Reborn as Thor!_Self-Insert (SI) in DxD world!

Happy Júl!

*Vol.1: Tales of a God.

Chapter 24 - Happy Júl!

Here is the new chapter!

Thanks for waiting!

*Name caption:

Miðgarðr = Midgard.

Ásgarðr = Asgardr.

Balðr = Baldur/Balder. (first son of Odin and Frigg)

Höðr = Höd. (second son of Odin and Frigg)

Skaði = Skadi (mother of Frey and Freyja).

Þórr = Thor.

Valhöll = Valhalla.

Note: As I cannot write complex sentences in Norse, the following symbols will represent a language other than English: *//*.

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter peasant!

- Location: Asgard / Valhöll.

Pov. Third-Person.

"Thor... Could you explain to us how Höðr is seeing exactly?" asked Balðr.

"Yes! Does that mean you surpassed mother Frigg in rune magic? After all, even Frigg couldn't restore his sight with rune magic," said Hérmod.

Everyone at the table looked at Thor, who hadn't stopped smiling.

"First of all…I didn't surpass Frigg," Thor said in finality.

The table then became confused.

"So... How is he seeing now?" asked Vidar.

"I'll summarize it as simply as possible... The piece of parchment I placed on Höðr's face had some convergence runes as a link between the 'mother runes'. One of the convergence runes linked three things... His vital energy, from which we draw our divine power, with the 'body', or to be more specific... The 'mind' and the 'heart'" explained Thor.

It seemed that Balðr had understood the meaning of this... However, some had not.

"I don't understand... How did this help cure Höðr's blindness?" asked Vali.

For Vali, it didn't make any sense... After all, his brother was blind, but he managed to 'see'... So the rune shouldn't affect the eyes?

"…It didn't help…Technically Höðr is still blind because he still has 'complete visual impairment'" replied Thor.

Váli was confused...

"But then, how can he see?" asked Vali.

"He doesn't 'see' exactly, I didn't know how to cure his eyes either... So I had to choose another path. Basically, when Höðr channeled some of his 'divine power' into the rune, he activated its secondary ability, which is to react with the 'heartbeat' and send out a pulse of energy every time there was a heartbeat. When the 'pulse' hits something, it returns towards Höðr and passes that information to his 'rune' which processes the information and creates a kind of 'image of the environment', and he can 'turn on' and 'turn off' this ability since he needs to focus his power on the rune on his forehead, so he just need stop concentrating his power on that spot and the link will be severed... So basically, Höðr is still blind, but can 'see' by another way," Thor explained.

What had Thor created? It was something that at the time only existed in his first life...

A 'radar'.

The people at the table seemed to understand most of what Thor said... Except for Höðr, who still had no idea what Thor was talking about, and Fenrir, who didn't understand a single word and was more focused on eating.

Thor's inspiration for making this skill came from one of his favorite Marvel characters... The Daredevil.

But he knew the disadvantages that such ability had... So he decided to 'change' it a little so that Höðr wouldn't get hurt.

"I must say, brother… It's an impressive skill. But now I got more curious... Which rune is the 'receiver' of these 'pulses' you commented on, besides, you said it was the secondary skill... What is the primary?" asked Balðr.

If it were possible… Thor's smile grew wider.

"I'm glad someone noticed... The answer would be the same for both questions... The 'guardian' rune is the 'receiver' and primary ability of the 'protector' rune of Höðr. But it's better to show... Höðr would you like to have a little arm-wrestling with Frey?" Thor asked.

Frey was confused.

"Now wait a minute, I didn't agree with this," Frey said, frowning.

For Frey, it was dishonorable to compete against a child.

But Thor just kept smiling and just looked at Hérmod, who seemed to get the message...

"Oh?~ What was it, Frey? Are you afraid of defeat? I wonder how the beautiful Freyja would react if she learned that her brother is afraid of a child…" said Hérmod.

