Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 184

Chapter 179: Presidential Dinner

Chapter 179 Presidential Dinner

Every man aspires to be respected by others, and every man desires infinite power. It’s just that the cruel reality suppresses the desires of most people. Of course, Guo Shouyun is different. He has the capital to chase power.

“Almost everyone here envy their status and power, and want to replace them in the future, but I’m more optimistic about you than them!”

Looking at his deep eyes, Guo Shouyun smiled, “You are more confident than me!”

“Of course, bystanders are clear! Besides, your past achievements have already explained a lot of problems. At the same age, in the history of American business, there are not many who can reach your current height!”

“If you take the inflation factor into account, this figure is quite a lot. However, I still want to thank you for your appreciation.” After a pause, Guo Shouyun smiled subtly, “If there is no other purpose. Down!”

“Of course not, everything I said just now came from the heart!” George Solo Roosevelt shrugged and said.

“someone is coming!”

Just when Guo Shouyun was about to speak, George’s words made him look to the left subconsciously. Sure enough, a slightly fat, dark-skinned middle-aged woman in a red evening dress came over with a wine glass.

Guo Shouyun is no stranger to this person.

“Mr. Guo, nice to meet you!”

“Hello, Ms. Winfrey!”

Oprah Winfrey, the founder of the ace TV program “The Oprah Talk Show”, which is well known in the United States. In the United States, she is even more famous than President Bush Jr. who just took office. Guo Shouyun remembers that in his past life, there was such a topic on the Internet: If Oprah Winfrey ran for the US president, then she would definitely become the first female president in US history. Although this topic is more of a joke and speculation, it can also reflect the strong influence of the other party in American society from the side.

After the two simply shook hands, Oprah Winfrey looked at George next to her. The latter consciously grabbed before the other party opened his mouth and stretched out his right hand.

“Hello, Ms. Winfrey, I’m a huge fan of your show and watch almost every episode.”

“Thank you! It’s my pleasure!”

After saying hello, Oprah Winfrey turned her attention back to Guo Shouyun again, this time her main purpose for coming here was the other party.

“Mr. Guo, with your wisdom, I think you must have guessed the purpose of my visit!”

Looking at the shrewd eyes in front of him, Guo Shouyun nodded, and after a little hesitation, “Ms. Winfrey, Oprah’s Talk Show is a show that is both likeable and respectable. I myself often Tune in. But you know I’ve never been on any TV show…!”

“Mr. Guo, because of this, you should come to “Oprah Talk Show”. I believe that your book fans must be very eager to see you on TV and communicate with you face to face! Moreover, I think this is not only It’s only about you, and it should be a reflection of a writer’s responsible attitude towards readers. In addition, your friend, Ms. Rowling, the author of “Harry Potter”, has accepted my invitation.” Oprah Winfrey interrupted.

“Rowling agreed?” Guo Shouyun asked in surprise. In his impression, Rowling is also a person who does not like to be disturbed by the media.

“That’s right!” Oprah Winfrey nodded with a smile, “We talked a lot, and she agreed to be a guest on my show. In addition, the invitation to Mr. Guo was also based on her suggestion!”

Although it has not been confirmed by Rowling, Guo Shouyun believes that as Oprah Winfrey, the other party will not cheat on this matter.

After a moment of silence, Guo Shouyun nodded after thinking about it in his heart.

“Ms Winfrey, it’s an honor to be invited by you!”

“It’s also my honor!”

Oprah Winfrey had a wider smile on her face.

Just then, loud applause suddenly came from the living room. When the three of them looked over curiously, they quickly understood the reason.

Mr. Bush, who had just ascended the presidential throne, was walking in from the door with his wife. Looking at the middle-aged man who was waving his hands and shaking hands with the guests who were approaching him, Guo Shouyun read out four words from his expression: self-satisfied.

That’s right, being able to ascend to the most glorious presidential throne in the United States is the ultimate achievement in a person’s life. Guo Shouyun is also envious of the power in his hands and his name in the history. However, he himself knew that the throne of the US president was basically impossible for him in this life.

