Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 197

Chapter 190: Guo Shouyun’S Calculation

Chapter 190 Guo Shouyun’s calculation

For a time, Bruce Guo, a young man who was just 20 years old, became the best representative of the American dream in the new century. Looking at the numerous and enthusiastic reports in the media, it can be described as “a few happy and a few sad”.


Jeffrey Gillin slammed the newspaper on the table, looking around everyone with a livid face and said: “Everyone, when will we wait? One month? Two months? Or half a year? I’m afraid that **** Bruce Guo’s financial resources will be at that time. That’s several times the current $3 billion!”

“Gentlemen, I think Mr. Jilin’s words are very practical. We can’t continue to watch each other’s strength expand. Otherwise, once things go beyond our control, the success of the ‘Hound Project’ will be greatly reduced.” Lev Balling Road.

The words of the two did not change the expressions of the people at the ******, Bank of America, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs. These big bosses who have the initiative will not easily change their minds because of a few words from the two. Of course, what’s more important is that they have the latest news.

“Jeffrey, Oliver, don’t be impatient.” Wilweis, who represented the ****, said indifferently.

After a pause, his deep eyes quickly swept across several colleagues around him, and then calmly said: “You must have received a cooperation agreement from Bruce Guo, right?”

Stephen Bryan, who represented Goldman Sachs, nodded, “Bruce Guo’s Phoenix Company has officially issued an offer to acquire Pacific Power and Gas Company and Southern California Edison Company, and wants us Goldman Sachs as their financial advisor. … Now it seems that everyone It’s all the same.”

“This cooperation agreement has been received by major investment banks and banks on Wall Street. Now everyone is fighting for this large contract with a contract value of more than 2 billion US dollars.” Paul Turner, who represents Bank of America, said.

“It seems that the previous news is accurate, Bruce Guo is indeed planning to acquire Pacific Ocean and Southern California.” Jolia Mo Yindao representing Citi.

After Wilweis nodded, his eyes turned, “Jeffrey, you should be at ease now. When Bruce Guo acquires the Pacific Ocean and Southern California, how much damage it can cause them depends on you all safely!”

Jeffrey Gilling nodded excitedly in his eyes. He didn’t ask about the authenticity of this matter, because he knew in his heart that this kind of unsatisfactory thing must not be faked.

“Southern California and Pacific is not a small company, can you guarantee that Bruce Guo will be able to acquire it successfully?” Jeffrey Gilling frowned.

“It’s up to you. If you can safely prolong the California energy crisis, I think the acquisition will be easy!” Stephen Bryan laughed.

Jeffrey Gilling nodded, with a ruthless look on his brows.

“Gentlemen, don’t we start on gold futures? Of course, I don’t mean now, but after Southern California and the Pacific fall into Bruce Guo’s hands.” Oliver Ballin said.

After looking at him, Paul Turner said: “The daily trading volume of the international gold market exceeds 20 trillion US dollars, and no financial institution can manipulate such a large market! Oliver, as a senior financial elite, you should understand This makes sense.”

“Mr. Turner, of course I understand. However, ******, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and Citigroup have extensive influence in the world financial market. If you issue a bearish notice in the market, I believe there will be countless individuals and Institutional investors, as well as international hot money shorting gold, will naturally deal a heavy blow to the bullish Bruce Guo. After all, his margin can only support a few hundred basis points.” Oliver Baring strongly encouraged.

It’s a pity that Paul Turner and the others are old fritters who have been playing in the financial market for decades. Naturally, they can’t be moved by his simple words. However, in order to let this British guy with huge capital in his hands work hard to raise Enron’s stock price, after a few people looked at each other, Stephen Bryan smiled: “Oliver, your suggestion is indeed worth thinking about, but, Like you said, put it after Bruce Guo has won Southern California and the Pacific, or the $3 billion in his hand can always offset all our efforts!”

Oliver Baring nodded, “Everything is as Mr. Bryan said. Also, I think things should start for Apple, in addition to Southern California and the Pacific. Otherwise, Bruce Kuo’s 22.15% stake in Amazon is always a problem. ”

“Not just Amazon’s shares, but also the novels he has published. Damn, how long has it been since he has published six new books, and the sales are still so good…!” Jeffrey Gilling said with jealousy in his tone.

After Wilves, Jolia Moyin and the others looked at each other, they all saw the emotion in each other’s eyes. Although they all have absolutely powerful financial power, it is not difficult to deal with a talented person who can make his assets skyrocket if he is not careful.

