Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 154

Chapter 150: Zhang Zhidong

Chapter 150 Zhang Zhidong

In the early morning, Guo Shouyun opened his eyes and looked at Molly Bevan, who was still asleep in his arms, and then gently pulled his arm out from under her neck. He got out of bed slowly, covered his lover with a robe, put on his clothes lightly, opened the door and walked out.

“Boss, good morning!”

Matthew Bloom greeted him respectfully.

“Good morning!” After finishing his clothes, he beckoned to the other party, “Let’s go!”

Knowing Guo Shouyun’s habit, Matthew nodded, and the two walked out of the room together to the hotel’s gym.

“Have you done the things that I explained to you yesterday?” Guo Shouyun asked while walking on the road.

“I saw that man’s car enter the Simaden Manor in Richmond!”

“Simaton Manor?”

“Yes!” Matthew nodded affirmatively.

“So it shouldn’t be difficult to check the background of this person!”

“I have inquired from the people around me that the Simadon Manor belongs to Baron Oliver Baring, the direct heir to the Earl of Cromer of the Baring family!”

“Oliver Bahrain, a member of the Bahrain family?” Guo Shouyun frowned.


“It was really unexpected.”

Guo Shouyun doesn’t know much about the Bahrain family. In addition to the “Barings Bank Bankruptcy” that shocked the world in the last century, it was this family who personally steered the amazing deal between the United States and France on “Louisiana” in the 18th century. This unprecedented land sale nearly doubled the size of the U.S. territory at the time. This is a must-have event in any American history textbook.

Bahrain, this is a family with a glorious history. At their peak, they were comparable to the Rothschilds. Of course, they are as declining as the Rothschilds now. But there is a saying that “a hundred-footed worm is dead but not stiff.” The fall of Barings Bank does not mean that the family has really disappeared. There is no family that does not understand the truth of risk diversification, and Barings Bank is not the whole of the Barings family.

“Boss, I found David Heyman on the way to follow Oliver Baring!”

“David Heyman? Does he know Oliver Balin?” Guo Shouyun said in surprise.

“I’m afraid not only know each other, but they have a very close relationship. I saw them leave the hotel in the same car with my own eyes.”

“That’s interesting!”

Guo Shouyun touched his chin, his eyes darkened.

After hesitating for a moment, Matthew said, “Boss, David Heyman has a grudge with us, and now we add another Oliver Bahrain, I’m afraid our situation will be even more unfavorable!”

“With the addition of a Balin family, David Heiman has also become a climate. But ‘the soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil’, we are not soft persimmons today!” He patted Matthew’s shoulder confidently, “Let’s go, We have arrived!”

Matthew nodded and followed Guo Shouyun out of the elevator. While walking out of Matthew’s line of sight, Guo Shouyun’s expression instantly turned gloomy. Although he had to calm down and give them confidence in front of his subordinates, he knew that the hostility of an old-fashioned family, even an old-fashioned family that had already declined, was not so easy to bear. What’s more, Bahrain is no ordinary family.

Seeing that the gym had appeared in front of him, Guo Shouyun temporarily left his troubles behind. No matter how much energy Bahrain still has. Nothing about man’s dignity can be backed down!

Hilton as a five-star hotel, its gym is naturally good. Although there are not many things, the decoration and equipment are extremely high-end.

Although it’s still early. But there are already many guests here sweating like rain. To Guo Shouyun’s surprise, there was a familiar figure among them.

“Hey, Zhidong, are you here too?”

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhang Zhidong quickly grabbed the treadmill and turned around, “Boss, are you here to exercise too?”

“Yeah, I have developed a habit for many years to run for half an hour every morning, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable!” Guo Shouyun walked over with a smile, “How about you?”

“It’s the same with me. I was used to running when I was in college. If I don’t run, I always feel that there is something unfinished in my heart, which is very uncomfortable!”

“So we’re pretty similar! By the way, why didn’t I see Lao Ma, aren’t you two in the same room?”

“I guess I haven’t woken up yet! He has a lot to worry about and doesn’t sleep well.” Zhang Zhidong smiled.

Guo Shouyun nodded, pressed a few times on the treadmill next to him, and chatted while walking, “How about you, did you sleep well last night?”

“It’s alright!”

“Is it okay? It seems that you are not sleeping well! … Is there something on your mind?”

Glancing at him, Zhang Zhidong hesitated and nodded, “I’ve been thinking about the development plans you mentioned yesterday about Tencent. All kinds of thoughts popped into my mind, I was nervous and excited, and I ended up sleeping late!”

