Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Ppc And Side Ads

Chapter 13 PPC and Side Ads

“Mr. Guo, please come here!”

The second time, Guo Shouyun, who had just entered the door, was led to the conference room by Larry Page’s secretary.


“Senior Page! … This is Senior Brin, right?”

After shaking hands with Larry Page, Guo Shouyun turned his attention to a younger man with a “programmer temperament” of later generations and a relatively thinner appearance.


Sergey Brin, who was obviously not very good at words, simply shook hands with Guo Shouyun and then stopped talking.

“Please sit down!”

Greeted by Larry Page, everyone took their seats.

“Bruce, $80 million, 40% equity, 20% voting rights, we can accept it, but we hope that the funds will arrive as soon as possible after the two parties sign the contract!”

Larry Page, who decided to accept the investment, took the lead.

After Guo Shouyun frowned, he immediately shook his head.

“Sorry, I need time to raise money, so I hope Senior Page and Senior Brin will give me two months. Also, I’m willing to pay $500,000 in royalties for these two months!”

Half a million dollars is not a small amount. Larry Page, who was just about to refuse, frowned, and after thinking for a while, “At most a month, at a time when the Nasdaq crisis is getting worse, we need funds to develop rapidly. , while strengthening investors’ confidence in us.”

Of course Guo Shouyun couldn’t accept a month’s time. However, since it was brought up, he naturally has the confidence to convince the other party.

“What if I could solve Google’s monetization problem?”

Guo Shouyun said a lot.


Sergey Brin blurted out.

Although calmer than his companions, Larry Page’s tight pupils can also see his nervousness and concern.

Facing the attention, Guo Shouyun smiled. Opened his briefcase, took out a document that had been prepared for a long time, and handed it over.

When it comes to the future of Google, Larry Page will naturally not pretend to be gentle, and Sergey Brin is even more direct. After Page opened the document, he got up and stood behind the other party.

As time passed, the expressions on their faces gradually changed from initial concern to excitement.

“Bruce, this ‘side ad’ marketing plan is a genius idea!”

Sergey Brin offered his praise without hesitation.

The website ‘side advertisement’ is a rotten marketing model on the major search engines in later generations. But in 2000, it was a first that nobody knew about.

“Bruce, we agree to your conditions. And, we want you to be the president of Google!” Larry Page said directly.

After recognizing Guo Shouyun’s talent in business management, the decisive Larry Page came up with the idea of pulling him into the company’s management. You must know that at the beginning, he only planned to let Guo Shouyun serve as a non-executive director.

“Two seniors, don’t worry. I have a marketing plan here that is ten times or twenty times more important to Google than the ‘side advertising’ plan, but before I take it out, I have a few conditions!” Guo Shouyun said confidently.

“and also…?”

“you say?”

After stopping Sergey Brin who wanted to speak, Larry Page said calmly.

“My conditions are very simple. First of all, the two marketing plans must be used after two months before Google can use it. If they violate it, they must transfer another 15% of Google’s shares with full voting rights to me! Second, this After we reach an agreement, we sign two different contracts. The first one is a normal equity transfer contract, and the second one is a royalty contract; $10,000 in funds is credited to Google’s account, and the first contract is void. Once again, when all the funds are in the account, I will serve as Google’s chairman and CEO. Finally, everyone present today must sign confidentiality The agreement cannot reveal anything about the negotiation to anyone outside or any organization!” Guo Shouyun said in a slow and solemn voice.

“If your marketing plan really has a decisive effect on Google’s revenue as you said. Then I will abdicate and let you be the chairman and CEO of Google. There is no problem. But why two marketing Does the plan have to be used after two months?”

After thinking for a moment, Larry Page calmly said.

“I think with Senior Page’s intelligence, I should be able to guess the reason!” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“You want to buy the Google stake in Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins?”

Larry Page’s pupils shrank, staring at the young man in front of him, a little surprised.

“Not bad! I am very optimistic about the development prospects of Internet search. If the two seniors are not reluctant to sell, I will definitely buy Google directly.”

