Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 663

Vol 2 Chapter 635: Reasons For Success And Failure

Chapter 635 Reasons for Success and Failure

“…Delong, led by Tang Wanxin, made his fortune in finance and the stock market, and he is very familiar with it. Next, he used a series of means, including guaranteeing the minimum investment return of customers in the marketing of financial enterprises, and using a number of enterprises to control financial enterprises. , out-of-scope operations, mutual lending between financial companies, using ‘shell companies’ as the main body of investment and transfer, and concealing related transactions, etc., so that although a large amount of funds have been obtained, Delong relies on being a businessman rather than relying on honesty. It is a serious mistake in itself to improve the value and stock price of the enterprise by conducting real operations. It is also a mistake to use a series of illegal means to obtain funds later. Solving the mistake in the wrong way will naturally have no chance of success!”

“The above are the six reasons we have summarized about the collapse of Delong Group. Of course, this is just a statement from one family. Delong involves dozens of industries, complex internal relationships, and a short period of time, there may be many more that we haven’t seen. crisis.”

Secretary Xie said with a smile after putting down his pen: “Mr. Guo’s summary is detailed enough, and his words are straight to the point. I believe that Delong will develop again under the leadership of Mr. Guo.”

“I will try my best!”

“Mr. Guo, as far as I know, your own development process is similar to that of Delong. In the beginning, you followed the method of mutual promotion between finance and industry, and both adopted a strategy of substantial expansion. Why did you succeed, Delong? But failed? Apart from personal talent, what other factors have caused such different results?” Mayor Zhou asked after closing the notebook.

“Mayor Zhou’s eyes are so bright that he can see the similarities between me and Delong.” After a pause, Guo Shouyun organized his language, “There are several reasons why I am successful. First of all, I got the first bucket The gold is writing, and the characteristic of writing is that I don’t need to pay any cost except for the mind. And writing can generate a lot of cash flow, and it can generate continuous returns. At the same time, it can also obtain a wide range of peripheral benefits.”

“…On this basis, I established the Matrix Film Company, which can be regarded as a downstream enterprise of my works and has a very high correlation. If the film is popular, in addition to the box office and peripheral income, it can also promote my work in turn. The sales of the work. The two promote each other, giving me a huge cash flow to support my investments in the Internet, retail, animal husbandry and financial markets.”

“…Although I, like DeLong, get income through financial investment, DeLong is through trading and illegal trading. And I entered the high-risk futures market, and even if I lost all the funds I invested in finance, as long as I My works are still there, as long as the movies based on my works are still popular, I will be able to continuously obtain positive cash flow. In addition, Guo’s main business retail and animal husbandry are both low-profit but stable returns. , there is no possibility of major losses. Although the Internet is in trouble due to the Nasdaq crisis, it has found a profitable direction.”

“…I was prepared for the worst financial failure, so I was able to look at every opportunity with a calm attitude. In the end, I made a huge profit of more than 4 billion US dollars through the financial crisis in Argentina!”

As soon as this figure came out, Secretary Xie and Mayor Zhou were also moved. 4 billion US dollars is 32 billion Huaxia coins, so much money can completely create another Delong.

However, Guo Shouyun used his previous knowledge to make far more than $4 billion in the gold market through the Argentine financial crisis. But considering that it was too shocking, and he also had a good face period, he cut off two-thirds.

“Such a huge amount of money, no matter if it goes into any of my companies, far exceeds their size and needs. If they are acquired externally, it will be the result of snake swallowing elephants, and there are too many variables. And there was no suitable opportunity at that time. At this time, the California energy crisis is in full swing, and the stocks of Pacific Power and Natural Gas and Southern California Power, two of California’s largest utilities, have plummeted, and the former has even been on the verge of bankruptcy.”

“Utilities have stable returns, and Pacific Power and Gas, as well as Southern California Power, are good assets. Although they are in trouble because of the California energy crisis. But the difficulties are temporary, and once the crisis is over, the old situation can be restored quickly. Plus I had enough funds at the time, so I decisively initiated the acquisition. Then there was the Pan Pacific Energy Group.”

“Later I bought Southern Company, and even took over the bankruptcy of Enron, all because of the stable returns from utilities and the energy industry, which could generate enough cash flow to solve the crisis.”

“Of course, the rapid expansion inevitably strained my capital chain. It also distracted me from being able to control the future of the business. To solve this situation, I sold the Thornbird Publishing Company and quit publishing. Industry. Sold Juji Electronics and exited the chip industry. Sold Enron Water and exited the water industry. There are many similar examples.”

