Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 171

Chapter 167: Hound Program

Chapter 167 The Hound Project

While Guo Shouyun was enjoying the New Year, his opponents were not idle.

“Although the other party did not directly agree, judging from the conditions of the last 40% of Apple’s common shares, the success of the Hound Project is still very high!” Stephen Bryan looked around and said.

“The market value of an Apple company is only $4.5 billion now, and even a premium acquisition will not exceed $6 billion. With Bruce Kuo’s fund-raising ability, holding Apple will not expand his financial risk to unbearable. So, I I think Amazon, ebay and rim should be counted among the companies he is interested in. Moreover, in the context of the Nasdaq crisis, the stock prices of Amazon and eBay are far more manageable than Apple.” Jeffrey Gilling opened his mouth.

As CEO of Enron, he didn’t care whether these businesses were valuable or not. As long as Guo Shouyun’s financial risks can be magnified, and the further implementation of the “Hound Dog Project” is what he is considering at this time.

“Jeffrey, bay and amazon are available, but they are out of the scope of this discussion!”

A middle-aged man in a black suit with thin cheeks who looked a little serious spoke up.

“John, I understand Morgan’s expectations for Internet stocks, but you can wait until the Hound program is over and then buy it back. I think it’s not difficult for you!” Geoffrey Gilling said.

In fact, they have debated this issue many times. When Enron Company was preparing to dig a hole for Guo Shouyun, they carefully analyzed his personality characteristics: he was talented and precise. But like the vast majority of talented young people, they are greedy and unrestrained, and blindly expand their business operations.

But the only difference of Guo Shouyun is that the projects he invested in basically made money. But in the eyes of the bigwigs at Enron, CCP, Citi and Goldman Sachs, it’s just a tailwind. So, they still choose the old way of dealing with these people: magnify the financial risk, and then take the bottom line. When the other party is exhausted and unable to repay the high loan cost and interest, then use the negotiation method to eat the assets of the other party at a low price.

This way of using capital, channels and contacts to crush opponents, they have been very proficient in playing for nearly a hundred years! The bones that fell under this method are also batch after batch.

And in order to swallow the rich cake in the hands of this fast-rising Chinese boy, these capitalists who cannibalistically spit out bones used a few months to formulate a plan called “Hounding Dog”.

The first step of the Hound plan is to magnify the financial risk of the other party. As for the target, it is natural to start from the company that the other party is interested in. That is, Apple, eBay, rim, Goldman Sachs and Amazon that Guo Shouyun now invests in.

Goldman Sachs, as a conspiracy of the Hound plan, is too small, and its current market value is only $800 million, which cannot achieve the purpose of amplifying financial risks, so it is also excluded.

The rest are Apple, eBay and Amazon. The three companies are currently valued on Nasdaq at $4.5 billion, $2.5 billion and $2.8 billion, respectively.

It stands to reason that Amazon and eBay are the most suitable. After all, in the context of the Nasdaq crisis, it is easiest to short the stocks of both. But after discussion, the proposal was rejected. The reason is that Goldman Sachs and Morgan still have expectations for these two companies.

The world has never been short of smart people. And top investors like Goldman Sachs and Morgan are smart people who focus more on long-term interests than on profits. Although they have no idea how far the Internet can develop in the future. But the changes brought about by this newness are real. Therefore, they want to take a look at the prospects of the top companies in the Internet, and are reluctant to sell their equity early. After all, whether what was sold can be bought back is an unknown.

In contrast, Apple is another consideration. It is undeniable that it is excellent, and it can also develop new products that are popular in the market. But in the eyes of investment institutions such as Morgan and Goldman Sachs, the potential of Apple, which has been established nearly 30 years ago, has basically been revealed. It is far less explosive than new Internet companies such as Amazon and eBay. Moreover, in Apple’s main notebook computer business, there are also competitors such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and Dell.

For a long time, Apple, which insists on developing its own software and systems, is highly respected by technology enthusiasts, but in the eyes of capital, it is a very weird company and is not favored.

Therefore, after a comprehensive consideration, Apple, whose stock price has plummeted due to the decline in sales of the new imac/g3, has become the most suitable target.

