Reborn as Thor!_Self-Insert (SI) in DxD world!

A party to remember!

*Vol.1: Tales of a God.

Chapter 26 - A party to remember!

Here is the new chapter!

Thanks for waiting!

*Name Caption (You can adopt {ð = d} and {Þ = Th} to make it easier):

Ásgarðr = Asgardr.

Ahvenanmaa (Finnish) = Aland.

Balðr = Baldur/Balder (first son of Odin and Frigg).

Gullinbursti = Frey's Boar.

Höðr = Höder (second son of Odin and Frigg).

Kostr = Known as the 'Viking Wedding'.

Miðgarðr = Midgard.

Njörðr = Njord (father of Frey and Freyja).

Skaði = Skadi (mother of Frey and Freyja).

Skiblaðnir = Skidbladnir.

Þjazi = Thjazi (Father of Skadi and leader of a clan of Jotuns).

Þórr = Thor.

Valhöll = Valhalla.

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter peasant!

- Location: Asgard / Valhalla.

Pov. Third-person.

Early in the morning of that day, Prince Thor's Name Day celebrations began. But, for unknown reasons, Prince Thor withdrew from the celebration throughout the afternoon and early evening.

During this time... The Princess Vanir, Freyja, entered Valhalla's hall hurriedly and inquired about the location of her mother, Skadi.

To the guests, she looked worried... But in reality, Freyja was quite upset.

Odin said that Skadi was doing something important and that he would return to the celebrations as soon as it was over.

And because the answer was vague, it made some people curious about where Skadi was.

It was then that Prince Loki argued that the goddess Skadi had gone to meet Prince Thor.

Prince Loki's explanation was still vague... But he opened a pandora's box, after all, many things could be interpreted from such a statement.

Guests who were in the habit of assuming what was possibly going on began to think that Njord's wife was having an affair with Prince Thor.

This thought was quickly dismissed as everyone knew how much Skadi loved Njord...

After a few minutes, Princess Freyja found herself at the 'table of Odin's children' sitting beside Frey, who was facing Balðr and Hel. Freyja then went on to talk about how she got the news from her father that she is being offered marriage in a Kostr to Prince Thor.

"I can't believe they did this to me… I'm the goddess of love! Obviously, I won't approve of such a vile thing as Kostr!" said Freyja, indignantly.

Hermod had a nervous look at this last statement.

"Ah… Yes! Definitely whoever thought of negotiating your hand in marriage doesn't deserve you!" said Hermod.

Balðr, who was sitting in front of Freyja, start to speak.

"I know it's unfair... But I know my brother, he taught me a lot growing up about how to be fair and stay true to your beliefs... So I give you my word Freyja, my brother won't let this happen... It may not seem like it, but my brother cherishes peace and freedom" explained Balðr.

Hel didn't make any comment... After all, she had no idea what to say because she's never been in a similar situation.

"I understand Balðr, but it's still hard to process that my family would do something like that... I wonder if they care about my opinion..." Freyja said with a tone of defeat.

"I care dear sister! Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you! Otherwise, I will have failed as your big brother!" Frey said with a confident tone.

Freyja just looked at her brother and gave a small smile of appreciation... But then she remembered her conversation with her father...

About her 'duty' as Princess of the Vanir gods.

And about the main reason for Kostr.

Keeping Frey safe when he starts to rule the Vanir gods.

It was at that moment that Freyja's appreciative smile turned to apologetic.

"No brother... I will have failed you..." whispered Freyja.

It was then that the voice of the guard who stood at the doors of Valhalla's hall echoed through the hall.

"All hail Princess Skadi!"

Freyja looked towards the entrance and saw her mother walking quickly to the table where her father Njord sat. During this walk, Skadi caught her daughter's gaze and gave her an apologetic look before continuing to walk towards Njord.

Due to Skadi's behavior, Freyja interpreted that Thor had accepted the Kostr... This had left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Some time passed and the guard spoke once more...