There is no doubt that the first person that Xiao Bu~shi wants to communicate with must be the five top powerful figures in the United States in the middle of the banquet hall. Then it’s the other people’s turn. As for whether he can chat with the president in the end, it is also unknown.

The $3 million in political cash is still a significant weight when the other party is not on the presidency. But now, everything is hard to say. Fortunately, Guo Shouyun’s goal is not this Mr. President who everyone is flattering.

“You two, excuse me!”

“Mr. Guo, please!”

Oprah Winfrey, who achieved her goal, laughed.

At the same time, George Solo Roosevelt also smiled and nodded. However, his eyes did not leave Guo Shouyun’s body, instead he pursued the other party’s back with interest, his face full of inquiry.

No matter what the two of them thought, after Guo Shouyun walked through the crowd with a wine glass, he found a fat middle-aged man in a black suit, with golden glasses and an amiable demeanor.

“Karl, it’s been a while!”

“Oh, Bruce, I was looking for you just now!” Karl Rove, who was holding a wine glass, stepped forward and gave him a simple hug in Guo Shouyun’s slightly surprised eyes. This kind of intimacy not only exceeded Guo Shouyun’s expectations, but also made the faces of the people around him look surprised.

You know, Karl Rove is no ordinary person. This is a top talent who spent ten years turning an incompetent alcoholic into a president.

Not only that, he has hand-picked candidates, planned the political strategies of the states, raised and mobilized funds, and became the command center of the Republican Party, from the Congress to the gubernatorial elections. He combined old-fashioned grassroots democratic political games with Internet technology to create an unprecedented political mobilization machine.

He is also regarded as a master of “black tricks”, with a group of robbers, good at “political assassination”, and committing crimes without leaving fingerprints. At the same time, his political philosophy has found a grassroots political philosophy and a language for the Republican Party to communicate with the common people.

It can be said that he is both a forward-looking strategist and a hands-on tactician, and can also act as a sapper and an assassin when necessary. He is not only the brain of Bush, but the brain of the Republican Party. His performance has transformed American bipartisan politics. In private, everyone called the fat guy the ‘architect of the White House’. He has a solid network of contacts in American politics.

The reason Guo Shouyun got to know the other party was also because of his huge amount of political cash. And Karl Rove, as the brain of the young Bush campaign team, whenever he needed funds, Guo Shouyun was almost responsive, and he was not stingy.

Coupled with the power of the Internet in his hands, it has greatly helped the other party’s publicity. Sometimes Guo Shouyun even used his previous knowledge to give advice to the other party. Therefore, after more than half a year, the relationship between the two parties has passed the unfamiliar stage, and they have become friends under Guo Shouyun’s deliberate friendship! It’s just that the foundation of this kind of friend is not too deep.

It is precisely because of this that Guo Shouyun couldn’t help but be surprised when Karl Rove guarded the countless famous gentlemen present to reveal the close relationship between the two.

“I was thinking of coming to see you just now, but seeing that there are too many guests around you, I postponed it until now!” Guo Shouyun, who quickly calmed down, smiled.

“It’s okay, I’m very happy to have you here! Come on, let me introduce you! This is David Rubinstein, the managing director and general manager of The Carlyle Group!”

This middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses, gray hair, and a serious expression on his face, smiled and stretched out his right hand towards Guo Shouyun.

“Actually, I don’t need to introduce myself, I’m also very familiar with Mr. Guo!”

Guo Shouyun, of course, understood the meaning of this sentence, and smiled after holding the other party’s right hand: “LinkedIn very much hopes to be able to cooperate with the Carlyle Group!”

David Rubinstein’s eyes lit up, “Of course, this is what we expect too!”

“Now that you know each other, I won’t talk too much. Bruce, this is Timothy Geithner, currently the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs!”

