Reborn As The Villain President’s Lover

Chapter 23 - twenty-three


“Xiao Xin, didn’t you think he was an 18th line before, didn’t you want to change him? Why did you change it now, and you are not satisfied?”

“I’m so good, you suddenly changed people, aren’t you hitting my face?”

“It’s not that I’m hitting your face.” Zhang Ai laughed and persuaded, “OK, it’s such a thing, you and Lulu hand over.”


“Why? With Jiang Zhiping’s own phone call, let me change Ji Qingzhou’s makeup. You said, can I change it?”

Zhao Xin wondered, “Why would Jiang Zhiping call you for such a thing?”

Zhang Ai thinks she is still young, and she still does n’t understand what she said when she got on the line. “You …” She sighed, “Zhao Xin, you are good at technology, but you are too utilitarian.”

After Zhang Ai finished speaking, he hung up the phone, leaving Zhao Xin with a grimace and looking at his mobile phone. Why did Jiang Zhizhang call Zhang Ai? Isn’t Ji Qingzhou an 18-line newcomer who just debuted? How could Jiang Zhizhu call Zhang Ai for him? Still, he actually has a background, but just didn’t show it.

Zhao Xin didn’t want to transfer with Lulu. If it was someone else who changed her today, and said that she would not have to make up Ji Qingzhou in the future, she could go to make up the male No. 2 and she would be very happy to transfer with the other party. But Lulu, the team leader’s favorite Lulu, has twists and turns in it, she can think about it without thinking-Ji Qingzhou is certainly not as simple as it appears on the surface.

She has always been a little smart, so at this time, life and death are unwilling to exchange with Lulu, insisting, “I have always made Xiao Ji makeup, and now it is a sudden change, neither of us is a style. For Xiao Ji this role I’m afraid the image is not good. “

“How is it possible?” Lulu thought she thought a little too much. “Again, even if I change the style, as long as I am good, the audience will not be dissatisfied.”

“What do you mean, do you mean I’m bad?”

Lulu laughed. “Sister Xin, you didn’t make it up when you put on Ji Ji a few days ago. I remember one time, you seemed to just give Ji Ge a primer and an eyebrow, right?” Lulu shook After shaking his head, “Ji Ge’s face value is too strong, otherwise it appears in the camera, and the director should have troubled the team leader.”

Zhao Xin was told by her, thinking of her previous period of perfunctory seasons, and sometimes she didn’t know how to explain.

But Lu Luling’s teeth are clear-cut. “I don’t think you would like to put on Ji Ji long ago, sister Sister? Why don’t you let it be? Now you are unwilling, why not.”

“You …” Zhao Xingang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a voice. “This morning, without makeup, what are you two arguing about!”

The deputy director came in and said, looked around, and finally fixed his eyes on Ji Qingzhou, and laughed: “Xiao Ji is here.”

Ji Qingzhou did not forget how the deputy director got in trouble with him last night. He didn’t expect a single effort, and when he woke up, the world changed. The deputy director looked at him and smiled like a flower.

Ji Qingzhou politely said, “The deputy guide is good.”

The deputy director smiled, “Come, come and talk.”

When he said this, he didn’t have any bitterness when he scolded last night, and even because of the smile on his face, he looked a little closer.

Ji Qingzhou looked at the smile on his face, but felt that Chu Cheng was pretty good.

He followed the deputy director out of the dressing room, the deputy director took him to the corner of the stairs, looked at him a little awkwardly, “Xiao Ji, you say you, what do you do to let Xiao Chu always tell me, I just do n’t I know President Xiao Chu, and I also know the name of President Xiao Chu. Besides, I just do n’t know President Xiao Chu, who does n’t know the Chu family behind President Xiao Chu, you directly let President Xiao Chu and Jiang Zhizhu say, yes Not … “

Ji Qingzhou knew what he meant, and he felt that Chu Cheng directly told Jiang Nan about it, without taking his face into account. However, this matter was not originally said to Chu Cheng himself, let alone Chu Cheng is not a crew member, why should he take care of his face.

Ji Qingzhou didn’t like the tone of his words.

“Can’t Chu Cheng directly talk to the producer Jiang?” He asked, “He and you don’t know each other, and encountered something. Isn’t it right to find someone you know?”

“I’m not saying this is wrong, I just think,” the associate director looked at Ji Qingzhou and laughed, “Xiao Chu can always tell me directly.”

“Why did he tell you directly?” Ji Qingzhou thought he said something ridiculous. “You know that I am an artist of Xiyu, even if I have nothing to do with Chu Cheng, as long as I am an artist of Xiyu, Chu is standing behind Home, but it does n’t matter that you do? It ’s Chu Cheng who came to visit my class yesterday. I greeted the director and left, and then hurried back before the shooting time. You still do n’t think I ’m fooling around and scold me on the spot A meal? “

The deputy director heard the words, only felt that his intestines were regretful. He had to know that it was Chu Cheng who came to visit the class yesterday, not to mention scolding Ji Qingzhou, he could just leave him on the spot for a day off. It’s strange to blame so many entertainers. He thought that Ji Qingzhou was also an insignificant one, but he never thought it was the most important one.