"All hail Prince Thor!" said the guard aloud.

And there was Thor... Standing at the gates of Valhalla.

Just looking.

It was then that Thor's eyes met Freyja's gaze and the gaze between the two remained for some time until Thor began to stare at Odin.

... It was then a waitress approached Thor ... The waitresses were responsible for distributing the drink and food to the guests.

Usually, the drink was in the standard drinking horns... But the standard for Thor was a barrel.

And that was exactly what the waitress was bringing to Thor...

A barrel full of mead.

"Here it is my prince... More barrels will be delivered I promise you" said the waitress smiling and handing over the barrel. The waitress was nervous because on Thor's shoulder, looking bored, was the 'god slayer'.

Thor looked at the barrel and then at the waitress… But he didn't smile in response.

"I thank you for your consideration…But I will only have a ceremonial drinking horn," Thor said.

That surprised the occupants... Did Thor cut down on his drink?

... Why?

The waitress just waved and ran to get the barrel and take it back, only then to get the drinking horn.

But Thor prevented the action...

"No… Let the barrel here…I'll make use of that barrel," Thor said.

The waitress was confused... Thor wasn't going to drink the barrel, but he's still going to keep it?

The waitress just shrugged and went to get the standard ceremonial mead horn.

While the waitress had been fetching the mead horn… Thor decided to look at the guests.

He flashed a smile at his brothers' table, and a polite nod to the other tables, but not a smile.

For some who knew well how Thor behaved when he was sober, his mood was quite clear...

Somehow… Thor was pissed.

When the waitress returned with the drinking horn, Thor then thanked her and began to smile.

For some reason, Odin didn't like that smile.

"I would like to make a statement!" Thor said aloud.

All the guests rose from the tables and remained silent, awaiting Prince Thor's words.

However... Some didn't have a good feeling.

"First of all, I would like to thank you for participating in my 'names day' party, I assure you that I am extremely happy for your consideration in coming to celebrate," said Thor, in a sincere tone.

This seemed to bring some happy smiles from the audience... But those smiles were erased from the face and replaced by a puzzled expression after Thor spoke the next words...

"…Now I, as the day's host, declare that the festivities are over…You may leave," Thor said with a smile... A fake smile.

Nobody understood... After all, it was still early in the evening. Also, the party started as soon as the sun rose so it was supposed to end with the sunrise of the next day.

"I understand your confusion, people of Asgard… But I need to discuss with my parents something important that can only be decided today. I ask that the people who are sitting at my brothers' table remain," said Thor, in an apologetic tone.

This caught the public's attention.

To the guests, it looked like Thor was going to have a very important conversation... Some speculated it was a family affair, but dismissed it as Frey and Freyja were sitting next to the Aesir princes.

But the guests obeyed after all Thor had the power of the host of the day...

As everyone was leaving, just as the leading couple Vanir approached, Thor whispered in their direction.

"Wait outside the gates…" said Thor, not looking at the couple.

Neither Skadi nor Njord said anything, but they decided to do as asked. Because it would probably be something about the Kostr.

As soon as all the guests had left, Thor dropped the drinking horn on the floor, picked up the barrel, and began walking toward his brothers' table.

As soon as Thor got close he started to smile.

"Thank you for coming…and Balðr, thank you for taking care of Hel," Thor said.

Hel looked a little indignant.

"What do you mean 'take care'?... I'm not a child, cousin!" said Hel, a little annoyed.

Thor just smiled back.

"Hahahaha… Right, of course, it's not… Sorry for saying you were a kid," said Thor, who put one of his hands on Hel's head and ruffled her hair.

"Aw~... You never apologized when you said I behaved like a child..." said Hermod, with a playful tone.

"…Because I was, and still am, right…You still behave like a child, you little shit," Thor said, unmoved.

Hermod grimaced indignantly.

"Ha-ha-ha... Calm down guys," said Balðr worriedly.

It was then that a voice spoke.

It was Freyja.

"Thor... My mom already talked to you, didn't she?" asked Freyja.