“Boss, this is your last royalty income!”

Taking the list handed over by Wendy, Guo Shouyun nodded in satisfaction, looking at the total of $47.85 million above.

“Take 5% out of it to reward members of the Emerald Bird Team!”

The Emerald Bird Group, which was established in October last year, officially finished the first novel that Guo Shouyun handed over to them in February this year. Three or four novels were launched on the market in a concentrated manner, which naturally ushered in the opportunity of skyrocketing performance.


“This is the novel outline for the second part of “The Big Bang Theory”, the third part of “Prison Break”, the second part of “Heartbeat” and “The Hangover”, you give them to them for me!”

After taking the manuscript, Wendy nodded.

Then Guo Shouyun looked at his watch, “It’s almost time? Let’s prepare, let’s go!”


After agreeing, Wendy did not leave.

“Any thing else?”

“Boss, did you really decide to acquire the Southern California and Pacific power companies?”

“Is there any problem?” Guo Shouyun asked after nodding.

“They are all caught in the California energy crisis. If we take over, I’m afraid that we will be caught in the trap of Enron and Goldman Sachs!” Wendy Solo worried.

“Enron’s pressure is a crisis for us. But crisis also means opportunity. In normal times, it is impossible for us to swallow power giants such as Southern California and the Pacific with a small amount of power. But now there are Enron and Goldman Sachs, etc. The company helps us, we can not only take them, but also at a much lower price.” After a pause, a faint regret flashed across Guo Shouyun’s face.

Saying that to Wendy, but if he had a choice, it wouldn’t be Southern California and the Pacific. Instead, it should be eBay, Amazon, Marvel, DreamWorks, and even Internet and media giants like MGM and Universal Pictures. Of course, it can also be the financial industry that Guo Shouyun will focus on in the future. But the idea is good, but it is much more difficult to make it.

Amazon has a tough leader like Jeff Bezos. On eBay, Guo Shouyun tentatively asked Goldman Sachs for his opinion, but there is no follow-up so far.

Marvel is too small, Goldman Sachs, Morgan are not interested. DreamWorks is suitable, but for such a well-run company, the Enron allies obviously do not intend to ‘capitalize the enemy’. MGM and Universal can, but now is not the best time to buy. As for the financial industry, if he goes in now, it is more dangerous than buying Southern California and the Pacific Ocean. So, for this industry, it is still good to be steady and steady.

Therefore, after comprehensive thinking, Guo Shouyun also understood. He wanted to take advantage of Goldman Sachs, Morgan, and Enron’s small careers to turn crises into opportunities. The acquisition must be targeted at the kind of poorly run, but also large-scale enterprises.

The industries with the largest number of such companies in the United States today are the energy and telecommunications industries. The former is struggling to sustain itself because of a sluggish economy and falling energy demand. The latter is not doing well because of the bursting of the Internet bubble, excessive investment in fiber optics, and declining demand. Next year will be second only to AT&T, and the weakness of the World Telephone and Telegraph Company, which is stronger than Verizon, is the best At first, he planned to seek opportunities in the telecommunications industry, after all, the Internet and telecommunications are closely related high. But he soon discovered one thing: the scale he was looking at was too big, and the funds in his hand were not enough. What he can buy, he doesn’t like. The same is true in the energy industry, but unlike the telecommunications industry, Guo Shouyun, who is well aware of future oil price surges, has a strong interest in Texaco Petroleum, one of the seven oil sisters. However, his takeover offer to Texaco’s board was rejected without hesitation.

Although these oil giants are not doing well, the interests behind them are too complicated, and each step of the business operation has different considerations. Moreover, Guo Shouyun’s energy in the political and business circles is far from the point where he can leverage Texaco. After asking Citi, Morgan and other giants if they are willing to help, although they agreed, there is no guarantee that they will succeed.

Obviously these **** just want to make some errands and have no intention of getting things done. Of course, this is understandable. Texaco Petroleum is too involved, and it is not worth it to set up a powerful enemy for a Guo Shouyun.

Therefore, after turning around, Guo Shouyun found that the most suitable one was the plan submitted by Paul Lehman to acquire Pacific Electric and Natural Gas Company and Southern California Edison Power Company.

Although this is not in line with his plan to focus more energy and financial resources on the Internet, finance and media industries, it is obviously not what he wants to let go of this opportunity. In particular, $3 billion has already been raised, and it’s just waiting to give it a shot.


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