“You’re right, I blame me for this. I didn’t mean to scold you yesterday. You filmed well. You usually get along with the crew. How can I hate you? You see, I didn’t say it before. It ’s bad for you, is n’t it? ”The deputy director flattered,“ I was in a bad mood yesterday and I was angry with you, so I said a lot of things that I should n’t say, blame me, I apologize to you. And the time of shooting, You also know that Chen Jiyuan is the protagonist of this drama, and I have to give him a little face, so I wronged you. In this way, we write off the previous things, and in the future, if you have any questions, come to me directly, I will help Will you coordinate, will you? “

Ji Qingzhou thinks he can bend and stretch more than himself. Yesterday, he also scolded himself as a real person. Today, I blame him for his fault.

Ji Qingzhou smiled and said, “I’m so embarrassed, it seems like I’m a character.”

The deputy director looked at the simple smile on his face, but for a moment he couldn’t see whether he was ironic or humble, but no matter what the situation is, he can only say, “What are you saying, Xiao Ji? , Of course you are an important person in the crew. “

Ji Qingzhou heard the words, and secretly hesitated for a moment, without speaking.

But in the end, he knows how to be a human being, and if he gains benefits, he won’t betray him. He whispered, “Before, I didn’t take matters seriously. Newcomers always have to go through these. Do n’t worry about it. After that, please ask you. A lot of advice. “

The deputy director heard him say this, and then he felt relieved. He even felt that he was quite rare. The rich man was born without a master’s role, and he couldn’t help feeling a little more favorable to him.

How could he know that Ji Qingzhou didn’t have a rich master’s role, purely because he was not a rich master at all, Chu Cheng said that his relatives in the Chu family, his distant brother, let Jiang Nan, or the deputy director, think Ji Qingzhou and The Chu family is related. In fact, he is only related to Chu Cheng.

The deputy director saw that he did not intend to care, and returned to the dressing room with a happy mood, and raised his face to Lulu, and said, “Give Xiao Xiao a good make-up, and I will take a close-up today.”

Lulu responded, “Rest assured, Brother Ji’s face looks great without makeup. I’ll give him a little bit, he is the most beautiful cub in this school.”

The deputy director Haha laughed. “Then you take care of it.”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Xin and Liu Xun and said, “Yes, from now on, Liu Xun, you are not going to make up here.”

“Where do I go for makeup?” Liu Yan surprised.

“I’ll arrange it for you in a moment. This dressing room will be vacated and I will use it alone in the future.”

Liu Ye couldn’t understand it. He felt that everything this morning was incomprehensible. “Deputy director, this is not appropriate. Our crew, only Chen Ge has a separate dressing room.”

“I don’t know if it’s right for me. This dressing room is reserved for Xiao Ji, you and you,” he pointed to Zhao Xin, “you two come out, I’ll find a new one for you.”

Ji Qingzhou didn’t think it was necessary. As a newcomer, he was far from being able to have an independent dressing room. If he had it, he would only pull the hatred of the other crew members, so he said, “No need, this dressing room is not small, I’ve always shared it with Brother Liu, and I’m used to it. Let’s continue. “

The deputy director glanced at him. He knew that there was a problem with Ji Qingzhou’s makeup time. During his makeup time, Liu Ye’s makeup time overlapped. Liu Ye came later than him and ended early. During Liu Ye’s makeup time, Ji Qingzhou had to wait. He thought that Ji Qingzhou would hate Liu Ye because of this, and he was happy to see Liu Ye leave, but he didn’t think he didn’t seem to care much about it.

For the deputy director, he asked Liu Ye to put on makeup elsewhere and vacated the dressing room just because he was looking at Chu Cheng’s face and wanted to please Ji Qingzhou. Since Ji Qingzhou was unwilling, he naturally did not Will barely.

“Let’s do it, since Xiao Ji said so, Liu Ye, you’re still putting on makeup here.”

Liu Ye: …

Liu Ye felt that he really underestimated Ji Qingzhou. He hadn’t seen it before. It wasn’t small, and the deputy director had to give him face.

The deputy director saw nothing else, and said to Ji Qingzhou, “You make up first, Xiao Ji, I adjusted the shooting time, and the new shooting notice will let my assistant give you a while” and left.

Zhao Xin reacted slowly, until the deputy director came to the door before catching up, shouting, “Deputy director, I don’t want to trade with Lulu.”

The deputy director was speechless, “I will listen to what your team leader arranged and tell me about your makeup team.”

Zhao Xin insisted, “I was in charge of Xiao Ji’s makeup from the beginning, but now I suddenly changed, and the image of Xiao Ji’s character is not good.”

The deputy director heard about it and thought about it. He didn’t care about Zhuang Xiangyang’s image-building problem. In the final analysis, it was Ji Qingzhou who changed his makeup artist, that is, changed his style, and did not change Ji Qingzhou’s face, so Zhao Xin did not say So serious. What he cares about is that Zhao Xin has always put makeup on Ji Qingzhou, will Ji Qingzhou favor her more?

“Xiao Ji,” he looked at Ji Qingzhou, “Which makeup artist do you want?”

Ji Qingzhou naturally did not want Zhao Xin. He and Zhao Xin had an unpleasant experience. They also knew that Zhao Xin had always disliked him and looked down on his little-known supporting role. The reason why she is reluctant to leave now is nothing more than a series of changes triggered by Chu Cheng this morning. Without Chu Cheng’s butterfly inciting his wings, Zhao Xin still looks down on herself and still wants to go Make more reddish people.

He remembered what Zhao Xin had used to stop him, and smiled, “I listen to the crew’s arrangements.”