It was then that Frey chose that moment to jump across the table, and glare at Thor, wanting to look as intimidating as possible.

Frey failed to appear intimidating... as Thor remained unfazed.

"While you are my friend... I won't let my sister forcefully marry," Frey said.

It was then that something surprised everyone sitting at the table.

Someone stopped Frey from speaking... And that someone was Freyja.

"Frey, stop... It's all right," Freyja said, smiling.

But for Frey, who knew his sister's smiles, knew that the smile Freyja was giving him... It was quite false.

"But sister! He – " Frey started to complain before being interrupted by someone else.

"...So will you fight for your sister's freedom?"

This caught the attention of the people at the table...

Who asked that question?... The answer would be simple.


"Thor... What are you suggesting?" asked Balðr, curious.

Thor just smiled.

"Oh? You know me, brother... I'm offering the easy way~..." said Thor.

Freyja had not fully understood what Thor was claiming...

It was then that Thor chose to comment.

"I'd like to say to you guys to stay here, but you'd better leave too... While you technically could participate... The fewer people who know what's going to happen in this room, the better it will be," Thor said.

Balðr looked…disappointed.

"You...don't trust us?" asked Balðr.

"Not exactly… You'll be more likely to stop me if you witness this conversation, so I'm just pulling you out of the conflict," Thor explained.

These words caught the attention of the people at the table...

'Conflict'... What 'conflict'?

Though Balðr wanted to know more... All of Thor's brothers knew that: when Thor sets one thing in his head, he is unlikely to change.

So Balðr just nodded as he rose from his chair.

"All of you…let's go," said Balðr, to his brothers.

Thor's other brothers understood the situation and quickly rose from their chairs.

Hel rose too, albeit reluctantly.

"Thor... You really don't need our help?" asked Hel.

Thor just shook his head in denial.

"It's better to be this way... But by the way... While the celebrations in Valhalla have ended, feel free to come to my house in Midgard, we can continue celebrating there. Hel has another key to my house so you can go with her if you find Sif and Nanna you can call them too... But when you leave ask Skadi and Njord to come in..." said Thor, to the people who were there. got up from the table.

Thor's brothers and Hel nodded and then headed for the exit.

Frey and Freyja looked like they didn't know whether to accompany the others or remain... Since what Thor will discuss with their parents probably will be about Kostr.

It was then that Thor looked at the 'royalty' Vanir.

"You will stay until the conversation is over. Please follow me, let's have a very fun conversation," said Thor, as he tucked the barrel of mead into his storage necklace, and walked towards the head table.

The Vanir siblings just nodded and followed Thor toward the head table.

As they approached the main 'imperial table' Thor grabbed a chair and sat down calmly in front of Odin.

After a few minutes, Skadi and Njord appeared.

The Vanir gods were all standing and only the Aesir, consisting of Frigg, Odin, Loki, and Thor himself, remained seated.

Thor noticed this quickly.

"This is getting in the way a little…" Thor said in reflection, looking at the table.

Thor then rose from his chair... and lifted the table.

He set the table a little away from the small group and then returned to his seat...

While Thor could just throw the table... The mess would be unnecessary.

"Please…sit down," Thor said, to the Vanir gods.

The Vanir gods then sought out chairs to sit on.

During that moment... Fenrir, who had been on Thor's shoulder all this time, jumped into Thor's lap and began glaring at Odin and Loki.

Obviously, both Odin and Loki didn't like the looks Fenrir was giving them at all.

When the Vanir gods returned with the chairs they, understandably, chose to sit a little apart from Thor, who had Fenrir in his lap.

But... Frey and Freyja sat opposite their parents.

The action was noticed by the others …

"Frey?...Freyja?...What's the meaning-" began Skadi, until she was interrupted by a voice followed by a loud growl.

"Sit down..."

It was Thor who had spoken, and as he spoke Fenrir gave a warning growl.

Skadi was then pulled by Njord to sit down.

