Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 165

Chapter 161: Nozomi Family


Chapter 161 The Schiff Family

After having lunch at Cheng’s house and staying for a while in the afternoon, Guo Shouyun left with David Sachs. Next, the cooperation between paypal and Panda Express will naturally be discussed by David, the CEO and a professional of the company. Anyway, the framework has been set, and the subsequent negotiations are all details, and they are enough to deal with it.

However, while Guo Shouyun stayed in Los Angeles to handle PayPal and Matrix Films’ business, a passenger plane taking off from London landed at JFK International Airport in New York.

After coming out of the special VIP passage, seeing the tall young man standing outside to greet him, Oliver Balin walked over happily.

“Grant, long time no see!”

“Oliver, welcome to America.”

After the two embraced warmly, “Aunt Anne is okay?”

“Mother is very good, but after Uncle Chris passed away, she was a little worried about you!” Grant Schiff said.

“Aunt Anne was always so kind. Nothing to worry about, I’m an adult now.” Oliver Baring shrugged.

“That’s what we told her. But you know. Women, especially older women, always have more emotion than reason!” After a pause, Grant turned to one side, “Come on, mother has prepared a sumptuous dinner. entertain you.”

Oliver Baring nodded, and the two left the airport after getting into the car with their respective bodyguards and secretary.

However, the car did not drive into the city, but entered a helipad not far from the airport. After changing to a helicopter, the group flew to “Long Island”, one of the most famous wealthy areas in New York.

As an old-fashioned capitalist country with a history of hundreds of years, when it comes to enjoying life, the rich in the United States are definitely more than the rich in China at the same time. In the 19th century, even if the transportation was inconvenient, the rich generally owned mansions in urban areas and holiday villas in the countryside. In the 20th century and now, the great development of transportation has expanded the life circle of the rich several times. The airy, quiet and safe suburban mansions have become the most popular residences for New York’s wealthy.

The same is true of the Schiff family with a history of more than 100 years. Own a 500-acre mansion in this wealthy area of Long Island.

From the helicopter, you can clearly observe this huge manor surrounded by dense trees, with small lakes, golf courses, tennis courts, gardens and other auxiliary facilities, as well as a baroque main building in the center!

Judging from the mottled appearance of the outer walls of the manor, it clearly has existed for a long time.

The helicopter landed on the tarmac on the left side of the estate, waiting for Oliver Baring and Grant Schiff to emerge from it. An old man with gray hair in a black suit greeted him respectfully.

“Master Grant, Master Oliver!”

“Green, you arrange for them to stay, and I’ll take Oliver to see his mother!”

After explaining to the old housekeeper, Grant took Oliver through the winding garden road into the luxurious and quaint villa built of granite.

Like all heritage homes, the villa’s corridors are wide and filled with an old-fashioned tone. The exquisite wall lamps and exquisite oil paintings on the walls, as well as the unique sculptures in the corners, make this place full of aristocratic taste.

Oliver Baring is no stranger to this place because of the relationship he has been here before. So the two walked slowly, and after turning a few corners in the long corridor, they entered a luxurious living room.

Seeing them come in, the person who was sitting on the sofa talking subconsciously turned his eyes.

“Oliver, my dear darling, my aunt misses you!”

A woman in her 60s wearing a long lavender dress with gray hair walked over with a hint of excitement in her expression. Then he hugged the tall Oliver and said emotionally.

Noticing the eyes of the people around him, Oliver was a little moved, but his face was embarrassed.

“Aunt Anne, I miss you too. But I think I should say hello to Christy first!” After slightly resisting and pushing away the person who was holding him in his arms, Oliver hurriedly said to the young woman walking behind him : “Christy, I haven’t seen you for a long time, you’ve become prettier than before!”

“Oliver, you’re always so talkative! No wonder your mother misses you so much!” Christie Schiff Butler with long blond shawl and long hair smiled.

“I’m sincere!”

“Ok, I trust you!”

After a brief chat, Oliver looked around for four weeks, “Are Uncle Gesell and William not here?”

“They’re still in the company, and they won’t be back until later!” said Anne Baring Schiff.

At this moment, footsteps sounded from far to near outside the door. Grant Schiff turned his head and smiled, “Father and William are back!”

After everyone heard the words, they looked at them, and sure enough, they walked in from the door. They looked somewhat similar, tall and also wearing a suit, with a steady and dignified expression on their faces.

Walking in the front, the gray-haired old man was slightly taken aback when he saw the situation in the room, and his eyes quickly focused on Oliver Balin.

“Oliver, here you are!”

For this unsmiling, even somewhat stoic uncle, in addition to respect, Oliver Baring also has a faint fear from his childhood, which is why he rarely visits this distinguished American cousin.

“Uncle Gesell!”

Gesell Schiff nodded, “You haven’t been here for a long time, so stay here for a few more days this time!”


“Annie, let Thedis prepare a hearty dinner.”

“I’ve already explained it!”

“That’s good. You guys talk first, I’ll go up and clean up before coming down!”

When the words fell, Gesell Schiff turned around and entered the elevator on the side of the living room from the aisle. It wasn’t until his back disappeared that the solemn atmosphere in the living room relaxed. This patriarch who holds the power of the Schiff family is too majestic.

“William, long time no see!”

After holding Oliver Baring’s outstretched right hand, a smile appeared on William Schiff’s face. Although he is the next successor of the Schiff family, his temperament is more and more like his father, but he is still young and does not have the majestic feeling of Gesell Schiff.

“Oliver, mother talks about you a lot. So, you must stay a little longer this time!”

“Of course! The main reason for coming to America this time is to visit Aunt Anne!”

William Schiff nodded, “You guys talk first, I’ll go up and change clothes!”

“Oliver, come and sit here!”