Thor knew Freyja would never approve of a competition against a child... In fact, no one at the table would want to compete against a child.

However... It was pretty easy to piss off a god.

"OK! I accept the challenge! But don't complain later!" said Frey.

And so, Frey and Höðr prepared... But before the competition started, Thor decided to talk to Höðr.

"Höðr pay close attention... You will channel your divine power into the rune as before, but now I also want you to 'mold' it out of the rune... Do you think you can do that?" Thor asked.

Höðr thought for a while until he smiled and nodded.

"Well…The match will start when Balðr slaps the table," Thor said, looking at Balðr.

Balðr was still uncertain because his little brother Höðr could get hurt... When Thor realized this, he spoke.

"Don't worry… He'll be fine," Thor said, smiling calmly.

Balðr didn't look very convinced... But he decided to go on.

"Competitors… Ready?" asked Balðr.

Frey gave a confident nod, while Höðr gave an uncertain nod.

When Thor realized Höðr's insecurity, he spoke.

"Remember what I said Höðr…" said Thor.

It was then that Höðr frowned in concentration, and in that same instant... The rune on his forehead glowed purple.

Balðr chose this moment to announce the start of the match.

"Let the challenge begin!" said Balðr, as he slapped the table.

As soon as Balðr announced the start of the match, Frey applied force to finish quickly, but...

It did not turn out as Frey expected.

Most of the people at the table were surprised by what they were seeing...

Höðr, just 10 years old, was matched in strength against Frey, a god over 140 years old, and one of the strongest Vanir gods in the Norse pantheon.

Thor didn't show a noticeable reaction, but inwardly he was anxious that the rune was working properly.

It was then that something happened that Thor had been waiting for... and that left the people at the table scared.

An iron arm 'emerged' from Höðr's body, and began to help Höðr win the arm-wrestling match.

It was at that moment that Thor gave a manic smile.

Thor was happy for a good reason... He had replicated almost perfectly, one of the abilities of a particular anime.

Höðr now had at his disposal... Something is never seen before!

A few seconds later... Frey had lost to a ten-year-old in arm-wrestling...

It was at that exact moment that Thor laughed like there was no tomorrow.

For now, floating comfortably close to Höðr, there was armor.

It a quite intimidating armor.

"This is cheating!... It's cheating, right?" Frey asked, looking at Thor.

"No, my friend! After all, it's just an armor powered by Höðr's vital energy…" said Thor.

"Thor... What is... This?" asked Balðr.

"That, my brother, is the 'guardian'... It is responsible for two things: receiving information from the 'pulses' and creating the 'image of the environment' to transmit even the 'mind' of Höðr; and its main function... to protect Höðr by responding to his 'will'" said Thor.

Thor called him 'guardian' for good reason... After all, he couldn't call him by his original name without others calling him weird.

The original name?...



- Timeskip: 90 years (Current Era: 3800 BCE / Age of Thor: 200 years).

Pov. Thor.

Well... In a way, today was a special day.

Today completed two centuries since I was born in this universe.

Odin had invited me to celebrate my birth in Valhöll early in the morning.

Right after Balðr's centenary, most of the gods had 'distanced themselves' from me for a stupid reason.

They distanced themselves because they were afraid of Fenrir and Hel, who became people close to me.

I even insisted on celebrating each one's birthday... In its own way, of course...

Fenrir was easy to please... His birthday was practically just a mountain of Italian food on the table just for him...

Hel was more…complicated?

This was because she never celebrated her birthday together with anyone... So she kind of didn't know what to do.

A great example? When I handed a gift to Hel, she started to cry, saying she didn't know whether to open it or keep it as a keepsake, because it was her first gift too.

As soon as she said that the next day I had another 'conversation' with my parents and uncle Loki...

After a few more parties and with me bringing Hel and Fenrir every time, the gods 'got used to' their presence.

The 'hate' had turned into 'indifference'.

It didn't matter to me, I wouldn't force anyone to like Hel and Fenrir... Whoever wanted to bond with our group, come to us.

