Reborn as Thor!_Self-Insert (SI) in DxD world!

Reject the hoe, embrace your goals!

*Vol. 1: Tales of a God.

Chapter 42 - Reject the hoe, embrace your goals!

Here's the new chapter!

Thanks for waiting peasant!

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!

- Location: Yam ha-Melah / Al Bahr al Mayyit / (Dead Sea).

Pov. Third-person.

A lonely man could be seen in the place that was once the Dead Sea. This man could be described as having an extremely handsome appearance.

At this moment the man was slowly approaching the rest of Lotan's body, after Thor's fishing.

What was left of Lotan's body was so little that it was comparable to the carcass of a blue whale.

"I must say, it must have been an impressive fight... For humans," said the man, seeing the destruction around him, and raising a magical barrier.

When the man approached the rest of the body he raised a hand and created a magic circle.

Soon Lotan's body disappeared.

Being teleported to the man's house.

In the underworld.

"*sigh*… I'm risking a lot by coming here early, but unfortunately due to Lotan's sudden death, I had to act early. I just hope my lord doesn't notice my absence…" said the man with a slight tone of concern.

"Do you really think one of my generals could just slip away unnoticed by me?" asked a voice.

As soon as the man heard the voice, he couldn't help but freeze for a second, before turning and looking towards the source of the voice.

"L-Lord Lucifer," said the man, in a weak voice.

It was noticeable that the man was scared.

The first Lucifer.

The leader of the devil faction and race.

Feared even by his own faction, due to his power and cruelty.

There isn't a single devil that can compete with Lucifer at the moment.

Although Lucifer and Lilith's son showed promise, he was still just a 'child' compared to Lucifer.

Still, Lucifer's child would be a force to be reckoned with in the future.

Rizevim is a worthy heir, in Lucifer's words.

"Lord Lucifer, I deeply regret not having notified you of my absence, I thought -" the man said quickly, before being interrupted.

Lucifer silenced his subordinate just by lifting a single index finger.

"Before you start with your apologies, answer the following question Leviathan..." said Lucifer.

The man, now identified as Leviathan, was silent and nervously waited for Lucifer's question.

It was then that Lucifer asked the question... in an emotionless tone.

"Why haven't you kneeled yet?" asked Lucifer.

It was then that Leviathan realized... He was so surprised by the appearance of his leader that he forgot the basics when he is talking to Lucifer.

Respect the hierarchy.

"On your knees," said Lucifer calmly.

It was then that Lucifer, using the index finger that was still raised, pointed downward.

Immediately Leviathan felt the effect.


One of Lucifer's three generals was now lying on the ground, and he was being pushed down to the point where there were cracks around his body.

To Leviathan, it felt like a mountain had fallen on him, and it was getting heavier and heavier and pushing him to the ground.

Amid the pain imposed on his body, Leviathan still tried to speak, gritting his teeth.

"My lord, I beg you for mercy! I never meant to disrespect you! It was a foolish mistake!" said Leviathan.

The devil faction general's request seemed to have gotten a reaction from Lucifer...


"You forgetting to kneel I might even let it go with just a small punishment because that I might consider a foolish mistake... But begging for 'mercy'? It looks like you're determined to die today, General Leviathan," said Lucifer.

Leviathan sank further into the ground.

The underworld general seemed to have understood that he had made his situation worse.

Never beg Lucifer for mercy.

It is a sign of weakness.

"My love, if you kill every fool in the underworld then you won't have an army anymore~," said a voice.

Lucifer didn't even look at the source, as he already knew who it was.

A beautiful woman, with horns adorning her head, approached Lucifer and hugs him.

"Lilith…Can't you see I'm busy right now? Go back home. I'm not done with this fool yet, when I hear his bones crack, only then I will CONSIDER stopping," said Lucifer, coldly.

Lucifer was angry.

And for good reason.

One of the devil leader's generals had just tried to do something behind his back.

For Lucifer, this was a sign of betrayal.

"I know you're angry Luci, but think first of the devil faction before the actions of a fool," said Lilith, whispering in Lucifer's ear.

Lucifer reflected in silence, and in that silence, Leviathan thought he would be executed.

After all... Although Lilith is considered the 'voice of reason' for Lucifer, she was not always successful in convincing her lover.

A good example was the murder of Valefor by his own son, Douma Valefor.

