Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Linkedin

Chapter 4 LinkedIn

Stanford University, located in Palo Alto in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area, is adjacent to Silicon Valley, and together with the University of California, Berkeley, in the North Bay of San Francisco constitute the academic center of the western United States. In the evaluation of various institutions around the world, Stanford is one of the best. Moreover, it is second only to Harvard University, and has produced the second most billionaires in the United States.

Stanford is a coveted sanctuary for anyone from all over the world interested in computing and its related industries. Here, from the moment they enter the school, Stanford students are instilled with the idea that the goal of Stanford people is to change the world.

Therefore, in many major Wall Street companies in the United States, the employees of Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and other top American universities who have joined the company at the same time, after three years of work, more than 60% of the staff from Harvard, Princeton and other famous schools, but from Stanford of people are basically gone.

They are either starting a business, or they are on the road to preparing to start a business.

Although Guo Shouyun is only 19 years old, he has been at Stanford for three years and is also deeply influenced by Stanford’s philosophy and the Internet boom in Silicon Valley. After his studies were no longer challenging, he also chose the path of entrepreneurship like his predecessors.

However, his luck was not very good. The entrepreneurship was just a little bit bright, and when I was still looking for angel investment, I caught up with the Nasdaq crisis.

Of course, when Bruce Guo became Guo Shouyun, everything was different.

Because American universities are basically open, Guo Shouyun’s Chevrolet can park directly downstairs. After locking the car door, I came to my dormitory on the third floor with my backpack on my back. As soon as I opened it, a hot wind rushed out. Immediately afterwards, a ‘tick-tock’ sound entered his ears.

In this regard, Guo Shouyun, who integrated Bruce Guo’s memory, was already prepared in his heart, so he didn’t find it strange.

After closing the door and walking through the porch, a messy-looking living room came into view.

In addition to the sofa that is squeezed in the corner, which is already a bit outdated, more than 70% of the central area of the entire living room is occupied by four or five stacked tables. On the table is an LCD computer from HP. Of course, there is a huge difference in size and style with later generations. In the middle of the four Sky Computers are two larger-than-normal computer cases.

Seemingly messy cables connected to each other, while ticking electronic signals rang out from the main chassis.

Apart from the kitchen and bathroom, there are two rooms on the left and right sides of the living room. Guo Shouyun pushed aside the one on the left, which was his bedroom. After putting down his backpack, he just wanted to knock on the door on the right. I saw that the closed entrance door was opened again.

A white young man with brown curly hair and a slightly fat body in dark casual clothes walked in.

“Bruce, are you out of the hospital?”

Looking at his roommate, who is also the only best friend in the university, entrepreneurial partner, and of course Martin Alexander, a computer science student, Guo Shouyun smiled and nodded.

“That’s great!” After coming up and giving Guo Shouyun a warm hug, “Why didn’t you tell me in advance that you were discharged from the hospital, as my best friend, I should pick you up.”

“No. In contrast, if there is a party to celebrate my discharge, I think it should be more appropriate!”

“OK, wrap it on me!”

Wang Zheng smiled, “By the way, you look so neatly dressed. What, did you have a girlfriend while I was away?”

“I’m not as feminine as you are, and I can have a school girl as a girlfriend!” After a pause, Martin Alexander’s tone became slightly lower, “Bruce, I went to see an angel investor just now, but he refused. Invest money in our projects. . . . It’s my fault, if I had listened to you sooner, we would have been able to get a lot of development money before the Nasdaq crisis.”

He patted his friend’s shoulder, “Don’t be discouraged, Martin, we have another way!”

The latter shook his head and said with a dejected expression: “I have thought of all the ways. For those two second-hand IBM enterprise-class servers, the two of us have spent all the scholarships and competition bonuses. If there is no more capital investment , the large amount of data generated by the operation will exceed the load of the server, once the system crashes, all our previous efforts will be in vain…!”

“I’ve found an investor!”

Guo Shouyun interrupted him with a smile.


“I said I’ve found an institution willing to invest!”

Seeing his friend’s surprised expression, Guo Shouyun repeated a sentence.


“When did I lie to you!”

“Great. Bruce, you still have a way!…By the way, what’s the other party’s name?” Martin Alexander said excitedly.