Looking at Aunt Anne beckoning, Oliver Baring nodded. Although he is used to being free, he doesn’t like this kind of big family with a solemn atmosphere, but for his own purposes, he has to be patient where he should be patient.

After Gesell Schiff came downstairs, the chat and the dinner that followed turned into a question-and-answer style. As a German, Gesell Schiff seems to have inherited the old-fashioned Germans, which makes Oliver Balin quite boring.

Fortunately, the hard times will always pass. In the blink of an eye, Oliver came to the United States on his third day. Oliver Baring, who had a golf appointment with Grant, looked for an opportunity to start his own project.

“Grant, do you know the executives of Enron?”

Grant, who was drinking water, froze for a moment, “You mean Enron, a Fortune 500 company?”


“Why are you suddenly interested in it?” Grant said, putting down the mineral water bottle in his hand.

“A chance!…Bang!” He threw the ball out, and after a brief glance, “I heard that they are preparing a big plan!”


Grant’s curiosity was needed by Oliver Baring, who had long planned to use the Schiffs’ influence in the United States to connect with the top Enron executives.

“Do you know Bruce Guo?”

“I know! A new writer in the United States, he surpassed James Patterson on this year’s ‘Forbes Writers’ Earnings List’, setting a new record for the income of writers in the world with a royalty income of 248 million!” After a pause, “What? Does he have any connection with An Ran?”

“His Phoenix company is operating a huge capital of 3.12 billion US dollars to short Enron!”

“This is really surprising news!”

After being stunned for a moment, Grant Schiff said with great interest. The relationship of family origin, although he lost the right to integrate the family wealth, but the training he received from a young age gave him a natural vision that ordinary people do not have. More than three billion dollars, although staggering, is not an unimaginable number.

“You have a conflict with this Bruce Guo?”

Grant Schiff’s intelligence allowed him to quickly guess where things were going.

Oliver Baring nodded, his expression turned gloomy: “Although it’s a bit embarrassing to say it. But…that **** stole my beloved woman!”

“This is surprising!” Grant Schiff smiled, “Oliver, you know that my current relationships are all in politics, and I know only a few big people. If you want to get the Schiff family financially If you can help, you should go to William or your Uncle Gesell!”

“No… it’s too early to tell. I hope you can help me make an appointment with the top executives of Enron. I want to know their plans.”

“Okay! I think they’re still willing to give the name Schiff a face! … But what are you going to convince those shrewd guys?”

“Now I hold the Bahrain Investment Fund and Bahrain Asset Management Company, more than 4 billion pounds of capital. I think they are very willing to give these funds a chance!” Oliver Bahrain said himself.

“Uncle Hills has put all the economic rights of the Baling family in your hands?” Grant Schiff was surprised.

Bahrain Asset Management is just that, which is the product of the bankruptcy of Bahrain Investment Bank and the takeover of ING Bank. After graduating from Oxford, Oliver Bahrain worked for ten years, and then he became the CEO of Bahrain Asset Management Company by virtue of his family relationship and his many years of good business performance. Grant knew this for a long time.

But the Bahrain Investment Fund is the wealth of the Northbrook branch of the Bahrain family. Although the Bloomer branch where Oliver Bahrain is located belongs to the Bahrain family, the two sides have been separated for many years, and although they are connected, they are not close. Now the other party is willing to hand over the wealth of nearly one billion pounds to Oliver? This somewhat surprised Grant.

“Before I came to the United States this time, I paid a special visit to Uncle Hills. He was very satisfied with my achievements in Bahrain Asset Management Company over the years. That’s why he entrusted the Bahrain Investment Fund to me!” Oliver Bahrain proudly said.

Grant Schiff glanced at him and nodded.

“Although I am in the United States, I have also heard from my father. Your operation in the gold market in the second half of this year is impressive. In half a year, the two precious metal funds under ING Bank have guaranteed a growth rate of 32.5%. Netted $270 million!”

“There are still many opportunities in the gold market. If you want to make a fortune, I can help you!” Oliver Balin smiled.

Grant Schiff’s heart moved. No one doesn’t love money, and although he was born in a prominent family, the funds in his hands are usually his own salary and the monthly salary of the family trust fund. All these combined ensured him a privileged middle-class life, but they did not make him a rich man.

“Oliver, you know that I’m not like you and have limited funds!” Grant Schiff hesitated.

“It’s okay, Grant. I can lend it to you for now, and then you can return the principal to me when you make money!”

“Is that appropriate?”

“Of course, who made us relatives!”

Oliver Baring, who needed Grant to contact Enron for himself, was extra generous at this time.

Just when the two were busy exchanging their own interests, Guo Shouyun, who had returned to San Francisco, did not know that the hidden danger had overtaken him. Now he is worried about the bad news on the other side of the ocean.

“Both Bird and Amoi refused?”

“Yes.” Keith Rabos nodded and said with shame, “Boss, I am incompetent…!”

Guo Shouyun interrupted him with a wave of his hand, “If it doesn’t make sense, don’t say it.” After a pause, “Did they say why they refused to cooperate?”

“I said the other party dislikes our product quality is too poor!”

“The quality is too bad? Ha…!” Guo Shouyun smiled mockingly. Having experienced that era, he knew in his heart, what good products were there in the China-made mobile phone industry at this time?

However, knowing is knowing. The trickiest thing now is to figure out the way out for ruby tech, not to rant.

Looking at the document in his hand, Guo Shouyun frowned, “What kind of company is this Guohong Mobile Phone?”

“The other party is a mobile phone company in Pengcheng. It was established last year and is not large. Last year, it sold 21,890 mobile phones. They took the initiative to seek cooperation before we left Huaxia.”


After searching his stomach, Guo Shouyun did not remember that there was such a brand in the Huaxia mobile phone industry in his previous life.

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