Zhao Xin looked at him and couldn’t believe it, but he expected it. She did not forget the unpleasant relationship between herself and Ji Qingzhou, but she thought she was so persistent. Ji Qingzhou was always good-natured and took care of her face to some extent, but he did not expect that he would take care of her face, but did take care of her face. Did not give her any good looks.

The deputy director understood, “Then according to the arrangement of the makeup team leader, Lulu, you should make good use of it.”

“Relax, director.” Lulu gave him an ok gesture.

The deputy director saw that there was nothing really wrong, and opened the door and went out.

The room was quiet for a while, Liu Ye suddenly turned to look at Ji Qingzhou, “I can’t see it, Xiao Ji, have a background?”

Ji Qingzhou smiled and didn’t speak.

Lulu looked at the time and said “Yeah”, interrupting Liu Ye’s question that he has not yet exited, and hurriedly took Ji Qingzhou to sit in front of the dressing table. “It’s more than half past eight, I’m going to hurry up, Brother Ji, I’ll make it for you first. If there is something you don’t like, you tell me, I look at the change. “

“it is good.”

Lulu saw him agree, put his vanity case on the vanity, quickly opened, and began his work.

Zhao Xin looked at Lulu, squeezed his fists in anger, and turned and walked out.

Liu Ye yelled at her, she ignored her, Liu Ye was a little hesitant, and his makeup hadn’t finished, what should I do now.

He looked at Lulu and asked, “Sister Lulu? Sister Xin is gone. Can you help me finish the rest?”

Lulu was priming Ji Qingzhou, and he didn’t raise his head when he heard the words. He said directly, “I’m not responsible for your makeup. I only put on Ji’s makeup. You have to apply makeup to find Xin Xin. And,” she said here Then he raised his eyes and glanced at Liu Ye, dissatisfied, “I’m younger than you, don’t call my sister.”

Xiaoqian laughed and whispered, “It seems that some people are too sweet.”

Ji Qingzhou heard him say this, knowing that he was dissatisfied before Liu Yan stood up and talked without backache, and smiled down.

Lily blew Chen Jiyuan’s hair, and while packing, she said to him, “Brother Chen, I left beforehand.”

Chen Jiyuan glanced at her, “Why did I go so early today? Maybe I want to adjust the look a little bit.”

“Then you call me. The team leader came to me temporarily this morning and said that I would also be responsible for Ji Ge’s styling in the future. I have to go and make him.”

“Ji brother?”

“Ji Qingzhou,” Lily explained.

Chen Jiyuan frowned. “Ji Qingzhou still needs you to take charge of the styling? What is he, a man who doesn’t have many fans on the entire network, and now he wants to use a stylist with me? His face is really big.”

Lili heard that, afraid he was angry, she said, “This is what the team leader said, and I can only agree.”

“What about your team leader’s phone, you call her and say you are not going.”

“That’s not good.” Lili was a bit reluctant.

Chen Jiyuan snorted and said indifferently, “Hit.”

Lili had to pull out her phone and dial Zhang Ai’s phone.

“What’s wrong?” Zhang Ai asked her.

Lili didn’t know how to say it, for fear she was not careful about a word, Chen Jiyuan would get angry with her and simply passed her cell phone to Chen Jiyuan, “Brother Chen, say it.”

Chen Jiyuan took the mobile phone and succinctly said, “It’s me, Chen Jiyuan, why Lily is going to make Ji Qingzhou? Leader Zhang, do you want a man to share a stylist with me, do you look down on me?”

Zhang Ai had a headache. Why did she forget it? Chen Jiyuan was careful and aimed at Ji Qingzhou. At the time when Jiang Nan called her, she had n’t woken up yet, so she heard Jiang Nan say on the phone, “You have two people over there, one for makeup and one for styling, good technique, good temper, and worry-free. . “

She answered without thinking, “That’s Lulu and Lily.”

Lulu is okay. Because of Chen Jiyuan’s dissatisfaction before, she was not responsible for Chen Jiyuan’s makeup, but Lily was still in charge of Chen Jiyuan’s styling. With careful attention, Chen Jiyuan was definitely not willing to let Li also styling Ji Qingzhou.

Zhang Ai made a decision almost instantaneously, “I didn’t think about it well, Lily still just made the shape for you, and I arranged for others to go to Xiaoji.”

It’s almost the same, Chen Jiyuan thought, he snorted, hung up the phone, and handed it back to Lili, “Well, you don’t have to go.”

Lili took it and did not dare to say anything, but nodded.

Lulu was a little surprised when she saw Sun Lin knocking in, “What are you doing here?”

Sun Lin walked up to her and whispered, “Chen Chen doesn’t let go, the team leader asked me to make Ji Ji.”

Lulu thought, too, how Chen Jiyuan could allow others to share a stylist with her, and she laughed inwardly without speaking.

Sun Lin asked politely to Ji Qingzhou. Since Lulu was still putting on makeup, she didn’t do anything else. She just looked at Ji Qingzhou’s hair and thought about how his style is more appropriate.

After a while, a new shooting announcement came out. Ji Qingzhou’s makeup time and shooting time were adjusted. The makeup time was changed to 8:30 makeup, 10 makeup, and the shooting time was concentrated in the morning and afternoon, at night. The night show also became concentrated, and in the morning after the night show, half a day was set aside for him to rest, there was no rehearsal.

