Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 195

Chapter 188: Sisters Meet

Chapter 188 Sisters meet

“Boss, $250 million isn’t a small amount. How many shares can we give up for that?” Tim George asked.

“No more than 20%!” Guo Shouyun said after thinking for a while.

Although he intends to use his LinkedIn shares to win over some allies, and save his own funds to invest in highly profitable gold futures in a short period of time. But he didn’t want to lose his controlling stake in LinkedIn.

“…Additionally, financing must be contracted by the end of the month.”

Although it was unclear why Guo Shouyun did this, Tim George nodded obediently.

Guo Shouyun looked around and said formally: “I know that everyone is very concerned about the issue of options. I solemnly promise here that the premise of each round of LinkedIn financing is to set up a 15% option pool in the listing to reward the company’s executives and senior employees!”


Guo Shouyun’s words successfully attracted a round of applause.

No matter when, the direct benefit is the most touching!

“Who else has questions about financing?” Guo Shouyun said.

“Boss, the total amount of funding for Series B financing is 50 million more than the funds reported by various departments for development in the next two years. Do you have another use for this 50 million? Or do you plan to use it in times of crisis?” The chief financial officer, Dunco Verne, was primarily concerned with the company’s financial problems.

“I plan to use 50 million to set up a new department called ‘LinkedIn Wealth Network’ under LinkedIn.”

“LinkedIn Fortune?”

Everyone was surprised.

Guo Shouyun nodded, “Its main business in the future is to provide all LinkedIn customers, and all customers interested in finance, with financial information about finance, stocks, funds, futures, bonds, foreign exchange, banking, insurance, etc. With financial information, we will further enrich LinkedIn’s content and services, increase customer stickiness, and create a channel to attract new customers.”

“Boss, now LinkedIn has eight departments: professional social networking, professional intermediary, news, blog, mailbox, library, forum and instant messaging, and adding a new department and establishing a new business will not overly distract us. attention and cost money and energy?” asked Chief Risk Officer John Belden.

After listening, Guo Shouyun quickly scanned everyone’s faces, “I know everyone will have the same doubts as John. But what I want to say is that everyone should have a clear distinction between the business content of LinkedIn. . What business is our core? What business is relatively secondary?”

After a pause, “For my two questions. I think everyone has their own answers. But my understanding is: professional networking, career agency, news and literature are our core departments. Other blogs, emails, forums It’s less important than instant messaging.”

“Why do you say that? I can give you an analogy: now we want to eat a meal, we first need knives, forks, plates, and cups. These knives, forks, plates, and cups have nothing to do with whether a meal is good or not, but at least It has to be there, because no matter how good a meal is, we can’t taste it without it. Blogs, mailboxes, forums, and instant messaging are the knives, forks, and plates of a meal, they don’t How gorgeous technology is needed, as long as it can satisfy customer sharing, communication and communication. And professional networking, professional intermediary, news and literature are like food on a plate, whether these foods are delicious or not will directly determine the next time diners Will you come back?”

“So, what we have to do at LinkedIn is to focus on the key points and do our core business well. Of course, it doesn’t mean that blogs, emails, forums and instant messaging are not important. On the contrary, they are important, but we need to sort out the priorities, so that When allocating energy and money, you know how to do it. So, by adding a piece of financial analysis, we just added a core business. We didn’t over-spread LinkedIn.”

After everyone nodded thoughtfully, Tim George said, “If we follow this line of thinking, can we add LinkedIn Industrial Network and LinkedIn Agricultural Network in the future?”

“Do not!”

Guo Shouyun shook his head firmly.

“Finance, more than 90% of Americans will be interested, because everyone has their own fund accounts, retirement accounts, and every day wants to know whether the money in their accounts has risen or fallen. But industry, agriculture, and even other industries do not Same. No one is interested in them unless they are professionals. Like all of you here, do you care about the production of soybeans, corn, wheat in American agriculture?”

After everyone looked at each other, they all shook their heads. They are engaged in the Internet industry and have nothing to do with agriculture. Plus it’s not that they can’t afford to eat, who cares about this!

“That’s it!” Guo Shouyun shrugged, “Everyone, remember that we only do content that is of interest to more than 80% of Americans. These content cannot be ‘eating’ or ‘entertainment’, because they are related to us LinkedIn’s ‘professional’ attribute is irrelevant. So what is the content related to ‘professional’? It’s actually very simple, just look at ourselves. For example: I will read the news in the morning, and then look at my investments account, then go on to study or work for a day, and then exchange ideas with people in the same occupation. So you see, I just mentioned news, finance, study, work, professional networking. Of course, if I am unemployed now, I definitely care How to find a good job. … And what we do at LinkedIn is to meet people’s needs in these areas.”

