Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 655

Vol 2 Chapter 627: Call From Brazil

Chapter 627 The call from Brazil

“It seems that when my confidence is shaken in the future, I should come to you in time to learn from you!” After a pause, “And when it comes to housing loans, we will be regarded as ‘idiots’ in the eyes of others for a few years!”

“As long as we can make money in the end, it’s okay to be a fool for a few years? … How much money do we have now?”

“CDO has reached 65.3 billion US dollars, accounting for 18.54% of the total real estate CDO issued in the United States; CDS has reached 23.73 billion US dollars, accounting for 75.84% of the total US real estate CDS issuance!”

“It seems that we are all buying credit default swap products for real estate subprime loans!” Guo Shouyun said.

“U.S. real estate is in the ascendant now, and the market is hot. Except for lunatics and fools in the eyes of others, who would ‘bet’ that U.S. real estate will be finished within five years!” Stephen Bryan shrugged and complained.

“It seems that these two things make you very depressed!” Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

“When you are always being pointed at at the banquet, or even mocked in private, there is a time when you can’t hold back your calm mind!” Stephen Bryan said with a wry smile.

“How can it be smooth sailing if you want to grab the richest fruits. Compared with the weird waves in the financial market, cynicism is relatively better to bear!” After patting him on the shoulder, “I believe in you, as a Wall Street financial One of the greatest helmsmen in the business, some pressure is nothing to you!”

“I don’t seem to have anything else to say now except nodding in agreement!” Stephen Bryan laughed.

“It’s good that you understand! However, if you feel really depressed, you might as well stay in Huaxia for a while, and it’s better to relax your mind!”

“Forget it! Now, after Seymour’s annexation of the First Bank of Chicago, its strength has greatly increased; not to be outdone, Citigroup is actively expanding in emerging Asian markets; after Bank of America annexed Futura Boston, it has begun to secretly contact the world’s largest bank. The independent credit card issuer ‘Credit Bank’; Washington Mutual Bank is making great strides in real estate mortgage loans; the most conservative Wells Fargo is also constantly merging community banks and expanding its own banking outlets. If we Phoenix don’t work hard to expand our business, wait until This round of bank consolidation has passed, and we may not have our name among the top ten banks in the United States!”

Guo Shouyun nodded.

“Since that’s the case, I won’t keep you any longer. After this negotiation with the four major banks has come to an end, you can go back by plane with me!”

“Are you going back to America?”

“Now I’m a trapeze, often flying back and forth between San Francisco and the Magic City!”

Even so, Guo Shouyun stayed in the magic capital for a longer time. After all, the Ji sisters have just given birth, so they must be more concerned about it.

Stephen Bryan nodded. He is not a fool either, he is also a man, he understands Guo Shouyun’s current situation. But this is someone else’s housework, and he didn’t say much.

After sending Stephen Bryan away, Guo Shouyun originally thought that the leaders of the four major banks would come first. But never received a call from Brazil.

“Hello, Mr. Guo. Do you remember me?”

“Mr. Lehman?” Guo Shouyun asked in surprise.


“It’s a real honor to receive a call from Mr. Lehman. However, your call is not purely for greetings, right?”

3G Capital’s Lehman is a notorious workaholic!

“Expressing greetings to Mr. Guo is only one aspect. If you don’t mind, I hope we can meet and chat in person!”

“Of course it’s fine to talk. But I’m more concerned about what we’re going to talk about!”

“Just talk about what Mr. Guo mentioned when he was in Brazil last time!”

“In this case, I’m very interested! But I’m in China now, so I’m afraid it will be delayed for a while!”

“It’s very coincidental. Mr. Guo, I am also in China, and in the magic capital!”

Guo Shouyun raised his eyebrows, “I think it shouldn’t be a coincidence, right?”

“Our trip to China this time originally planned to return from the magic capital after a trip to the Western Regions. But after knowing that Mr. Guo was here, we deliberately stayed for a few days!”

“So it is! Where do you live now?”

“Hilton Hotel!”

Guo Shouyun said, “I’ll send a car to pick you up in a while. I’ll be the host in the evening and invite Mr. Lehman to dinner. Let’s chat while we eat!”


After hanging up the phone, Guo Shouyun pondered for a moment, then put away the phone.

“Interesting, 3G Capital is ready to start! … Wang Jue.”


“Let’s check, how many shares of American Beverage and Interbrew are held by Thunder and Phoenix?”

The investment in American beverages was two or three years ago. After visiting Brazil last time, Guo Shouyun specially explained that Thunder and Phoenix have increased their equity investment in American Beverage and Interbrew. As can be seen from Lehman’s previous phone calls, the harvest time is coming.