Chen Jiyuan looked at the shooting notice in his hand and clenched fiercely. What was going on? Another change of stylist and adjustment of notice time, what did Ji Qingzhou do? Obviously, last night, the deputy director still looked at him unpleasantly, and still scolded him in the public. Why did it all change overnight? Chen Jiyuan felt angry, but he heard the phone ring, and he bowed his head, and saw Liu Ye send him a WeChat.

Liu Ye plays his friend in the play and usually speaks. When the two are together, Liu Ye is responsible for touting Chen Jiyuan. Therefore, Chen Jiyuan is willing to ignore him.

He opened WeChat and saw Liu Ye said: Brother, absolutely! This morning, the leader of the makeup team changed the makeup artist to give him makeup, which is Lulu who gave you makeup before. Later, the deputy director also came and said directly that Ji Qingzhou would have to use a dressing room on his own. Is it not only the crew that you have a separate dressing room alone? How can he do that? And in the shooting notice, his time has changed completely, which is too great!

Chen Jiyuan looked at it, and clenched his mobile phone severely. The anger in his eyes became more obvious. He was in a bad mood. He looked at the makeup artist who had just painted his eyebrows in the mirror and suddenly became angry. Why are my eyebrows so thick, and my hands are broken! I ca n’t even draw an eyebrow as a makeup artist.

The makeup artist was so frightened that she almost didn’t hold her eyebrow pencil. She looked at Chen Jiyuan and apologized apologetically. However, Chen Jiyuan did not accept it, referring to Sang Huaihuai and cursing, “I really treat myself as something.”

The makeup artist lowered her head, and Chen Jiyuan held the shooting notice form in her hand. In the irresistible anger, she slowly got an idea.

Ji Qingzhou didn’t have time to contact Chu Cheng until he finished filming in the morning and had lunch.

“Is the shooting smooth today?” Chu Cheng asked him while eating.

“Success, it’s so smooth, it has never been so smooth.” Ji Qingzhou sat on the sofa and asked him, “Did you have something to say to me?”

As soon as Chu Cheng heard his tone, he guessed he knew, “Don’t you all know?”

Although Ji Qingzhou knew that everything that happened this morning was due to his credit, he could not help but be touched when he heard Chu Cheng’s almost default words.

For Ji Qingzhou, he is not intolerable for these things of the crew. His shooting time is not long, only one month, and it has been filmed for a week now. As long as he doesn’t care about it, he can still finish shooting the rest calm For the film. But it’s one thing to not care, someone to help yourself is another.

Ji Qingzhou wouldn’t be so pretentious that Chu Cheng didn’t make any preparations, and suddenly stepped in without warning. It was an unacceptable thing to directly change his situation in the crew through dialogue with the crew. He frankly accepted Chu Cheng’s kindness, and was even a little unconsciously happy.

“How do you see that there is a problem? When did you make a call to Jiang Zhizhu? You even knew Jiang Zhizhu. By the way, what did you tell Jiang Zhidian, I am your brother?”

“You have a lot of questions.”

“I’m curious.” Ji Qingzhou honestly said.

Chu Cheng laughed. “I’m not in your circle. How can I see where the specific problem is? I just think that the time schedule is cumbersome. It can be solved once. I have to divide it several times. It was a big night, and it was too frustrating. So I let Yu Anyi take a look. I did n’t understand, but she did. She could tell at a glance that Chen Jiyuan was aimed at you. “

Chu Cheng said here, remembered, “Why haven’t you told him about his existence before, that time the official announcement poster made your p’s sissy mad, and I said why I didn’t give me high-definition pictures, It turned out that I couldn’t take it at all. “

Ji Qingzhou bowed his head embarrassed, “The matter has been resolved later, Brother Zhou helped me on a hot search, and everyone can see what I look like. This is not a big deal, so I didn’t tell you.”

“You do n’t have to worry about reporting good news. If I did n’t come to visit your class, I would just chat with you normally, and I thought you had a good time in the crew. It turned out to be a look. Okay, it ’s all a problem. “

Ji Qingzhou does have such a personality. He grew up because he has good academics and a good family background, so he rarely encounters major events, and for some minor events, he is unwilling to take these things after he has dealt with them. To worry about Ji Mu.

The same is true for Chu Cheng.

He feels that these are not major issues, and they have been resolved, so there is no need to tell Chu Cheng like a child’s complaint. After all, he is not incapable of solving problems himself.

“You are also very hard,” Ji Qingzhou said, “I can solve these things myself. I don’t want to trouble you for these things.”

“It’s good that you can solve it. I said before that I’m not here. You can do it yourself. It’s okay. But after the matter is resolved, you need to tell me and let me know that there is such a thing. Don’t be aggressive when others talk about what you have encountered, don’t you? “

Ji Qingzhou thought that what he said was like this, “Okay, I will tell you next time.” After he said it, he said with emotion, “I just feel like I am an adult, and I still want to tell you This is like complaining to a teacher at school. “

“You have a mentality problem,” Chu Cheng taught him, “you usually just mention it when you call me on WeChat, don’t you have a classmate group? Someone in the group will definitely complain,” What a spicy chicken? ” Boss, every day people work overtime ‘, you can also complain,’ What a hot chicken crew, so many things’, understand? “


“Just understand.” Chu Cheng satisfied.

“So when did you call the producer Jiang?” Ji Qingzhou pulled the topic back again. “It’s not like I said good night to you last night, didn’t you sleep?”

