Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 142

Chapter 138: Paradise Island

Chapter 138 Paradise Island

“Today we’re going to the ball. What are you wearing so formal?”

Early the next morning, looking at Guo Shouyun, who was almost in a suit, Al Bei said in surprise. -79 novel network-

“I’m not going to watch the Kos team game, or else I’ll be between you and Olivia, you’ll be uncomfortable, and I’ll be uncomfortable too!”

Al Bei nodded, and he still agreed with Guo Shouyun’s decision. But soon he came back to it again, “If you don’t go, what about my sister?”

Facing his vigilant eyes, Guo Shouyun smiled.

“I have discussed with your sister and I will go back to England today. She wants to take me to meet your father!”

“See my dad?”


“Hey, go. My dad will love you for sure!”

Looking at Al Bei’s malicious eyes, Guo Shouyun knew that Lao Bei was definitely not easy to deal with. He also saw “Meet Your Father-in-law” played by Ben Stiller. But it doesn’t matter, he has already figured out what to do.

“I saw you and Olivia chatting so happily yesterday. How about it, is my suggestion correct?” Guo Shouyun changed the subject.

“It’s okay.” Al Bay shrugged.

Although he was very satisfied with Olivia in his heart, he would never bow his head in front of Guo Shouyun.

“Then I’m relieved! … You try to go to France early, and my $1 million can be prepared in advance!”

“Wait for me to transfer money obediently!” Al Bay said confidently.

“Then I’m waiting for your good news! Let’s go!”

Greeting Al Bay out of the hotel, the two came to Ashley’s house together, “I almost forgot, this is the key card for the hotel room. I checked in for a week, and I’ll give it to you!”

“Then I’m welcome!”

Watching Al Bay take over the room card. Guo Shouyun greeted them, and the two got off the car from the left and right. After knocking on the “door” of the courtyard smoothly, they were led by the servants to the living room. Inside, the Eisleys were already wearing red and white striped shirts representing the home team of Olympiacos.

Looking at their excited looks, this family is not only the team owner, but also a big fan of the Kos team. However, among the “fans” of Ashley’s family, wearing a light blue “color” jacket and a small dome pink “color” hat, Molly Bay, who has a relaxed and elegant temperament, is a conspicuous exception.

“Al, Bruce, are you here?”

Seeing the two come in, Maniatis, who is also Olivia’s brother, came first. When we were chatting last night, the nearly thirty-year-old Greek with a straight personality had a good impression of the two of them.

After nodding and greeting the other members of the Ashley family, Guo Shouyun walked over to Molly Bay.

“Are you all packed?”


“Bruce, Molly said you were going back to England today?” Mrs Asley came over and asked.

“I’m happy with Molly, so I’m going to visit her family!” Guo Shouyun nodded.

“But can’t you wait until the game is over before leaving? Today is a big day for the Kos team!” Olivia said dissatisfied.

After Rick Eisley’s popular science, he already understood the grievances between Olympiacos and Panathinaikos, as well as the heat of the German war between the two sides. However, since Molly Bay, football games are really not very attractive to Guo Shouyun!

“Okay, Olivia! There’s a lot more after the Kos game. But visiting Molly’s family isn’t an important opportunity for Bruce! I support his decision!” Rick Eisley came over laughed.

Olivia pouted, already attracted by El Bey, she no longer cares about Molly and Guo Shouyun as much as before!

“Uncle Rick, Aunt India, let’s go first!” Molly Bay said.

“I asked the driver to take you to the airport!” Rick Eisley said.

“No need!” Guo Shouyun waved his hand quickly, “Hilton’s special car will take us to the airport. In addition, you have to go to the ball game, the time conflicts with us, so there is no need to send it. I believe we will have many more opportunities in the future. Meet!”

“Molly, Bruce welcomes you to come to Ashley’s house next time!” Rick Ashley nodded.

The two agreed, and after saying goodbye to the Ashley family, they walked out of the ‘door’ as they sent off.

“What are you thinking?”

Seeing how Al Bay was watching the shadow of the car receding intently, Olivia said well.

“Nothing! Let’s go!”

Al Bay shook his head. He always felt that Guo Shouyun’s farewell today was too abrupt and abnormal! But couldn’t think of anything out of the ordinary.

“Are you really going to visit my house?”

Sitting in the car Molly Bay asked.

“Yeah. Didn’t we talk about it on the phone last night?” Guo Shouyun’s eyes flashed.

“But why do I always think you just want to take the opportunity to get out of here?”

Facing Molly’s suspicious eyes, Guo Shouyun’s heart bulged, and he quickly said “haha”, “How is it possible. There is absolutely no such thing!”

Seeing his sworn expression, Molly Bay didn’t ask any further questions.

