Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 109

Chapter 106: Amazon

Chapter 106 Amazon

“Have you made an appointment?”

“An appointment is made! 10 am Amazon headquarters office!”

Guo Shouyun nodded, he came to Seattle this time not only for the Valve Game Studio!

After a brief tidying up, Guo Shouyun drove Wendy and bodyguard Matthew to Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом is updated very fast.

“Boss, here we are!”

Guo Shouyun nodded, pushed the door and walked down, subconsciously looking up at the office building in front of him. It is very common, and the famous Amazon rainforest in later generations still does not see a shadow. But this is very normal. After being hit by the Nasdaq crisis, the market value has dropped from 60 billion words at its peak to more than 2 billion now, and it is also burdened with foreign debts of nearly 2.2 billion US dollars. Earnings are losses.

Fortunately, the Nasdaq crisis did not jeopardize the US banking system. In addition, of the 2.2 billion debts, 530 million were bonds with an average 7-year lifespan, 925 million were convertible bonds, and 260 million were non-interest-bearing PIK bonds. That is to say, about 1.7 billion debts have no redeemable option, and the remaining 500 million bank loans are still far below Amazon’s market value, so the possibility of Amazon being “forced” by creditors into bankruptcy is basically zero.

Of course, this is also the Nasdaq crisis. If it was replaced by the subprime mortgage crisis, ten Amazons have now collapsed.

After entering Amazon’s office, Wendy will naturally be in charge of the contact. Because there was an appointment in advance, there was no delay in the middle. Under the leadership of the front desk staff, Guo Shouyun walked into Amazon’s VIP reception room.

“Please wait a moment, Mr. Bezos will be here soon!”

Guo Shouyun nodded.

The receptionist brought him a cup of coffee before backing out.

“Boss, it seems that Amazon’s situation is not very good?” Wendy said.

“Oh why?”

Guo Shouyun asked with great interest.

“It’s very simple. From the depressing atmosphere in the office just now and the expressions on the faces of those employees, you can guess that they are facing the pressure of being unemployed.” Wendy glanced at the young boss beside her, “Now Amazon’s The situation is not good, and if the boss is going to buy it, now is a good opportunity!”


Guo Shouyun laughed in his heart, he never planned to buy Amazon. Jeff Bezos and his famous ‘S Squad’ are not going to hand over the management of the company.

The reason why he wants to come to Amazon this time is mainly to meet the famous Beijiao master of later generations, and to ‘mix’ a familiar face first. Then see if you can get a chance to make a financial investment in Amazon.

“I never planned to acquire…!” Before Guo Shouyun finished speaking, he subconsciously closed his mouth after seeing the ‘door’ of the reception room being pushed open. Soon, as the wooden ‘door’ was pushed open, a familiar bald head appeared in front of him.

Jeff Bezos!

This middle-aged man, Qun Lun, a world business leader more than ten years later, looks a lot younger than later generations.

While Guo Shouyun was looking at each other, Jeff Bezos was also looking at the young man opposite. As an Internet company, Amazon is naturally very concerned about the dynamics in the industry. And now there are only a few of the most high-profile Internet companies in Silicon Valley. In addition to the old brands such as America Online, Yahoo, eBay, and Amazon, Netflix, Google and LinkedIn are the most dazzling in the new generation, and they are developing against the trend in the case of the Nasdaq crisis. And two of them are under the control of the young man in front of him. This ability is naturally worthy of Jeff Bezos’ attention.

“Mr. Bezos, nice to meet you!”

“It is also our Amazon’s honor to receive Mr. Guo!”

After simply shaking hands and saying a few polite words to each other, the two sat down on the sofa in the center of the reception room. The secretaries of the two also did their own work, and the atmosphere of the meeting gradually became stronger.

“I don’t know why Mr. Guo came to our Amazon this time?”

Now, Amazon is in a lot of trouble, and Jeff Bezos, who has all kinds of things on his desk and needs to be dealt with urgently, has no intention of ‘doing things’ with Guo Shouyun, so he goes straight to the point.

“Amazon is one of the largest partners of our Thornbird Publishing Company, and of course I want to visit this time when I come to Seattle.”

Amazon is now the largest channel provider in the field of book sales, and 30% of Thornbird’s books are sold through its channel, so Guo Shouyun’s words are correct.

“I see. Mr. Guo is very polite. Amazon and Thornbird are leaders in their respective fields. Our cooperation is in line with each other’s interests, and at the same time maximizes our respective advantages. Therefore, I think our cooperation should be long-term. .”

Guo Shouyun nodded with a smile, “I very much agree with Mr. Bezos’ proposal! The cooperation between Amazon and Thornbird should go further and break through the barriers of pure business cooperation!”