“After sorting out, Guo’s main business is retail, farming, slaughtering, catering and logistics, and they can cooperate with each other to jointly promote and increase the net income of total assets. Ruby’s main business is Internet community, e-commerce and cloud computing. .Google’s main business is Internet search and big data. Apple’s main business is consumer electronics, software and chip design. Phoenix’s main business is the financial industry. Pacific Energy Group’s main business is public utilities and natural gas. Unocal’s main oil industry mining and processing. Matrix main The media industry. Every company has its own main business, even if it expands, it is an upstream and downstream affiliated enterprise. It will never waste money and energy on industries that it does not understand and has nothing to do. All decisions must be made around the corporate strategic development plan. conduct.”

After a pause, “In addition to a clear industrial plan. The mature business environment in the United States is also a major reason. Especially the existence of professional managers, they can help me manage the daily affairs of the company, so that I can have more time to think about the company. strategy and avoid mistakes.”

“A clear corporate strategy, a professional manager system, a sound business environment, and a broad domestic market are all factors that have enabled me to succeed. In contrast, Delong does not have a clear corporate strategy; Huaxia currently does not have either. There are enough and good enough professional managers, and most corporate executives are family members; Huaxia has achieved amazing economic development for more than 20 years of reform and opening up, but laws, talents, concepts and other aspects have Incomplete; the potential of China’s commodity market is stronger than that of the United States, but because the economy has not developed to a certain level, this potential has not fully exploded.”

“Secretary Xie, Mayor Zhou, everything takes time. The United States has developed something that has been developed for two hundred years. It is impossible for China to do it head-on after 20 years of development. This goes against the law of natural development. But I I believe that with the continuous progress of Huaxia’s economy, these shortcomings will be filled one by one. I believe that the future of Huaxia will be very bright! This is also the fundamental reason why I continue to increase investment in the Huaxia market! ”

“There is a saying: Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books. Mr. Guo started from the Delong incident and talked about the overall business environment of China, which is thought-provoking and admirable!” Secretary Xie said.

“You’ve won the prize. I’m talking about some big-picture issues. Many economics masters in Huaxia have deeper insights than me.”

“Mr. Guo’s insight into Delong’s shortcomings and my country’s business environment is truly admirable. But back to the original question, what does Mr. Guo plan to do with Delong’s industrial assets?” Mayor Zhou said.

Compared with Secretary Xie, who also has to take care of party affairs, he is the real leader of the magic city government. It is his duty to lead the economic development of the magic city!

“About Delong’s industrial assets, it can be summed up in eight words!” Guo Shouyun said after thinking for a moment.

“I don’t know what those eight characters are?”

“Strong stems and weak branches, strengthen the base and cultivate the yuan! Simply put, it is to focus on one or two main businesses, and sell the rest of the sub-businesses that are not related to the main business; in order to save expenses, save energy, and focus on key points! Take Shenyang Alloy as an example, retain the two main businesses of power tools and garden machinery, and sell off non-related businesses such as nickel alloys, space shuttles, machine tool factories, and aircraft The funds are used for similar companies The mergers and acquisitions, as well as R&D investment, strive to become the top three in power tools and garden machinery in the world.”

“In this case, the revenue and scale of Alloy Shares may be reduced by half!” Mayor Zhou said.

“Severe medicines are used for severe diseases. And the forcible merger of unrelated businesses is a disaster rather than a blessing for the company. It is better to operate independently, or sell to strengthen the main business!”

“Old Zhou, operating the company, both of us are laymen. We should leave professional things to professional people. With Mr. Guo’s business talent, I believe Delong will get a new life in his hands!”

After Guo Shouyun smiled slightly, he didn’t speak again.

“Okay, it’s almost noon. If Mr. Guo is not busy, why not stay and have lunch together? Although the canteen of our municipal government is not comparable to a five-star hotel, the Shanghai cuisine is still very authentic! ”

“Okay! It just so happens that I’m a little hungry too!”

“Then let’s pack up and go!”

Secretary Xie got up with a smile, put the notebook and pens back in the drawer of the desk, and took Mayor Zhou and Guo Shouyun downstairs.

Guo Shouyun, who was eating in the canteen of the Magic City Government for the first time, felt quite fresh. It’s just that the countless pairs of curious and scrutinizing eyes around him made him a little uncomfortable.

After having lunch, he briefly chatted with the two top and second leaders of the magic city for a while, and then he said goodbye.


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