Reborn as the Villain President’s Cat & Dog

Chapter 67

Chapter 66

Song Shuhan nodded, and he cleverly lowered his head again to pull the zipper of his boots.

Wen Mingyi thinks she is quite cute. Sure enough, his fans are cute! It’s just that my sister’s fans usually have a lot of fans on the Internet, and my mother’s fans are a lot.

Wen Mingyi turned his head in a good mood, and then saw the priest Jundor standing not far away, smiling at him slightly, but it seemed that he was not very kind.

Wen Mingyi:…

Wen Mingyi feels inexplicably empty.

Song Shuhan went upstairs and did a simple rinse, then changed his clothes, and the meal was ready.

She hurried downstairs to have dinner with everyone.

“Where do you want to go to play tomorrow?” Ji Siyao asked her.

Song Shuhan originally wanted to ride a bicycle on the city wall, but now she changed her mind. She took a peek at Wen Mingyi and whispered, “I’ll think about it and tell you before going to bed.”

“Good.” Ji Siyao said.

Si Jundor caught this look sensitively, and gave Song Shuhan a calm look.

But Song Shuhan has completely lost his attention to him. She is now immersed in the happiness of eating at the same table with the male god. She only thinks that tonight’s meal is exceptionally delicious. Looking at the male god’s face, she can eat more. Two bowls!

Finally, after finishing the meal, Wen Wei and Ji Siyao went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Song Shuhan saw that the adults were not there, so they secretly sat next to Wen Mingyi.

Wen Mingyi was peeling oranges. Seeing her approaching, he divided the oranges into three, gave her one, and asked her, “What’s the matter?”

Song Shuhan was pleasantly surprised to take the orange from his hand, and was reluctant to eat it for a while, so he held it obediently.

“Are you at home tomorrow?” she asked.

If she is there, she won’t go out!

Wen Mingyi nodded.

Song Shuhan said frankly, “Then I won’t go out tomorrow.”

“Why?” Wen Mingyi puzzled, “You rarely come here once, go and play, it’s not interesting to stay at home.”

“Interesting!” Song Shuhan hurriedly said, “Seeing idols is more important than traveling!”

The priest Jundor, who had been sitting next to Wen Mingyi, suddenly realized, “Are you a Mingming fan?”

Song Shuhan nodded.

No wonder, Si Junduo secretly said, no wonder they just whispered at the door, Song Shuhan has been secretly watching Wen Mingyi again, if he is a fan, it is completely explained.

The priest Jundor was unconsciously relieved.

But as soon as he relaxed, he heard Ji Siyao say to them, “Obviously, are you going to be okay tomorrow? If it’s okay, you can accompany Hanhan around. You are both young people and there are many places to play.”

The priest Jundor was upset again.

Wen Mingyi thinks this is possible. After all, he is his fan and the daughter of Ji Siyao’s friend. It’s a rare visit. You can take her to play with yourself, “Okay.”

Priest Jundor:! !

What did Wen Mingyi just say? it is good? Did he hear the hallucinations? !

He looked at Wen Mingyi, “Are you going to accompany Hanhan out tomorrow?”

Wen Mingyi didn’t know what was going on, and instantly heard the sense of crisis from his unsentimental sentence. He looked at the priest Jundor and remedied, “You are together, the three of us are together.”

“The three of us together?” Si Jundor asked again.

Wen Mingyi:…

Wen Mingyi felt that his brother seemed unwilling.

Song Shuhan also noticed that Si Jundor seemed reluctant, so he said, “Didn’t you just say that you won’t go to rest at home tomorrow? Then rest, don’t go out.”

After speaking, she turned to Ji Siyao and said: “Auntie, we have already said that we will rest tomorrow. I have been playing for two days and I am a little tired. I want to take a break and play again.”

“Okay, you decide by yourself, I won’t mix it up. Junjun, come and help me find the wine I made before. Why can’t I find it anymore.”

Priest Jundor stood up and walked with her to the basement.

When he arrived in the basement, he opened several wine cabinets and looked at them, and finally found them in a relatively hidden wine cabinet and took them out.

Ji Siyao took it and asked him, “What happened to you just now? You don’t want to accompany Hanhan. You obviously do, but you still don’t agree.”

Si Jundor was helpless, “Then why do you want Mingming to accompany her again?”

“Han Han is a girl who is unfamiliar with her place here. It is not safer to have someone with her? Besides, she is about the same as the next year, and two people can talk together. You don’t like people, you don’t like girls. But I obviously like girls, maybe they can see each other.”

Si Jundor didn’t understand, “Do you like Hanhan very much? We must find a boyfriend for her among the two of us.”

“Of course not.” Ji Siyao felt that Si Jundor didn’t understand her painstaking efforts at all. “I just think that Han Han is a good boy. Whether you or he is obviously, you always have to fall in love and get married. Those of us. Parents, I definitely hope that you will find a good partner, know the basics, and feel at ease at home.”

“Han Han’s family is in good conditions and people are sensible. I know her parents. If it can be done, it will be good for you or Mingming. I also grew up watching Mingming. Can I take care of him? Don’t you want your brother to find a wife who knows her roots, is beautiful and sensible, and who is the right one?”

