Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Waving A Hoe

Chapter Thirty-ninth, waving the hoe

“Dong dong…!”

“Come in!”

With the slight friction, the tall and plump Wendy Solo, wearing a lavender OL dress, pushed the door and walked in.

“Boss, the negotiation with Kleiner Perkins has come to an end!”

“Sit down and talk!”

Guo Shouyun calmly pointed to the chair opposite.

Wendy Solow nodded, and after sitting down, she said with excitement: “$15 million in cash, paid in one go! We can get 6.5% of Google’s equity in Kleiner Perkins!”

“It seems that in the face of the ever-increasing Nasdaq crisis, Kleiner Perkins Huaying can’t stand it anymore!” Guo Shouyun touched his chin and nodded slightly.

“According to the information we have received, Kleiner Perkins Huaying’s No. 3 Fund, which is responsible for the Internet sector, has had three withdrawals from investors this month. Even the technology sector has been affected, and some of them can’t stand it anymore!” After a while, Wendy Solo looked at Guo Shouyun expectantly, “Boss, do you want us to drag it out a little longer, due to the double pressure of the Nasdaq stock market’s continued decline and investors’ withdrawal of capital, Kleiner Perkins holds the There is still room for price reductions in Google equity!”

“No need, 15 million is 15 million!”

After thinking for a while, Guo Shouyun quickly shook his head.

It is now June 10th, and there are only 19 days left before the two-month period he agreed upon when he signed the contract with Google! Guo Shouyun no longer intends to take risks and continue to wait. Moreover, if Kai Perkins Huaying temporarily changes his mind, then all his plans will be in vain.


Now that Guo Shouyun has made a decision, Wendy will say no more.

“Is there a reply from Michael Moretz?”

“I was about to tell you about it. Michael Moretz asked you to meet at Half Moon Bay Ocean Stadium at three o’clock this afternoon!”

Half Moon Bay Ocean Course, among hundreds of golf courses in California, is called the “Big Six” together with Pebble Beach, Torrey Pines, PGA West TPC Stadium, Pacific Grove Municipal, and Widdy Winery! With California’s pleasant climate, there’s no shortage of golfers year round.


As the club was swung vigorously, the pounding white golf ball flew in a graceful arc into the distance, then stopped about three meters from the hole.

“Good shot!” Guo Shouyun clapped and laughed.

“Mr. Guo, it’s your turn!”

A tall, thin middle-aged white man wearing a dark gray T-shirt smiled.

“My game is not very good. If I make a fool of myself, Mr. Moretz will not laugh!”

“For us, the game itself is not important, the fun of playing is the most important!”

Guo Shouyun smiled, walked beside his golf ball, held the club in both hands, and after a little preparation, he shot out. He rarely plays golf at ordinary times, so his level is naturally not very good. Compared to Michael Moretz’s excellent score of three meters from the second hole, his golf flew directly over the second hole and toward the third hole.

“Young is good!”

Michael Moretz smiled.

“When I was in college, I was the main guard of the school’s basketball team, so it’s inevitable that I have more strength!” Guo Shouyun said a little embarrassedly.

“I also liked basketball when I was young, but unfortunately I don’t have the skills of Mr. Guo. When I participated in the basketball selection of Columbia University, I was brushed off in the first round!”

After saying this, Guo Shouyun felt a lot more comfortable. At the same time, it also made him understand one thing, this middle-aged man who was just 40 years old by his side has a superb emotional intelligence that ordinary people can’t match.

“Mr. Moretz likes coming here to play golf?”

As the two walked towards the second hole together, Guo Shouyun asked with a smile.

“Love it! The Ocean Course is wider than Pebble Beach. Here you can swing with your maximum strength and enjoy the fun of hitting the ball farther!” After a pause, Michael Moretz quickly After scanning Guo Shouyun who was beside him, he looked further into the distance and continued, “Moreover, it is easier for me to feel relaxed here, and it also makes me think about the long-term.”


After keenly discovering the change in Michael Moretz’s tone, Guo Shouyun narrowed his eyes slightly.

“If you don’t see the future of Google, why should Mr. Guo persevere in chasing its shares? As far as I know, 6.5% of the shares in Kleiner Perkins Huaying have been acquired by Mr. Guo? Oh, I almost forgot, still 3.25% of Andy Bertolheim!”

“I didn’t expect Mr. Moritz to know me so well!” Guo Shouyun smiled without denying it.

“For the same reason, I believe that Mr. Guo also knows me very well!”