“Guo’s Trust Fund!”

“Guo’s Trust? Is there an investment company in Silicon Valley?”

Martin Alexander thought hard about all the investors and institutions in Silicon Valley.

“Not long after its establishment, it’s normal that you haven’t heard of it.”

“No wonder!” After heaving a sigh of relief, Martin looked up at his friend’s face, thinking of his previous name, “Bruce, isn’t this…?”

Guo Shouyun nodded.

“After my adoptive father passed away, the property was transferred to me in the form of a family trust fund. Although the money is not much, it is enough to support the development of ‘Excellence’ for one year. With this year’s buffer, we will find a VC. Much easier!”

Martin Alexander nodded in agreement.

“Bruce, keep an eye on your adoptive father.”

This was the only word Martin Alexander could think of to comfort his friend at this time.

“Thank you, I understand!” After a pause, “Let’s talk about happy topics! How has ‘Excellence’ developed during my absence?”

“Not bad, we added almost 15,000 registered users this month.”

“So, the entire ‘Excellence’ has more than 50,000 users?”

Martin Alexander nodded excitedly, “It’s 52,340 people!”

The figure of less than 60,000 was not beyond Guo Shouyun’s expectations. After all, their website was just a ‘small workshop’ located inside their dormitory. If it wasn’t for the opening of the comment area, where you could share job-hunting information, there might not even be more than 50,000 people now.


Guo Shouyun smiled and nodded.

“Bruce, in the future Excellence will definitely become a big company like Yahoo, rewriting the entire talent recruitment and headhunting industry.”

“I also believe we can do it. But before that, we have to find a suitable office space for the new company. There is not enough space in the dormitory. Also, we need to recruit more engineers. Also, I want to give Change the company’s name!”

“Rename? Why?”

“Excellence is too ordinary, I think LinkedIn is more suitable.”

“LinkedIn, LinkedIn?”

Guo Shouyun nodded. According to Bruce Guo’s memory he received, the website they co-founded, like LinkedIn, which became a big hit later, was a professional social networking site for business customers.

Although he can’t remember when LinkedIn was established, he has a good understanding of the structure and profit model of LinkedIn’s website after looking for a job on LinkedIn.

After tasting Guo Shouyun’s new name, Martin Alexander nodded.

“LinkedIn is indeed more suitable than Excellence, so call it ‘Linkedin’!”

“Martin, it’s still early. It just so happens that you and I both have time. Why don’t you find a suitable office, and I’ll settle the company registration.”

“No problem, I’ll go!”

Martin Alexander, who had solved the financial problem, was full of energy at this time. But just when he was about to turn around and leave, Guo Shouyun stopped him.

Looking at the suspicious eyes of his friend, Guo Shouyun didn’t give in.

“Martin, the registered capital of the new company is 2 million US dollars, and I will leave you 20% of the original stock. In addition, I will be the CEO of the new company, and you will be the CTO, and we will find someone else for other positions. If you have Other opinions can be raised now.”

Brothers clearly settle accounts, and the issue of company equity, of course, must be made clear at the beginning.

Martin also understands the truth, so after careful consideration, he nodded. The operation of the website is the credit of two people, and Guo Shouyun’s contribution is no less than his. Now he has invested another 2 million US dollars into the company, and it is enough to show his sincerity that he can give him 20% of the shares.

“I have no problem.”

“That’s good! Let’s go! There are still many things waiting for us to solve.”

The two walked out of the room together.

“By the way, have you notified Alice about your discharge from the hospital?”

“not yet!”

“You really decided to break up?”

Guo Shouyun stopped, and after a moment of silence, “She will go to Taiwan~Taiwan after she gets her degree, and I can’t go back with him! We are not willing to have a long-distance relationship. Apart from breaking up, we have no second option. The road can be chosen.”

“Bruce, don’t be discouraged. When we succeed in our business and make a lot of money, there will be a lot of beautiful girls for you to choose from.” Martin patted his friend’s shoulder and comforted.

Guo Shouyun smiled and said nothing more. With a foreknowledge of the next twenty years, his worries have never been money. However, these cannot be said to Martin, not even to anyone.

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