I had already decided that I wouldn't beg for validation from others.

During the parties, Hel, Fenrir, and I would sit at a secluded table and calmly ate . . . but we weren't alone.

Balðr, Höðr, Hérmod, Vidar, Vali, Sif, Nanna, and Frey always joined us... And after a while, the group gained a new member.


She started by accompanying her brother and became a 'regular' during the celebrations.

Anyway, after 200 years... I didn't know what else to do...

I still trained regularly, as well as forging and creating new runes...

It kept me busy…for a while.

So I had to figure out what to do, even if it was considered ridiculous by others...

It was then that he remembered something I had said decades ago.

Christmas doesn't exist yet!

What a disappointment!

I won't wait until Jesus is born to have this celebration!... Although I couldn't celebrate 'Christmas' itself... After all, I'm from the Nordic pantheon. Also, the 'date' of Christmas *IS* unknown even in my previous life, even if Christmas was celebrated on the 25th of December, literally, the odds that Jesus was born on that particular day are 1:365 days...

After all, the calculations that were made had a margin of error of a few years.

So I decided to create my own Christmas!... I'll have some fun!

The first thing I did was create my means of transport, which would be my cart.

The 'ultimate vehicle' was finished!

And with the two goats pulling? I could fly over Miðgarðr in the blink of an eye!

I managed to build some things like wooden toys, skis, sleds, wooden swords, even dolls, and among other things... Why did I do this? It was time to meet the 'mortals'.

And I wanted to make a good impression.

What's the best way for a stranger to like you? Give them a present! It will almost certainly work...

I mean... Should it work?

Anyway, keeping all these 'gifts' plus a lot of food inside a red bag is obviously quite 'roomy'... I was planning for the day I was going to do this 'tour' of mine in Miðgarðr.

When should I go?... Well, as I wanted to make this day a tradition, I chose a memorable date.

The winter solstice!

And then I waited patiently...

Until the day finally arrived and I was ready to hit the 'road'!

I was standing outside my home in Miðgarðr, wearing my white coat and carrying the red bag on my shoulder along with Mjolnir, which was faithfully attached to my belt...

It was already getting dark when I decided it was time to go.

"Finally... It's time to make history. X (Gebo), Tanngrisnir, and Tanngnjóstr" I said, whispering to my necklace which glowed in response.

A blue-colored portal shone in front of me, and from it emerged the two goats already attached to my 'vehicle'.

The goats had been used to my presence a long time ago, but they still got nervous when they saw Fenrir...


After all, Fenrir was looking at them as if they were his 'lunch'.

As soon as I climbed into my cart, ready to go, I heard a voice.

"Prince Thor! Hang on!"

I looked towards the voice and saw someone I didn't expect... Frey and Freyja's mother.


What the hell is she doing here?

As soon as Skaði approached, she looked strangely at my 'transport' and the goats, but then placed her eyes on me.

"…We…we need to talk," said Skaði.

I honestly didn't understand, I never interacted with Frey and Freyja's parents, at least not more than necessary.

After all, technically, I'm still an Odin 'bastard'.

I shouldn't relate to the 'nobility' of the gods any longer than necessary. So what she had said... confused me.

We? Need to talk?

... Since when?

"…'We'?…What exactly do you want to talk about?…" I asked suspiciously.

"You... won't invite me into your house so we can talk in a more... reserved environment?" asked Skaði.

I think she expects a lot from me...

"No" I replied.

If there was one thing I learned... It was never to invite a person into your home when you don't know their intentions...

"If you want to 'talk', the 'talk' will take place out here… Besides, it won't happen now, because I already have plans for now," I said.

Today was the winter solstice.

I've waited MONTHS for this day.


"But... It's something extremely important!" exclaimed Skaði.

"…And what I'm doing NOW is important to me. I won't stop just for you to have this 'talk'" I said in finality.

Was I rude?... Absolutely.