Lilith tried to convince Lucifer to kill Douma, however, Lucifer ignored the request as he saw potential in Douma.

Douma was stronger than the original Valefor.

And if there was anything Lucifer was looking for right now, it was strength, after all...

He was about to start a war against heaven.

"Hmm... Before my decision, tell me Leviathan... Why exactly do you want the carcass of a dragon king? And know that if you lie I'll give you to Stolas, he needs a test subject in his lab," said Lucifer, coldly, ceasing to point his index finger down and releasing Leviathan in the process.

Leviathan soon became nervous.


It is a well know demon because of his power over gravity, matter manipulation, and telekinesis.

But there was one other thing he was known for...

Lucifer's 'left hand'.

Responsible for the scientific division of the devil faction.

And tasked with carrying out any experiment that will raise the power of the devil faction.

Luckily, Leviathan knew Stolas well, and for good reason...

"My lord, I would deliver Lotan's remains to Stolas!" said Leviathan hastily, getting to his knees.

This seemed to have taken over Lucifer's curiosity.

"Oh? Do you mean Stolas knew about what you were doing? What audacity, maybe I'm getting too soft with the punishments for insubordination," said Lucifer, reflecting.

But quickly Leviathan continued with the explanation.

"No my lord, Stolas doesn't know... I wasn't going to notify you until I reached the underworld," said Leviathan.

Lucifer only raised an eyebrow.

"Then continue your explanation, general... and be brief," said Lucifer.

Leviathan knew better than to stall in this situation, so he decided to explain in one simple sentence.

"I believe Stolas can retrieve the Lotan bloodline for the devil faction," said Leviathan.

This seemed to surprise Lilith.

"But how?" asked Lilith, not understanding.

Lucifer replied to Lilith.

"Stolas had notified me a few years ago about a project... The project was about cloning, the goal was to increase the number of my legions faster, to be able to match heaven. But the project ended up being a failure due to the low success rate, plus the clone's life expectancy, power, and intelligence are extremely low, they wouldn't even be fit to be sacrificial soldiers" said Lucifer, in disgust.

It was then that Lucifer looked at Leviathan.

"If you're going to use this failed project, you must give me a good excuse to spend resources on something that won't be useful in the long run," said Lucifer.

Leviathan then replied.

"Although Stolas' cloning project was the driving force, I thought that bringing the power of a dragon's bloodline might prove fruitful for the devil faction, my lord..." said Leviathan.

"Ha... Ha-ha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

As soon as Leviathan finished his explanation, Lucifer started to laugh.

"You were ambitious, that I admit! However, dragons are well known for the way they are created by unstable energy. But I must admit, your ambition was for my faction's benefit, so we'll do it like this... Capture any mortal, as long as it's a female, and take her to Stolas along with Lotan's body, I'll be responsible for the final result" said Lucifer.

Leviathan can only lower his head further.

While the general wanted to dispute credit for the work, he knew it would be an even more foolish move on his part.

"However… I am being generous. In return you will have descendants with the 'end result' if all goes well" said Lucifer, with a smile.

Leviathan did not like that.

"But my lord! You want to contaminate my bloodline with –" said Leviathan, before being interrupted by Lucifer again.

Leviathan was lying on the ground again, with Lucifer pointing down.

"Did I hear you right? 'MY bloodline'? Remember 'WHAT' you are general... You are an INSTRUMENT for MY faction" said Lucifer.

Lucifer spoke coldly to Leviathan while Lilith remained silent as she knew that whatever she says, Lucifer would not hear her.

"You GLADLY followed me to the underworld, I NEVER tried to convince ANYONE to follow me in my rebellion. YOU, like thousands, have knelt and pledged allegiance to ME, but at this moment your actions are questionable, General. I'm giving you a chance, but it's your mistake to think you have a choice, you WILL heed my order, general" said Lucifer.

Leviathan only responded weakly.

"Yes..." said Leviathan, gritting his teeth.

Lucifer hasn't stopped yet.

"'Yes' WHAT?" asked Lucifer, pressing even harder, causing some of the general's bones to break from the pressure he was feeling.

"ARGH!... Yes, MY LORD!" said Leviathan.

As soon as Leviathan answered Lucifer once again stopped and soon made a magic teleportation circle.

"Remember general, you just have 'ONE chance'..." said Lucifer, before disappearing.

Leviathan slowly got to his feet and just gritted his teeth in pain and pent-up anger.