“Then you guessed right.” Chu Cheng made no secret of it. “Your father and I did it for you, but I tossed up to three o’clock before going to sleep. I first called your instructor, didn’t get through, and asked someone for your class teacher. Phone, it ’s so noisy. Did you move? ”

“Touched.” Ji Qingzhou truthfully said.

“Then how do you behave?” Chu Cheng asked him.

Ji Qingzhou thought about it, “Next time I meet, let me kiss you?”

“Just kiss it?”

“So, kiss twice?” Ji Qingzhou didn’t quite understand his father’s thoughts. “How many times do you want?”

Chu Cheng was helpless, “Baby, don’t you think we are getting a little slower?”

“I don’t think so.” Ji Qingzhou thought it was quite fast. It took more than half a month to work together. Both of them have developed a kiss. Is it slow?

“What did I say to you last time?” Chu Cheng leaned back, leisurely.

“What did you say?” Ji Qingzhou asked him.

“I said, would you like to kiss me?”

Ji Qingzhou: …

Chu Cheng asked him, “Would you like?”

Ji Qingzhou did not speak.

Chu Cheng beeps twice, “This is your performance? There is no sincerity at all.”

“I … I didn’t agree.” Ji Qingzhou finished, feeling his face a little hot.

“That’s promised?”

Ji Qingzhou endured the gradually rising temperature on his face, nodding his head silently, but thought that he couldn’t see it just after nodding, so he hummed softly.

Chu Cheng was very relieved. “Don’t let Dad do a busy night for you.”

“It’s hard father.” Ji Qingzhou cooperated.

“No pain,” Chu Cheng said. “After all, no matter how hard it is, you ca n’t suffer children. If I do n’t work hard, you have to suffer.”

Ji Qingzhou: “…”

“Yes, what did you just ask me? How did Jiang Nan and I know each other?”

“Well.” Ji Qingzhou watched him wrap up the subject again, and then he continued to ask, “Why did you tell Jiang Zhiyi, I am your brother?”

“I do n’t know Jiang Nan. I know your producer, but I could n’t reach him last night, so I found Jiang Nan. The IP adaptation has been hot these past two years. Jiang Nan came to me to talk about copyright. I let me The senior is responsible, so I asked the senior last night for her contact information. Regardless of entertainment, she may still cooperate with us in the future, so naturally I have to sell me a face. As for saying you are my brother, I I ’ll take care of you this big night. You have to be famous. Do n’t say what my brother said? ”

“Say it’s a friend?”

“Do you believe it? Someone’s friend doesn’t sleep at night, just to set aside time for the other party, can’t you wait until the next morning?”

“So you say it’s a brother?”

“It’s normal for my brother to care about his brother. Brothers and friends are respectful and righteous.”

Ji Qingzhou sighed, “I’m just afraid of you casually, they really treat me as a relative of your family.”

“That’s great, see who dares to bully you.”

“In case, was it heard by others in your family?” Ji Qingzhou did not forget that Chu Cheng had an older brother, who is still the helm of Xiyu. When Ji Qingzhou read the book, I remembered that the author mentioned one or two strokes, saying that this brother Chu Cheng was serious and deep, like a working machine, and he did n’t know if he heard that Chu Cheng had a cheap deal on his back. Brother, what would it look like.

Probably it won’t look good on my face.

“It’s okay,” Chu Cheng didn’t worry. “Then my brother won’t find you, he will find me directly.”

“Are you afraid of my brother?” Chu Cheng laughed.

Ji Qingzhou said, can’t you be afraid, your brother is my boss? Besides, when he was reading, he always felt that according to the author’s description of Chu Xin, this person must not be simple. Ji Qingzhou thought of meeting Chu Cheng at Xiyu before. When he took the elevator, the phrase “Don’t tell my brother” that Chu Cheng and Zhou Chengfeng said could predict that if Chu Xin knew it, it would be a little bit troublesome. .

“Aren’t you afraid?” Ji Qingzhou asked him.

“I have nothing to fear,” Chu Chengdan calmly said, “my brother is very kind to me, rest assured.”


“Okay, I’m going to take care of something. You go to rest first. I’ll go to you after the afternoon.”

“it is good.”

Chu Cheng smiled and teased him, “Would you like to kiss me over the phone?”

Ji Qingzhou: “…”

Ji Qingzhou hung up the phone silently.

Chu Cheng looked at the phone that was silently hung up and laughed. He was about to call Ji Qingzhou and asked him how he dared to hang up his father’s phone without saying anything, so filial! As a result, before we could dial, we heard WeChat ring.

Chu Cheng glanced, and it turned out to be Ji Qingzhou.

He opened it, and saw Ji Qingzhou sending him an expression, a q version of the villain was blowing a cheek from his mouth with a love, there are three big characters next to it, Moda ~

Chu Cheng didn’t expect him to be like this, could not help but laugh again. He didn’t actually make fun of Ji Qingzhou before. At that time, Ji Qingzhou was in a state of injustice in front of him, and he was not in the mood. He just wanted to sleep before talking. That is, recently, Ji Qingzhou suddenly became less restrained in front of him. Chu Cheng only realized that he was really innocent. The more innocent he was, the more Chu Cheng wanted to make fun of him. Just want to dial.