But so was she.

Nobody likes to drop what they are doing just because one person has demanded to become the 'priority'.

It was then that Skaði gave a defeated sigh.

"Very well... When are you available?" asked Skaði.

Well...She was more... Understandable?

This was somewhat surprising coming from a Jotun known for her explosive temper.

"... If you wait a few minutes is enough, I won't be late. I advise you to wait outside in the front yard, I will be back in a moment…" I said.

While I wouldn't interrupt my plans... I was curious as to what she wanted to talk to me about...

It can't be such a bad thing... Right?...

Fate... I just raised a flag, didn't I?

"*sigh*... All right, Prince Thor. I will wait for your return…" said Skaði as he walked to the front patio, where there was a bench to sit on.

As she is the 'personification' of the winter, I'm sure the cold doesn't bother her.

"Well… I'm leaving," I said.

As soon as I climbed into my chariot I put the bag back in a safe place and took the reins smiling.

"Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr... Let's 'walk' a bit, remember let's SLOWLY so that we can be seen... Hyah!" I screamed.

And it went as expected... Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr shot skyward quickly.

Soon I was far from my house and approached the first house, not discreetly by the way.

The problem? Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr made too much noise...


Pov.  Third-Person.

A small family of 5 people was sitting calmly nest the fire... The two adults, the man, and the woman looked with regret at their sons and daughter.

Hunting and harvesting were not favorable this year...

There wasn't much food, so it should be 'rationed'.

The man and woman still chose to eat fewer portions so their children would have 'more' food.

Winter is cruel, and if you weren't 'strong'... You could sleep in one night and not have the 'strength' to wake up anymore.

And by the scenario... The youngest child, a boy of just 8 summers, was getting weaker with each passing day.

It was then that the family began to hear a noise... A very loud and frightening noise. That sometimes heaven did when it was 'angry'.

*Rumble* *Rumble**rumBLE**RUMBLE**RUMBLE*

It felt like it was getting louder… louder?!

"/... Is the sky angry? In the middle of winter?/" said the man, confused.

It was then that something strange happened... The sound suddenly... It stopped.

*Knock Knock*

The man and the woman were surprised... Was there anyone out there in that cold?

As soon as the knocking on the door stopped, the sky got angry again.


Now it felt like the noise was fading away.

The man, suspicious, went to check... He took a small copper knife and walked slowly to the door, along with his eldest son, 17 summers, who also had a makeshift copper weapon in his hand.

As soon as the man opened the door he was surprised by something.

"/...Huh?/" said the man, confused.

In front of the door of his house were some things made of wood and something he didn't expect...


It was then that the woman saw the bags, and then she walked over to open one.

What she saw surprised her so much that she started to laugh.

"/Hahahaha... It's a blessing from the gods!/" said the woman, lifting the contents of the bag to show the man, who was her husband, and their eldest son.


It was then, that the 11-summer girl gathered outside and looked at the sky.

"/Dad! Look!/" said the girl aloud.

It was then the people looked to the sky.

The sky glowed due to 'bright snakes' (lightning), and the frightening sound the sky made when it was angry.

But there was something never seen before...

A man...

He was quickly distancing himself in a 'chariot'... What was frightening was that the 'bright snakes'(lightning) hit the chariot but the man didn't seem bothered... And every time the 'chariot' changed direction, the sky 'screamed' louder and louder.

It was then that the girl said the same thing her family was thinking...

"/It's Thor!!!/"

Well... That's it, folks!

On this special day (when I post in Webnovel :D):

December 25, 2021.

I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, or any celebration that is in your culture, to you!

I know the years 2020 and 2021 may have been difficult for some of you guys... It was for me.


For those who are going to celebrate with family and friends, I wish you happy holidays!

For those who are alone due to unfortunate events... I wish you happy holidays too, keep smiling and enjoying life!

It's like the saying goes: You have to wake up every day in a good mood if you're wanted to go to bed satisfied.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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