As much as the general is angry with his ruler... He knew he could never go toe-to-toe against Lucifer.

And if the general asked another devil for help, it was quite possible that Leviathan, and his descendants, would be extinct.

Just like the House Sargatanas.

The House Sargatanas were devils with the power of brainwashing, mind-reading and memory erasure and stealing abilities, as well as the gift of invisibility.

In short, they were the perfect spies.

Too bad they decided to be 'double agents', and work with Mephistopheles.

When Lucifer found out about the betrayal, no one of the 'House Sargatanas' was left.

An entire house was extinguished.

And Leviathan definitely didn't want to be next.

"I need to get to Stolas as soon as possible..." said Leviathan, before making a teleportation circle to the underworld.


- Location: Uruk / Gilgamesh's Palace / Thor's Room.

Pov. Thor.

I had been living in the city of Uruk for some time.

It was already night and, for the moment, I was alone in my room... Boredom was taking over me.

It's only been a day since I returned from my successful fishing trip and I was still looking for Adapa's burial site.

Adapa was likely buried on the island of Dilmun, so it would be my first destination tomorrow.

"My, my, hello~," said a female voice.

... It was time for this woman to say something.

She had been at the window for some time.

I looked towards the voice and saw one of the most beautiful women in my life.

"Hello Lotan's slayer, for slaying a dragon that has slain other gods I suppose you deserve a reward... A place on my bed sounds fair, don't you think?" said the woman.

Yes... I already knew who it was.

I got up from my bed and walked towards the woman.

Pov. Third-person.


The Goddess associated with love, eroticism, fecundity, and fertility.

A goddess who always got what she wanted.

A goddess who dominated men and women who called her attention through pleasure.

A goddess that was never denied.

Until now.

"What do you think you're doing?!" shouted Inanna, in indignation.

At this moment she was being held by the leg by Thor who was at the window.

When Thor heard Inanna's question, he looked at the goddess and answered.

"I'm throwing out the garbage," said Thor, with a smile.

It was then that Thor dropped Inanna and let her fall to the ground.

Thor's room was on the first floor of the palace.

Thor then went back to his bed, hoping to get a good night's sleep.

"Do you think you can deny me like that?!" said a voice, with an angry tone.

Thor looked out the window and saw Inanna, this time floating.

"Oh right... Magic," said Thor, listlessly.

Inanna reentered Thor's room and said angrily.

"I am Inanna! Goddess of fertility, love, and eroticism! Dumuzid's wife! Daughter of Nannar! Granddaughter of Enlil! And did you dare to ridicule me by denying me this way?! Who do you think you are?!" asked Inanna furiously.

For the goddess 'collector of men', such disrespect was never shown.

The goddesses of love were the most beautiful of all the pantheons, and they had a very peculiar skill.

The ability to arouse lust in all beings who looked in their direction.

Inanna was recognized as a 'gatherer of men' even among the gods for one simple reason.

No matter who it is, if someone caught Inanna's attention, the goddess will take them to her bed, to alleviate her carnal desires.

When Inanna got bored with the new 'lover', she would discard him and go looking for a new 'bed warmer'.

Thor just scoffed.

"Is it to say titles? Alright then, I am Thor, son of Odin, the strongest Norse god and vanguard of Asgard... There are more titles, but I don't see the need to share at the moment," said Thor, shrugging.

Inanna then said calmly with confidence.

"I see, now... Shall we go to bed or not?" asked Inanna, crossing her arms over her full breasts.

Thor just stared at Inanna.

"I'm going to MY bed... You're going to the door," said Thor, pointing to the bedroom door.

Thor had his pride.

The Norse god definitely didn't want to be known as 'another bed warmer' to the goddess Inanna.

"...Are you sure?~" asked Inanna innocently.

The Sumerian goddess approached Thor and pressed her breasts to the Norse god.

Inanna was appealing to the Norse god's lust.

However... Inanna's plan didn't go as planned.

"Get out," said Thor, narrowing his eyes.

Inanna just stared before sighing and slowly walking out of the room. She knew she couldn't fight this god to take what she wanted.

For Inanna, it felt like Thor was on a par with her grandfather.

Enlil himself.

"*sigh*... Alright, alright, I'm leaving" said Inanna, with a tone of defeat.

Thor just watched the goddess leave her room before sighing and heading to bed, intending to sleep through the night.