After a pause, “After my explanation, everyone must have a certain understanding of the future development of LinkedIn. If you think that there is a business that suits us in this field, we can also do it, but we haven’t done it. , please email me. If your proposal is accepted, you will be the head of the new department.”

“…The last thing I want to say today: After the Series B round, I will restructure LinkedIn. Blogs, forums, mailboxes and instant messaging will be combined into a new division: the LinkedIn Business Unit. The original Dave Direney, the head of LinkedIn mailbox, has been appointed as the CEO of LinkedIn Business Unit. Christina White, the former head of LinkedIn Forum, has been appointed as the CEO of LinkedIn Fortune. There are six sub-contents of British News, LinkedIn Fortune and LinkedIn Business Unit.”

Guo Shouyun’s decision, some people are happy and some are worried. Appreciating Dave Direney and Christina White are undoubtedly delighted. But the executives of LinkedIn forums and LinkedIn instant messaging were relatively less excited.

However, as the chairman of the company, Guo Shouyun cannot compromise on such an important personnel appointment because of individual emotions.

The following meeting ended with constant questions about the Xinshe department and exchanges on financing and listing issues.

After returning to Guo’s Manor after handling official business, he spent half an hour on the phone with Molly Bevan, who was far away in London, as usual. Then turn on the computer and continue writing the second part of “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”.

Under the enormous pressure of the Enron Alliance, Guo Shouyun tried every means to increase his income. Under the premise that there is no short-term improvement in the various companies under it, and the opportunity for speculation will come in the future, the most suitable and fastest way to make money is still to be a copywriter.

With the fame he has accumulated today, as long as the quality of one book is not too bad, the results in a quarter can easily exceed one million.

And there’s an advantage that most other industries don’t have: it has a sixty-year lifespan. During this period, it can bring a steady stream of income to the author. Therefore, for each additional book, Guo Shouyun’s later manuscript fee income will increase by a part. Under the law that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, his income will be more terrifying the more he goes on. Especially after the adapted film and television copyright income is received.

It is precisely because he understands this that he is so active. Not only has the staff of the Emerald Bird Group continued to increase, but he himself has worked a lot harder than before.

After writing the ending, and then checking it in detail, after correcting the typos and the incomprehensible parts of the sentence, Guo Shouyun saved the electronic manuscript with satisfaction, stretched his waist and stood up.

I looked at the time, and before I knew it, it was already night. Feeling hungry, Guo Shouyun turned off the computer, pushed the door and walked out of the study.


The servants who passed by greeted each other respectfully.

After nodding, Guo Shouyun walked into the restaurant.

“Where’s Wendy?”

Guo Shouyun said in surprise when he didn’t see the beauty. Before this time, she had always been there.

“Miss Wendy is out!”

The black water bodyguard standing beside Guo Shouyun said.

“Go out? Did you say what?”

The bodyguard shook his head.

Seeing this, Guo Shouyun frowned slightly and said nothing.

While he was having dinner, Wendy Solo also parked outside a high-end western restaurant in his red BMW.

After taking a brief look, Wendy frowned slightly, and after a little hesitation, she walked in.

“Hello, ma’am, do you have an appointment?”

Miss Men Ying respectfully said.

“I’m looking for Liv Solo!”

“Is it Ms. Liv Solo Roosevelt?” Miss Menying asked further.

The surname Roosevelt made Wendy’s frown even tighter, but in the end she nodded.

“Ms. Roosevelt is in private room 8, please come with me!”

Wendy didn’t say anything more and walked behind the other party into the restaurant. Then, under the guidance of a waiter who was specially responsible for picking up customers, I came to Box No. 8 on the second floor. After pushing open the box door, one was wearing a red coat, with wavy golden hair, black pencil pants and high-waisted leather boots. His appearance was seven-point similar to Wendy Solo, with a hint of maturity and coldness between his brows. woman stood up.

“Wendy, my dear sister!”


After the two looked at each other, Liv Solo Roosevelt took out a $100 bill as a tip and handed it to the waiter, waving at him, “It’s none of your business here, let’s go!”

The waiter, who was extremely satisfied with this generous harvest, said “thank you” and walked out happily.

“You really haven’t changed at all!”

Wendy, who saw the scene in front of her eyes, said indifferently.