Looking at the short middle-aged man with brown-blond curly hair and sharp eyes in front of him, Guo Shouyun’s pupils shrank, and he was no stranger to this name. After the financial crisis that swept the world seven years later, Gein, the small man who served as Treasury secretary of the United States, and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, former Treasury Secretary Paulson, were hailed as the ‘save of the financial crisis’. The Three Musketeers’ especially Timothy Geithner’s down-to-earth style, as well as his superb financial skills, have made him highly acclaimed in American politics and economics twice.

The “stress test” he led on banks effectively stabilized the panic in financial markets and made it a common tool for maintaining the stability of the US financial system. Geithner is also pushing for the largest financial regulation package in U.S. history, as well as playing a role in negotiations with Republicans on fiscal issues.

“Washington Post” commented: Except for Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, few people have provoked such a heavy burden for the US and even the global economy.

When Guo Shouyun was an editor at NetEase, every time he wrote about the subprime mortgage crisis, Timothy Geithner’s name always appeared the most. So even if it was rebirth, he was very impressed with this person.

“Mr. Geithner, nice to meet you!”

Guo Shouyun’s respectful tone was surprising. After all, with his current status and wealth, he is no worse than Timothy Geithner in terms of influence.

However, his attitude won the favor of the other party.

“Mr. Guo is very polite. It’s also my honor to meet you. By the way, this is my wife Carol!”

After briefly looking at the middle-aged woman standing beside Timothy Geithner, Guo Shouyun smiled and said, “Mrs. Geithner, it’s nice to meet you!”

“Thank you! Mr. Guo, I am a loyal fan of your books. I especially like “The Bookstore on the Island” and “Spring in the Cattle Class”. I hope you can sign for me later!”

“It’s my pleasure!”

After a brief introduction, several people started chatting with each other. Except for Timothy Geithner’s dullness, whether it is Karl Rove or David Rubinstein, including Guo Shouyun, they are all talkative. So the whole atmosphere is very harmonious.

However, as the brain of Little Bush, there are not many people who want to know Karl Rove. Through his light, Guo Shouyun also met many prominent figures in American politics, business, and even the military. Among them was Colin Luther Powell, the Secretary of Defense, whom he had met for the first time.

Of course, among these people, he was only a small person. Even, it was because of Karl Rove’s face that they had a nod to him. But this is not important, the important thing is that with this relationship, many things in the future will be possible to continue.

As for our new president, Guo Shouyun only met with the other party in a hurry under the leadership of Karl Rove when the banquet was more than halfway through, and chatted no more than five words. The president went to deal with those with higher status and more influence.

Although Guo Shouyun was a little disappointed to receive such treatment, it was within his expectation. There are too many people better than him at the most prestigious banquets in America.

Just like the words he often heard in his previous life: If you don’t get to the capital, you don’t know your official position, and you don’t know how much money you have if you don’t get to the devil. The same reasoning can apply here as well. You didn’t know you were so small until the presidential dinner in Washington.

Of course, this trip was not without him. In addition to getting acquainted with Mr. With his contacts, he successfully developed with Timothy Geithner into a platinum member of his private club. And, of course, Karl Rove got the same treatment.

Maybe it was God’s arrangement. This resourceful Bush think tank has been favored by him since the day he met. Not only gave him a lot of helpful suggestions in the past company operations. In this banquet, he did not hesitate to use intimacy to show the relationship between the two. It has provided great help for Guo Shouyun to expand his social circle.

In the end, when Karl Rove happily accepted the platinum card of the Hanshan Courtyard Club when the banquet was over, Guo Shouyun sighed in his heart: If there is any noble person around him a year after his rebirth, it must be Karl Rove .

Even he himself didn’t know where he fell into the other party’s eyes. But he can confirm that the other party’s concern for him is not deliberate, and it is definitely sincere.

“But it’s always a good thing, isn’t it?” Guo Shouyun thought.

Especially at such a time, having such help is very helpful to him. However, Guo Shouyun also understands that human feelings cannot be used indiscriminately. Otherwise, even the most intimate relationship will become estranged.

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