With everyone seated, the difference was visible...

It looked like a quadratic formation...

With Thor sitting across from Odin, Frigg, and Loki.

And Frey and Freyja sitting across from their parents.

No one wanted to start the conversation for a while... The tension was palpable.

It was then that Thor commented...

"…How are the territories of Asgard doing, father? Any conflict?" Thor asked.

This surprised people…because it wasn't exactly what they thought would be asked first.

"…I must say, nephew… You know how to break the ice~" said Loki, with a smile.

Thor did not smile in response.

"Thor... I think you and us know we should talk about the Kostr..." said Frigg.

"There will be no Kostr! My sister will not forcibly marry!" exclaimed Frey.

"Frey don't – " said Freyja, trying to stop Frey... But the damage has already been done.

Skadi and Njord promptly spoke back.

"Shut up Frey! It's the best way for you to guarantee your power among the Vanir gods!" said Skadi

"This is all thanks to the rash decisions you usually make! Who doesn't remember your little adventure in Jotunheim?! Thanks to Sif, we know very well about how you acted! And not just us, but other gods too! If Thor hadn't been there, I would have probably received YOUR HEAD as of a sign of war!" shouted Njord.

"ENOUGH!" shouted a voice.

It was Odin who had demanded silence.

But... Odin was not facing any of the Vanir.

He was facing the only person who seemed quite calm in this conversation...

"... You brought us together... Aren't you going to say anything?" asked Odin, looking at his son.

Thor remained calm, and after some silence... He decided to speak.

"If I were to say ALL I want... We would spend all night in this conversation... But I'll summarize what I think about it all... But I must warn you that what I'm going to say might be a little... 'Insensitive.'

Odin seemed to consider for some time... until he made his decision.

"Very well… You may speak honestly, Thor," said Odin.

Thor then smiled back.

"I beg your pardon in advance, Skadi…But regarding my opinion about the Kostr… I REFUSE" said Thor.

And so, simply, people were surprised and shocked by Thor's response...

Skadi promptly rose from her chair in outrage.

"I BEGGED TO YOU! FOR TO CONSIDER –" Skadi started to say until she was interrupted by Thor himself.

"And I CONSIDERED... And no matter what scenario goes through my head... The Kostr is the last option to solve your problems. It's the last option for a simple reason... It's risky... VERY risky... A good example of what can happen?... Let's see... Frey is murdered and Freyja will be in power and will marry any rebel Vanir god to establish peace in the Vanir race, and if Freyja is married to an AESIR god, she will likely be murdered too and then the other Vanir gods would choose their leader... And that was one of the scenarios," Thor explained.

The group was silent...until Skadi chose to speak.

"... When did you think of this 'scenario'?" asked Skadi.

"…As soon as we left my house, on our way to Asgard I was thinking about the pros and cons… And the 'cons' are too much. I didn't lie to you... I respected your request and was seriously considering the 'proposal'... But I won't participate in something that could go very wrong..." explained Thor, with a tone of sincerity.

But then Njord chose to comment.

"You talk about 'murder'? My people would NEVER do such a dishonorable thing! If one of us wants to kill a person, there is a 'duel'! There will NEVER be someone who will kill the other in such a dishonorable way!" said Njord indignantly.

In a way, this was true...

In Norse culture... It was considered dishonorable to kill a person in a way considered 'cowardly'.

The use of poison for murder was considered a 'cowardly' way.


"Njord…Honestly, no one would mind being the 'dishonorable' guy in the story when everyone wants the same thing. And honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if the Vanir rebelled they would kill Frey and Freyja with poison without a second thought…" said Thor, simply.

Thor was sure that the 'poison' would be the main weapon used for the murder of Frey and Freyja, in case of a 'revolt' of the Vanir gods.

Why?... Because it was the best weapon for the situation of the rebels Vanir gods.

The Vanir are reduced in numbers, just 50 gods.