“Why do we spend more energy on things that can be solved with money? Also, didn’t you see that, he’s very happy!” Liv laughed.

Wendy, who was obviously not speculative, changed the subject and said, “Tell me, why did you bring me here?”

“Don’t be in such a hurry? After all, this is the first time our sisters have met in half a year. We should have a good chat no matter what. And you see, I specially ordered your favorite pasta and fried cod.”

Glancing at her, after a little hesitation, Wendy sat down in the seat next to her.

Seeing this, Liv Solo Roosevelt smiled slightly, walked to the dining table and picked up the flask, “90-year-old Mouton, I’ve woken up!”

Saying that, she poured some dark red wine into the high school glass in front of Wendy. After Fu poured himself another glass, he put down the glass bottle, returned to his seat and sat down, held up the glass and stretched it forward, smiling: “Toast to our sisters’ happy meeting this time.”

Wendy nodded, raised the glass to touch each other, and then they both took a sip.

“Come on, how about these dishes?”

Wendy didn’t hesitate, picked up a knife and fork and ate some pasta, cod, and other side dishes, “Can we talk now?”

“Wendy, how can we say that we are also sisters with a common father, don’t you intend to have a good chat with me?”

“What are you talking about? The Roosevelt family? Sorry, since my mother was turned away by them, I have nothing to do with them!” Wendy said indifferently.

“Wendy, you know that your father didn’t know about it. It was the great-grandfather who didn’t want to destroy the marriage between the Roosevelt family and the Goldman family, so he kept the news of your mother hidden. Moreover, when the father learned the news later, he also tried his best to think about it. To make up, you should know what he has done over the years! And, to make up for it, he added your mother’s surname to our name, doesn’t that explain the problem?”

Wendy was silent for a moment, then shook her head, “I don’t want to pursue everything that happened back then. Now my mother and I are living well, and I don’t want to have any connection with the Roosevelt family anymore. And I don’t want to be a victim of the family. So if you are trying to persuade me to go back to that indifferent family, please go back!”

“You misunderstood. I didn’t mean to persuade you to return to the family. I came to you this time for two main reasons.”

After a pause, looking at Wendy’s focused eyes, Liv continued, “First, my father plans to re-marry Aunt Solo.”

“Marriage? How is that possible? Where’s your mother?”

“My mom passed away two months ago, uterine cancer!”

“Feel sorry!”

Wendy apologized. What happened back then had nothing to do with the other party and the woman who replaced her mother as the fifth-generation direct-line lady of the Roosevelt family. Even the latter is a victim of a family marriage. Therefore, she does not hate each other.

“It doesn’t matter. Life, old age, sickness and death, everyone will take this step, it’s just a matter of time.” After a pause, “Father asked me to ask your attitude.”

Wendy shook her head, “I respect my mother’s opinion. If she is willing to reconsider marrying him, then I respect her choice. But this matter has nothing to do with me. I am already an independent thinker and personality. I’m an adult. I have the right to choose my future lifestyle.”

“Okay, then let’s talk about the second thing!”

Having said that, Liv Solo Roosevelt took her Kun bag, opened it, took out a photo from it, and put it in front of Wendy.

“Do you know the woman above?”

After Wendy glanced at it, her face changed, “What do you mean?”

“This woman’s name is Molly Bevan, an Englishman who is currently studying for an MFA at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in London. The most important thing is that he is the fiancee of your boss Guo Shouyun.”

The emphasis on the last three words made Wendy’s face pale and hesitant, but they disappeared after she took a deep breath.

“It seems you know. If so, why don’t you leave him? Don’t you hate the most unfaithful in love?”

“You don’t have to worry about my business!” Wendy said indifferently. UU reading

“I really don’t want to. But you can’t shame the Roosevelt family!”

“I’ll say it again, I have nothing to do with that family. I didn’t have it before, and I won’t have it in the future!” Wendy jumped up and walked out the door.

“Even if you deny it, you can’t change your origin and bloodline. Moreover, people within the family will think so. Moreover, after you make a mistake, they will punish the person who made you make a mistake.”

Wendy Solo stopped walking to the door. The atmosphere in the box also became extremely dignified. After a long while, Wendy, whose thin and round shoulders were trembling slightly, also said with trembling voice: “Wait until the day he gets married, if the bride is not me, I will leave by myself!”

When the words fell, he pushed the door and walked out.

Listening to the rapidly disappearing footsteps, Liv Solo Roosevelt let out a long sigh, “Wendy, don’t blame me. Our origin and bloodline are not something we can choose by ourselves, and I am also thinking of your future.”

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