Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Cinema

Chapter 61 Cinema

Seeing Guo Shouyun, who has been diving into the AMC theater chain since returning from Kansas City, as well as Peter Brown’s profile, who has not rested all night, Wendy Solo persuaded with a hint of concern: “Bruce, anyone When you encounter setbacks, rushing for success can’t really solve the problem, and you may have unexpected rewards. Moreover, you have been up all day and night now, and what you need most now is rest!”

Guo Shouyun’s heart warmed when he saw the beautiful and moving woman in front of him with a haggard and worried look on her slightly pale face, as well as the concern in her eyes.

“Listen to you, Wendy. Don’t watch!”

Guo Shouyun smiled slightly, pushed the information in his hand forward, and stood up. In fact, after suffering for so long and reading hundreds of documents, he basically understood why Peter Brown refused, the terms of cooperation that in his eyes were “beneficial and harmless”.

First, unlike Carmichael and Ximanke Cinemas, most of the AMC Cinemas are located in the core areas of large and medium-sized cities in the United States. Moreover, as the pioneer of multi-screen theaters, AMC’s revenue, catering revenue accounted for 40% of the total revenue, almost the highest among all theater chains. So, AMC not only needs to make money from movie screenings, but also blockbusters to lure audiences into movie theaters to make money from catering.

Second, DreamWorks spent 103 million US dollars for the super blockbuster “Gladiator”. Since its release on August 3, it has occupied the first week at the box office with 34.819 million US dollars in the first week. With Warner’s “Perfect Storm” and Paramount’s “Pros 2,” the box office hit is a foregone conclusion. Matrix Pictures’ “Smart: Ghost Recording” unfortunately collided with the other party.

Third, after the death of Stanley Wood, who ran AMC for 39 years last year, Peter Brown took over the reins of AMC. Peter Brown, a Princeton graduate, is a man of business stability, or conservative. No changes have been made to AMC’s management structure for a year.

Combining these three points, Guo Shouyun analyzed the reason why Peter Brown rejected himself. As he said, he has no confidence in the box office of “Smart: Ghost Record”. Moreover, even if the final film exceeded 50 million US dollars as Guo Shouyun said, AMC can get a lot of profit in the box office share, and it may not be comparable to the same screen showing “Gladiator” in the box office share and catering. profit.

“Smart: Ghost Record” and “Gladiator”, one needs to take risks, the other has proven itself. With Peter Brown’s business style, it’s natural to choose the latter.

And the reason why he added 50 more screens to himself after rejecting him. Mostly because these theaters with additional screens are large theaters with more than 6 screens in a single hall, or even more.

They have set aside enough screen for the “Gladiator” screening, and the rest can be allocated to other films to suit the tastes of different audiences.

Thinking about these things clearly, Guo Shouyun felt that most of the things were like this. Only then did he really feel relieved.

“Wendy, let Buddy come to my office!” After a pause, seeing the worry on her pretty face, Guo Shouyun smiled, “Don’t worry, after arranging the movie release, I will go back to rest. !”

“you said?”

A smile appeared on Wendy’s face.


Guo Shouyun nodded affirmatively.

“I’ll go get the car first in that moment!”

“it is good!”

After nodding, Guo Shouyun watched Wendy Solo’s tall and beautiful back disappear outside the door. Then he sorted out the papers on the desk. No sooner had they stacked them on the adjacent bookshelf than Buddy Morris pushed open the door and walked in.

“Boss, are you looking for me?”


Guo Shouyun pointed to the seat opposite his desk.

“I heard from Wendy that you have been working in the office for a day, so be sure to take breaks!”

“Thank you! I’ll go back and get some sleep later! … After winning the Ximanke Cinemas, how many screens do we have now?” Guo Shouyun nodded and said.

“Including some small and medium-sized theater chains that have been contacted in the later period, there are now a total of 927 screens left by each theater chain for our new movies!”

“927 yuan!” Guo Shouyun nodded, “Although it’s still a little short of our original goal, it’s not too far behind.”

“Boss, I think it’s already very good! After all, we are a small company with little reputation, and we are also making horror films with an investment of only 1.5 million US dollars. Even if we take the film to big companies like Miramax and Lionsgate. Distribution, it may not be able to get so many screens!” In Buddy Morris’s mind, Universal and Warner are too far away, and Lionsgate and Searchlight are big companies.

“If that’s the case, then prepare for the release!” Guo Shouyun nodded and said. He also knows that the current 927 screens are already the limit that Matrix Films can get before the movie is released.

After nodding excitedly at first, Buddy Morris became a little worried, “Boss, should we postpone the premiere a little later, after all, “Gladiator” is too hot right now!”