The Vanir are allies of the Light Elves, who are a force of approximately 1000 soldiers... But when compared to the rest of the Asgardian army, as well as powerful Aesir like Thor, Balðr, Odin, Vidar, and others; the chances of the Vanir losing in open warfare were certain...

So there's only the last option left...

The 'tragic' death of Frey and Freyja.

Resulting in a new 'election' for the 'heir' of the Vanir, as neither Frey nor Freyja has descendants...

No one would suspect that Frey and Freyja were poisoned... After all, poison was a 'dishonorable' weapon.

If anyone suspected?... There could always be a 'scapegoat'...

As for the poisons capable of killing a god?... There were a few...

If it were a very potent poison... It would be that of the white dragon emperor named Albion.

But another poison, just a little weaker, and one that wouldn't arouse suspicion because it weakens before killing with just a few drops?

Jörmundgander's poison.

Another possible poison?... Thanks to Thor's travels in Africa, he knew there was another creature... A very ugly creature. When Thor encountered this creature, it resembled the Grootslang... a mixture of familiar animals.

But even though the Grootslang was a giant, and the fusion of an elephant and a snake. This other creature Thor encountered was a little over 12 inches tall.

It seemed this creature looked like the fusion of a chicken and a snake.

And its poison was quite potent.

Not comparable to Jörmundgander, but still quite strong. And quite capable of killing a god if administered in large amounts. Unfortunately, Thor had only gotten a small sample of the poison...

Anyway, there were a few... But THERE WERE poisons capable of killing a god.

Were they hard to get?... Absolutely.

But there would always be a small possibility...

The people who heard Thor's explanation were processing this information, and frankly... Those who fought the wars knew very well about one thing...

ALL IS FAIR in a war.

Especially when you start on the side that is clearly at disadvantage...

"So Thor... What do you suggest?" asked Freyja, curious.

That was the same question everyone had, but Freyja had spoken first...

Freyja was worried... Initially, she was upset with Kostr, but... She was afraid what her parents were saying would come true.

So, grudgingly, she would do anything for peace... even if it cost her freedom.

But Thor's claims... had 'threw the Kostr out of the window', because it showed that even if the Kostr happen... there would be a probability of 'rebellion'.

It may not seem like it... But when the situation calls for it, Freyja becomes realistic. And at that moment... The 'rebellion' can still happen.

"...Do you want a pragmatic answer?" Thor asked, looking at Freyja.

As soon as Freyja nodded, Thor responded somewhat…rude?

"To be honest… Your brother needs to 'grow some balls'" said Thor, without missing a beat.

This seemed to have aroused the wrath of most Vanir.

"What do you mean by that Thor?! Are you calling me a 'submissive'?!" asked Frey, yelling, getting up from his chair.

Frey was annoyed... and for good reason.

Being called 'submissive' in Norse culture, was an insult and affront to Frey's pride.

But then someone stopped Frey and pulled him back to his seat.

It was Freyja.

And although she was a little upset at the choice of words... She wanted to know 'exactly' what it meant.

"Now... Could you give an explanation... Not so short?" asked Freyja, with a small frown.

It was then that Thor smiled back.

"From what I could understand from the conversation I had with Skadi... The Kostr would be used, as the main motive, not to solidify our alliance, but to establish 'fear' in the Vanir who want to rebel... And Frey CAN do that," Thor said.

It seemed to make people think... But there was one small detail.

"Thor... I don't fight... I'm a 'god of peace' remember?" said Frey.

It was then that Thor grimaced.

"Yes, I know that... That's why in the 'summary' version I said that you need to 'grow some balls'... For Odin's sake, Frey!... During our trip to Jotunheim, although you, probably, would die there... You could have killed almost HALF of the 1000 Jotuns if you were using your weapons! You may not be the 'strongest' or the 'mightiest' but you have the best 'toys' that fight FOR YOU! Just give the order! Also... A 'god of peace'? Okay... Answer me this then: How can you consider yourself a 'god of peace' if you are unwilling to preserve 'peace'?" said Thor, asking a question at the end of their dialogue.

