Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 206

Chapter 199: Long-Awaited Debt Default

Chapter 199 The long-awaited default on debt

Dinner was under the guidance of Guo Shouyun, and everyone had a very pleasant chat. After this time, they became friends with each other.

Returning to the Hanshan Courtyard in the evening, Guo Shouyun came to the golden room on the second floor immediately to learn about the situation, but Zhang Shaoling did not provide the good news he wanted. Argentina’s financial crisis did not unfold as he had hoped.

As for the price of gold, because of the market closure, it still stayed at the level of $262.57 per ounce, which is the gold futures price when the Hong Kong gold exchange market was last closed.

After chatting with Zhang Shaoling and the rest of the team in the golden room for a while, Guo Shouyun returned to his room to rest. Early the next morning, Guo Shouyun had just finished running and had not had time to eat breakfast when he saw Zhang Shaoling running towards him frantically with an excited look.

Seeing his appearance at this time, Guo Shouyun’s eyes lit up. He ignored the towel that Wendy handed over, strode forward and grabbed his arm and said eagerly, “Is there any news from Argentina?”

“Yes, it is!”

Zhang Shaoling took a few breaths, calmed down his intense heartbeat, and quickly said: “Argentine Finance Minister Mario Kempas officially sent an application to the World Bank, hoping that the latter would allow Argentina to postpone the payment of the soon-to-be-expired sum of money. $350 million in loans.”

“Great, let’s go!”

After Guo Shouyun shouted excitedly, he turned around and ran towards the main villa of the manor. Zhang Shaoling couldn’t help but smile bitterly as he watched his back quickly disappear.

“Yes, I have to work hard again.” He didn’t dare to complain about why the big boss didn’t bring his mobile phone when he was running.

However, compared to the success that is about to be harvested, let alone running back, there is no problem for another three kilometers.


The members of the gold trading team were surprised to see Guo Shouyun, who was wearing Adidas sportswear and sweaty .

“This is information just sent from Argentina!”

After taking the document handed over by Anne Yeager, after briefly glanced at it, she blurted out with an excited expression, “That’s great! … Any other news?”

“In the first quarter, the bad debt rate of Argentine National Bank exceeded 7.6%, with a cumulative loss of 4.78 billion pesos. In addition, Argentina’s Standard Bank and MA Bank also experienced losses to varying degrees. The bad debt rate of Argentina’s banking industry has risen, and there is the possibility of systemic risks! “Lord Wickrum handed over several other documents.

Guo Shouyun flipped through the documents in his hand and sighed in his heart, “Although it’s two days later than expected, it’s finally here.”

“How long until London opens?”

“12 hours and 57 minutes!” Anne Yeager said quickly.

“There are still nearly 13 hours!” Nodding clearly, despite the urgency in his heart, he also knew that he had to wait.

“Okay, let’s get busy!”

After waving his hand and letting them leave, Guo Shouyun sat down on the chair next to him. Looking at the still-moving gold price curve on the electronic display, Guo Shouyun felt as if his days were like years.

With the passage of time, more financial information related to Argentina has been passed on. All indications are that the finances of the South American economic powerhouse are at risk.

Guo Shouyun ate lunch and dinner with the entire gold trading team in the Gold Room. Moreover, he didn’t go to rest tonight. Because everyone is staying up all night, waiting for the bell to chime in the London gold exchange, which opens six hours before New York.

The price of the world’s largest gold trading market will directly determine the success or failure of Guo Shouyun’s bet, as well as the maximum value of the huge profit he finally grabs.

“Boss, your coffee!”

After taking the coffee from Wendy and saying “thank you”, “Bring a cup to the others too!”

“George has sent them!”

Guo Shouyun nodded and looked at the beautiful woman with a tired look on her face, “Go and rest, there is nothing important here.”

“It’s okay, I’m not tired!”

Looking at her stubborn expression, Guo Shouyun opened his mouth and said nothing.

“what time is it?”

Guo Shouyun rubbed his face and asked.

“1:40 AM!”

“It’s almost time!”

Put down the file in your hand. These are all internal business data about Pacific Electric and Natural Gas and Southern California Edison, which he bought through intelligence companies and information services companies.

There is a saying that “know your enemy and know yourself, and you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles”. Although these two companies are heavily indebted by the California energy crisis and even on the verge of bankruptcy, it is not easy to acquire them even so. time to take the initiative.

