Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 167

Chapter 163: Talent Development

Chapter 163 Talent Development

Lunch is very formal for Guo Shouyun, although four or five dishes are not much. But satisfying his and Wendy’s appetites would certainly be no problem.

After leaving the dissatisfied Wendy to look after the house, Guo Shouyun brought Liu Zhixing to the center of San Francisco.

“It’s here, it’s here!”

After parking the car on the side of the road, Guo Shouyun walked down from the inside. Around him were two bodyguards of the Blackwater Company.

After getting out of the car, Liu Zhixing briefly looked at the towering luxury office building in front of him, and the steel jungle surrounding it, a modern urban atmosphere came from the surface.

After noticing that Guo Shouyun was walking in front, Liu Zhixing, who took a brief glance, quickly followed.

After entering through the revolving glass door at the main entrance, looking at the white-collar workers, even the golden-collar workers, who were dressed appropriately, chatting and laughing, Liu Zhixing’s eyes showed a desire.

No matter at the time or now, this is the place where he has been able to struggle in countless midnight dreams.

Noticing the change in his expression, Guo Shouyun didn’t say much after smiling slightly. Walked to the elevator shaft, waited until the elevator door opened, and walked in with the flow of people. Then click on the 9th floor.

The speed of commercial elevators is generally very fast. In a few seconds, the elevator arrived at the floor that Guo Shouyun hoped. Stepping out from the inside, you will be greeted by a modern company reception desk. And on the wall behind the front desk, the words ‘Guo’s Business Group’ are spelled in golden letters.

It’s not the first time Guo Shouyun has come here, so the front desk basically knows him. Therefore, after seeing him come out of the elevator, the two beauties at the front desk, who were smiling and talking about something, instinctively tightened their faces and stood up respectfully.


After Guo Shouyun nodded, “Is your boss Catherine here?”

“Yes, the general manager is in the office. I’ll inform you!”

“No need!” Guo Shouyun waved his hand, “Bring this Mr. Liu to the reception room. I’ll just go find her myself!”

“You go to the reception room with them first, I’ll be there in a while!” Guo Shouyun turned his head and explained.

Liu Zhixing nodded and said nothing. Follow the front desk to the reception area on the right side of the office area. And Guo Shouyun walked in with a bodyguard after the two left. Today’s Guo’s Business Group is no longer in the state of two or three big cats and kittens. With the full support of Guo Shouyun and the excellent leadership of Catherine Lincoln, they have rented a 2-story office building in St. Mary’s Plaza, CBD, San Francisco. Not counting external staff such as farms and slaughterhouses, there are more than 300 employees in the office alone, and the entire group has more than 2,500 employees.

Therefore, when Guo Shouyun walked in, the greetings around him were really continuous.

He walked to the door of Catherine’s office familiarly, glanced at the door sign of the CEO’s office above, raised his hand and knocked.

“Please come in!”

A familiar voice came from the room guarded by tempered glass.

Pushing open the door, a 40-square-meter office with simple furnishings appeared in front of Guo Shouyun.

Looking at his childhood playmate who was working at his desk, wearing a black lady’s dress, blond hair tied in a ponytail behind his head, and wearing gold glasses, Guo Shouyun waved his hand to let the two bodyguards stay outside, Taking two steps forward, he smiled and said, “I’m relieved to see you work so hard!”

“This sentence fully exposes the nature of your Grandet.” After a joking sarcasm, Catherine put down the pen and looked up at the old friend who had already walked to the desk and sat down on the chair, “Tell me, this time What’s going on here?”

“It’s nothing, it’s purely out of a friend’s concern to see you!”

“Forget it, Bruce! Others don’t know you, and I don’t know you? Besides, since the establishment of the Guo Group nearly a year ago, you have not come more than ten times in total. A bunch of problems!” Katherine Lincoln curled her lips, her expression evident in disbelief.

Guo Shouyun shrugged, not explaining. He would make some superficial disguise in front of all his subordinates, including Wendy. The only one who will show her true self in front of Catherine. Because the two who grew up together know each other too well. There is no need for camouflage at all.

“I’m here to send you talent this time!”

“Sure enough, there is still something. But the person you are talking about is the one who came with you?”

“you saw it?”

“Nonsense! The monitoring system in my computer is not in vain. Besides, if you, the chairman, come here, if I don’t know, then all the people in the secretariat should be fired!”

Guo Shouyun nodded, “Since you’ve seen it, I’ll give you a brief introduction. … This person is Liu Zhixing, who has just been naturalized. He used to be the top university in China to study economics and business management. Something happened in between. , used to be very down. However, his talent is the best among the people I have met. So, I plan to put him by your side to experience it. ”

“Why me? You have a lot of companies. Besides, wouldn’t it be better for you to bring it with you to cultivate?”

