Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 202

Chapter 195: Let Go

Chapter 195 let go

The four exchanged glances, and after discussing in a low voice, Stephen Bryan said: “The first condition is fine. But the second condition is not valid. If Mr. Guo wants to acquire the rest of Apple’s shares, we are willing to do it for you. And we Guaranteed price will not exceed 10% of Apple’s market value.”

Listening to Stephen Bryan’s firm tone and looking at their unhesitating eyes, Guo Shouyun sighed in his heart. He originally planned to try it out to see if he could use a sum of money to continue investing in gold to reserve cash flow for the future battle, but now it seems that there is no chance. Obviously, Stephen Bryan and Paul Turner thought about this too, directly preventing him from using the money any chance.

“Okay, can this Apple stock be transferred to me?”

It was just a trial, and it didn’t matter if it didn’t work. At least the first one can make him have a lot of money left.

“Of course. However, Mr. Guo cannot use this stock for any financing business including mortgage loans and AS securities!” Stephen Bryan said.

Guo Shouyun nodded, already realizing that he could no longer make cheap money, so he simply put an end to any extra thoughts. Just use the means you have established before to fight these financial giants to the end.

After the two parties reached an agreement, a contract was signed according to the terms just agreed upon. The contract stipulates that the four companies, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, will provide capital and investment services for Guo Shouyun’s acquisition of Apple, Pacific Power and Natural Gas, and Southern California Edison Power Company, at the price of Guo Shouyun’s current Huge financing with uncertain capital usage, offering a 7.82% return over the next two decades.

According to the normal leveraged financing agreement, this rate of return must be very low. But if you count that gambling agreement. It pushed the risk of this investment to an unpredictable peak.

As soon as the contract was signed, Guo Shouyun said again after putting down the pen: “Everyone, now let’s talk about the investment of my $2 billion of self-owned funds?”

“Does Mr. Guo intend to sell the short position of Enron? Or the long position of gold futures?” Jolia Moyin asked.

Guo Shouyun shook his head, “Neither! … I plan to use Amazon’s equity and the income from my third batch of AS asset-backed securities this year as input for the acquisition of Apple, Southern California, and the Pacific.”

“Amazon’s equity. Speaking of which, I admire Mr. Guo very much. He is willing to sell a thriving high-quality enterprise with an annual revenue of nearly 2 billion US dollars and a profit of nearly 300 million US dollars to Amazon!” John Schwarzman said .

Facing his exploratory eyes, Guo Shouyun smiled, “I am more optimistic about Amazon’s future than the limited publishing market. Of course, when it comes to investment, everyone has different strategies. It’s just a high-tech company!”

After a pause, his eyes quickly swept over everyone, “Who is interested in this mortgage loan?”

“There is no doubt that we are all interested. Moreover, we are also interested in the issuance of Mr. Guo’s third batch of AS securities!” Paul Turner said.

“That’s right!” Jolia Mo Yin nodded in agreement.

However, they nodded in agreement. Stephen Bryan didn’t want to. At the beginning, these were all projects that Guo Shouyun promised to Goldman Sachs.

“Mr. Guo, when we cooperated on the Apple project last time, you promised to hand over the third batch of asset-backed securities and the equity mortgage of Thorn Bird Publishing Company to Goldman Sachs.”

“Of course. But aren’t you two?”

Guo Shouyun glanced at the four in surprise. Of course, he was pretending. In Enron’s investment, when Goldman Sachs sold him, he lost all goodwill to the Wall Street giant. Today, if you can see their dog biting a dog here, although it can’t solve any big problem, it can be regarded as a small sullen breath.

“Of course we are one piece!” John Schwarzman repeated, then turned his attention to Stephen Bryan, “Stephen, we are partners at this time, and Goldman Sachs should not be involved in any financing projects of Mr. Guo. Forget Morgan.”

“And we Citi!”

“The same goes for Bank of America!”

Looking at the three people’s unrelenting expressions, Stephen Bryan was extremely depressed. Originally, he planned to discuss these two financings with Guo Shouyun in private. Unexpectedly, he said it in front of everyone today.

“Alas,” Stephen Bryan sighed inwardly. In order to consider the overall situation of the “Hound Project” and the “Enron Project”, he had to make concessions in this Amazon financing and AS securities.

Things went smoothly after Stephen Bryan compromised.

Guo Shouyun’s 22% stake in Amazon is worth about $1.2 billion at market value. After considering risk factors, he got a loan equivalent to 70% of the total value, or $850 million, with an interest rate of 7.37%.