Although Guo Shouyun really wanted to bring “Spirit: Ghost Story” to the market as soon as possible, so that he could carry out his follow-up plan, but he also understood that going head-to-head with “Gladiator” was not good for “Spirit”‘s box office.

“Then let it be released on August 18. With a two-week buffer, I believe that “Gladiator” has also passed its peak period!” Guo Shouyun said after thinking about it.

“Then I’ll go tell Kevin immediately!”

“Wait a moment!”

Guo Shouyun stopped Buddy Morris who was about to turn away.

“Recruit me a managerial talent with experience in theater operations.” Guo Shouyun said earnestly, facing Buddy’s surprised eyes.

“Theatrical line?”

Guo Shouyun nodded, this time was rejected by Peter Brown, although he was ill-considered, but he was also fed up with the pain of not being able to control the movie screening channels. Matrix Films is not a giant like the Big Six in Hollywood, and has an absolute content advantage over cinema distributors in film distribution.

Therefore, in order to make up for the shortcomings, in the case that Matrix Films cannot develop into a giant in a short period of time, self-built theater chains are the best choice.

As for the “Paramount Act” that blocked movie companies from owning theaters, it has been unraveling since the Reagan New Deal, and it is now useless. Viacom now owns both Paramount and American Entertainment. Later, Wanda also acquired AMC and Legendary Pictures at the same time.

“Investing in theaters requires a lot of money, we…!”

“Start-up funds, I will solve it! As for the follow-up funds, “Smart Ghost Recording” has made money, isn’t everything solved?” Guo Shouyun interrupted.

“Smart Ghost Recording” grossed $200 million worldwide. For movies, it happens that the real money is around. The peripherals include the sale of DVDs and TV broadcasts, etc. Therefore, Guo Shouyun estimates that the total revenue around “Smart: Ghost Recording” is close to 400 million. Among them, the part that Matrix Pictures can get is between 80 million and 120 million US dollars. This huge sum is enough for Matrix Films to build 3-5 multi-screen luxury cinemas in the core urban areas of first-tier cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco while maintaining its own properties.

Buddy Morris doesn’t know the future. He is not as confident as Guo Shouyun in the box office and revenue of “Smart Ghost Recording”. However, now he is only the CEO of Matrix Films. Guo Shouyun, who is the boss, has given orders, and he can only execute them.

“…I have three points for investing in cinemas. First, the location must be located in a densely populated area of large and medium cities, preferably close to commercial centers. Second, the number of screens in the theater should exceed 9.”

With the impact of the Internet, the living space of small movie halls will become smaller and smaller, so multiple theaters are the future trend. Since Guo Shouyun decided to solve the theater chain, he must do it in one step. Moreover, his thinking is also very clear, and the essence is not expensive. He never thought of competing with AMC and Ximanke for the position of the leader of the theater chain. He just planned to have more chips in his hands when it comes to film distribution and negotiations with Hollywood giants.

“…By the way, every theater must have an IMAX giant screen!” The giant screen is the mainstream of future development, and it will be troublesome to transform in the future. It is better to do it in one step.

Buddy Morris just wanted to say that the cost of the giant screen was too high, but thinking about the identity and background of the new boss, he swallowed it again.

“Thirdly, in each cinema, there must be a restaurant, we not only provide customers with popcorn and mineral but also provide pizza, burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, as well as drinks and alcohol Give them a movie viewing experience far beyond any other theater chain!”

In the Internet age, the real money-making place for cinema chains is not movie screenings, but catering. Moreover, better service can win more customers. Before his rebirth, it was almost a trend to run both theaters and restaurants.

“Fourth, the construction of the theater line must be purchased together with the property rights. Pay a 20% down payment first, and then slowly repay!”

The rent of the theater chain accounts for 18% of the total expenditure of the theater chain, which is a huge profit, and the rest can be saved. Moreover, Guo Shouyun also knew that in two years, the real estate market in the United States was about to experience crazy growth. Before the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, house prices had doubled by 1.5 times. Even if it fell after the subprime mortgage crisis, it only fell by 25% of its peak, which is still nearly double the current level. Therefore, buying property rights now, especially in the downtown area, is a big profit no matter how you look at it.

“Boss, according to your request, I am afraid that the investment of each of our theaters will not be less than 10 million US dollars. If it is a metropolis like New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, it will even double!”

“I know, you can push the repayment time a little bit later, so we don’t have as much financial pressure! Also, to execute this plan, I will invest at least $60 million in the company this year. Movies Production investment is another matter.”

Looking at the rich and willful Guo Shouyun, what else can Buddy Morris say.

“Understood, I will immediately contact the headhunter to find a suitable candidate!”

“Let me know if there is news.” Guo Shouyun nodded and said.

“Understood! … But, boss, you really should have a good rest.”

“I’ll go after I’ve packed up these documents!”

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