It was really nasty, Chu Cheng murmured to himself silently, but you can’t blame him, after all, every time he dialed a little, Ji Qingzhou’s reaction was very interesting. Chu Cheng felt from the bottom of his heart that it was a very pleasant thing to play Ji Qingzhou.

But only him.

Ji Qingzhou saw that Chu Cheng was slow to reply to WeChat, so he sent another one: Let’s do this first, let me go and I will take a break.

Chu Cheng returned him an “um” word.

Ji Qingzhou was relieved. He hung up on Chu Cheng’s phone for the first time. He also worried that Chu Cheng would be angry. Fortunately, his father in charge of gold was as generous as ever. Ji Qingzhou did not hesitate to send another good card to Chu Cheng.

In the afternoon, Ji Qingzhou followed the crew to the park and was ready to shoot the outside scene. Today, it is rare for him to have a rival play with Chen Jiyuan. The content of this play is that Zhuang Xiangyang had a quarrel with his family and went out of the house despite his illness. He sat in the park’s pavilion and watched people coming and going, tired and sleepy. At this time, it was raining in the sky. Zhuang Xiangyang sat in the pavilion and waited for the rain to stop, but the rain never stopped. He was sick and blowing the wind, only to feel shivering.

Coincidentally at this time, Jiang Weiwei called him to remind him that they had an appointment to watch a movie today. In order to fulfill his promise, Zhuang Xiangyang braved the rain and came out of the pavilion, but accidentally collided with Zhang Fei. He was sick and didn’t have much strength. Zhang Fei’s collision almost directly knocked him out, or Zhang Fei The reaction dragged him so that he didn’t fall.

Ji Qingzhou looked at the script and was a little worried whether Chen Jiyuan would make a negative move, but in the end the deputy director and director were there. Even if Chen Jiyuan really wanted to use any means, they should stop it. Ji Qingzhou thought of it here, I just hope that the shooting is smooth, it is best to pass it again.

The journalist quickly moved the required equipment to the shooting point. The director asked Ji Qingzhou and Chen Jiyuan to go through the play briefly. Chen Jiyuan was very cooperative. The director emphasized the details again, reminding Chen Jiyuan to pay attention to the final reaction, and grab Ji in time. Qing Zhou, Chen Jiyuan smiled and nodded, Ji Qingzhou looked at him, always upset.

After the director directed them to shoot, they let the sprinkler spray water to create a scene of rain. This scene first filmed Ji Qingzhou’s role in the pavilion. Chen Jiyuan did not need to appear, and the director signaled that he should take a rest first.

Chen Jiyuan heard the words and smiled, “Shouldn’t you be shooting me first?”

The director explained, “In the play where Xiao Ji was in the pavilion, the clothes were dry. The clothes that collided with you were rainy and the clothes were wet. I can’t shoot that scene in the pavilion, so take his separate shot first. “

Chen Jiyuan put his hands in his pockets. “This isn’t great,” he said. “My time is also very tight. There will be a live broadcast to go back later. Now I will shoot him first, shouldn’t I wait a long time?”

Seeing this, Chen Jiyuan’s assistant also said, “Yeah, the time we send to the source is more valuable than the time of Ji Qingzhou. What if we delay the live broadcast because of waiting for the show?”

“It won’t be long, the small season’s dramas are shot very quickly, and many of them are done over and over again.”

“That doesn’t make sense for a male lead to wait for a man.”

Ji Qingzhou heard that he was unwilling to argue on this. He thought about it and said, “Let’s shoot the scene with Brother Chen first. I remember that this suit seems to have two sides, and the first one was rained. After the shooting, I will change the other shot in the pavilion. “

The director heard the words, looked up at Chen Jiyuan, and saw Chen Jiyuan’s face reluctant to concede. He felt that this was a bit frustrating, but who made Chen Jiyuan the biggest player in the crew, he had to open one eye and close one eye. It’s hard for you, Xiaoji. “

“It’s all right,” Ji Qingzhou said.

The director asked them to stand in accordance with the previously determined positions, and returned to the camera again, while explaining the assistant to contact the person in charge of Ji Qingzhou’s clothing, brought the other clothes over, while looking at the camera, ready to shout “action”.

Ji Qingzhou and Chen Jiyuan have already stood. Ji Qingzhou stood in the pavilion. After the director made an “action”, he looked at the rain outside the pavilion. According to Zhuang Xiangyang’s mood, he had no choice but to rush out of the pavilion. .

He supported his jacket with both hands and ran very fast. However, when he ran out not too far, he collided with a person. The force was too great. Ji Qingzhou fell unguarded and fell backwards. Chen Jiyuan turned and extended his hand. , But did not hold him, or Ji Qingzhou himself made a clever effort and stabilized.

“Card,” the director shouted, “don’t hold on, come again.”

Ji Qingzhou looked at Chen Jiyuan, and the water from the sprinkler kept flowing down his hair. Chen Jiyuan’s face had no expression and turned back to the direction he came from.

He is not the main perspective of the play, so there is no sprinkler sprinkler where he comes, he can get the rain, only the scene that collided with Ji Qingzhou.

Ji Qingzhou quickly returned to the pavilion. After the director shouted “action”, he rushed out again, still a familiar collision, but this time, Chen Jiyuan did not hold him in time.

The director shouted, “Xiao Chen, you remember to hold Xiao Ji, you must react faster.”

“OK.” Chen Jiyuan responded.