The priest Jundor was silent.

Ji Siyao patted him on the shoulder, “You and tomorrow will be married sooner or later, and he will also move out of the house at that time. Your Aunt Wen and I are best friends, and she is just such a child. She is not with Mingming all the time. So there are some things that we who are godmothers and brothers will inevitably worry about. If he is with Hanhan, I and Hanhan’s parents will also know him, and then we can walk around easily, and we can visit their young couple from time to time. , Isn’t it?”

Priest Jundor didn’t speak, he turned and walked out of the basement and stepped up the steps.

When he returned to the living room on the first floor, Si Jundor could see Wen Mingyi and Song Shuhan watching TV together and discussing something. They were talking and laughing. In all fairness, Song Shuhan is indeed a good choice, family background, appearance, personality, not to mention that she is still a fan of Wen Mingyi, but…

Priest Jundor stood behind the potted plant, silently looking at Wen Mingyi’s back, clenching his hands unconsciously.

It’s just… As long as he thinks that Wen Mingyi will leave this home, leave him, and live with others, the priest Jundor only feels painful and unacceptable.

He seemed to have seen the days when they had not reconciled before, the days that he still does not want to remember.

He has lost Wen Mingyi once, and he knows what it feels like, so he doesn’t want to lose it again, let alone lose it for a lifetime.

No one in this world loves Wen Mingyi more than him, and no one knows Wen Mingyi better than him. Similarly, Wen Mingyi will not trust other people like he trusts him. —He didn’t even tell others that he could become a cat and dog. He only told him, only him.

They grew up together, like two trees that depend on each other, accompany and support each other. Their branches are next to each other, their roots are intertwined, and their trunks are covered with each other’s vines.

So, why must we separate?

At this moment, the priest Jundor’s heart was beating frantically. Those emotions that were vaguely felt before, and those emotions that were unclear and dare not to think about before, all at this moment, like a biological invasion, grew crazily by a momentary impulse.

He likes Wen Mingyi, he thought, not just wanting to be his neighbor brother, accompany him on a journey of life, get off the bus halfway, and let him go to places he doesn’t know.

It’s the kind of love that wants to participate in his entire life, accompany him through this life, and keep him always within his reach.

In his whole life, the person who cares most is Wen Mingyi, and the person who cares most is Wen Mingyi. He has given almost all his emotions to Wen Mingyi, and he also gave Wen Mingyi his best temper. He only carries two responsibilities on his shoulders, one is his parents and his family, and the other is Wen Mingyi.

He can no longer love other people like Wen Mingyi, without seeking results, regardless of rewards, without complaints or regrets.

At this moment, the priest Jundor finally confirmed that he liked Wen Mingyi. Of course he likes him, and has always liked him, but for the first time, he discovered that his possessiveness for Wen Mingyi was far stronger than he thought.

At this moment, at this moment when these feelings were about to break through the barriers of his heart, the priest Jundor moved a step forward involuntarily.

But soon, he returned.

Those surging emotions are like the ebb and flow after the tide rises. After stirring up the waves, they retreat again and return to calm.

If Wen Mingyi is a girl, if his love for Wen Mingyi is shallow, and even if he has less sense of responsibility towards Wen Mingyi, then he will walk over without hesitation and tell Wen Mingyi his own feeling.

But unfortunately, there is no such if.

In the growth of him and Wen Mingyi, he will always be the one who walked in front. Wen Mingyi looked at him and followed him step by step, following his footsteps. He always trusted and relied on himself, even if they were separated more than a thousand days and nights, he did not hesitate to choose the university he graduated from, and stepped on his own footsteps.

What is his feeling for himself? It is the admiration for the elder brother; the admiration for the elder brother; it is also the dependence on the bamboo horse who grew up together. But none of these feelings are about love.

He likes girls, maybe not like Song Shuhan, but he will also have other characters.

In their relationship, Wen Mingyi was always generous and frank. He looked at himself with clear eyes, without a trace of impurities, nor a trace of love-related emotions. He even tempted him, but there was no result.

He is not among Wen Mingyi’s love options. In Wen Mingyi’s heart, he is the closest person to him, the person he relies on the most, the person he trusts the most, but it’s not the one he wants to fall in love with. people.

Wen Mingyi may like anyone, but it won’t be him.

The priest Jundor is very clear, even too clear, that the same-sex circle is a very narrow circle. He is standing here, and Wen Mingyi is standing in the sun. He can’t bear to pull Wen Mingyi in, especially when Wen Mingyi joins. If you don’t want to come in.

If Wen Mingyi likes him, if Wen Mingyi wants to be with him, then he will not refuse, he will always give in for Wen Mingyi. But if Wen Mingyi doesn’t like him and his love has nothing to do with him, then he will not drag him into the quagmire of his own feelings.

He looks like a barren but rich man. He sincerely held his hands full of pearls and gems with his hands full of soil and wanted to dedicate him to the boy he likes, but because the other party didn’t say anything, he silently put his hands behind him. .

He has a belly full of butterflies, but none of them fly out.

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