Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 637

Chapter 609: New Wing Kee

Chapter 609: New Rong Ji

Under the leadership of Ding Lei, Guo Shouyun turned around the headquarters of NetEase, which had obviously expanded a lot. Then I went to the logistics transit center in Xiaoshan, checked the living and living environment of the logistics staff, and after a brief communication with them, I was led by Ding Lei to “Xin Rong Ji”.

This is a Chinese restaurant located in the Xixi Wetland in Hangzhou. Because of the beautiful scenery and the delicious Taizhou seafood, it has been appreciated by the upper class of Hangzhou since its opening, and it is also the first choice for many business people to have dinner together.

“It looks like you are very interested in this restaurant?”

Noticing that Guo Shouyun kept looking around after he came in, Ding Lei asked curiously.

“The first time I came here, I was curious and couldn’t help but take a second look.”

Even so, the more reason is that Ji Hong has plans to enter the high-end catering industry. As her lover, he subconsciously wants to know more about this aspect. However, there is no need to tell Dingleido about this kind of thing for the time being.

“Here are our menus, gentlemen.”

Seeing Ding Lei handing over the menu, Guo Shouyun waved his hand.

“You are a frequent visitor here. You know better than me what is there to eat. You should order food!”

Ding Lei, who knew his informal character, did not refuse and ordered a few signature dishes.

“I ordered the dishes, but you should order the wine?”

Guo Shouyun nodded, took the menu and turned to the drinks page to have a look. It is found that the best red wines here are only the new wines of the first-class Bordeaux wines such as Latour, Lafite, and Mouton. The aging of classic years such as 86, 92, and 94 cannot be seen here.

As for the top red wines with smaller yields such as Romanée-Conti, Patus, and Pont Canet, let alone. But this is also normal. Including Lafite and Latour, the world’s top red wine is produced in a year. However, there are tens of thousands of high-end restaurants in the world. When there are many monks and few porridges, it is so easy to order.

“Bring me a bottle of Mouton 2001 and wake up 45 minutes after opening it!”

Guo Shouyun ordered their best bottle of red wine here.

“Okay, please wait a moment.”

“Boss, take the liberty to ask. Why did you suddenly allow NetEase to go public?”

Ding Lei asked after the waiter left.

“It’s better to be blocked.” After looking at him, Guo Shouyun continued, “As China Internet companies such as The Ninth City, Ctrip, Elong, etc. have been listed on the Nasdaq one after another, the wealth-making movement generated by the Internet is bound to happen. It will arouse the envy of all Internet practitioners in China. This desire cannot be stopped by blocking it alone. In this case, it is better to let it go.”

“…Besides, I’m not what I was three years ago. At that time, my attitude towards wealth and opportunity was: I try to hold it in my hands as much as possible, and try not to expose it if I can. But now I’ve experienced a lot more. , as my thinking becomes more mature, I understand better that when you try to grasp everything in your hand, it is difficult to grasp everything. But if you only grasp a few points, then instead Easier.”

After a pause, “If you are careful, you will find that. Since the end of 2001 to the present, I have not entered any new industry except for Unocal. Even Unocal is only an independent branch of the oil and gas business of the original Pacific Energy Group. That’s it.”

“…Lao Ding, I lift the restrictions of NetEase, which is to let you develop freely and boldly according to your own ideas. With your talent and ability, I believe that the future of NetEase will be extremely brilliant!”

Looking at his affirmative eyes, listening to his encouraging tone, coupled with his extraordinary status and influence today. Even Ding Lei, who has experienced workplace experience, has a little more mentality in his heart that “scholars die for confidants”.

“I will do my best to develop NetEase to the best!”

Guo Shouyun smiled and nodded. Although what he said before was not the fundamental reason why he lifted the restrictions on NetEase’s listing, it was also one of the reasons, and the effect was good.

“Sir, your order has arrived!”

“Put it here, thank you!”

After the waiter put down the food and left, Guo Shouyun smiled and said, “Okay, now it’s time to eat. We’ll talk about work later, let’s try the food first.”

“It’s a pity that the red wine has to wait for a while before I can drink it!” Ding Lei nodded in agreement and said.

Generally speaking, a good red wine needs to wake up for an hour before the taste can really reach the top level. But if time is not enough, half an hour or forty-five minutes is fine. Considering that after eating with Ding Lei later, he has to rush back to the magic capital, so if he can save a little time, he will save a little.

After eating, drinking and chatting briefly, Guo Shouyun put down his glass and glanced at Ding Lei, who had become more mellow across the street, “What do you think of Ma Yun?”

“Horse luck?!”

Ding Lei was stunned for a moment.

“Yeah! … In the same are all Internet companies, and they are involved in e-commerce. I think you have met many times, and you should have a deep impression of him!”

Ding Lei nodded, “He is indeed a person who is easy to impress people!”

“Tell me about it!”

“Ma Yun is undoubtedly an excellent entrepreneur, especially his eloquence, which is the best among all the people I have ever met, and is very contagious! In addition, his foresight of the Internet is very impressive in the face of Nasda. I admire the persistence in overcoming the crisis and the perseverance in the face of adversity.”

“…Alibaba’s corporate strategy is also excellent. Not only does it take the lead in the B2B field, but, which has just been established for only a year, has also developed impressively. Now in the C2C field, he is already eBay’s biggest rival.”

“I didn’t expect you to rate him so highly!”

Seeing the surprised look on his face, Ding Lei smiled and said: “Although Taobao and Netease are competitive, this does not mean that I will belittle my opponent. On the contrary, I will try to study all his strengths and weaknesses. So what is the saying, ‘the one who knows himself best is always the enemy’!”

Guo Shouyun nodded. The grievances and grievances between Ma Yun and Ding Lei in later generations can be compiled into a best business war novel. He originally thought that before the eBay incident and the Alibaba VIE turmoil in 2011, the relationship between the two was not too bad. But now, since the two set foot on e-commerce at the same time, they are destined to go against each other.

Guo Shouyun nodded, and just when he was about to continue to say something, he suddenly saw the strange expression on Ding Lei’s face!

Following the look in his eyes, he turned his head and smiled.

“What a coincidence!”


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