“Since that’s the case, let’s get it straight. For $25 million, Phoenix Capital acquired a 10% stake in Google held by Sequoia Capital! A compound growth rate of 25% in less than a year, I think no matter what the condition is For Mr. Moretz, or Sequoia Capital is good enough…”


As soon as Guo Shouyun finished speaking, Michael Moretz swiped his golf ball out. Somewhat deliberately neglected, Guo Shouyun couldn’t help frowning. However, he has been a human being in two lifetimes, and he has been in society for half his life, and there are still some chengfu. Therefore, the complexion is still as usual, giving a sense of calmness of a young adult.

“Mr. Guo, can you answer a question for me?”

Looking at the young man beside him, after a quick flash of surprise in his eyes, Michael Moretz said quickly.


Guo Shouyun nodded.

“Why are you so bullish on Google?”

Michael Moretz’s eyes were bright.

Guo Shouyun smiled lightly, “I am optimistic about Google for the same reason as Mr. Moritz! However, unlike Mr. Moritz, I can make my own decisions. In Sequoia Capital, the real person who decides is Don. Valentine!”

Moretz frowned, his face slightly gloomy.

“Mr. Guo, what do you mean by this?”

Guo Shouyun smiled slightly and did not answer in a hurry. He walked slowly to his golf club, clenched the club tightly and prepared, and then hit it hard.

A gloom flashed in Moritz’s eyes, but he didn’t expect that he just gave Guo Shouyun a disgrace, and then he was counterattacked by the other party.

“This is really a guy who doesn’t want to suffer!”

“It’s a good shot!”

Guo Shouyun smiled at the golf ball that flew out.

“Mr. Guo’s playing level has grown very fast!”

“Really!” After a pause, “Mr. Moretz, I heard that the board of directors of Sequoia Capital has always been very opposed to your excessive investment in the Internet?”

Michael Moretz raised his eyebrows, “I don’t know where Mr. Guo got the news. In fact, the board of directors has always been very supportive of Fund 3’s investment in the Internet sector. Especially in Yahoo’s investment, we are very popular. The clients of the No. 3 Fund of Shantou Capital have brought nearly 2 times the return!”

Guo Shouyun nodded and said: “Sequoia Capital’s investment in Yahoo is indeed a classic, and Mr. Moretz’s sense of smell for Internet companies is indeed admirable. However, compared with the peak of Yahoo’s market value of over 100 billion US dollars in 1999, it is now Shares have lost nearly a third of their value on the Nasdaq.”

“Even so, Yahoo’s market value is far greater than the money we put in!” Michael Moretz said.

“That’s right! That’s why I said investing in Yahoo was wise. It’s just a pity that ‘ingratitude’ is human nature. When the Nasdaq crisis came, Mr. Moretz didn’t have Sequoia Capital, or he didn’t control you. The sale of the shares of Yahoo held by Fund No. 3 to avoid the risk of the downturn in the stock market and shrink the investor’s assets has become your greatest original sin! It is enough to make people forget all the previous efforts of Mr. Moretz!”

Michael Moretz was silent.

He could not refute, because the internal disputes within Sequoia Capital could not be completely concealed from the pervasive consulting, information, headhunting and other companies.

“Mr. Moritz, Mr. Don Valentine is a good investor. But not necessarily a good partner. You must know better about your relationship with Mr. Valentine’s investment philosophy than I am an outsider. The difference between the two! In normal times, this difference may be nothing, but after the Nasdaq crisis broke out, it became the trigger point of the conflict between As the founder of the company, he certainly did not want to Seeing a company’s performance and revenue being dragged down by internet investments is not even possible!”

Looking at Michael Moritz, who seemed to be more and more silent, a satisfied smile flashed in Guo Shouyun’s eyes.

“Come to me?”

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Guo Shouyun threw out another goal of his trip: poaching!

“What’s the meaning?”

Moritz trembled, raised his head suddenly and widened his eyes, his smart eyes fixed on the very confident young man in front of him.

“I have a new VC here with my private investment of $30 million. I can call you 5% of the shares. And the operation of this VC is completely under your sole responsibility. Unless the company’s assets lose more than 20% %, otherwise I will not intervene in the normal management of the company. In addition, you can also enjoy 10% of the company’s total revenue!”

Moritz’s face changed greatly after Guo Shouyun finished speaking. Guo Shouyun directly offered the sincerity of 1.5 million US dollars, and the company’s 10% revenue share in the future is not too heavy. The struggle and hesitation in Michael Moritz’s eyes could hardly be concealed. From this, it can be seen that he was not having a good time at Sequoia Capital during this period.

“Mr. Moritz, the opportunity to independently control a venture capital institution is in front of you. You can seriously consider whether it is a better platform to freely display your talents, or it is better to continue to be a deputy under Don Valentine’s banner. ?” Guo Shouyun smiled.

“I need time to think about it!”

After a long time, Michael Moretz, who took a deep breath, said solemnly.

“OK, no problem. But I hope Mr. Moretz can answer me soon!”

“it is good!”

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