And that question... Frey didn't know how to answer without facing his ideals...

No one dared to say anything... Neither the Aesir nor the Vanir.

Thor, when he noticed that Frey didn't have an answer to his question, continued to speak, calmer this time.

"*sigh* You know... In a way, Balðr is also a 'god of peace'... But unlike you, he is more than willing to break the skull of the 'enemies' who threaten Asgard with his own fists if necessary... Unlike you, he doesn't have weapons that fight for him, and even if he had something like that... I guarantee you, that he would still use his fists. Balðr believes that if he wants to be the protector of his people in case of war, he must be on the front lines fighting and bleeding for his people... And that's something I can respect from the 'little shit' because just a few leaders act like that way…" said Thor, in a tired tone.

"Thor... I think that's enough, you – " began Odin, until he was interrupted by the least likely person.

"No…he's right… I'm a coward" Frey said.

This was considered a shock to some, as Frey was basically accepting that Thor was calling him a coward and 'blind' in the face of conflict.

"Frey... You're not a coward to me... You just have a good heart... But even I've admitted to you, that this is the wrong time for the kind of 'peace' you so determinedly defend. I'm proud of you now, for having recognized that too…" said Freyja placing her hand on her brother's shoulder.

Frey appreciated the gesture... But he was still depressed after Thor's statements.

It was then that Loki chose to speak.

"Well…all this talk is making me sick. But before I start throwing up, I'd still like to hear your brilliant 'solution', nephew," said Loki, with a smile.

Obviously, no one liked the choice of words, but Thor still responded.

"Oh?... Feeling like throwing up from the conversation, Uncle?... I understand your situation... I feel the same thing every time I see your face," Thor said.

Loki lost his smile.

"This is no time for jokes... What do you suggest Thor?" asked Frigg.

It was then that everyone waited for Thor to respond.

"Want my solution?… First I must know if there is any imminent conflict…" said Thor, crossing his arms.

Odin had no intention of commenting, but... He wanted to see what his son had in mind.

"An imminent conflict? Hmm... Without a doubt the most likely conflict is against the Slav pantheon, the reason is the same old thing... Territory dispute in Midgard" said, Odin.

This surprised some, such as Frey, Freyja, and, to some extent, Thor.

But Thor saw this as an opportunity.

"Out of curiosity... What would the territory be?" Thor asked, curious.

Odin snapped his fingers and used some magic to create an exact copy of the Midgard map.

For Thor... It was the world map he knew, with a few minor differences...

On this map were marked all the territories of influence of each pantheon and faction.

It was then that the map approached a particular location that turned out to be Nordic territory with the pantheons of Celtic and Slavic gods relatively close.

It was then that Odin brought the 'image' closer and showed the disputed territory between Nordic and Slavic territory.

The disputed territory? Well...

"The disputed territory of influence is this small group of islands between our territories. I spoke with Perun before you returned to Asgard this evening for the continued celebration of your name day, and we reached a consensus on a small competition between two representatives from each pantheon... Pantheon victory will occur when there are no more representatives to compete," explained Odin.

Thor stared at the 'islands' shown.

He knew the name, due to his previous life...

It was an archipelago located at the entrance to the Gulf of Bothnia on the Baltic Sea.

The name of the archipelago?

Ahvenanmaa (Aland) Islands.

"Well... That's great, I'll be one of the two representatives, no need to look for the other..." said Thor looking at Frey.

Everyone seemed to get the message...

"Now tell me, Frey… Will you fight for your sister's freedom? Here's your chance... If you fight using your weapons, it will show the Vanir gods that you have the 'balls' to be a strong leader, maybe even surpassing your parents. But the point is... Can you do it?" Thor asked, now waiting for Frey's answer.

And it seemed…that Frey was seriously considering.

Well... That's it, folks!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter peasant.

Forgive me in case of grammatical errors... I tried. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I still haven't figured out how to link the images in the paragraph... Someone, please help!


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