Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 193

Chapter 186: Take A Stake In Amazon

Chapter 186 Investing in Amazon

Jeff Bezos pondered for a moment and nodded, “Although I trust your judgment, Bruce, I’m not as rich as you. Therefore, I would invest a maximum of 10 million in gold futures investment!”

This figure made Guo Shouyun a little disappointed. However, it is understandable that, after all, it is the first time for the two to cooperate purely on capital. It’s normal for Jeff Bezos to be worried. If it were him, he would have made the same choice. However, Guo Shouyun believes that when Argentina’s economic crisis begins, after several times of profits flow into the other party’s account, driven by interests, he will each receive more financial support.

“Jeff, thank you for your trust. I believe that after two months, you will be very fortunate to hand over the funds to Thunder!” Guo Shouyun said to himself.

“I’m looking forward to it too!”

After the two looked at each other and smiled, “Bruce, come to my house for dinner in the evening. Let me show the friendship of the landlord this time.”

“I’ll go even if you don’t tell me. Besides, this time, besides business, what I want to taste the most is Mackenzie’s pasta.”

“Haha, I think she’d be very happy to hear what you said!”

Not to mention the personal friendship between the two, on January 21, 2001, Amazon officially held a press conference, announcing the acquisition of Thorn Bird Publishing Company at a price of 1 billion US dollars, and occupying 94.37% of the shares. After the acquisition, the latter became a subsidiary of the former.

With this acquisition, Amazon’s stake has also undergone a whole new change. Jeff Bezos, who originally held 46.27% of Amazon, dropped to 34.7%. Originally occupying the second largest shareholder, ******, was replaced by the Guo Family Wealth Trust, which accounted for 22.15% of Amazon.

As the most high-profile ‘superstar’ in the publishing industry, Wall Street and the American business community have not given a high opinion of the choice of Thorns. Even the magazine “Institutional Investor” publicly criticized Guo Shouyun’s choice of Amazon’s under the Nasdaq crisis. Internet businesses are absolutely stupid ideas.

But no matter what the outside world is talking about, when the Thorn Bird announced its financial data for two months this year, the revenue of nearly $150 million quickly made Amazon Group’s stock rise by $12, creating the largest gain since the Nasdaq crisis. . And the market value once exceeded 5 billion US dollars.

22.15% of Guo Shouyun’s shares quickly appreciated by a quarter, which obviously caused some people’s troubles.

“Everyone, our goal has become stronger!”

Geoffrey Jilin looked around and said condensedly.

“As expected, Bruce Guo has earned more than 1 billion US dollars in wealth in the past year. With such an ability, the speed of wealth appreciation will naturally exceed ordinary people’s imagination!” Stephen Bryan, who participated in the meeting on behalf of Goldman Sachs, said calmly.

“Having said that, if we continue to let each other grow, the price we will pay will be even greater!” Geoffrey Gilling frowned.

“Jeffrey, things didn’t exceed our expectations. So, take it easy!”

Glancing at Will Weiss, who came on behalf of Morgan, who was Morgan’s chief financial officer, participated in the meeting in place of John Schwartzman, who had already rushed to China.

Of course Morgan had to listen, but Geoffrey Gilling, who had been distracted by the increasingly severe financial situation inside Enron, frowned, “We should speed up!”

“Gentlemen, we are not short of funds. Therefore, can we start from gold futures? After all, Bruce Guo invested 500 million US dollars in it, and it is still 10 times leveraged!” Oliver, who participated in the meeting for the first time Bahrain couldn’t help but said.

His words succeeded in attracting everyone’s attention to himself. And this kind of attention made Oliver Baring excited. After all, everyone here is a giant in the global financial world.

“$500 million won’t hurt the other side. Moreover, under the existing financial rules, it is difficult to lose all this money. Moreover, if the price of gold falls too fast, it is easy to “jump the grass and start the snake.”

“We can lengthen the shorting time and drop the price curve a little!” said Grant Schiff, who sat next to Oliver Baring.

“There are too many variables over time!” Jolia Moyin, who came from Citi, glanced at Jeffrey Gilling, who frowned. He was afraid that Enron would not be able to last for too long. However, considering the face of the other party, he did not say these words in public.

“You don’t have to worry. We have found an interesting piece of information recently.” Paul Turner, who represented Bank of America, saw everyone’s attention focused, “Bruce Guo’s Phoenix company has been collecting data recently. Information on Pacific Gas and Electric, and Southern California Edison. I think Jeffrey should know best about those two companies!”

California Energy Crisis! These six words popped up in the minds of the people present.

Geoffrey Gilling, who had been a little sad, quickly became excited. “Paul, is everything sure?”



Geoffrey Gilling slapped the fist, although Enron was in crisis now, but before it fell, it was still the overlord who controlled 20% of the energy transactions in the United States and was unmatched in the field of electricity and natural gas. As long as Bruce Guo dared to enter the energy field, he would be handing over his life to An Ran.

“Everyone, we should try our best to facilitate Phoenix’s acquisition of Pacific Ocean and Southern California!” Jeffrey Gilling said quickly.

The others exchanged glances with each other, and they naturally thought of what Jeffrey Gilling thought of. Therefore, everyone’s eyes quickly focused on Paul Turner who broke the news.

“Guys, it’s not clear whether Bruce Kuo is actually buying two companies. And, even if it does, I don’t think we should take the initiative. Instead, we should try our best to facilitate the acquisition of Apple. As for Southern California and the Pacific. Although they are all heavily indebted by the California energy crisis, they are close to bankruptcy. But if they want to complete the acquisition, they need at least two billion US dollars of funds. Such a large sum of money is obviously not the current Bruce Guo can come up with. So, when the time comes, he will come to us for financial support himself. This effect is far better than our initiative.”

After listening, everyone thought silently for a while, and most of them showed a look of agreement on their faces.

“In that case, hurry up and get Apple’s shares together. 40% is only, it’s not a difficult figure for everyone!” Geoffrey Jilin couldn’t help but said.

Here, no one is more urgent than his mood.

“Now we have raised at most 40% in two weeks.” Paul Turner nodded.

“Fortunately, Apple’s stock has been falling. Otherwise, we would not have been able to raise so many common shares in such a short period of time.” Will Weiss said.

“Hehe, so our plan is relatively smooth at present!” Stephen Bryan said.

After everyone nodded with a smile, Paul Turner turned to look at Oliver Baring and Grant Schiff, “You two, Enron’s bulls depend on you. We will provide you with financial support. support. Just pull the stock above $70 and you can gradually exit.”


Looking at the two people who nodded, Geoffrey Gilling’s expression darkened. Although, he initiated this insider transaction with Enron stock as the main body. But he’s not entirely unsympathetic to Enron, who has worked at Enron for nearly a decade.

“It’s just that things have gotten out of hand!”

Jeffrey Gilling sighed inwardly.

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