When Ji Qingzhou ran out of the pavilion for the third time, he was already a bit cold. He intuitively wouldn’t pass this time. Sure enough, Chen Jiyuan pulled him this time, but his reaction was too fast. Ji Qingzhou had not fallen yet. With the omen of the downfall, he has already held people back, and naturally continues to return.

“Brother Chen,” Ji Qingzhou looked at him and asked him, “Are you planning that this show has always been so consuming with me?”

“What are you talking about?” Chen Jiyuan laughed. “Aren’t I not in a good position?”

“I think Chen’s timing is very good, either too fast or too slow. I missed the best opportunity perfectly.”

“Xiao Ji, what do you mean by that?”

“It’s not interesting,” Ji Qingzhou said, “I just hope that Brother Chen can make a good movie. After all, we haven’t been very good all the time, have we?”

Chen Jiyuan smiled and didn’t speak.

When Ji Qingzhou and Chen Jiyuan collided for the fourth time, Chen Jiyuan’s force was stronger than the previous several times. Ji Qingzhou retreated a few steps before he stood still. Fortunately, he did not fall to the ground because of the unstable center of gravity.

Chen Jiyuan seemed to be a bit sorry, and said, “Xiao Ji, be careful,” and then turned back.

The director shouted a card, stopped the sprinkler, and walked in front of the two. He looked at Chen Jiyuan, dissatisfied: “Little Chen, what’s going on with you today?”

Chen Jiyuan calmly said, “I didn’t sleep well last night, but I’m a bit tired today.”

“If you’re tired, we’ll make a small season first, take a break next to you. How long will it take for you to go down like this?

“Don’t I get it too?”

The director was speechless. “You can’t drench it for less than a minute. For him, he has to drench for several minutes.”

“The director really takes care of Xiao Ji,” Chen Jiyuan said in a yin and yang quirk. “Well, I will pay attention.”

The makeup artist made up makeup for both of them. Xiaoqian gave Ji Qingzhou a cup of hot water. Ji Qingzhou took a few sips. The director shouted “Ready.” He returned the hot water to Xiaoqian and returned to the pavilion.


Ji Qingzhou ran out of the pavilion in response, but he ran to the point of collision, but did not feel the familiar force. He turned his head and found that Chen Jiyuan was standing outside the “Rain Screen” and standing at the starting position arranged by Chen Jiyuan , Did not move, looked at him like a theater.

Even when he looked over, a mocking smile evoked from the corner of his mouth, as if looking at a clown.

Ji Qingzhou felt that the anger in his heart could not be suppressed. He clenched his fist fiercely and reminded himself that this was work. When he hit Chen Jiyuan, there was bound to be a series of troubles in the back. Chu Cheng had helped him once, and he couldn’t bother Chu Cheng again. He didn’t give anything to Chu Cheng yet, how can he be eligible to let Chu Cheng pay for him again and again.

The director said angrily, “Chen Jiyuan! What are you standing for! You are silly there!”

Chen Jiyuan was not insulted, calmly said, “I just didn’t respond, I forgot.”

The director was also a little irritable and could only let Ji Qingzhou go back again.

Ji Qingzhou did not speak, and clenched his hands silently.

When Chu Cheng came, he saw exactly this scene.

He went to Xiao Qian and asked him, “What’s going on?”

The little money was startled and he found him back, stuttering, “Chu, Chu Shao, why are you here? Why didn’t you let me pick you up?”

“You tell me what this is doing first? How did he get this look?”

Xiao Qian sighed, “Ji Ge partnered with Chen Jiyuan, and Ji Jiyuan didn’t cooperate well. It was either slow or fast, now it’s better. He simply stood there and didn’t move. Ji had to cooperate with him over and over again.”

Chu Cheng heard the words and sneered. He was dissatisfied with the villain when Yu Anyi and him talked about Chen Jiyuan last night. This is all right. I met him directly, but I can just take him to the knife and kill the chicken. Monkey watching.

Chu Cheng looked around, bypassed the small money, went to the other side, and walked in a certain direction not far away. The little money is a little hesitant. I don’t know where the young master of their company is going, but he soon knew.

When Ji Qingzhou ran out of the pavilion again and was about to collide with Chen Jiyuan, as soon as he reached the collision point, he heard an “ah”, followed by the sound of a person falling down and Chen Jiyuan’s scolding, “I **** / Your mother! “

Ji Qingzhou turned his head and saw Chen Jiyuan kneeling not far away, turning his head and glaring at Chu Cheng behind him.

Before he was surprised how Chu Cheng was here, he saw Chu Cheng snorted coldly. He was kicking Chen Jiyuan’s buttocks. He just leaned forward and leaned on his hands to support him.

Chu Cheng looked at him, and said indifferently, “You try to curse again.”

After he finished speaking, he looked up and saw that Ji Qingzhou was still dripping with the water of the sprinkler truck. He turned silently and shouted at the staff in charge of the sprinkler truck, “Are you stupid ?! The national water resources don’t need money! The body of the actor! It ’s not the body! The water is still off at this time. Is your **** going to raise fish? “

After finishing speaking, he turned to Ji Qingzhou and shouted, “What are you doing, come here! I haven’t got enough!”

The author has something to say: The next chapter: Chu Cheng beat Chen Jiyuan! Furious Chu Dad! Rest assured, the rain that Zhou Zhou is now drenching will make Chen Jiyuan double back.