Outside Thor's room.

Inanna just stood in the hall of the palace, thinking about what had happened.

The goddess then made a magic circle and removed a piece of parchment.

The scroll remained floating beside Inanna even as the goddess began to walk.

"Note for my next job possibly encountered my first rejection, it was a Norse god, son of Odin, which I find strange seeing as I took his father into my bed once a long time ago. Maybe he has a preference for men? Unlikely, as my reliable sources say he slept with a woman from his group," said Inanna.

As Inanna spoke words magically appeared on the parchment.

"First rejection by a god, god's name: Thor. Title for my next work, Hmm... 'Lust isn't enough'?... Yes, that's a perfect title!" said Inanna, approaching a door.

It was King Gilgamesh's room.

"Now, for my next work, the title will be 'Make a king beg to have you in his bed', this one should be easy, after all, he's only a mortal, and no mortal in their right mind would deny a god's wishes," said Inanna, with a confident smile.

The soldier standing guard just stared at Inanna, mesmerized.

Inanna just smiled at the soldier, who passed out due to his nose had bled too much.

Inanna, seeing the result, just scoffed.

"Yes, very easy... Ahem... Hello, King of Men~" said Inanna, opening the bedroom door, and smiling.

The next morning, Thor was heading towards the dining area.

While walking the Norse god was talking to someone through a communication rune.

It was Odin.

"So there is still no news of the missing?" asked Thor.

"{Unfortunately, even though I've assigned several search parties, no more signs of demonic energy have been found... *sigh*... It's almost certain that the 'bat' must have already left Midgard}" said Odin.

Thor frowned.

"Do you think this devil was responsible for Dainn's death?" asked Thor.

Odin remained silent before answering.

"{... It's a possibility}" said Odin.

For Thor, this could escalate into a greater conflict.

After all, if it proves...

A devil had killed an Asgardian.

"{However, we have no proof... The devils can only claim they were 'passing through' and coincidentally were near Dainn's forge, which they 'did not know' the location. We can't just accuse some devil, I don't want to bring another war as my last act as ruler of Asgard before passing the power to your brother}" said Odin.

Thor just nodded.

Thor wanted the Norse pantheon to be neutral towards the three biblical factions to keep Asgard out of future trouble.

"{But then, problems aside... How is your stay with the Anunnaki, have you met Inanna?}" asked Odin with a knowing smile.

Thor grimaced.

"Yes, I met the 'man collector', I threw her out of my room," said Thor.

Odin looked horrified.

"{You denied her?! Don't you know it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?!}" asked Odin.

Thor looked apathetic in the face of Odin's despair.

"Believe me, old man, I'm sure sleeping with Inanna isn't a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity," said Thor.

Odin disagreed.

"{Did you see those tits?! I would give my other eye just to enjoy those valleys again!}" said Odin.

This time Thor was horrified.

"' Again'?... Did you sleep with her?" asked Thor.

After discovering such an event, Thor did not regret his decision. After all, what son would want to sleep with a woman who has slept with his father.

"{But of course I slept with her! I was younger and as I hadn't met your mother yet, I took my chance while I was visiting Ninurta because he had asked me for a favor to help a mortal named Quim...}" said Odin, with a smile.

Odin seemed to be reminiscing about old times...

But Thor wasn't interested.

"Goodbye old man, thanks for sharing a little bit about your... 'adventures'... I guarantee I won't forget about your lessons" said Thor, dryly.

For Thor, most of Odin's actions boiled down to this:

How NOT to be a god.

Thor then turned off the rune and continued walking towards the dining room.

Until it was interrupted by a tremor.

*goudou goudou*

"An earthquake?" asked Thor, confused.

But Thor noticed something odd.

The earthquake had the pattern of... Footsteps?

"Run from the monster!"

"Run! This is the divine punishment!"

"It's the creation of the gods!"

"It's our end!"

"Save us Gilgamesh!"

Thor only heard the noise of screams outside the palace.

The Norse god just looked out the window and widened his eyes.

"...Must be Mondays," said Thor.

At this moment, on a collision course to Uruk, something was moving slowly, with each step creating an earthquake.

The creation of the Anunaki and one of the 'autonomous weapons' of the Sumerian pantheon.

The sky bull.


Well, that's all folks!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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Forgive me in case of grammatical errors... I tried. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I still haven't figured out how to link the paragraph images... Someone, please help me!

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