After Wendy helped pack up the documents and locked them in the safe on one side, the two walked out of the study together and came to the golden room on the second floor. Here, the heat emitted by the computer servers filled the room with a hot and dry atmosphere.

Under the bright lights that illuminated the entire room, the entire six members of the gold trading team were staring nervously at the computer in front of them, and were processing the information displayed on it from time to time.

Guo Shouyun came in, and when he saw that they were about to get up to say hello, he quickly waved his hands and let these employees who had red eyes like him sit down.

Sitting next to Zhang Shaoling, “Is there any good news?”

“Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s downgraded Argentina’s national debt to A.”

“Two levels down in a row, this is really good news!” Guo Shouyun nodded and glanced at the tired subordinates beside him, “How is it, can you hold on?”

“Of course. And after drinking a cup of coffee, the whole person is more energetic!”

“That’s good. It’s going to be a little tiring these days. When you get through this, I’ll give each of you a week of paid vacation. And, during that week, you can travel around the world with your huge bonuses. go on holiday.”

“Then I’ll thank the boss in advance for them first!”

Just as Guo Shouyun was about to nod his head, he heard Louis Kikan, the most active trader in the team, shout excitedly and nervously.

“It’s about to start!”

His words were like a wake-up call, instantly drawing everyone’s attention to the price curve showing the spot gold market in London.

“Didi da da”, at this moment, Guo Shouyun seemed to think of the sound of the clock’s second hand turning.

“The market is open!”

With the hands of the wall clock a little bit to 2:18 in the morning, this represents the opening time of the London futures market. The words ‘market opened’ exploded in the hearts of everyone in the room. Immediately after that, the spot gold price curve in London, which had been falling for nearly a week, rose sharply.



London Gold ran a smooth upward slash amid excited quotes from Lewis Kican, Huang Xiaoping and Mark Koenig.

“Boss, the official price of gold in London has come out?” Zhang Shaoling said.

“How many?”

Among the rising quotations, Guo Shouyun did not notice that nearly three hours had passed.

“$267.45 per ounce!” Zhang Shaoling said excitedly.

“$267.45 per ounce?” After muttering to himself, “So at the price we put in, we made a profit of nearly $8 per ounce?”

Zhang Shaoling nodded vigorously and said excitedly: “$7.37, and there will be more as the price of gold rises later.”

Hearing his words, Guo Shouyun seemed to hear the sound of the gold coin falling into the bag. The mixed emotions of joy, excitement and anticipation cannot be described in words. Everything turned into him clenching his right fist and vigorously swinging it in the air to express his complicated feelings at the moment.

With this huge income, he finally has the strength to compete with Morgan and Goldman Sachs. It’s just that the current income is not enough, he needs more!

Seeing the excited figure of the man beside her, Wendy, who was sitting beside her, also showed admiration and infatuation on her face. Good and beautiful women have a fatal attraction to men and vice versa. Wendy, who subconsciously wanted to dedicate some of her abilities to him, saw the time beside her, stood up silently, pushed open the door and went out to greet George, the housekeeper, to prepare breakfast for Guo Shouyun and the entire gold trading team.

Guo Shouyun didn’t notice the people around him leaving, because he was used to Wendy’s presence, and he was as familiar with her as he was with his right hand. He knew that even if she left, she would come back to him soon.

Throughout March 7, the atmosphere in the Gold Room was warm and high, and the price of gold kept climbing. By March 10, the price on the Chicago Gold Futures Exchange had grown to $273.85 an ounce! At this time, the pressure fell on Guo Shouyun again.

“Shaoling, what price do you think gold can go to?”

After a moment of contemplation, “It will not exceed $280. Because this rally is more about fears of Argentina’s debt default, not a real outbreak of the financial crisis. Therefore, the gold rally as a safe-haven product is fierce and smooth~www. In this case, gold’s decline will also be rapid.”

Guo Shouyun nodded. He also studied economics and naturally had some research on finance. Especially before doing gold futures, he has written many authoritative works on this subject.

“So, you think we’re shipping now?”

“Yes! … If we don’t cut positions decisively now, I’m afraid we will have to wait until the outbreak of the financial crisis in Argentina. But we are not entirely sure whether this black swan event can become a reality.”

Hearing this, Guo Shouyun’s eyes gradually became firmer.


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