“I want to stay by my side to train. But he will soon go to Stanford for further study, and I can’t always stay in San Francisco. So I think of you. As for why you are, do I need to ask?” Guo Shouyun said angrily. .

Katherine Lincoln had a smile on her face. Of course she understood what Guo Shouyun meant. In terms of trust, the two who grew up together are far more than those professional managers. This is not even comparable to Alexander Martin, who has been a classmate for nearly three years.

“Well, for the sake of what you say is so satisfying, this person will stay with me. However, I have to personally test his level. If it is too bad, then I will not give him too much. Position!”

Guo Shouyun nodded, “You can test it as you like. But if it is successful, I hope you can keep him as your administrative secretary for a while.”

If you want to learn something, the experience gained by participating in the actual management is of course valuable. But with Katherine, a high-ranking Harvard Business School executive, teaching by words and deeds, Liu Zhixing was able to learn more. Especially his lack of modern business management knowledge.

“Okay!” Catherine nodded.

“Let’s go then!”

He was just standing up when Catherine stopped him.

“Just stay here and take a look at the company’s report. As for Mr. Liu Zhixing, I can go by myself!”

Looking at her interested eyes, Guo Shouyun froze for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

“Since you insist, then let’s do it!”

Seeing his promise, Catherine opened the safe, took out a stack of documents and put them in front of him, “Look at it for yourself, and lock it for me after reading it. I’ll go first!”

Seeing her tall figure disappearing into the office resolutely, Guo Shouyun shook his head slightly and picked up the document in his hand.

“It’s just after January, and Guo’s business group has grown a lot. It seems that it was right to hand over the company to Catherine!” Guo Shouyun thought.

“Jingle Bell…!”

Just then, his cell phone rang suddenly.

After taking a look at the caller ID, he frowned slightly and thought for a moment before pressing the answer button.

“Mr. Jamison, you rarely call me!”

Guo Shouyun’s tone became melodious.

“Mr. Guo is very busy. If it’s not important, I don’t dare to disturb you!”

John Jamison on the other side of the phone smiled.

“You’re flattering me too much. I’m not as busy as your Goldman Sachs partner.”

After a few simple chats, Jamison consciously entered the topic.

“Mr. Guo, when you were in New York last time, you promised to hand over the second abs asset-backed securities of your work to Goldman Sachs for underwriting. I wonder if this promise is still valid?”

“Of course it works!”

“That’s good! If Mr. Guo has time in the evening, I’d like to invite you to dinner at Cyril’s restaurant!”

A thought flashed in Guo Shouyun’s eyes.

“Okay. But Cyril’s restaurant is a membership system, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get in!”

“Hehe, Mr. Guo is joking. Any consumer place in the world welcomes a super-rich like Mr. Liu!”

“I don’t dare to be a super rich man. I don’t have much money in my hands now!”

“How about seven o’clock?”


“Then we’ll see you tonight?”

“See you tonight!”

After hanging up the phone, Guo Shouyun’s attention was completely focused on the meeting tonight. Although he promised to give Goldman Sachs the right to issue his second tranche of abs bonds. But the conditions offered by Merrill, who had tasted the sweetness, made it difficult for him to refuse. So, in the end, it’s still a benefit. If Goldman Sachs can’t come up with enough terms to make him coveted, that promise can be reneged on.

“I’m becoming more and more like a businessman with no bottom line!”

Thinking of Guo Shouyun shook his head with a wry smile. Looking at the information of Guo’s Business Group in his hand, he had no interest at all, and after simply flipping through it, he locked the information in the safe next to him.

After processing, he walked to the floor-to-ceiling window next to him. Looking at the busy cityscape of San Francisco below, and the mighty Pacific Ocean in the distance, the eyes became deep.

This second batch of abs securities is related to his next major plans, and there is absolutely no room for failure.

While Guo Shouyun was planning for the future, Catherine Lincoln also completed the test of Liu Zhixing. From the look on her face, you can tell she is satisfied. So, everything went smoothly after that. Later, after the two briefly chatted about the development plan of Guo’s Business Group this year, Guo Shouyun took Liu Zhixing and left St. Mary’s Square. With the invitation from Goldman Sachs, the original plan to have dinner with Catherine was naturally in vain. However, the two have long been familiar with each other and can no longer be familiar with each other. You can eat anytime. But the meeting with Goldman Sachs could not be denied.

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