Guo Shouyun used the first volume of “The Big Bang Theory”, the first and second volumes of “Underworld”, the first and second volumes of “Lost”, “Island Bookstore”, “Spring in the Cattle Class”, “Source Code”, “Hangover” “The second volume, a total of seven volumes and nine volumes; got his current highest amount of copyright AS asset-backed securities.

Ten years, $580 million, 7.18% interest rate! The reasons are not complicated: First, his books have always been a best-seller, with nearly 20 books published so far, “Waterloo” has never appeared.

Second, the just-released “Fast and Furious” was a big hit at the box office. It achieved a box office of 30.18 million within a week. Not only did it successfully recover all the investment, but according to the previous rules, it was another successful movie with a box office of over 100 million. Moreover, including it, and “Smart: Ghost Story”, which previously set the second highest revenue ratio in Hollywood, two consecutive films adapted by Guo Shouyun have achieved excellent results. Under this kind of good news, the price increase is a matter of course. thing.

A cooperation agreement was signed, and after leaving Stephen Bryan and the four to have lunch, Guo Shouyun personally sent them out of the Hanshan Courtyard.


Seeing Guo Shouyun who was still standing at the door staring at the road in the distance after the convoy disappeared, Wendy couldn’t help but reminded him.


“Everyone is gone, can we go back?”

Guo Shouyun nodded, turned around and just walked a few steps into the manor, then stopped again.

“Wendy, call Qin Zhicheng when you go back and ask him to come to me.”


At the same time, in the extended Lincoln in the center of the team, the four who just left were also exchanging opinions with each other around the previous negotiation.

“I think he should be aware of our plan!” Paul Turner said.

“I feel that way too. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be desperate to mortgage almost all the assets in his name.” John Schwarzman said.

“Maybe he is just a gambler like John Doerr and the Hunter Brothers. After seeing the gold futures market, he wants to crush all his wealth and make the most profit.” Jolia Moyin said with a smile.

“Brian, what do you think?”

Paul Turner asked after glancing at Stephen Bryan, who had been silent since he got into the car.

“Bruce Guo, everyone has been in contact with him. I believe that each of our companies has hundreds of pages of analysis of his past investment style and personality characteristics. You think he is the kind of high-risk investment project. people?”

The three frowned slightly, and after looking at each other, Paul Turner said, “What about your opinion?”

“I feel that he did sense our plan. However, he did not intend to back down under the pressure of Goldman Sachs, Morgan, Citigroup and Bank of America, but to give it a shot!” Stephen Bryan said with deep eyes.

“Give it a go? Use gold futures?” Jolia Moyin frowned.

Stephen Bryan nodded silently.

“The company’s analysts submit an analysis report on the precious metal market every day. Although, the gold market is doing well in the long run because of the current US economic environment. But there is no possibility of a surge in the short term.” John Schwarzman said.

“From a global perspective, Asia has recovered from the financial crisis in 1998, and driven by China, the economy has maintained a relatively fast growth rate. Europe, North America, Australia, after the Internet bubble, the economy was limited to difficulties, But after a year of precipitation, the fastest time has passed. Africa…!” Paul Turner shook his head, this financial desert has no possibility of affecting the global market, except for South Africa.

“…The only thing to worry about is South America. After the liberal economic system started, the economies of all South American countries became unstable.”

“There are 21 countries in South America, and only a few have the ability to have a certain impact on the entire world economy, such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, and Peru.” John Schwarzman said.

“It seems that after going back, it is necessary for us to do a detailed analysis of the economies of several major South American countries.” Stephen Bryan said.

The four nodded, and Paul Turner’s expression suddenly became a little more serious.

“Everyone, if the price of gold rises, Bruce Guo, who has invested heavily in gold futures, will definitely make a lot of profits. Our plan may fail at that time!”

“It doesn’t matter if it fails. We’ve made enough money from Enron anyway. Plus, the Amazon equity mortgage, the financing to acquire Apple, Pacific and Southern California, and the AS bond sale add up to nearly 90 percent. It’s also a huge benefit for us to be able to take out such a large loan in these times of economic downturn,” Stephen Bryan said.

The three nodded, and Jolia Moyin said, “It’s just that An Ran and Oliver Balin can’t explain it.”

“Kenneth, Jeffrey’s stock has almost sold As for Oliver Baring, it depends on whether he can close it in time. If Enron’s stock price rises to 70 US dollars as planned , they still plan to play a capital game with Bruce Guo. Then we will still support them, provided they have enough assets to pay for the losses after failure!” Paul Turner said.

Hearing this, the four looked at each other and smiled at each other.

So, never expect real loyalty from capitalists, other than money and profit.


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