“Jeffrey’s concerns are indeed worthy of our consideration!” In order to prevent the two from arguing again, Paul Turner, chief operating officer of Bank of America who participated in the discussion, said quickly. After attracting the attention of the two, “In the current situation of Apple, the premium to acquire it will not be too high. So we really need an alternative!”

Stephen Bryan nodded in agreement, “I believe everyone has seen Bruce Guo’s asset assessment. His equity in Thorn Bird alone is worth 800-1000 million. Moreover, Thorn Bird Publishing Company is only a subsidiary of Matrix. , The total assets of the entire Matrix Holdings including Matrix Films and Matrix Games are nearly 2.5 billion US dollars. The rest, the Guo Group is worth 400 million US dollars. The three Internet companies Google, LinkedIn and Paypal are worth 1.5 billion according to the latest assessment. Phoenix Capital is worth 450 million. There is also Phoenix Fund…!” Stephen Bryan said here, because the main asset of Phoenix Fund is the income from shorting Enron, so in front of Jeffrey Jilin, He bypassed the problem.

“Although Bruce Guo doesn’t own all of the above-mentioned companies. Even half of it would give him $3 billion in assets. The most conservative estimate is that if he uses these assets for loans, he can get it. $2 billion or more. Plus, these don’t count the abs bonds he can issue, the revenue of various companies, and the bonds issued.”

“…you know, whether it’s Google, LinkedIn, paypal, or Guo’s Group, Matrix Holdings, their finances are very healthy. And their profitability is also very outstanding. The bonds issued by these companies are very popular on Wall Street. Therefore, , After comprehensive calculation, Bruce Guo’s funds that can be mobilized will be between 3 billion and 4.5 billion US dollars. If you want to make it financially in crisis, you must consider the highest value. In this way, it is difficult for an Apple company to shake Bruce. Guo’s finances.”

“…Also, what we need to face this time is a genius who has grown his assets hundreds of times from $10 million in one year. We need to leave enough room to prevent unexpected situations.”

“…In the end, despite his assessment of personality traits and investment habits, Bruce Kuo would not have sold his shorts when Enron’s stock was rising. But it’s hard to tell if he was aware of the unexpected. How to choose? So, this is also where we have to be vigilant.”

“To sum up, if the ‘Hound Project’ is to succeed, or to ensure a high probability of success, it must expand Bruce Guo’s financial risk to $6.5 billion or more! Obviously, one Apple is not enough. ”

After Stephen Bryan finished speaking, the atmosphere in the room became a little silent. Jeffrey Gilling’s expression was solemn. John Schwarzman looked thoughtful. Paul Turner folded his arms across his chest, his expression calm. Jolia Moyin, who came on behalf of Citibank, closed his eyes, and no one could guess what he was thinking.

The bosses are like this, and the secretaries who are in charge of recording are naturally extra cautious.

Stephen Bryan’s eyes slowly swept across the crowd. He knew in his heart that, except for Jeffrey Gilling, all the people present were a group of speculators who were tempted by interests. It’s hard to tell how much effort will go into this so-called ‘Hound Project’!

However, this is also understandable. The essence of capital is to pursue high, even super high interests. Even the Goldman Sachs he represents is the same.

“One Apple company is not enough, but we can also look for supplementary solutions from other directions!” After seeing everyone’s eyes focused, Geoffrey Jilin continued, “Currently, Bruce Guo’s investment direction mainly revolves around three major Block: that is, finance, media and the Internet! In addition, it has a certain layout in the consumer electronics and semiconductor industries. Coincidentally, Apple’s president Steve Jobs owns Pixar animation studio. Apple currently also owns 27% of the British arm company. These two companies correspond to the entertainment media and semiconductor industries that Bruce Guo is interested in!”

“Pixar can, but arm can’t. We must not provide each other with a company with good cash flow. Otherwise, the plan to create a financial crisis will not be established.” John Schwarzman shook his head.

“Actually speaking, aol Time Warner is more suitable than Apple, but it’s too big, and Bruce can’t afford it!” Jolia Moyin smiled and shook her head.

AOL Time Warner is well known for its troubled Nasdaq crisis. But its volume still has a market value of nearly 100 billion US dollars even after a series of crises. Even if they were willing to help, Bruce Guo couldn’t swallow such a big cake. Moreover, the other party may not be willing to swallow it.