Thank you for your support! Who is the cutest person? Of course you guys! Love you guys! !! As of 24 pm on Wednesday (10th), I will send a red envelope to thank you for your comments in Chapter V, which is a little careful to me. On Thursday (11th), I subscribe to comments on the day, and randomly send 300 red envelopes ~ The first three chapters of chapter v are very important, so I hope everyone can support it. Starting from the 11th after v, 6,000 words will be updated every day to catch up It will be very cool. Anyone who chased my last book knows that I have super good pit products, so do n’t really fatten me [cover your face].

Put a pre-collection for the archives, and the little angel who is interested click into the author’s column to collect it, and write this after finishing writing:

“After being reborn, I became my brother’s cat and dog [Entertainment]”


Wen Mingyi has a model brother who lives next door. He was born in a giant and has a handsome and powerful look. The only thing that is not good is blindness.

In order to get his brother out of the bitter sea, Wen Mingyi ate his brother at home, training Bailian outside, but only caused his brother to be disappointed with him, and he became more concerned about Bailian.

Later, during a drunken and white lotus pull, Wen Mingyi was unfortunately killed by a car. After the death, Wen Mingyi knew that he and his brother were just supporting characters in a novel. In order to fulfill the love of Bailian and true love, he had to die, and his brother would be blackened because of his death and become Bai Lian’s stepping stones that she really loved, her home was ruined and she was impoverished.

Wen Mingyi is not reconciled, then! He found himself born again! After resurrection, Wen Mingyi decided to stop the tragedy of him and his brother.

But looking at his brother’s well-dressed preparation to go to Xiao Bailian’s appointment, Wen Mingyi was so anxious as an ant on a hot pot that he could do nothing. At 9 o’clock, he was surprised to find himself like a dog.

Wen Mingyi quickly ran to his brother and shouted in horror: “Brother, brother …”

But the sound was, “Wang, Wang …”

Sjunto looked at his brother, who suddenly became a dog, with a grimace.

Wen Mingyi grieved “Bangwang” for a long time, biting his brother’s trousers directly and not allowed to leave!

Sprint: …

Stuart took out his phone and cancelled the dinner with Xiao Bailian.

Wen Mingyi was overjoyed, the dog’s head was scrambling on his brother’s leg!

However, Wen Mingyi didn’t think of anything, and he clinged to him to reach his brother’s bed.

“It was mine when you became a cat and a dog, so it is naturally mine to be an adult, too.” Si Junduo touched his head.

☆ It can be changed from cat to dog.

Put a new pit of my cp Haili, and it will start soon. These two days, if you like, you can collect it.

“My Love Engine Failure [abo]”


Lin Luoyi, who became an omega through the age of great interstellar, can do nothing.

Driving Mecha to Defend the Country? ——Dream.

Does genetic technology benefit humanity? ——Half illiterate.

Entering the interstellar entertainment industry set off a retro trend? -No literary talent.

Until he saw such a message:

“Find the origin of mankind, worship the ancestor cemetery, and challenge the unknown terror! The 60-day high-end boutique tour group will go to the land of the destruction of the gods, the abyss of all things and the abandoned land of scorched earth gods. Return to the earth and look forward to your joining!”

Earthman Lin Luoyi: I … I can’t seem to.

However, as a psychiatrist accompanying a tour group, Lin Luoyi could not, and must, can, and then he saw Huo Xishan on the starship.

Lin Luoyi: “Have I met you?”

Huo Xishan: “Are you saying a few days ago or a long time ago?”

——A long time ago, Lin Luoyi and Huo Xishan were rivals of love. They jointly chased the high school grass.

-A few days ago, Lin Luoyi and Huo Xishan had a doctor-patient relationship. Huo Xishan’s engine failed non-physiologically. He went to a psychological clinic to see a doctor. Afternoon car show.

Huo Xishan: “Dr. Lin, what’s the point of seeing someone else’s car, or else, let’s test drive it?”

Belly Black Interstellar Officer x Innocent Cheerful Earthman

Title search or direct search [Author: Li Hai] point into the column, a collection of ~ ~

Speaking of abo, I also have a brain hole for abo. You can also collect [cover your face], which collection is higher than the next, which is a dog or a cat.

“After entering the deadly Lynx Elf [abo]”

Bian Jinyuan has a secret. Since the first year of freshman, at 8 o’clock every night, he will inexplicably penetrate into the deadly opponent of Lu Yunfei’s Tmall Elf.

What about the Lynx Elf who is wearing a deadly opponent?

Of course it was to chat with him, peep at his weaknesses, collect his handles, so that he would never be able to show off his power in front of him in the future.

However, chatting and talking, he found that everyone’s default Lu Yunfei who was bate turned out to be omega!

Bian Jinyuan: How can he be so omega!

Before Bian Jinyuan had time to accept, Lu Yunfei’s estrus came.

Lu Yunfei never thought that his estrus came so suddenly, and he never expected that Bian Jinyuan would somehow appear and spend three days with him.

Bian Jinyuan: “Since we are all like this, it would be better …”

“The road is moving towards the sky! Let’s go each side! While we haven’t marked it, we will never see you again!”

Bian Jinyuan: …

Bian Jinyuan pushed to Lu Yunfei.

“What are you doing?”

“Mark you.”

Lu Yunfei :! !! !! roll!

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The above three pre-collections, selected by Jun, are all sweet and sweet, we only produce sugar, thank you! Remember to collect ~~ 2k novel reading network

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