“The old horse is the same, right?” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“He excitedly pulled me and chatted for a long time, and he must have slept late when he went back. Otherwise, he should run with me in the morning.”

Guo Shouyun nodded, adjusted the speed of the treadmill to the 7km/h gear and started jogging.

“What are your thoughts on yesterday’s plan?”

“There are many ideas, but they are not systematic! There is no clue about the construction and detailed development strategies of the online novels and music websites you mentioned!”

“What about wireless value-added services?” Guo Shouyun nodded and continued.

“Lao Ma has worked in the communication system before, so he is relatively familiar with this.”

After nodding, Guo Shouyun said silently for a moment, “Zhidong, have you considered jumping out of Tencent?”

Zhang Zhidong was taken aback, “I don’t quite understand what you mean!”

“I plan to set up a new Internet company in Huaxia, and I want you to be the CEO!” Guo Shouyun did not shy away.

In later generations, Tencent’s development was so huge, and Zhang Zhidong, a partner and CEO, contributed greatly. Guo Shouyun is also very eager for such top talents. As for Tencent, Ma Huateng is enough.

“But I…!”

“Don’t rush to refuse. Listen to me before making a decision?”

Zhang Zhidong hesitated and nodded.

“The new business I set up is called ‘PayPal’, and the main service provided is ‘third-party payment’! Similar to PayPal in the United States!”

“paypal? Isn’t that your company?”

After looking at him, Guo Shouyun smiled and said, “It seems that you know me quite well too!”

“Of course. After all, I don’t want to be fired because I don’t know the boss!” Zhang Zhidong said humorously.

“I’m very precious to people like you, so I’m willing to fire you!” After the two of them expressed their respect and appreciation for each other, Guo Shouyun continued, “Okay, let’s get down to business. Since you know paypal, then I It also saves a lot of words. Simply put, PayPal is the Chinese version of PayPal. The functions and services of the two are similar. The ultimate purpose and purpose is to provide a network that allows buyers and sellers to conduct online transactions. The safety and security of their mutual trust!”

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Zhidong nodded, “Why don’t you put PayPal under the banners of Tencent and NetEase, especially NetEase, this third-party payment channel guarantee is especially important for it to enter e-commerce in the future!”

Guo Shouyun was a little surprised by his wisdom and vision. Looking at Zhang Zhidong’s inquiring eyes, Guo Shouyun organized the language in his heart, “As I said before, third-party payment is to provide mutual trust security for buyers and sellers when conducting online transactions. Buyers and sellers are not only electronic Both sides of business. Instead, it includes all business activities in the whole society. For example: water, electricity and coal property costs, train ticket purchases, medical bills, and even bank loan and credit card payments, etc.!”

“This…is it really possible?”

Zhang Zhidong was a little shocked. Guo Shouyun’s words include almost all commercial activities in the whole society, and the scope is too large.

“Of course it is possible! With the development of third-party payment. In the next 15 to 20 years, we will enter a truly cashless society. More than 90% of business activities are transferred and paid through the Internet, and this platform is completed. It’s ‘Third Party Payment’!”

After stunned for a while, Zhang Zhidong took a deep breath and shook his head slightly.

“This proposition is so big that I can’t imagine it. Moreover, with the current state of development in China, a cashless society is too far away! In addition, if, as you said, the society has entered a cashless state, then I am afraid that the state will not allow such enterprises to be controlled by private individuals!”

Guo Shouyun, who has experience in his previous life, understands that China’s cashless society is coming faster than any country in the world. But now he doesn’t plan to introduce too much. After all, this is beyond the imagination of too many people, and if you say too much, it will feel as unreliable as “introducing aliens”.

“A cashless society is not far away. As for the country…” Guo Shouyun smiled, “now the tolerance of the top leadership of Huaxia surpasses the whole and in the state of reform and opening up, you think the country will do Is there such a mandatory public ownership reform move? Doing so will only worsen China’s investment environment and be detrimental to the country’s development. As for sharing benefits, this is indeed a must. Whether in China, the United States, or even the world. A company wants to It is impossible to grow and defend one-third of one’s own land. Only by attracting more allies can it grow more smoothly.”

“Benefit sharing, risk sharing?” Zhang Zhidong asked thoughtfully.

“Not bad!” Guo Shouyun nodded.

After a moment of silence, “So in the future, Tencent and NetEase will also introduce other investors?”

“Of course!” Guo Shouyun replied affirmatively, “As you said: benefit sharing, risk sharing. If Tencent and NetEase want to grow bigger, they naturally need more people and institutions to share the development path for us. risk!”


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