy. Good news is that everything is 90% taken care of and I'll be getting my free time back.

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