“Although the whole AOL Time Warner is not good, we can choose some businesses from them. For example, their loss-making b TV network and Warner Music, I believe Richard Parsons is willing to sell some assets to ease the dilemma of AOL Time Warner now! “Paul Turner said.

“Bruce Guo is not a fool. If it’s all loss-making business, he may not want it. Also, how do we explain to him why we are so diligent in promoting these companies? You know, no one thinks that there are philanthropists on Wall Street!” Stephen Bryan shook his head.

“Since it is difficult to select industrial companies, why don’t we start with the financial industry? Comparatively speaking, this industry is the most familiar to us. Even the healthiest financial companies are easily defeated by lies.”

Jolia Moyin’s words made everyone’s eyes light up. They all know that the capital industry is a game of ‘confidence’. If a bank makes depositors lose faith, a run is enough to bankrupt the bank. A fund redemption can be enough to send a large fund company’s stock price tumbling and go bankrupt if a fund company loses client confidence.

Citigroup, *****, Bank of America, and Merrill Lynch together hold at least a quarter of the capital in the United States. And has a strong industry influence, as well as political and media resources. Many times, all they need is a bearish report to send a major company’s stock price lower.

Of course, the laws of the United States will limit such market manipulation and malicious slander by large companies. But the law is also flexible in many cases. There’s too much maneuverable space in between.

“Our idea is good, but the financial company may not be what Bruce Guo wants!” Stephen Bryan gave everyone a head break and calmed down the people present.

“I don’t think our discussions here will be fruitful. It’s better to start with the needs of the other party according to the actual situation. Anyway, the underwriting of Goldman Sachs’ abs bonds and the equity mortgage loan of Thorn Bird Publishing Company gave us enough time. to track and analyze the investment direction of the other party.”

John Schwarzman’s words put a look of approval on everyone’s faces.

“In that case, let’s start with Apple first!” Stephen Bryan nodded. Take Goldman Sachs, Morgan, Citi, plus Bank of America. 40% of Apple stock isn’t some hard number to put together. Even they now hold and own nearly half that amount of Apple stock!

“Jeffrey, you, Enron, should also be prepared. Once we release enough good news, you must cooperate with us to boost Enron’s stock price!”

Jeffrey Gilling nodded affirmatively to Stephen Bryan.

“Rest assured, we have prepared a plan to deal with every situation.”

Everyone nodded in satisfaction. They’re sitting here today, not entirely for a ‘hound project’. Another very important purpose is to use Enron’s stock to play an ancient capital “knock-and-knock” game! Of course, ‘pair knock’ can also be called ‘insider trading’ or ‘zhuangzhuang’!

In layman’s terms, several capital giants used inside information and control of public opinion to sell Enron’s stock back and forth between several arranged bookmakers through short selling and long selling, and from ignorant retail investors and small and medium investment institutions. Earn great spreads.

There is no doubt that this kind of insider trading is illegal, and it is more difficult and dangerous to enforce in the United States, a country with relatively well-established financial laws. However, as Mr. Ma mentioned in “Das Kapital”: the rope for hanging the capitalist was sold to us by himself.

So, as long as there is enough money, the law does not exist. And America doesn’t have the death penalty. The giants who have powerful legal channels, even if there is an accident, they just hand over a few scapegoats and then lose some money. Then, Goldman Sachs remains Goldman Sachs, Morgan remains Morgan, and nothing will change!

Later, after discussing the ‘Hound Project’, the details of insider trading, and the future profit distribution plan, everyone left with their secretaries and When John Schwartzman When returning to the headquarters of *****, a young man in a suit with a work card immediately greeted him.

“Mr. Schwarzman, Mr. Parsons asked you to come to his office!”

“I know, I’ll go right away!”

After agreeing, handing the briefcase in his hand to the secretary and taking it back to his office, John Schwarzman took the elevator to the chairman and CEO office on the top floor. In this spacious and bright room overlooking Park Avenue and Central Park, Henry Parsons, who controls the entire world’s top financial empire, is working at his desk.

Henry Parsons put down the pen in his hand when John Schwartzman, who had knocked on the door, approached. He smiled and pointed to the chair in front of his desk.


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