Wang Jue moved quickly, “Boss, it’s been checked. Phoenix holds 11.2% of the common stock of America Beverage and 6.17% of the common stock of Interbrew. Thunder holds 3.2% of the common stock of America Beverage. stock, 4.7% preferred stock, 2.6% common stock in Interbrew!”

After listening, Guo Shouyun calculated silently in his heart. Based on the current market value of both parties, the total value of these four equity stakes is about $2.8 billion!

“…In addition, the Thunder Fund holds 9.8 million long options on Americas Beverages and 14.9 million long options on Interbrew.”

Thunder’s four hedge funds, in addition to Michael Barry’s management of Sunshine Capital, Centaur, Unicorn and Salomon’s main business are high-risk futures, options. Therefore, after Guo Shouyun explained, they began to absorb the long options of the two companies. However, because the time was too short, and it was too eye-catching, it was deliberately full of footsteps, so there were not too many warehouses.

“With this capital, I can talk to Lehman and the others about the conditions!” After a pause, “Let Matthew come in!”

After handing him the responsibility of picking up Lehman, Guo Shouyun asked Wang Jue to book a place to meet in the evening.

Tang Court!

Since having eaten here with Tang Wanxin and Zhou Ziqi last time, Guo Shouyun has been satisfied with the dishes and privacy here. So tonight he put the place where he met Lehman again here.

Lehman, Marcel, Beto!

Originally, Guo Shouyun thought that one was coming, but he never thought that the three giants had arrived.

“Mr. Guo!”

“Mr. Lehman, Mr. Marcel, Mr. Berto! It was a pleasure to see the three again after the last year’s farewell in Brazil. Especially here!”

After several people shook hands in turn, Guo Shouyun smiled.

“We are also honored to see Mr. Guo again!”

After a few simple polite words, “Everyone, please sit down!”


“This is a Chinese meal that I specially prepared for the three of you. I hope you guys like it!”

“It has always been our desire to be able to enjoy the world’s top delicacies. Especially Marcel, his favorite is Chinese food!”

With a slender face and high cheekbones, Marcel has a classic ‘gourd head’ appearance. When he laughs, the nasolabial lines are deep, which belongs to the category of ‘ugly’ in Chinese aesthetics, but this The soul of 3G Capital cannot be judged by his appearance alone.

“If I eat too fast for a while and lose my etiquette, I hope Mr. Guo will not take offense!” Marcel nodded and said.

“My favorite is a person with a sincere attitude! So how can you blame it!” After a pause, “Since everyone likes this food, why don’t we eat it first? After eating, there will be enough time for us to talk about things later. !”

“I know a Chinese idiom: the guest follows the master. Therefore, today we will focus on Mr. Guo’s request!”

“I didn’t expect that Mr. Lehman also studied Chinese culture!”

“Mr. Guo has won the prize. I just heard it occasionally when I traveled to China this time. I just took it and learned it and used it now!”

Guo Shouyun smiled and picked up the chopsticks, “If you are not used to chopsticks, there are also knives and forks nearby!”

“Besides Marcel here, I’m afraid Beto and I will both be using knives and forks!”

“Haha, no matter what, just be late!…Please!”


On the premise that Guo Shouyun, the host, deliberately enlivens the atmosphere, a dinner party can be regarded as a happy guest and host. In order not to affect the subsequent negotiations, Guo Shouyun did not eat too much. After consciously feeling full, he put down his chopsticks voluntarily.

Lehman, Marcel and Beto obviously have the same concerns as him!

If you eat too much, blood pools in the stomach to help digest the food. At this time, it is easy to get dizzy in the case of head ischemia, which leads to unclear thinking. Usually that’s all, in critical situations, no one wants to make such a low-level mistake.

After asking the waiter to remove the and put on tea, everyone realized that it was time to get to the point.

“Mr. Lehman, can you finish what you left on the last phone call now?”

Jorge Lehmann nodded.

“With Mr. Guo’s wisdom, I believe it has long been guessed. American Beverage is preparing to merge with Interbrew, and we hope Mr. Guo can support it!”

Everyone is smart, so there is no need to test each other. Going straight to the topic saves time and allows everyone to be sincere with each other, making it easier to reach an agreement.

“Of course there is no problem with support, but I want to know the specific merger plan! And the depth of the merger negotiations between you two!”

The three looked at each other and made eye contact.

“I can say this, but I hope Mr. Guo can keep it a secret for us. After all, this matter has not been disclosed to the outside world!”

“Of course. We can now sign a nondisclosure agreement if you’re worried!”

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