Guo Shouyun’s words were loud. Talk to smart people, sometimes conspiracy is more useful than conspiracy.

After the two eyes collided in the air for a moment, Larry Page suddenly laughed: “I didn’t expect you to value Google so much!”


“Aren’t you afraid that we will tell Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins what happened today? You must know that ‘side advertising’ is a business model and there is no way to register a patent. We can use this to solve the problem of unprofitability.” Larry Pei Chi smiled.

“I’m afraid, of course I’m afraid. But unless the two seniors don’t want another more important business model in my hands!”

Looking at Guo Shouyun’s confident expression, Larry Page frowned.

“How can I be sure that the other business model you’re talking about actually exists? And, does it really work for Google?”

“Senior Page, since I dare to put forward conditions, I must hold it. Moreover, in such an important business negotiation, I will not use a stupid lie to destroy the sincerity of our cooperation with each other.”


Without looking at the eyes of his old friend, just listening to the tone, Larry Page knew that Brin had agreed in his heart.

“Okay, you win, we can sign a contract according to your request just now!”

Looking at the man on the opposite side for a while, but he couldn’t see any panic in his expression, and he was full of confidence from beginning to end, which made Larry Page make a decision in his heart.

Of course, he agreed. Mainly because of several conditions of Guo Shouyun, it will not cause any loss to Google. Moreover, even if the other party acquired the equity in Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins, it still could not shake his and Sergey Brin’s absolute control over the company.

In addition, with Zhuyu in front of the “side advertisement”, he also has great curiosity and confidence in the last document in Guo Shouyun’s hands.

Guo Shouyun’s heart, which had been hanging all this time, finally let it go. In fact, his heart is not as confident as his face shows. Of course, everything is fine now.

With the help of George Davis, after signing the contract for several points, Guo Shouyun was filled with indescribable satisfaction, and his face was full of victory smiles.

“Now that all contracts have been signed, your more important ‘advertising solution’ should be taken out?”

Larry Page said.


After agreeing, Guo Shouyun took out his last document of the Great Wall from his briefcase.

“The name of this document is ‘PPC Advertising Marketing Solutions’!”

PPC and side ads are the main profit model for all search engines in the world. In particular, the former is the most important. Whether it is Google or Baidu, the revenue from PPC advertising is the backbone of their profits.

“Awesome, unbelievable! … Larry, Google wins, and our future is bright!”

After reading it at a glance, Sergey Brin said excitedly.

Larry Page nodded vigorously. Although he tried his best to restrain himself, the expression on his face was still excited. As the founder of Google, he understands the importance of this business model to Google’s future development, even if there is no specific trial. It can be said that it makes up for the last shortcoming of Google.

“Bruce, you are Google’s most important partner to date!” Larry Page said in a tone full of excitement and admiration. UU reading www.

Guo Shouyun smiled, “Senior Peggy, everyone will be partners in common struggle in the future!”



The two of them held their right hands together.

Then, under the leadership of Larry Page, Guo Shouyun walked around the entire Google office. However, Guo Shouyun, who will take office in two months, cannot yet exercise the powers of his chairman and CEO of Google.

Guo Shouyun left the office building where Google is located under the personal gift of Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

“Lawyer Davis, my company still lacks a legal advisor. I wonder if you are willing to give in?”

When he got in the car and left, Guo Shouyun stopped and asked.

In the future, as the scale of its business continues to expand, there will be more legal needs. Whether from a professional point of view or a personal relationship, George Davis is the most suitable candidate at present.

“Is it Google?”

“No, it’s my other company called ‘LinkedIn’!”

There was a look of thought on George Davis’ face, and if it was changed before, he would definitely refuse. But after participating in this negotiation between Guo Shouyun and Google, he really saw the business talent of the 19-year-old around him.

“I need time to think about it!”

“No problem. But I hope Mr. Davis doesn’t keep me waiting too long!”

George Davis nodded.

“I will credit your account for the legal fee this time, bye!”


After saying goodbye to each other, they both turned around and left.

Just three days after winning the Google contract. Guo Shouyun drove to Citibank’s office in San Francisco.

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