“My father is not easy to get along with, you have to be mentally prepared!”

“I’ve seen this when I first met you, don’t worry!” Guo Shouyun patted his chest, full of self-confidence.

After speaking, he raised his hand to check the time, and then secretly kicked the driver’s seat in front. Matthew, who was driving, gave Guo Shouyun a knowing look through the mirror.

“Boss, I’m sorry, I didn’t get a direct flight ticket from Athens to London!”

“What? Didn’t buy it?”


“Why didn’t you tell me earlier!”

“I forgot when I was packing my luggage! But don’t worry, we can transfer to Rome or Paris!” Matthew said quickly.

“Remember to notify me in time if this happens in the future!” Guo Shouyun said dissatisfied.


“Molly, we might have to delay some time!”

“It’s okay! Let’s turn around!”

Seeing this, Guo Shouyun nodded, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“This is Rome, this is Paris, this is London?”

In a high-end resort hotel on Paradise Island, Molly Beizheng, who was coaxed by Guo Shouyun to the Maldives, made a big splash.

“Hey, Molly. You know I definitely planned to go back to the UK with you. But it’s too early for Christmas. It’s too cold in the UK, and even if we go back, we won’t have a place to relax, so why don’t we come to the Maldives for a few days. Look how warm it is here, sea breeze, beach, sunshine, coconut trees, isn’t it the most suitable holiday destination?!”

Seeing Guo Shouyun’s stubborn expression, Molly Bay rolled her eyes and said angrily, “Do you mean to say that you lied to me or are you good for me?”

“Of course!” Guo Shouyun said boldly.


He hurriedly hugged the beautiful woman’s soft waist and blocked Molly Bay’s upside-down eyebrows.

“For you, and for me. Why should we have some space for two. Don’t you think this is the right place?”

Looking at his strange eyes, Molly Beixin inexplicably burst out a ‘torrent’ current, and her body became slightly hot. However, when Guo Shouyun was about to come over, she was pushed away angrily.

“The lady is still angry!”

The words fell, and regardless of Guo Shouyun’s stunned expression, Shi Shiran turned around and returned to his room.

Hearing the ‘door’ closing, Guo Shouyun’s face ‘revealed’ a hint of annoyance.

“If only I took the initiative just now. But it doesn’t matter, there is still time!” Thinking of this, Guo Shouyun beckoned.

Matthew next to him came over immediately after seeing it.


“Go to the hotel and ask where you can rent a yacht. Then go and help me rent the biggest one.”


After agreeing, Matthew pushed the ‘door’ and walked out.

After he left, Guo Shouyun walked to the closed ‘door’ and knocked, “Molly, come here. Let’s go to the beach outside. Look how good the sun is today!”

“I’m not interested, I’ll go to you!”

“Don’t! How boring I am!”…

Guo Shouyun kept coaxing and begging for nearly an hour, before finally getting Molly Bay to change her mind. Eliminated the sullenness that had accumulated in the heart of being tricked into Maldives before.

Paradise Island is a five-star island among many islands in the Maldives, and its scenery is naturally ‘color’. Thoughtful and comprehensive service facilities are enough to make people feel comfortable.

After lingering on the beach outside for half an afternoon, under the influence of the scenery, Molly Bay also began to think that the itinerary to Maldives was a good decision.

In the evening, Guo Shouyun asked Matthew to buy some vegetables and ‘meat’, and ‘get’ a barbecue on the ‘open’ table at the top of the room. Riding the sea breeze, admiring the sparkling seascape under the moonlight in the distance, hearing the waves of the sea, eating grilled meat, and drinking red wine is simply a kind of enjoyment.

Even Molly Bay, who likes to be vegetarian, has let go of her appetite in this unparalleled atmosphere.

“Molly, try my baked ‘chicken’ wings!”

The technique of eating self-service barbecue exercises all my Let Guo Shouyun test the ‘chicken’ wings that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Confused’ Molly Bay was impulsive.

“But I have eaten several skewers of lamb ‘meat’ just now!”

“You only ate a few skewers. I’ve eaten more than 20 skewers just now. It’s alright!”

After hesitating for a while, I still eat ‘desire’~ Wang took over the wind, took the ‘chicken’ wings handed over by Guo Shouyun, “If I eat fat, you are not allowed to dislike me!”

“Of course not!” Guo Shouyun said firmly.

Perhaps because of the one-quarter Chinese blood, Molly Bay is thin. And her eating habits, coupled with her ‘sex’ who usually likes to exercise, it’s strange that she can gain weight.

“Red wine with grilled ‘meat’ is the real delicacy. Come, let’s toast!”


Molly Bay nodded, raised her glass and touched Guo Shouyun.

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