“What does Mr. Guo mean…?” Jeff Bezos frowned slightly.

“We ‘Thorn Birds’ are willing to invest 250 million US dollars to acquire 10% of Amazon’s shares and occupy a board seat. You and I will become closer partners!”

Jeff Bezos’s pupils shrank, Guo Shouyun’s answer was beyond his expectations.

“I didn’t expect Mr. Guo to be interested in our Amazon?”

“Thornbird has always wanted to expand its channels, but I have no interest in setting up more offline bookstores. Instead, online book sellers like Amazon are more attractive to me!” Guo Shouyun said.

Jeff Bezos nodded, “Understandable. Mr. Guo, who leads Google and LinkedIn, naturally has a deep understanding of the Internet! But I’m sorry, we can’t accept investment from Thorns?”

“Oh why?”

“$250 million for a 10% equity price is too low. And, now we don’t need a financial investment either!” Jeff Bezos shook his head.

“$250 million is not a low price, at least higher than Amazon’s stock price now. As for the financial investment … Mr. Bezos, Amazon is in a lot of trouble now. Not to mention the pressure on Wall Street, without new capital injection, I’m afraid Amazon The pace of development has to stop. We are all in the Internet, and once we stop, it means giving later people a chance to catch up. In this industry where the fast fish eats the slow fish, and the rule of 28 rules, once it falls behind, it means marginalization, even…death!”

Guo Shouyun’s repressed words added a touch of complexity to Jeff Bezos’s deep eyes.

Amazon’s predicament cannot be concealed, and Amazon’s loss-making operations have been magnified exponentially under the Nasdaq crisis. For this reason, investors on Wall Street put him under huge profit pressure. Even if he was as tough as he was, he had to make way for capital and took the initiative to dismantle the construction of four transit centers in Oklahoma and Texas. Moreover, digital appliances, clothing and other categories that were originally planned to be launched have to die! Fortunately, Amazon’s main competitors, AOL and Yahoo, are not having a good time. Otherwise, Jeff Bezos really can’t sleep.

“Mr. Guo, since Amazon is facing so many difficulties, why do you still invest in us? In comparison, aren’t Barnes & Noble and Borders more beneficial to Thorns? If it’s just interest, I’m afraid it’s not convincing enough. .”

Barnes & Noble and Borders are the two largest chains of booksellers in the United States. Neither Guo Shouyun nor Jeff Bezos are unfamiliar.

“Okay! Let’s be honest. I am optimistic about the future of Amazon. Online book sales will replace the old chain bookstores and become the mainstream of the future society. Therefore, I think Amazon is a very good investment target, which also fits our thorn bird’s. Business!” Guo Shouyun only focused on book sales, and did not mention any broader B2C topics.

“Mr. Guo is very honest, but I’m sorry, Amazon doesn’t need financial investment. If Mr. Guo is really interested in Amazon, he can go to the stock market to buy our shares. I believe many people are willing to sell now!”

Hearing this, Guo Shouyun frowned inwardly, looking at the other party’s calm expression. Although he didn’t think it would be a one-time success at the beginning, Jeff Bezos’ stubbornness still made it difficult for him to accept. And the other party’s “shrewdness” also made him feel a toothache.

Going to the stock market to buy Amazon stock will only yield one result. That’s helping Amazon stabilize its stock price, and even allow it to rise. In this way, although Guo Shouyun got the shares he wanted, the rise in Amazon’s stock price has undoubtedly shared the pressure from Wall Street for the bald head in front of can even use this to raise funds. The most important thing is that you don’t need to disperse the equity in your hand and ensure your control over Amazon, which is completely killing two birds with one stone!

Although he felt that he was at a disadvantage, Guo Shouyun, who originally came for the purpose of investing in Amazon’s financial affairs, did not reject the acquisition of its equity from the stock market. But those stakes in the stock market didn’t satisfy his appetite. Investment institutions can also go, but these Wall Street ‘bastards’ are some wolves who eat people and don’t spit out their bones, and the price is too high.

Therefore, he went to Jeff Bezos, hoping that the other party would give a relatively favorable price for the sake of Amazon and Thornbird being partners. It now appears that his plan has failed. Fortunately, he also prepared some backhands. However, now is not the opportunity to take it out.

“Since Mr. Bezos is unwilling, then I am not good at being difficult. But I personally visit the ‘door’, and I will not be rejected if I have the cheek to ask for a lunch with Your Excellency?” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“Hehe, of course not! I’ll have someone prepare a sumptuous lunch for Mr. Guo right away!”


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